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Thread: Wish House

  1. #1
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005

    Wish House

    Before reading the following, please note that this club is invite only!

    Welcome to Wish House, the Silent Hill club of TFF. Feel free to discuss anything affiliated with the twisted world of Silent Hill.

    Activities (can) include:

    Fan art

    "Cry of the Siren" - In the earlier half of each month, a certain Silent Hill will be chosen for the club to play. This is not mandatory, however, I urge members to join in. Various tasks will be set within the games for the club to complete. Sometimes there will be competitions where a prize will be awarded to the member who completes the task first (with screenshots or some other kind of proof). At the end of each month, the game and/or task will change. This will occur even if nobody completes the task.

    Have a collection of Silent Hill goods? Show them off and make the rest of us jealous.


    Obviously do not post here if you are not a member. If you make it clear around the forums that you are a fan of Silent Hill, one of us may contact you and ask if you'd like to join.

    The standard TFF rules apply along with those (both club and site) listed and those to be added in the future.

    SPAM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! I'm sure that this goes without saying with the members of this club, however, this is directed at anyone who posts here that isn't a member, also (minus the mods and admins, of course).

    Again, please note that any requests to join that are posted within the club will not be considered and will be removed as spaaaaaaaaam.


    The "Mental Stability" system

    Everyone starts out with -{Mental Stability: 100%}-. However, when rules (that simply do not need to be broken) are broken, your mental stability percentage will go down depending on the violation. Below is a small chart of how it will work upon breaking rules.

    (-5%) Spam. If you spam or one line, you lose a point. Sorry, but that's just how it goes!

    (-10%) Flaming or flame baiting.

    (-20%) Inviting someone into Wish House without either Chez or my consent. It's okay if you refer someone to us, but please don't take it upon yourself to invite them. Again, it's for the better!

    If your mental stability drops into the negatives (even -1%), you'll be removed from Wish House. I don't have any concerns that any of the current members will do this, but trust me guys (and girls), it's for the best. I know you don't want people in here posting nonsense just as much as we don't. That's another reason why it's invite only. To cut back on the spam and new guys (I refuse to use the term "noob") just coming in and cluttering things up.

    Pyramid Head

    As most of you may know, Pyramid Head is the most feared creature who lurks within Silent Hill. Well...he now lurks in Wish House! Every now and again, he will make himself known within Wish House. When a member's Mental Stability reaches 0, Pyramid Head will do away with all traces of your existence in a most gory way.

    In some cases, Chez or I will give you a heads up about any activity that is out of line. As I said, Pyramid Head will be the ultimate judge. Neither Chez nor I have any influence over his final decisions.

    By agreeing to accept the invitation to join Wish House, you also accept your possible termination via Pyramid Head (if your Mental Stability reaches 0).



    Wish House is currently under the care of Chez Daja and Bryan.

    It's current occupants are the following:

    darkViVi -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Lai -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Wintermetal -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Sevion -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Kalisto -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Guts -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Kiriyama -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Plastik Assassin -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Daddy -{Mental Stability 100%}-

    With that said...

    Attached Images Attached Images Wish House-silenthill01_sm-jpg 
    Last edited by Bryan 2.0; 09-05-2007 at 02:49 AM.


  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Yeah! If you are viewing this club, please read the above post carefully and thoroughly. I won't hesitate to kick your ass for spamming up a good club! ^_^;.

    If you are here to post, then it's obvious you've been sent a PM from either Hollow Point or myself, asking you to join, if that is so, be honoured! We're not allowing masses of softcore fans who don't know much about the game. This is for avid players and fans only!

    ALSO, if you're joining this club, we urge you not to send PM's to people you think would be good for the club. Instead, why not tell Hollow Point and/or myself about this person, and we'll check them over first. ^_^;;

    With that out of the way, welcome!

    Also, first postings, why not tell us what your favourite Silent Hill game is?

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  3. #3
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    That's a tough question...but I'd have to go with the first Silent Hill. It brings back memories. Such a fun game and now, sadly enough, it's next to impossible to find in stores. I don't remember much, but I remember how damned difficult it was to see anything with all the ash.

