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Thread: TFF Royalty

  1. #1
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    TFF Royalty

    I have reformed the club thread, starting over from scratch the way it should have been done a while ago. The previous club has become a little bloated as well as chopped up due to some mistakes of the past. It is also under different leadership with the disappearance of ID_Xenogears more than year ago.

    The TFF Royalty
    This club is a Roleplaying club with a long history on the forums for having the best writers the forum has to offer. We continue to strive to maintain a high level of quality. The rules are pretty simple.
    1. TFF General Forum Rules must be followed.
    2. Only club members and people interested in joining the club are allowed to post in the club thread. If you do not have an interest in joining please refrain from posting here.
    3. The club has RP threads, they are only allowed to be posted in by club members or if, allowed, recruits looking to join. If you do not wish to join the club please refrain from posting in the RP, they are clearly marked.

    Royal Members:
    Marquise Andromeda - Leader
    Mistress Sheena; Baroness
    Noble Merlin
    Duchess Dragonheart

    Honored Members (Inactive)
    Noble Ryayukou
    Noble Climhazzard
    Noble Lady Rika
    Earless Xeim
    Noble Musicmuse
    Duke Zell Dincht
    Thane Atma-Noah
    Noble Inferno Mage
    Noble Cetra_Aeris
    Noble Lai
    Noble Psiko
    Noble Aerif
    Noble LocoColt04

    One aspect of the club that I wish to carry over is the Royalty status. However, since this is no longer a symbol within the RPs themselves I am adopting this as an in-club character. So you can create your club persona that you can roleplay as within the bounds of the club. This will much like the Bookend Club, where we roleplayed in a library. It is nothing too fancy, just something to entertain us and give us something else to write in our posts.

    Titles of Royalty:
    King - Ruler of a Kingdom
    Queen - Ruler of a Kingdom
    Princess - Daughter of the Ruler
    Prince - Son of the Ruler
    Duke - Lord over a duchy
    Duchess - Lady over a duchy
    Count - Lord over a region
    Countess - Lady over a region
    Marquis - Lord of land, maybe a region
    Marquise - Lady of land, maybe a region
    Earl - The English equavilate of a Marquis, probably runs a plot of land, has a fief maybe even a region of land
    Earless - The English equavilate of a Marquise
    Viscount - Slightly above Baron, probably runs a town, or city, maybe a province
    Viscountess - Slightly above Baroness
    Baron - Lowest level of Noblity probably runs a town, or city, not much ruling.
    Baroness - Lowest level of Noblity

    The Royal Court

    Marquise Andromeda of Artois

    Artois is a region in France during the 17th century and earlier. For the sake of the roleplaying in here, we will need to decide whether or not we are playing out in a completely fictional world within the club. Or instead going to have some basis of it from the real world. Either is fine with me. The marquise herself, personality wise, enjoys the status she holds and makes sure to keep her people, mostly content (usually). She is currently in the pursuits of a suitor, sometimes taking the matter a little more aggressively than most women of proper nobility should.

    Lord Fujiwara of Kyoto
    Kyoto remained Japan's capital until the transfer of the government to Edo in 1868 at the time of the Imperial Restoration. (Some believe it is still a legal capital.) After Edo was renamed Tokyo (meaning "Eastern Capital"), Kyoto was known for a short time as Saikyo (西京 Saikyō, meaning "Western Capital").

    Name: Fujiwara Taiki
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Appearance: Dark brown/black, slightly pale skin. (See signature/avatar.)

    Ever since he traveled to France on vacation, he went to the region of Artois. There he managed to bump into the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on. Ever since, he has wanted to see her and have her bear his children. He will not stop until he succeeds in capturing her heart.

    Duchess Corinna Thalberg of Württemberg

    Württemberg is a duchy in the southwestern region of Germany from 1495-1805. An agricultural state mainly, although the capital, Stuttgart, is a cultural center.

    Corinna is a typical German; punctual, by-the-book, and above all, efficient. She can be hard to get along with at times due to her tendency to be direct and her apparent lack of humor (which is untrue, but widely rumored). She is very formal and polite by nature but will not hesitate to do what she thinks is right by any means necessary.

    Although she holds the rank of Duchess, she prefers to let her younger sister Amalia do the majority of the work. Corinna herself spends much of her time traveling, both locally and internationally.

    Despite her constant comings and goings, she is well-respected and loved by her people. The Thalbergs in general are highly-regarded for their fair hand in governing and Corinna is no exception.

    Earless Yvonne of Norfolk

    Norfolk is a low-lying county in the east of southern England. It was 'ruled' by Earls from 1070-1644. Agriculture thrives.

