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Thread: Wish House

  1. #301
    There's a place in my heart for comparing SH theories. Though I'm certainly no self-proclaimed expert on them, I do think it's a whole lot of fun to talk about. I've looked up sites and all for proposed explanations and just have a blast reading about it.
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  2. #302
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Alucard
    I didn't know that those clips were actually floating around on the internet. Hm. I guess we're not the only ones. We need to find those people and bring them to Wish House.
    You can find almost anything on the Internet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lai
    There's a place in my heart for comparing SH theories. Though I'm certainly no self-proclaimed expert on them, I do think it's a whole lot of fun to talk about. I've looked up sites and all for proposed explanations and just have a blast reading about it.
    Yeah, same here!

    Psst psst.

    Silent Hill 1 is being remade.

    I don't know much about it, but it'll be Silent Hill 1 with better graphics and a female, YES! FEMALE! Main character.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  3. #303
    Hmm not sure about that one. Can you provide a link to the source?

    I don't mean I don't believe you, I mean I'm not sure how into that I'll end up being. But hey, as long as it's SH, I'll play it. Which female character could they possibly use?
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  4. #304
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    I have no idea. As for the link, it's apparently spread all around. If I find a site, I will definately link you.

    As for female characters, I have no idea whom they could use...
    I'm confused, because Harry is in SH3 as well... maybe they'll eventually remake SH3...

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  5. #305
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Eh, I doubt they'll remake SH3. If they do wind up remaking SH1, they should definitely keep Harry around. I mean, there was talks of a movie to game...

    I don't know if this is what you heard, but here you go.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiki
    Silent Hill: 0rigins (2006)

    Main Article: Silent Hill: 0rigins

    At E3 2006 it was announced that a Silent Hill title for the PSP will be named "Silent Hill: 0rigins" (with 'zero' in the place of 'O'), however the trailer points out that this is still a working title (an earlier teaser was titled "Silent Hill: NEXT"). The game itself will be a prequel, presenting events that took place before the first game in the series, instead of a remake or movie adaptation as it was rumored before. Still, little is known about the game itself as it is currently in the early stages of development. What is known is that the main character will be a truck driver named Travis O'Grady and the game will be presented in third-person perspective. Konami stated that characters such as Dahlia, Alessa and Kaufman will return. Music will be composed by Akira Yamaoka. So far, this is the only Silent Hill title that is not being created by Team Silent, although they are writing the story for the game.

    Screenshots can be found here:
    It looks as though the remake is now Silent Hill Origins. Prequel time! Which MEANS.....ALESSA!!!


  6. #306
    Wish House Sevion's Avatar
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    Washington State.
    Yay that pyramid head thing almost made me want to reach zero...but i won't. Also about remaking the first SH. If they do they should keep the same basic story with maybe a side story or some varyations.
    <img src="">

  7. #307
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    They're keeping the storylines, APPARENTLY!

    Not much seems to be known so far, but I've heard it in various places. I'm hoping to find some kind of sit that provides insight as to what the game will be like, etc.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  8. #308
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Hrmm I see, it would be interesting to see but to be honest I am growing tired of all these constant remakes, I'd much rather see a new game.

    I had a dream about Silent Hill but instead of being in Town it was in a forest. I was in this and this little girl kept running around so I was grabbing this stuff which included an upside down cross and a burger but for some weird reason they kept disapearing and turnin up in weird place so I go out to see the burger on top of a car outside and grabbed it then it disapeared again so I thought "Am I imagining things?" then suddenly it went to alternate mode around the house. So I kept walking away and I noticed this old boat that was smashed up on the lake, I was going to explore it but then I saw this old smashed up yellow car with all this wires and shit inside, and this is where it got freaky: There was this young girl BUT she loooked real old so when I got in she begun to pull down my pants and I was like what the hell but accepting it. Then Suddenly there was all these cars around with people going to some sort of fare so I started pushing it but then I saw this girl I worked with who said "Hello, I haven't seen you in ages" so I just smiled and pushed the car back to the road but there was heaps of people so I did a quick turn around this van which took me into the trees then suddenly I woke up.

    Screwed up eh.