    My favorite Silent Hill game may change, though. The only SH that I haven't had the chance to play is SH2. I just ordered it last night on Ebay (which reminds me that I need to send out the money order for it today). It cost me $20 used, but I'm sure it's going to be worth it. SOOO...

    Silent Hill: The Room - Own it!
    Silent Hill 3 - Own it!
    Silent Hill 2 - Own it!
    Silent Hill - Sooooon! It will be mine....


  4. #4
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    I think my favourite would be The Room and SH2. I really can't pick between them, although I had more of a safe feeling in SH4, if that make sense. Before those awful hauntings begin in the Room, I felt safe there!

    I own...

    SH2 directors cut.
    SH4: The Room.

    I have completed 1, 2 and 4. The only ones I am able to play are The Room and 2, The directors Cut. Because my SH1 and 3 are American, which means I need to find my regionall changer in order to play them! I hope I can play them soon, though.

    I've studied the lore of Silent Hill and I absolutely adore all of the detail and meaning behind everything.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  5. #5
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    When I went to England, I bought one of those power outlet converter things and used it with my PS2 on a tv over in England. It was weird. It was in black and white for some reason...I don't know why.

    However, I'm jealous that you have all of that Silent Hill goodness and I don't! My friend has a poster signed by a handful of people who were in the Silent Hill movie. He meets all sorts of people.

    One more thing. I'm not sure if they all came with it, but the Silent Hill 3 that I own came with the soundtrack to the game. I listened to the soundtrack and more than half of those tracks are in the Silent Hill movie! If you don't have it, I can rip it from cd and send it to you. It's pretty good stuff.


  6. #6
    Chez Daja has extended to me an invitation and I suppose I'll accept.

    I own
    Silent Hill
    Silent Hill 2
    Silent Hill 3
    Silent Hill 4-lent it out to someone, haven't seen it since.

    I think each one has its own special stuff that makes it freakin amazing. The first one was just so absorbing. The atmosphere of the whole game is simply enticing. I loathed every interruption from that game that came my way. I wanted more of the story; I had to keep playing until I understood everything.

    Silent Hill 2: I liked the enemies. The symbolism in the game was phenomenally planned and produced. I didn't like the storyline all that much, but the symbolism was matching up perfectly for it. I thought the enemies were absolutely genius and fit perfectly.

    Silent Hill 3 I thought had the best atmosphere. The storyline was a continuation (somewhat) from Silent Hill 1 and worked to fill in any missing information that you needed/wanted. It did answer some of my questions but I was more into the atmosphere/setting design for the game. The ambience of the carnival and the apartment I thought were especially fantastic. I wanted to see more, but I was unfortunately limited.

    Silent Hill 4 was, in my opinion, the best storyline of the four games. I wanted more after I beat the game. I wanted to know everything. The little bit of information I was given just didn't suffice. The story progressed so uniquely and interestingly that I was mentally unable to put down the controller. I felt myself become so involved with the main character on a mental level. Everything he was saying to himself and thinking all that was running through my head at the exact same moments. I just connected with him very well. I need to get my hands on it to play it again.
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  7. #7
    Permanently banned Wish House darkViVi's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    In a world gone mad
    YAY!! Thanks for inviting me

    I guess I can start by posting what game is my favorite and what I've played.

    When I was in the army, I played SH1 on my PSX that I brought. HAHA I was so addicted to the game that I'd sat in the room and played while the rest of my platoon was out doing stuff
    I closed the curtains, turned off the lights and played, well there was a couple of times when my officers came and asked "WTH??? Why the **** are you in here?!?!?!? GET OUT!!"

    HAHAHA I found that hilarious, anyway I think the first game was the coolest it was also the most scary and that's why I liked it the most.

    I am playing The Room now and that is awesome, great graphics, quite impressive on the PS2 actually and the water prison freaks me out a bit though I'm stuck....

