Ok so my laptop is buggered out right now (hardware issue, restarts or freezes every 5-10 minutes of use) so I'm getting a new one. Here are things I'm looking for suggestions on.

What make should I get (Acer, Toshiba, HP etc.)

Where should I get it? (Not Future Shop. Best Buy? Costco? etc. I want a good warranty service)

I want a graphics card that, for example, can play Starcraft 2 on medium to high graphics smoothly without making the laptop over $1000 (Canadian) what do you suggest?

Graphics cards are retardedly cryptic to rate, how do I compare them without looking up every one individually (How does a GeForce 500-something compare to a Radeon HD 6300, or an intel internal card or something?)

I don't care for a large screen or any junk features like biometrics (what a waste on my last laptop)

I'm looking for a 3-4+ gig processor, Quad core will probably be too expensive/unavialiable so likely dual core.

any suggestions?