Here's a question for you. Is your computer a laptop?
If so, the requirements listed on Steam specifically state that laptop versions of the requirements are not supported. (Video cards, anyway.)
And I doubt Steam would give you a refund just cause your computer can't play it.
Honestly though I can't really tell you what to do to fix it, or what's causing the problem.
But I do know that I experience the same problem when I shut down Vindictus, except it reboots my computer rather than shuts it down, but I figured out why it does that... and fixed it. It was a 'windows error' problem. Just had to uncheck a box.
But uh, yours seems a bit more dire than that. "Fatal Error" does not sound good, although I wish there were more specifics for that fatal error.
Do me a favor and go to here: YouGamers - Games - The Last Remnant
This will let you know if your computer can play Last Remnant or not. I did notice you don't have enough CPU for the "Recommended" specs, but you do for Minimum, so.. theoretically it should be fine.
Sorry I can't be of any more help. But um, it sounds like you're pretty much boned unless you get a better computer. ...How long have you had your computer?