  9. #309
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I once had a dream that I was in Silent Hill. Well, I've had more than one. My favourite has to be where my boyfriend and me were in Lakeside Hotel having sex. It was in that room James and Mary stayed at when she was alive. Man. Such a vivid dream. And so unprotected! I woke up and thought " where is he??"

    A shame I had to wake up.

    Then there was another where I was running through town, but that was it. It'd be ****ing ironic if I dream I was smacking up Pyramid Head and had a health drink. MAN!

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  10. #310
    I had a Silent Hill-esque dream once, but it was a while ago and I can't completely remember the details. I was in an apartment complex, and it looked very much like the room in SH1 with the clock. There was a door leading either to the hallway or another room, I can't remember what it was. So I was with one or two other people whom I also can not remember. But there was a closed door that we needed to open, but we were frightened as to what laid beyond the door. So I remember walking over to it, slamming the door open, and screaming and being very frightened. Then I woke up and never got to see what was behind that door.
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  11. #311
    Wish House Sevion's Avatar
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    Washington State.
    This is funny sadly, i have never had a DIRECT dream about silent hill. Once i had a dream were james and harry were fighting over a taco...and then i went to sleep on a giant orange,.. thats all i can remember from it.
    <img src="">

  12. #312
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    I've never had a Silent Hill dream, sadly. I'd like to have one. Maybe if I just keep playing the games over and over, I'll start having some.

    I think I'll finish up Silent Hill today. It's been a long day...


  13. #313
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Alucard. I like your new "Sony Sperm" tag. xD

    I'm now up to the church in Silent Hill 3. The amusement park was okay. I didn't much like the haunted house because I don't like have a time limit to run away from something. It makes me panicky and whatnot.

    Still, the rest was great. The corpse thing was genius. xD I didn't jump, though. I didn't have the sound up very much. Gah.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  14. #314
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    I just thought it was a really good idea, the haunted house. I guess it's my love for Halloween blending with Silent Hill that just made me fall in love with that part. The red light thing was cool because it made me panic and run like hell.

    Anyway, I thought that part was very clever.

    OH!!!!! CHEZ....Don't read this until the very end of the game...but MAKE SURE YOU SAVE RIGHT BEFORE HAND!!!!

    When you encounter Claudia for the last time, just before she turns into the final boss, shoot at her rather than use your locket thingy. You'll see a scene of Heather turing into Alessa

    It does it on the American version, anyway. Try it! After it happens, it's game over, though. Well worth watching anyhow.


  15. #315
    Wish House Kyo-san's Avatar
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    Hmm... Really Alucard? I'll have to try that... I've beaten SH3 twice, but haven't seen that happen... damn! >.<

    I am playing SH2 right now... well whenever I have the time, anyways... It's the only one I haven't beaten...
    <img src="">

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    Malahk Musashi is a closet ecstasy gay... and I am his cuddle kitty.
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  16. #316
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiriyama
    I am playing SH2 right now... well whenever I have the time, anyways... It's the only one I haven't beaten...
    Which part are you up to so far?

    Silent Hill 2 is a fantastic game. It's so wonderfully rendered, in a world of emotion... And Pyramid Head is extremely sexy. Sort of...

    You'll see why.

    Also, happy birthday, sweetheart.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  17. #317
    Wish House Kyo-san's Avatar
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    Rockfort Prison - 267
    Yea... I just passed the part where James just sorta... "walks in" on Pyramid Head doing his thing... ahem. Yea.

    Thanks! Whoppin' 21... yay...
    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Malahk Musashi is a closet ecstasy gay... and I am his cuddle kitty.
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  18. #318
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Ah 21. Meant to be the best age ever. I'm not sure though. Haven't lived out my whole life.

    Hehehe, the apartments. Fantastic. I loved that FMV. I had it on YouTube... I'll try and find that link again sometime...

    Anywaaay, I suppose I'll have to go beat Silent Hill 3 in a minute.

    I think it's my second favourite Silent Hill game.

