Blue Gem in SH2? Once you finish the game, from that save, it's near one of the stalls inside the bathroom.
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Blue Gem in SH2? Once you finish the game, from that save, it's near one of the stalls inside the bathroom.
Hey... sorry I haven't posted in a while... been really busy...
Anyway, I saw something funny (and yet strangely humiliating...) on YouTube: It was a video of Pyramid Head dancing with the song "Sexy Back" by Justin Whats-his-face playing in the background... hmm... intresting...
Kiriyama, in case you missed them, you should check out the videos I posted a few pages back. Chez posted a few cool ones, too.
There's all sorts of Silent Hill stuff over at YouTube that I need to take the time to check out. I went through a few pages, but not too many.
So what Silent Hill is everyone playing at the moment (if you're playing any)?
I youtube searched the video Kiriyama was on about... It's funny. A ten second skit of Pyramid Head dancing to Justin Timberlake... Crazy shit, friends, crazy shit!
I'm on Silent Hill 3 again at the moment. Only in the mall, though.
Rented the film on TV. I've seen it already, but my mother was interested, so we sat down and watched it together!
She got all the storylines right, and she even enjoyed it... Crazy, but it was great! I even made a thread about how impressed I was. xD And am!
Love the movie. NEED IT. *humps Silent Hill movie.*
I'd send you a copy of Silent Hill for Christmas if it would be any use to you. Sadly, it wouldn't play for you. :(
I could get you the NTSC version, though...if that counts for anything.
Aww, thank you.
I'm thinking that my mother might buy me it for Christmas this year, hehe.
She and I are just going to sit in with my brother and sister, and exchange gifts... should be nice, as long as my father doesn't turn up. We have loads of food and heating for the winter...
I'm cooking Christmas dinner, which is good because I'm an awesome chef. Let's hope that the Silent Hill fun is had that day, too. Movie wise! xD
I just found out something really cool! Unfortunatly there is no audio clip and this is the inly source I can find but, silent hill 2 has a sublimanal messege supposedly. When you play the theme for the game in various places back-words you hear laura singing that prayer "now i lay me down to sleep" or whatever. I wonder if there is other places with back-masked messeges, i hear weird vocals all the time. The silent hill one is twards the bottom, like mid end.
here is the link
I have theb ackward recording of the song and it's pretty weird... Well, I did have it until my pc got wiped and then it disappeared.... Shit.
Anyway, though...
I'm trying to decide which Silent Hill is my favourite. I like the storyline of 2 the most, but I think I like the gameplay of Siletn Hill 3 the best... Bah, so much to choose from!!
It's still all Silent Hill 3 for me. I love that game. I couldn't really give you one specific reason alone. Silent Hill 2 comes second for me. Then the first, then The Room. That's my order.
Hopefully you have a very Silent Hill Christmas, Chez. :D
Hmm.. I don't think I have played SH 2 and 3 :(
When I was in the army, I was t00tally addicted to SH 1, I kept sitting in the barracks (yes IN my duty) :D and played SH with the lights off and the curtains in front of the window.
And seeing the movie brought back many Silent Hill memories from my "military service"
EDIT: HARR I be a pirate now, YARR ;7
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
If your going by story then Silent hill 2 will always be the best. But the scaryest one is definatly silent hill 4 for me. You don't have a radio the ugly creepy nurses, and the siamese creepy things... yea
Yeah... I thought The Room was a really good game, but to me, when I think of Silent Hill, the first thing that comes to my mind is that haunting town. The streets, and the terrifying monsters behind every corner.
The Room didn't give me that, so I'm more likely to talk about 1, 2 and 3 when the words "Silent Hill" are mentioned. I do know a lot about The Room, though.
I know most about 2 and 4: The Room, I'd say.
And Thanks, Alucard! :D
And DarkViVi, you don't suck for the next five minutes. :p
Damn it.
I can't find that article for Silent Hill 5 that I was going to post now. It was posted on the 21st of this month. Anyway, it pretty much said that the game is going to have the same feel that SH2 had.
Sadly, I also read that the game won't be taking place in Silent Hill. Hopefully this changes. From what I read, the game is all out psychological this time around. I keep seeing references to SH2, so I'm guessing that this is going to feel alot like it. Always a good thing.