    The last SH I have played is SH2 but due to me being so errr.. high[/whisper] I don't remember much about it.

    I wonder, are there any SH for computers? or are they all for PSX/PS2 alone?

  8. #8
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Welcome, Lai Lai Hei and Darkvivi, glad you guys accepted our invitations!

    Hollow point, yeah my SH3 came with the soundtrack as well. I love it! "I want love" and "Letter from the lost days" I find quite fitting to some situations I've been through just recently.

    DV, I told you how to get past the Water Prison! If you need anymore help, I'll spoiler tag you the info you need... Just tell me exactly where you are and if you've found any special items in that world.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  9. #9
    Permanently banned Wish House darkViVi's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    In a world gone mad
    Exactly where I am? That would be exactly where I was the last time you tried to help me

    I never understood anything about those rooms, I never saw no alarm thingy.. and the only thing I found out is that those stick heads respawn...

    Maybe I was in the wrong place, I went outside to those stairs that goes round that tower (I was up there and fiddled with that water thingy)
    Anyway, I went out there up that ladder and the next one and theen.. I went in the door that was right in front of me...

  10. #10
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    I have no idea which part your talking about. Gamesfaq is helpful when you get really stuck!

    I used gamesfaq to help me once on a bit in Water Prison revisited, so it's no biggy, y'know...

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  11. #11
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Lai Lai Hei
    Silent Hill 4-lent it out to someone, haven't seen it since.
    Seriously, if you can't track down your friend who borrowed it, run out to Best Buy right now and check if they have it. It was on sale here for $9.99! I don't know if all stores have it for that much nationwide, though.

    It's worth it!

    As for the Water Prison, that place suuuucccckkkssssss so bad. It gets really confusing at some points. Hell, I dreaded going there.

    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi
    I wonder, are there any SH for computers?
    I think they released SH2 for PC, but I think that was the only one. I could be completely wrong. Anymore, the only Silent Hill game you can find in stores is The Room and it's for Xbox. If you can find the others...grab them!

    I'm so freakin psyched for SH2 to come in the mail. Just a matter of days!


  12. #12
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Point
    As for the Water Prison, that place suuuucccckkkssssss so bad. It gets really confusing at some points. Hell, I dreaded going there.
    I didn't mind that place, actually. It was worse, when you had to drag Eileen around with you on the Revisited...The part I dread most was the noise, in those long, winding tunnels, it was so frightening.

    I never expected a wall man to come out, but hey-ho, they show they're faces... I just kill them with the pipe because I hate that bit when it makes me jump...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    I think they released SH2 for PC, but I think that was the only one. I could be completely wrong.
    I think you're correct, however, I think SH1 MAY have been released on PC also... I could be wrong, though. I might look that up tomorrow.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  13. #13
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    I just realized after playing SH3 for a bit that the stuffed rabbit that Eileen has in her room in Silent Hill 4 must have come from the amusement park as it shows up several times there in SH3. Weeeird, yet accurate of the game designers.

    Also, I saw a screenshot of the rabbit in Henry's peephole on his door in SH4. I never saw that...have you guys?


  14. #14
    They have a stunning amount of links from game to game. Considering how SH4 wasn't even originally supposed to be a SH title, they still managed to put in all of those past references and continue the storyline. It's amazing.
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  15. #15
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Yeah, I knew that Robbie was in SH4 for a long time!
    I NEVER saw him at the peephole, though! O_O
    My best friend, Xander, claims to have seen the bunny through that normal hole into Eileens' bedroom looking at Henry with red eyes!
    I felt really creeped out when he told me that. It made me really curious, but also a bit reluctant to look in there again.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  16. #16
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Thanks for your invertation, I accept

    I own:
    Silent Hill
    Silent Hill 2 (Pal with bonus DVD)
    Silent Hill 3

    I have completed the first one and currently I am in "dark" mode at the hospital. I have only played the opening to SH3 but I will go through it once I have finished with SH2.

  17. #17
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Welcome, Odin and Lai Lai Hei!