    Yvonne is a laid-back, “happy go lucky” young woman. She is often found out in the fields laughing with the servants, or playfully helping them with their duties (though she doesn't accomplish much). She is married to the current Earl of Norfolk, though it is said that she is unfaithful to him, and calls him names like “pig” behind his back.

    Her actions are frowned upon by moist of the other nobles, but there is not a person in the house who thinks ill of her (save for her husband's parents). She treats all as equals and doesn't understand the concept of “superiority.” The people of the region look up to her and her outlook on life.

    She is only 19 years old, and was married to the earl at 14. It was an arranged marriage, and Yvonne wanted no part in it. When she met the Earl for the first time (him being 24, her 14) she wasn't exactly repulsed by him, but she did not like the prospect of sharing a bed with him.

    I will fill in for the others here as they are created.

    Current Roleplays
    Divided Connections
    Summary - Set in a highly advanced period of humankind's development, man has reached the stars. The galaxy is under their control, yet there is tensions building between the different races. The peoples cannot agree with each other and fight to take what they want, acting the same as they did on the mythical planet of their birth "Earth."

    The only link that connects all of the vast planets together is the uninet, the successor to the internet and solnet. This high speed connection brings people together closing the gap of the void. Many of the people are spending their hours playing online games, one popular game is Fantasy Hour Online.

    What is in store for the galaxy on the brink?

    Magically Appeared
    Summary - The land of Rumnir is home to many races and vast beautiful countrysides. However, Rumnir is in conflict with ceaseless wars and conflicts. Peace is something foreign and mistrust an all too common commodity.

    Now a new threat is growing across all of the people, a crisis that no one understands. For the land has no magic, until now. People are being born or developing abilities that are making them the target of their own flesh and blood.

    As the lights continue to go out across Rumnir, how will this "evolution" change the face of everything?

    The rest will be in the following post, since this will exceed the 50k character allotment.
    Last edited by Victoria; 04-11-2009 at 06:40 PM. Reason: Updating
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  2. #2
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Untited RP
    The new RP, I am putting this at the top, since it will be read first. So here is what I have written up so far for it. There is a lot, but I think it is enough to get started on for the time being.

    This is a fantasy world set in the typical medieval setting, so swords, horses, castles and the assortment of other things that are generally associated with fantasy world. There is however one big difference from this world and all of the others you might be used to. That difference would be that magic does not exist in the form that we are commonly used to. What I mean is that magic is a sudden occurrence in the world that has been appearing slowly over the last few years. People do not understand it and what it means. Many fear this “witchcraft” or “demon powers”, and those that have these abilities are at an equal lose as what to do with them.

    This is the land of Rumnir, a vast continent that contains a wide variety of sentient beings as well as vicious beasts. The humans have been fighting between each other for countless centuries over land and people, their squabbles generally do not fall into territory belonging to the other races. The other races have their own problems as well, many of them are equally fighting between each other or with the other races.

    There has not really been any great wars or massive evil presences to speak of; most of it is just the typical internal conflicts. No race is perfectly at peace. Some might be in between wars, but there are still tensions across the borders. Then magic suddenly starts appearing in people giving rise to even more tension. Some people think that it is conspiracy and have started to point fingers. Those with the gifts have come exiles some times, others exploit them for untoward purposes, and even the military has taken interest in these gifted people.

    The concept is exploring what happens when a fantasy world is introduced with magic. It seems so commonplace that we all just accept it being part of the natural everyday life in this genre. But magic has to start from somewhere. So we can see magic in its infancy and how it grows from there with people that do not know how to control it. There are no masters or schools to train, people have to figure out how to summon it on their own or as groups.

    That is just a general outline of what I had in mind right now. The current races I am working with are the Humans, Dragons, and a handful of other races. I would prefer to come up with other names for them rather just saying “Elf” or something like that. Since I have not really made a history yet that puts anything in stone, I’m open to suggestions. Most of what I wrote has been left vague for the time being.

    I do not have a goal in mind or anything for direction, so we will just move however we feel. We can just create the story as we go along, the way it should be.

    My initial character concept for me is that it is a girl/woman that was raped and is now pregnant. Due to the stress and her also developing magical powers, she could not handle it mentally and overlapped a more pleasing memory. She actually believes that she slept with her now dead boyfriend and that it is his child. I’m pretty sure she is going to be an exile, but maybe not. As things proceed I will sort out the finer details about her. I’m expecting her to be in her early 20s more than likely.