    OOOH! Also!! You know how we were all talking about Silent Hill dreams? I had one last night!! =D!
    Okay! So I was in the building. My family was there, and a bunch of business people. And my boyfriend was will me as well. And I think the building we were in was crumbling down... and there was monsters and zombies infested in there! Anyway, me and Dante (I'll call him Dante because I know he doesn't like it when I use his real name on here) were searching through this building together to find an exit... But we ran into one of the Silent Hill 3 nurses. So we made back the other way, sharpish! Whenever we went there were monsters. But it was okay because in the end, we got out together. It was such a weird dream, though...


    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  19. #319
    Wish House Kyo-san's Avatar
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    Woot! For my birthday, I splurged and bought myself the Silent Hill movie!!! I should really pay my bills off... but damn. I WANTED that movie. I think with my next paycheck, I'm gonna buy myself Silent Hill 1 again... (I had it, but then sold it a few years back... such a mistake... *tear*)
    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Malahk Musashi is a closet ecstasy gay... and I am his cuddle kitty.
    <img src="">

  20. #320
    Recently ran through SH2 with a friend and now we've started on New Game + of SH3. We just picked up the
    saber beam

    . That is one creepy game. I love the level design.
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  21. #321
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Is it me, or is Silent Hill 3 the least scariest Silent Hill of all?

    I just finished it... Got the "Normal" Ending.

    Yo Alucard! This ones' for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chezzy's Results
    Action level: EASY
    Riddle level: EASY
    Clear time: 7 hours, 54 minutes, 45 seconds.
    Split worm: 1 minute, 31 seconds.
    Missionary: 1 minute, 40 seconds.
    Leonard: 1 minute, 1 second.
    Memory of Alessa: 2 minutes, 13 seconds.
    The God: 1 minute, 24 seconds.
    Clear number: 1
    Seva and continue: 75 (holy ****. o_o).
    Items: 186
    Enemies killed by shooting: 51
    Enemies killed by fighting: 53
    Total Damage: 1760
    I've unlocked all the costumes and a special "costume" for Douglas, so if you want them, gimme a shout, okay?

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  22. #322
    Wish House Sevion's Avatar
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    Washington State.
    well i think it definatly has the scaryest atmosphere, i just beat SH1 again and got the bad ending...YAY.
    Last edited by Sevion; 09-11-2006 at 07:49 PM.
    <img src="">

  23. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja
    Is it me, or is Silent Hill 3 the least scariest Silent Hill of all?

    I just finished it... Got the "Normal" Ending.

    Yo Alucard! This ones' for you.

    I've unlocked all the costumes and a special "costume" for Douglas, so if you want them, gimme a shout, okay?
    Probably the least scary, but I absolutely adore the level design. I think that one has the best, as I've previously mentioned.

    So I've been running through all of the SHs with my friends. One recently beat SH2 then started on SH3, another is just past the school in SH1, and I'm just past the water prison in SH4. It's better than sex.

    No, it isn't. It's close, though.

    No, it isn't. But it is awesome.
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  24. #324
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Yo, Sev. Delete one of those posts?

    Lai, hahaha. Silent Hill 4: The Room has orgasmic graphics.

    The level design on Silent Hill 3 IS fantastic. I'm playing it again now, killing all with beams and the pistol.

    I'm up to the Hilltop center again now.

    One thing I was disappointed with was lack of walking the Silent Hill streets. I want a Silent Hill game that lets you walk through the entire town and lets you go through all of the old buildngs such as...

    Midwich elementary school.
    Alchemilla hospital.
    Brookhaven hospital.
    Amusmement park.
    Historical center.
    Blue(creek?) apartment building.
    The Silent Hill one bar where you meet Cybil face to face...

    I wanna revisit all of these place and look for special references of the past games.

    ...I would name it: Silent Hill Revisited.

    There WOULD be a story for it... I just haven't made one.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  25. #325
    Wish House Sevion's Avatar
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    Washington State.
    Sorry about the double post, i was trying to edit but i guess i posted again. Anyway yea exept, why would it have both the hospitals?
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  26. #326
    Wish House Plastik Assassin's Avatar
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    Probably because they are separate hospitals?