    As for the rabbit (or Robbie...where is he called Robbie? Just curious!), I've attached two pictures of him. One with him looking at you from Eileen's room, because I'm not sure if this is what you didn't see or not.

    The other is a picture of him looking back at you through the peephole. I made it a point to look through the peephole numerous times and I never saw him. Eventually, I didn't see anything but the hand prints on the wall. Maybe this was just in a non-American release?

    I've also heard rumors about being able to look through a window in the Building world of SH4 and having a surprise happen if you look long enough. I never really investigated that, either. However, when you first start SH4 and after the phone rings, look out the window, up and to the left. You should see a big billboard with a phone number on it. Call it on your phone. Make sure you turn the lights on wherever you are playing it before you do it, though. It's pretty sweet.

    Also, Chez, I read that you couldn't find the dead cat in SH4? I don't think it does anything special...but it's just kind of out there. You can find it when you revisit the Apartment world. It's in one of the rooms...I can't remember which one, though. The door to the fridge is open and it's in there.


    By the way...I just noticed that the freakin rabbit is pointing at you! I never noticed that before. Creepy little bastard...
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Bryan 2.0; 06-24-2006 at 12:14 AM.


  18. #18
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    As for the rabbit (or Robbie...where is he called Robbie? Just curious!), I've attached two pictures of him. One with him looking at you from Eileen's room, because I'm not sure if this is what you didn't see or not.
    Yeah, I saw that one. I was just confused as my best friend saw it in that hole into Eileens room, looking around with red eyes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    The other is a picture of him looking back at you through the peephole. I made it a point to look through the peephole numerous times and I never saw him. Eventually, I didn't see anything but the hand prints on the wall. Maybe this was just in a non-American release?
    Woah, the peephole picture is horrible... I dunno about the non-American version, though. Because I have the English version and I've not seen that. However, the hauntings are random and I've played through the game a few times....maybe I need to look closer.

    That peephole picture is really really freaky, though. Have you seen Ghost Henry looking through the peephole before?? I've seen it once. It's at the front door, the peephole bleeds and you have to look through it and see Henry. I'm assuming this is how you see Robbie as well, but maybe not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    I've also heard rumors about being able to look through a window in the Building world of SH4 and having a surprise happen if you look long enough. I never really investigated that, either. However, when you first start SH4 and after the phone rings, look out the window, up and to the left. You should see a big billboard with a phone number on it. Call it on your phone. Make sure you turn the lights on wherever you are playing it before you do it, though. It's pretty sweet.
    Oh, do you mean...

    When you get the number wrng? When you look AT (not out of) the apartment window and see that floating head? (You have to wait about a minute each time you see it to see it again, though. And it stays like that throughout the rest of the game afterwards. I'm not sure if candles can heal that, however. It happened before my apartment started getting the hauntings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    Also, Chez, I read that you couldn't find the dead cat in SH4? I don't think it does anything special...but it's just kind of out there. You can find it when you revisit the Apartment world. It's in one of the rooms...I can't remember which one, though. The door to the fridge is open and it's in there.
    Ohhh, I thought you could find it in room 302... my bad! I think I have seen it in Apartment world, though.

    Also, I always noticed the bunny pointing... it was weird...

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  19. #19
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    New Zealand
    I finally got through the hospital, it wasn't that long and tedious but maybe I used the Walkthru too much.
    That music when Maria/Mary (I forget) gets taken by Pyramid head is no way as near as deep as when Lisa dies! I would of hoped for something read emotional but I guess I will have to wait for later

    One thing that I have started to notice is the Beauty of Evil, see most american flicks based around horror are rather bland. But Silent Hill along with a few other games, have a very "magical" method of using dark imagery. Like on that door with the 3D arms, that was quiet eerie, the hospital had a motif* with hands and rings (perhaps the whole game does, I dunno) and though quiet evil had a majestic effect. I have to admit the bunny doesn't do it, I think they were trying to throw out the feeling of something really innocent turning to the darkside if you will.