    I will continue to write more for this and update things as we go along. I do not plan to hold off very long on this, if there are no replies for suggestions I will just continue writing the background myself until it is ready to become a RP.

    Divided Connections

    This will contain, helpfully, all the information that is relevant to the RP. This will include all of the information I provided along with the profiles and keywords list that I have created, thus far.

    While whatever I might have planned for the RP has long been forgotten or changed, it is pretty much an open book for how we want to direct it. The RP does have one point that I hoping will help those that might have trouble writing a post. The RP requires you to have two characters, an online personality and an offline character. The offline character is your main character and then you have your online personality that they made which is its own character to an extent. Most people will often act as they usually do offline, this is not always the case. Online games allow for people to change who they are and do things that they normally do not. So someone that is shy and insecure and be confident and open online. This will allow for creating a dynamic between the real persona and the fake one that they create. How you want to handle that is up to you, but the group everyone belongs to is a high level group of characters that are well known throughout the online game but retain mysterious origins and are seldom seen in public areas.

    This will probably play out bit like .hack in some ways, though I do not want to make it out like .hack. The online game is more or less a stable environment unlike The World, while eventually the online game might be effected. The more pressing matters will be the strange occurances that are happening in the real world.

    This is also a far into the future story, where there are colonized planets, so everyone is on a different planet. I do not really want anyone on the same planet, since the online game is meant to be the connection that they all have together. Everyone leads their own lives. So your posts will be able to reflect that, you will have probably seperate parts where you are in the online game and then going doing your own thing in the real world. I want this to be kept in mind, since being able to go out do something alone as a character allows for an amount of freedom that not all RPs have since it is often reliant on everyone or part of the people having to be there to post events.

    The RP is going to be a bit of an experiment in how it works out. We are going to have to find the correct balance between the two, since being completely alone all the time is not an RP. But I do not want to force people to be tied down all the time to having to wait on a specific person so that they can post.

    And if we decide what will be happening in the online game world, there will be reason enough to be working together. There will more than likely be bad things that happen in the online game, I just want to try to seperate the idea of this being a .hack parellel, even though it is rather impossible to do that. Other things to probably keep in mind will be Ghost in the Shell, more Stand Alone Complex since it is probably a little more relavant to this and Lain as well.

    Now these are just references, do not go pulling from them specifically for your ideas. You do need to be original in what we all do, but it just get you into the right mind set and gives you an idea of what to expect.

    I also hope that those with online gaming experience will be able to include some of the things that we always seen happening online. They are so often filled with drama and soap opera type events that it can be rather comical at times. But those that have played MMOs will know what I am talking about. So I am hoping we can have those dilemmas in the RP as well, since they help to provide conflct in the online game where there might not always be conflicts.

    And for those with a short memory or just lazy, here is the previously posted thing that I had on the future RP.

    A long time ago when Wizards and Dragons ruled the lands with fire and magic, mighty heroes fought a terrible war against the forces of darkness. Evil spread across the lands in an unceasing strike against the light. The heroes of our great legends fought this evil and ended the shadow that covered our lands. However, once again has the time come for heroes of legend, darkness begins to pervade our lands. Now is the time for those of strength, valor and honor to rise to face the shadow once again.

    - Preface from Fantasy Hour Online

    Ok so the general idea comes as this, the world is an advanced civilization that has space flight and is exploring the galaxy. There are many colonized worlds, many large colonies with billions of citizens on each. Humans have expanded to grow throughout the universe free with no restraints. They have found no opposition, no one that is different from them. There is nothing out there but themselves, expanding the borders that used be only a world, is now an universe. The universe is large, yet even as large as one world, one planet is, the universe is still as small as we can see.

    Technology keeps the colonies in constant contact, sub space communications link all the worlds. However, Earth is gone, the cataclysm that made the people leave Earth and start the colonies founded a new intergalactic world. The cultures, ideals, beliefs are still maintained throughout each of the colonies. The thousands of worlds that make up the Intergalactic Earth System, which is made up of the same people that made up the small planet of Earth. The hundreds of countries formerly existing on Earth, now exist on worlds of their own. With there own power and resources to grow on their own.

    A new life was began and from that grew the new systems, new technologies everything that is what it is today. And as the communications and internet of Earth made the world smaller, so did it make the universe smaller. The uninet, the successor to the solnet and internet, has bought the peoples of the universe together. Instant conversations, gaming, trading and data exchange, it has become no different than what the internet was before.

