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Thread: Graaaaaah!

  1. #1
    Memento Rhapso Graaaaaah! Rhaps's Avatar
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    My fuggin' chargers keep dying on me. A few months ago it was my cell, now my computer charger is acting wonky. The charger itself has a little bulb to indicate it's working, and it keeps shutting off right before I hook it into my netbook. I need help with it mainly, phone can charge off USB and it'd be weird to charge netbook off of a ps3 XD
    Anyway, the only thing I can think that'd make it act up is I coil the charger wire before I go to school and put it unprotected into my laptop bag, which is kinda roomy
    Any advice?
    The charger works if I bend it at a certain angle right at the charger head O.o

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  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior Graaaaaah! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Graaaaaah!

    Sounds like some frayed wires going on in there. If it works fine when you hold it a certain way, it's because it's losing connection at the other angles. This could happen from the cable being stressed while plugged in (i.e. plug is on one side of the system but the outlet is on the other, so the cord pulls against its head), or from being loose in your bag and the cable getting crimped or otherwise damaged.

    While replacement cords are expensive, it may not be a bad idea to start saving up to invest in one, as your current one may not last much longer. I leave my cords in loose pockets in bags as well, but I always wrap them. Find a wrapping scheme that works for you and stick with it.
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