  20. #20
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Odin
    I finally got through the hospital, it wasn't that long and tedious but maybe I used the Walkthru too much.
    That music when Maria/Mary (I forget) gets taken by Pyramid head is no way as near as deep as when Lisa dies! I would of hoped for something read emotional but I guess I will have to wait for later

    Have you heard the song Promise (Reprise) ? ... I'm not sure if that's when Maria...
    Gets taken away... but it might be. It was the theme when Angela is found in the Apartments, wanting to kill herself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Odin
    I have to admit the bunny doesn't do it, I think they were trying to throw out the feeling of something really innocent turning to the darkside if you will.
    I agree. I think the bunny was somewhat of a childs' theme, becoming bittersweet and taking a descent into evil, or a haunting effect. Maybe.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  21. #21
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Yes, if I remember correctly it was quite good, though I can't remember and looking for it:

    Well I like the way they describe the mental patients, and its like he is actually in the same place as the patients. Like how in the hospital they covered it with sheets and ripped beds and so on, worked well.

  22. #22
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    I have most of the SH2 soundtrack. I just didn't know which track was playing when Maria got taken away.

    I like how, as the story goes on, you can actually get a sense of James' mental health deteriorating more and more, little by little. I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. I loved how...

    Maria was a figment of his imagination, put there to represent Mary, but he found her in sluttier appearence, which represented a lot of his sexual wants and needs.

    There were other sexual meanings in the game as well, such as...

    Pyramid Head. Found raping these creatures, which represented all of James' unmet sexual needs from Mary while she was sick. It was actually said that James raped her before he killed her, but I have no idea if this is true. If James did rape her, that probably drove him to more guilt.

    In the end, Eddie goes crazy and...

    James ends up killing him. After he does so, another Pyramid Head appears, representing more guilt, and another kill. But it's said only the first is driven by sexual want and need, the one that appeared first. His want and need to make love to his wife, making him not only guilty for killing Mary, but even more guilty for still having his sex drive while she was sick. The other Pyramid Head is in guilt for Eddie.

    In the end, as James begins to overcome his guilt, the Pyramid Heads'...

    Kill themselves, representing the over-layer of guilt being washed away.

    Something else that interested me was...

    Everything in the game, in James' "adventure" is a figment of his own imagination, apart from a few of the other people he encounters. The people he does meet have some kind of link for being in Silent Hill...

    Take James, who was drawn to Silent Hill because he...

    Received a letter, which in the end, wasn't really a letter at all, he imagined it. He was drawn there from guilt, and put through pain of killing his wife and his continous want to make love to her. Equals even more guilt, which drove him to a pyschotic break, making him "see" these weird monsters.

    And then there's Eddie, whom...

    Killed and man and a dog, and escaped to Silent Hill after the police began chasing him. He's simple-minded and believes there is nothing wrong with killing people who look at him strangely. He is driven to Silent Hill from his own guilt of killing people, but his own insanity and insecurity drove him into believing he was doing the right thing.

    Then of course, poor Angela, who...

    Was beaten and raped by her dad. She goes to Silent Hill looking for her mother, whom is believed to have lived in Blue Creek Apartment buildings. There is a room of Angela's pain, where there are hole in the walls, with motions of penetration, representing her rape. I found that extremely upsetting, because in the game, she is meant to only be 16 or 17. She ran away from home after she finished off in high school, but he dad found her, brought her back home and did some pretty shitty things to her. She ran away again, to Silent Hill, still looking for her mother. She doesn't think she'll ever be happy, and often attempts to committ suicide. Like for example, in the scene of James meeting her when she's lying on the floor, in that apartment room. She's holding a knife in her hand, one that she plans to use to cut herself with. James manages somehow to convince her suicide isn't the only option and she gives her knife to him. She is in Silent Hill because of the pain she has suffered. You also have to face a boss which is SUPPOSED to be the shape of a bed frame with two figures, one being raped, representing Angela herself. She believes this hideous creature is her father.

    There's a little Laura...