*Me sighs*.
What's the point in making Silent Hill anymore if it's not based in Silent Hill...?
I mean, yes, I want there to be more, but... I don't need another "The Room", to be honest. One of those was good, but... I miss Brookhaven!
I miss Lakeside!
*sobs into pillow*.
It would be good if they made a Silent Hill sub-series... Not one DIRECTLY bound to the game, but sort of indirectly...
Silent Hill 2 is always an orgasmic experience though... Or maybe I need to stop touching myself during gameplay.
Kidding! ;!
I don't do that.
I know what you mean. I want another game based in Silent Hill as well. Maybe they'll have a change of heart?
Sadly enough, that's the one major thing that I didn't like about SH4. If that game would have taken place in Silent Hill, it would have been really good. I did like that they at least had little hints of Silent Hill here and there, though. With the paintings and such...
Same here. I thought Silent Hill 4: The Room was a really good game. BUT.Quote:
Originally Posted by Alucard
I think they could've made it different. Here's what I thought...
Therey could've...
- Made a world called "Silent Hill town" world, in which the character goes through the world seeing certain events in Silent Hill that happened in the Silent Hill timeline.
- Made Silent Hill 4: The Room part of a sub-series that was made with all the Silent Hill references and was easily depicted as a Silent Hill game. But they could've called it something like Silent Hill: Another Time "The Room", or something. (I'm using "Another Time" strictly as a substitute for lack of better imagination.)
It would've been so easy too do the latter. If people, fans of Silent Hill could tell it was a Silent Hill-ish title, they would've invested, I bet you. I know I would've.
I still did, but I can't help but feel a little sad about the lack of Silent Hill... My sister bought me the game, actually. She's not really into Silent Hill, but she enjoys watching me play it sometimes. Apparently it was really expensive as well. As cheeky as this sounds; I'm glad it was bought for me instead of me buying a game that I was ever so slightly saddened at.
Haha, that statement makes me suck.
I don't know. I personally don't think it should have been called Silent Hill at all (SH4). I think it should have just been a side story game from title to gameplay. It would have made alot more sense that way.
Either way, it's still a Silent Hill game and we have to embrace it as such. :D
Yeah. It's like if you have three normal children and one retarded one.
You open my eyes, Bryan. Let's have some retarded Internet children.
Haha, seriously, though. I've been making a new website for Silent Hill. It's a look through Alessa's eyes for the most part, and I think it's going fairly well so far. I'll link you when it's a little more completed. ^_^;.
You're making a Silent Hill site? That's badass! If I knew how to make anything besides crappy basic html stuff, I'd offer my help. I'm very behind on the times...
I forgot to mention that it looks as though Silent Hill Origins will be released here in the states in February 07. Could just be a rumor, but I did see a picture of a scan of some magazine talking about it. Looks like I'm going to have to buy another PSP (sold mine not long ago).
Hahaha, I'm learning off of HTML, too.
It was a little tough at first, but I'm getting the hang of it. Dante was telling me off simplier ways, but I really enjoy HTML. Keeps my mind busy and away from nasty panic attacks.
Anyway, yes. I'll probably have the link in my signature at some point, but I may give the link elsewhere, too.
The only sites i know how to slightly make, are those free forums. Anyway, im kind of annoyed that SH5 will not take place in silent hill. I liked 2, but wihtout it being in silent hill, i probably would not have liked it so much. If it's not gonna be in the town, it better be the most scary game, and have the deepest storyline in history, or I'll die...
Well, apparently they're spreading it out of Silent Hill. The darkness, that is.
Bleh. We knew the darkness effects other places and people. Heather in the mall. Henry in all of Silent Hill 4: The Room.
Although there wasn't really a darkside in The Room, mainly because the atmosphere seemed to stay the same except for when the apartment changed into Haunted mode.
Noooo! I don't want the darkness to spread outside of Silent Hill, though. If they keep doing that, they might as well not even call it Silent Hill anymore. On the bright side, SHO takes place in Silent Hill. You can walk the streets yet again!
I still want a multi-player Silent Hill title, though. One that takes like six months to beat. Let's go ahead and make the in game time the same speed as real life time, too. That way you get to spend loads of time in Silent Hill rather than just a handful of hours.
