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Thread: PS3 internet errors

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK

    PS3 internet errors

    Ok I have been trouble shooting for the last hour and can't seem to figure out what the hell is going on with my PS3 (60gig).

    I am trying to run a wired connection wall->modem (moterola SB5101)->PS3 running a CAT5 ethernet cable.

    Here is my current settings, keep in mind I have tweaked and retweaked a few times.

    Connection: Enabled
    Connection Method: Wired
    Speed and Duplex: Auto
    Address Settings: Auto
    IP Address: Auto
    Subnet Mask: Auto
    Default Router: Auto
    Primary DNS: Auto
    Secondary DNS: Auto
    MAC Address: not giving out that just yet, PM me if you really need it, mainly because I have no idea what the hell that is.
    MTU: Auto
    Proxy Server: Do not use
    UPnP: Enabled

    So there is the set up I am trying to run, pretty generic huh. I have tried to manually set a few things but each attempt has failed, same when I disable UPnP.

    Here is the issue I am having, everytime I do a Connection Test it ends up timing out while establishing an IP address.

    Any clue as to where the hell I went wrong?
    Last edited by Meier Link; 01-05-2010 at 09:43 PM.
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  2. #2
    God, I've had so many problems with this.

    I know for a fact my computer takes the first IP available on my connection. So does my PS3. So if my PC is on, and then I turn my PS3, my PS3 will take the first connection and kick my computer off the internet. I tried to fix this using static IP, but it's a freakin mess that I don't like dealing with.

    Also, when updating a game (pop in new game and it tells you there's an update) I have to disable the Media Server in Network Connections for it to update smoothly, otherwise I'll be kicked off a bajillion times and have to keep trying over and over for hours, or days.

    I tried googling my issues but I have no idea what it is.

    Your settings look fine btw. When I want my shit to actually work, I just don't touch my PC at all, turn on my PS3, and use those settings (all auto on wired) and it connects and works just fine.

    It could be your issue is that if you're playing a multiplayer game you need to open your ports, or set your PS3 to a static IP address and enable that IP as the DMZ through your router settings. (Type in in browser and access your router that way, default username/password is admin i believe.)

    Not really sure if this is going to help, but in my experience compiling information always seemed to bring out a conclusion eventually.

    edit: could also possibly be so easy as resetting your router, but I'm sure you've tried that.
    Last edited by Che; 01-05-2010 at 10:25 PM.

  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK
    Not running a router.

    I keep having to disconnect between the PC and the PS3. Most of the time I will power down the modem for a minute or 2 before making the switch over and it still seems to do nothing.

    Then again it could be a server issue on their side but I figured I would throw a bone out there and see what I could get to bite.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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