    Whom was friends with Mary in hospital. Mary loved Laura and wanted to adopt her. After you complete the game, there is an ending of which James can adopt her and leave with her. It's said that Laura cannot see any of the monsters because she is innocent and has done nothing wrong. To Laura, it's just a ghost town, therefore she isn't scared and doesn't feel the fear that the others do. It is also said that Angela cannot see many of the creatures either. Only ones that conflict with her own emotional pain.

    After all of that, I bet nobody will read this whole post.

    Just thought, you guys who have played and completed SH2 might enjoy some of my views on the characters.

    I'll post more on the SH2 creatures and what they represent later, okay!?

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  23. #23
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Odin

    One thing that I have started to notice is the Beauty of Evil, see most american flicks based around horror are rather bland. But Silent Hill along with a few other games, have a very "magical" method of using dark imagery. Like on that door with the 3D arms, that was quiet eerie, the hospital had a motif* with hands and rings (perhaps the whole game does, I dunno) and though quiet evil had a majestic effect. I have to admit the bunny doesn't do it, I think they were trying to throw out the feeling of something really innocent turning to the darkside if you will.
    Silent Hill is bursting at the seems with symbolism. The way I like to think of Silent Hill is a bit different. It can't be compared to Resident Evil when it comes to quality of the game, either. It's not the same type of game. It's just not.

    It's a bit difficult to decide who the enemy really is in Silent Hill. As for the rabbit, I think that it symbolizes a few different things throughout the game. I'm not sure what it is in SH3 yet, but I think I might in SH4.

    It's really psychological as is Silent Hill in general. To explain the bunny, nothing could be creepier...think about it:

    As the game goes through, you look through the peephole and hole in the wall, yet nobody see's you. There are points where you hit the door and even yell, yet nobody hears you. Just when everything starts going really bad, nobody stops outside of your apartment anymore. Signs of human life around you just seem to vanish and the only thing that knows you're in that apartment and what is going on is that damned rabbit.

    Silent Hill director Christophe Gans put the creatures (in the game) into the proper light...

    Quote Originally Posted by Christophe Gans
    The creators of Silent Hill the game are so highly intelligent and used so many abstract and interesting references to create the creatures that of course it was such challenge for us to replicate this. Silent Hill the game heavily borrows from Modern Art especially the paintings of Francis Bacon. As in Bacon's art we see the monstrosity of his figures is actually a reflection of their souls. They are the embodiment of anxiety, fear and self-destruction and exist in world where cruelty is absolutely accepted. Hence the fact the creatures of Silent Hill are so absolutely unique. They are not your typical wait around a corner and jump out to scare you type. They are promiscuous pathetic and disturbing... standing naked in the middle of a room or alone on a street. Every fan of Silent Hill knows the creatures have been conceived by a child at least in the first game. They are the creation of Alessa's mind. They embody a strange, na&#239;ve, candid sense of cruelty that only a child can have. They are more like broken dolls than horrible creatures.
    Chez, are you playing a Silent Hill right now? Odin is playing SH2 and DarkViVi is playing The Room, right? We're taking this series DOOOOWWWWNNN!!! I'm playing SH3 right now (well, not as we speak). I just entered the subway last night. Fun fun. My friend is borrowing my SH4 and as soon as SH2 arrives in the mail, I'll be playing that. These next few months are going to be loaded with Silent Hill...


    And I would have read all of the spoiler tags up in your post, Chez. Unfortunately, I've never played SH2 (that changes next week!). I'll go back through and read that after I've played through it, though. Promise!
    Last edited by Bryan 2.0; 06-24-2006 at 12:09 PM.


  24. #24
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Lookie at what I found! =D!

    That quote from Gans was interesting indeed. I have some views on that as well, not bashing his, but coincided in a more detailed way.

    And yeah, I'm on SH2 right now. DV is on SH4...Something tells me he won't be finishing that in a while, though.