    The leisure time spent by the people have become taken up by a popular uninet game, a large game that spans one large super server that all the people play on. Unlike online games of the past where a few can be together and the experience is only of thousands. Millions play together in this game that is set in a mythology time of a fantasy world fabled by many called Earth. This game is called Fantasy Hour Online, where the player can become many different types of heroes to fight, chat, and have general fun in their spare time.

    The game is completely immersive where you customize your character’s appearance and control their actions through a mind link. Everything is simulated through the mind and then projected into the virtual world that the game is played. The game has been on going for more than five years with numerous changes, updates and events. Of these events the hardest of them was the Challenge of the Gods, that many dared to attempt it. For months it went unchallenged, until a group of players beat the challenge gaining high honors, rare items, and prestige. The group called themselves the Royalty, taking there names, but adding fantasy titles to their characters and giving a background to their character. They were a devoted, though mysterious group of players that tended to role play the history they made and when others meet them, would not be able to tell if what they were saying what real or false. What little people know, is just rumors that have been gathered together. What people do know, is that they are the most powerful group in the game, winner of the Gods’ Challenge, high level characters with rare equipment that few ever could dream of owning, and they remain in the game even now playing together. Some even think that they are part of a family that all plays together, but no one really knows their own identities.

    Well then, as you can guess, I am placing our characters in the role of the Royalty, you have no choice in that, you cannot be extra, by standers, some newbie, you are the part of the Royalty, it is how the RP works. What is the point of all this? Well this RP put down in the shortest is going to be a futuristic, sci-fi, fantasy, conspiracy. How do I get to that? Well anyone having seen .hack can see certain connection, so take that as building ground. However, do not assume that it is .hack like. There is a conspiracy, but it does not lie in the game, the game is a conduit more or less. The people, who play the characters live on different worlds, their connection is the game. These people have lives of their own in the real world, and the real world is going to be very important. The RP will not be simply in the game world, nor will it simply be in the real world. Though it will take in parts of both.

    Without spoiling all the story I have built up already, the main plot of the RP is that strange things start happening in the real world. Things that would normally only exist in the game world are starting to appear in the real world. At the beginning it will just be weird holographic projections, that just happen to be coincidences. Though later it will start becoming more than coincidences, until it is actually real.

    Where you guys come in is that you have two tasks, create two characters basically. You create your real world character, and your game character, as mentioned, they Role Play in the game world, thus the need for two characters. Two characters should not be a challenge for such talented people as yourselves, right? ^^ From there pick a world you want to be, do with it as you will. Certain obvious planets exist such as New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, London, Paris, do remember people are unoriginal, especially in naming things that they live on. You do not have to live on these planets, just letting you know what some of the planets are called.

    Oh and the time period is far beyond our own current time, at least ten thousand years. Earth is a mythical world, they most do not believe it existed, but there is more of a theological reason for where everyone came from. Earth is a holy land that religion and stories use as an origin of humankind. Though since no one can find it, people do not believe it exists and it is more of an ideological sort of thing for them. What I gave you above is the truth, not what they really believe. And even some of what I gave you above is not truth. As I said, conspiracy will layer this as well. Though, since it is a conspiracy, I shall not reveal much about it until later. Right now it is just important to find the starting point.

    As universal politics will be an issue as well, it may be an advance society, but they are built from the people that lived on Earth. All the troubles and disagreements are not all simply wished away. So expect and try to include these things into the world that you live on. Wars are going on even while our players are in the game and living their lives. And the events that this game will create will build to more than just a simple issue of a program becoming more than a game, but will affect the politics and governments of the worlds. There is a lot of factors for the RP, so it should give you all good exercise and some fun as well.

    I have forgotten most of what I had in mind for it. So now it is just a simple idea of strange things start happening. So do not think I have some great thing in mind. And since people seem to detest about me, it is a good thing. So, we will all be flying be the seat of our pants. I have gotten all caught up in creating a story lately that I have been forgetting about the really heart of RPing is spontenianity and the unexpected. And if I do remember anything I will forget them. Boiled down, the RP is a sci-fi conspiracy, I do want to keep the conspiracy because I have not been able to successfully get far enough in a RP that was conspiracy to say that I have done one. But anyway, it requires two characters in game and real world.

    The characters are all on different worlds, and have their contact via the game. We can figure out the rest of the things as we talk about this. I really liked the idea when I made it a year ago and we disappointed that it was not seen to fruition. Plus I am a .hack and Lain fan, so it sort of satifies those desires.

    Lots of reading, I hope you all read it every word. This is going to be a club RP and the only source of our activities, so I do expect you all to participate. This should provide you with both fantasy and science fiction depending on your tastes.