    It would seem like nurse overkill doing that, but I like the idea Chez. Perhaps by doing so they could make the game longer than just a nice 8 hour diversion once in a while. That as been my biggest complaint about the series....

    I would totally be all over the SH: Revisited idea though. Could be a good time.
    Listen To Your Heartbeat Flow And Imagine
    Become Jackson Pollack Airbrush Chinese Dragons

  27. #327
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Plastik Assassin
    Probably because they are separate hospitals?
    Yeah, exactly! Maybe at different points of the game, though.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Plastik Assassin
    It would seem like nurse overkill doing that, but I like the idea Chez.
    Yeah, BUT they could have two types of nurse. Like SH2 nurses and SH3 nurses or something. Maybe...

    Quote Originally Posted by Plastik Assassin
    Perhaps by doing so they could make the game longer than just a nice 8 hour diversion once in a while. That as been my biggest complaint about the series....
    Yeah, same! Argh! I would LOVE to see a good 15 - 20 hour game. SUCK ON THAT, Final Fantasy VII!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plastik Assassin
    I would totally be all over the SH: Revisited idea though. Could be a good time.
    Yep! Ooooh, the joy of going through all of the versions of Silent Hill games, AS WELL AS the towns!

    Maybe there could be a subgame in which some Silent Hill 4: The Room places were added. Perhaps starting the game in Henry's apartment, having to go through the Silent Hill 4: The Room shopping complex in Ashfield Heights... Oh joy. <3

    Maybe not... hmmm...

    EDIT: MAYYYYBE you could be a witness to a murder investigation inside of room 302! (Henry's apartment in Ashfield Heights, for all of you who havent played/forgot about Silent Hill 4: The Room.) And the trail of clues leads to Silent Hill! AND, you have to pass through Wish House and the Forest surrounding it to get to Silent Hill itself!

    ...I'm about to wet myself from excitment. SOMEBODY STOP MEH!

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  28. #328
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Silent Hill: Revisited, eh?

    I like it! They definitely need to make a Silent Hill game that takes anywhere from 20-40 hours to beat. It'd be cool if the game went through actual changes to the point of going back to the regular town (no monsters).

    So say you had to get a certain item from the dark Silent Hill, but it was in the normal Silent Hill. Things like that. Random changes in the environment. I want a Silent Hill that can't be explained through a strategy guide. Something that is completely different and random for everyone. THAT would add alot more of the scare tactics to the game. Let's face it, using a strategy guide gives you a sense of safety when roaming the streets of Silent Hill.

    The creatures would be in completely random places. They should also throw in the insanity system from "Call of Cthulhu". You either have to kill something and get as far away from it as possible or just get as far away from it as possible because it would not only be a risk to your health, but your sanity as well.

    What would be even sweeter is multiplayer capabilities. Oh, the possiblities...


    Oh, and Chez, very nice score. Hopefully you enjoyed your play through SH3?


  29. #329
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Ok well I finally got around to finishing Silent Hill 2, I should go through it again but I will probably go through the others first, any way here's my stats:

    Quote Originally Posted by Silent Hill 2 Stats
    Action Level: Beginer
    Riddle Level: Normal
    Ending: Leave
    Endings Clear: 1/4
    Saves: 44 (Yeah I know )
    Total Time: 10:14:12
    Walking Distance: 6.82
    Running Distance: 17.70
    Items: 203
    Enemies Defeated by Shooting: 61
    Enemies Defeated by Fighting: 32
    Boat Stage Time: 5m 43s 55
    Boat Speed Max: 2.12m/s
    Total Damage: 598pts
    Your Rank: ****
    Oh well, I spent a long time wondering around and did most of it without the walkthrough and like most games I would probably do much better the 2nd time. I can get to those spoilers if you want to point them out to me.

  30. #330
    So my other friend just recently beat SH1 and got the second to worst ending in the game. It was kind of funny to see him get really pissed off. Direct quote: "This is ****ing bullshit! I ****ing saved Cybil!"

    Anyway, he's now moved on to SH3 as well, and just got to the subway. He got flattened by the train and just saved and shut it off.

    And I'll probably get to SH4 either later tonight or over the weekend. I need to find the time!
    <img src ="">

    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

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