    Don't worry about the spoilers, they're just my summary on the game and it's characters. You can read 'em when you finish SH2 maybe we could exchange views on it. ^^;

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  25. #25
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez
    WOAH! Where'd you find a picture of Wish House?! I've searched all over the internet for more stuff about it, but to luck. I still can't get over the stuttering guy (forgot his name). I can't believe in exchange for keys, you have to give him chocolate milk.

    Ohhh, that's right. Isn't DV in the Water Prison area? The most complicated part in that was the rotating part. Lining up the holes in the cells. Good thing there are only three of them, though.

    Speaking of SH4. Do you remember the ragged doll that you can take from the guy when he offers it to you? Did anybody take it? I did. If you didn't take it, nothing different happens in the game. If you did take it and you left it in the box back at your might want to keep an eye out for Holy Candles, because you're going to be having some new visitors back at the homestead.


  26. #26
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Point
    WOAH! Where'd you find a picture of Wish House?! I've searched all over the internet for more stuff about it, but to luck.
    Hahaha. I did a google image search on Silent Hill 4. ^^;;

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    I still can't get over the stuttering guy (forgot his name). I can't believe in exchange for keys, you have to give him chocolate milk.
    Yep, his names' Jasper Gien. ^_^;

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    Ohhh, that's right. Isn't DV in the Water Prison area? The most complicated part in that was the rotating part. Lining up the holes in the cells. Good thing there are only three of them, though.
    I thought that was a little easy. T'was fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    Speaking of SH4. Do you remember the ragged doll that you can take from the guy when he offers it to you? Did anybody take it? I did. If you didn't take it, nothing different happens in the game. If you did take it and you left it in the box back at your might want to keep an eye out for Holy Candles, because you're going to be having some new visitors back at the homestead.
    Yeah, I did that. Put it in my box and then next time I came to my apartment, I found...
    Little baby heads crying on the wall. They looked a bit cheesy. Like a copy and paste effect. ^^;

    Last edited by Chez Daja; 06-24-2006 at 02:32 PM.

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  27. #27
    Permanently banned Wish House darkViVi's Avatar
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    In a world gone mad
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez
    DV is on SH4...Something tells me he won't be finishing that in a while, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Point
    Isn't DV in the Water Prison area? The most complicated part in that was the rotating part. Lining up the holes in the cells. Good thing there are only three of them, though.
    Yeah, I think I'm right there, Chez said something about aligning some romms or beds or maybe holes

    Anyway.. I don't get it
    There are some stick heads that almost looks like really grose ice creams there

  28. #28
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    The bloody beds with the holes in need to be aligned, dude. XD

    I did that quite easily. It was my sister who got confused watching me aligning those room from that switch.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  29. #29
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Yep, that's all you have to do is line up the rooms with the bloody beds and hop down the holes until you hit the bottom.

    I'm finding the comments that Heather makes in SH3 to be quite amusing. Like when she finds the barbequed dog.

    "What the hell is this? A barbequed dog? Who the hell would make something like this? Furthermore, who would eat it?"


    "I don't want to eat or drink anything from an alternate reality"



    Chez, where did you say that floating head was in SH4? I want to go look for it once I get my hands on the game again. It's in the bedroom, right? How exactly do I see it?


  30. #30
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Point
    I'm finding the comments that Heather makes in SH3 to be quite amusing. Like when she finds the barbequed dog.

    "What the hell is this? A barbequed dog? Who the hell would make something like this? Furthermore, who would eat it?"


    "I don't want to eat or drink anything from an alternate reality"


    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow
    Chez, where did you say that floating head was in SH4? I want to go look for it once I get my hands on the game again. It's in the bedroom, right? How exactly do I see it?
    No, it's in the living/main room. Look out of the righthand window. To get this, you have to go to Apartment World (first time), get into the bar, press a bunch of wrong digits on that number panel, go through the whole in the bar, and then when Henry wake up, go straight to the living/main room. The right hand side window will seem normal for a minute or two, but if you keep your eyes on it, a head should float past.
    NOTE: Don't look OUT of the window or it won't come. Just look AT the window.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

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