I always feel a little sad when I beat a Silent Hill game because I enjoy visiting the town so much. It's probably unhealthy. haha.
Originally Posted by Alucard
Ah good!
And I myself am not really keen on the spreading darkness... I mean, the original thing that caused the town to go into darkness was because of the plague and because there was sin inside a sacred place... But spreading? NUU!!!
That sounds great... My only worry is that Silent Hill would turn into some n00bish MMORPG game that everyone treats with disrespect. Although if you connected with people you know, I guess that's not a bad thing!Quote:
Originally Posted by Alucard
I'd FORCE my boyfriend to play it with me as well. xD
Oh man, I know that feeling to a tee.Quote:
Originally Posted by Alucard
It's not unhealthy... *rocks back and forth*.
Which leads me to another point about the only downfall of Silent Hill 3 -- not enough walking the streets. It was fine that dark Silent Hill didn't occur outside, but I did wonder what would wander in the darkness out in the streets.
Heh! ;!
Pendulums and those tiny dinosaur type things, I'd bet. I can't imagine the closers out there on the streets...
Nor the nurses, since they run. The ones on Silent Hill 2 were different for the fact that they walked slowly.. *shudders*.
Now I'm imagining what it would be like to run from demonic nurses on the dark and bloodied streets of Silent Hill... The thought literally frightens me as well... heh... ._.;...
All this talk of Silent Hill makes me want to start playing SH2 or 3 right now. I don't have my PS2 here, though. So no Silent Hill for me. I could watch the movie, though. I might have to do that later...
Damn these titles for being so good! They're making it difficult for me to keep motivated to beat the first Silent Hill. I still haven't even beaten that yet! I know, I know. I'm ashamed of me.
I beat it back in 1999... But I can hardly remember it. I seriously want, no, need to play this game again. I have various videos of the game, which brings back some of the memory, but my God, what I'd do to play it again...
You once mentioned a Siletn Hill remake, but with a female for the main character, didn't you? Unless that was somebody else and I was just thinking of you at the time. :p
I'd really like to see that project adapted and actually taken into account. It'd be absolutely fantastic.
God... All last night I wanted to play Silent Hill 3 again and again and again, and then I wanted to play Silent Hill 4: The Room again... Dangit...
Hey, I've been bored lately (My T.V is currently broken) so I have made a few banners, they arn't spectacular but i like 'em. So here they are. The Wish House one, was origanally two but i merged them because they would be boring alone.
That wasn't me who mentioned a Silent Hill remake (at least I don't think it was). Anyway, now that you've mentioned it, Konami was originally going to just remake Silent Hill instead of adding a new chapter. I'm still wondering if that would have been a better idea after hearing this and that about the new installment...
Heh, I'm thinking the same thing so far...
I'd really like to see Silent Hill remade, but at the same time, I'm interested in how they would change the game to adapt to a female character. I'm assuming there would have to be minor story changes and whatnot... Which is why I'm so interested, I guess.
At the same time, I'm giving Silent Hill 5 my faith and hoping it'll come out a good game and not be damaged by it's ever changing facade.
I really hope they change their minds and base it back in town in Silent Hill 5.
I started playing Silent Hill 4: The Room just today in fact, and when I was in Forest World for the first time, I felt this sinking feeling in my stomach, looking over Toluca lake, knowing the Silent Hill was only on the other side of it. It made me feel sad that the town wasn't actually in the game.
It was almost like taunting and mocking me by being based right near Toluca... I actually LITERALLY felt as if I was far away from home or something.
Sad, much?
I'm a lame-ass, but I want my damned town back!! ;_;
I really want to visit West Virginia now and find Silent Hill-like places to go to.
I rememberyou posted some pictures from places that SIlent Hill wa supposedly based from... and I wanna go to them all... I guess my love for a game is becoming an unhealthy fixation... A third degree obssession.
In the end, something has to get you through shitty times, right?
I really want to go to Lakeside Amusement Park in Colorado. My mom told me that I had already been there when I was a kid, but I don't remember it. You'll have to fly over here and hit up some of these places with me Chez!
Also, I know exactly what you mean about SH4 and being so close to Silent Hill. Maybe eventually a boat will come around or something? I guess Alessa doesn't care about Henry and his apartment. :D