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Thread: An actionscript queery

  1. #1
    Imperius Rex An actionscript queery Storm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South West England

    An actionscript queery


    I am currently working on a small flash animation, and only have basic knowledge of the program. My actionscript knowledge is little to none!

    I have a short, layered animation which I want to play through once, and then loop the text fading in and out, without the whole animation repeating itself (the entire animation is done, its just the scripting i'm struggling with). How will I go about coding this?
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  2. #2
    In the last frame of your animation, insert a blank keyframe. Then open the actions page (F9) and type gotoAndPlay(1); and it will loop continuously. (It doesn't loop when you play it in flash, you have to go to "Control" --> "Test Movie" (or CTRL+Enter) to see it loop.

    edit: I totally misunderstood what you were asking. I know you can at least make the text small, then large, then small, then large frame by frame and at the very end use the gotoAndPlay code to jump back to the first frame in which the text starts flashing. Not really a pro yet so I am unsure how to do it a different way.
    Last edited by Che; 06-04-2009 at 02:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Storm View Post

    I am currently working on a small flash animation, and only have basic knowledge of the program. My actionscript knowledge is little to none!

    I have a short, layered animation which I want to play through once, and then loop the text fading in and out, without the whole animation repeating itself (the entire animation is done, its just the scripting i'm struggling with). How will I go about coding this?
    From what I understand, you will have two separate animations: (1) a general one, that should only take place once and (2) a text that fades in/out which loops forever.

    So assuming I got it right you don't need to use actionscript for this (unless you REALLY want to). A simpler way of doing it is to organize your animation like this:

    On the main timeline, use as many frames (and layers) as you need for your animation. After the very last frame, press F7 to add a blank keyframe. Select the newly-added keyframe and press F9 to trigger the actions panel. In the window that pops up add stop();.

    Now your main animation will only run once.

    For the text animation do this:

    Select the text (press "V" for the select tool) and then press F8. A window will pop-up asking you some information about the object. Make sure type "Movie Clip" is selected (it's the default option) and then press "Ok".

    Now use the select tool again and double click the text. The text object's timeline will appear (which is separate from the main timeline). Add the fade in/out animation here, and it will run separately from the main animation (and will keep looping, too).


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