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Thread: I will make people avitars

  1. #1

    I will make people avitars

    any one want a hot fresh avitar well i can make you one name you fave thing and i will make
    a bit of a Temper
    a little like
    A lot of love

  2. #2
    Stage Dives, High Fives. I will make people avitars Confession's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Jam and Cream. Butterscotch Fairies.
    Hmm I wish to have an "avitar" 130 X 150 of a chicken dancing with a sausage. Now here is where it gets hard. IT MUST be a Choizo sausage, and the chicken must be free range, I don't want none of that caged junk here.

    Also the background must be from the musical cats.

    Thank you.

    Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.

  3. #3
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Sailing the Grand Line
    Now now, just because the guy sounds noobish doesn't mean you have to be sardonic with him. He IS trying to do something nice for people.

    Although, Linkinpark, I have to say, even though it's nice what you're offering, your avatar-making skill doesn't look particularly impressive if your current avatar is any indication. It usually helps to show people the kind of of stuff you've already done, to convince people to request an avatar from you.

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