    We will need to sort out the Jobs/Classes that are going to be in the game. I have not really thought about it much right now. So if you know what you want to be, try to be vague enough so that it fits. Naturally there will be warrior and healer types, you can use FF terms until we have names sorted out. It will be one of the things that I will be thinking about for the initial post for the OoC. Suggestions are always welcome, this is not my RP, but all of ours.

    If you want to add more to the bios that is fine, those are just the bare minimum that I usually work with. It is your choice if you want to make the characters similar in nature, but also realize that people use games like this for escape and want to be someone else. So you can try things out if you want.

    I think there were other things I wanted to say, but I cannot recall right now. Oh well. Oh wait there is one thing that I just remembered. It was talked about having two groups. And more than likely depending on the number of people we have, there will be two groups. There are the Royalty or something close to that and another group, since originally I was only planning on one group, I do not have a name for a second group. We can sort that out as we go along in the process.

    So consider this the OoC for the time being until I figure out if it will move or not.

    Mind the double post, I'll be merging these together later, but I wanted to keep everyone up to date. I am currently writing everything up for the RP. Though after having read through what I had wrote up so long ago I am needing more time to sort through everything and arrange things. Since the previous was more a purposal than anything else I am reworking some of the details. Plus I have to sort through what parts of the online world I deem the most important, since obviously I am not about go create a massive index for a MMO. Though some of you probably wouldn't put it past me. And I probably wouldn't if it was not that I wanted to get this all down and out as soon as possible.

    I thought this was going to take a couple hours to put out, but its taking longer to edit the previous things. With luck I will have it up tomorrow since I already have a good start on it tonight.

    Well its taken me until now to finally it is typed up. This week has not be kind to me. However, it is finally finished sort of. I put down the background that we will be building up from. So questions you have or suggestions, please post them. Also, I figure for the sake of club activity, we will just keep the OoC here.

    The Class of the Online Game Fantasy Hour Online:

    Shield Bearer – A class that wields both a sword and shield, though there are cases when they can wield two swords. They specialize in one-handed weapons and a light, quick warriors. Because they also have a shield they make ideal defenders to take hits.
    Heavy Sword – A class that wields weapons so heavy they require two hands. They are not great on the defense, so most of their skill is in pure offensive damage. If it can deal large amounts of damage they like it.
    Apothecary – A class that tends to the wounds of others. They make strange concoctions that have amazing regenerative qualities. They are almost purely support there to keep the party alive and protect them anyway possible. There are some that are known to make a heavy defense style making them an excellent defender though weak on the attack. But it is possible to create a frontline style.
    Battle Wizard – A class well versed in the arcane arts of magic. They tend to stand back away from the main frontline launching massive damage at the enemy. They are varied in the elements and can understand several different areas of the magical arts.
    Assassin – A class built solely for stealth and speed. They are poor in the long drawn out fight, but their first blows are devastating. They wield light weapons much smaller then the other classes, usually knives or katars of some type.
    Spiritualist – A class that is often misunderstood, some call them a necromancer others a summoner. However, when it comes down to it they are a widely varied job that is only limited by the player’s imagination. They can summon the souls of the dead, spirits of the heavens and control beasts. These traits are often not found together since it tends to weaken the overall strength of the type of summon.

    The online game is a massive world that holds more than 50 million accounts. There is roughly 200 million characters created for the game for one purpose or other. Logged in at anyone time is more than 10 million people. For such an epic scale of players, the world map is massive with several starter towns, seven to be exact. There are numerous other cities and villages spread across the land. The mainland is one seamless continent that you can walk just about anywhere you want. Going from the farthest points on the continent would easily take an entire week in the real world to cross. To give you a scale comparison for those that play FFXI, its takes a good hour a more to walk from Bastok to Sandy. So the world is massive, but it is necessary with the number of people that play the game. If it were small, then it would be too crowded.

    There are transport devices that follow along the magic leylines of the land that allow for quick transport to far away lands. These work two ways, but require you to either pay the NPC at the place for transport or have someone in your party with the skill. The skill is available to anyone, but does require a lengthy quest to gain the ability.

    Monsters exist everywhere and will vary from aggressive or non-aggressive. Like other MMOs, there are special monsters that spawn that people fight. These monsters are called Great Beasts, with strength and attributes that far exceed that are their normal kin. There are the Notorious Beasts, whose strength surpasses even that of the Great Beasts. I have not figured out if there will be different nations and other story elements for the actual game. We can decide how we want to be handled. That will affect whether or not we will have player killing or not.

    Since it is medieval in setting, there will be castles and similarly structured cities for the period. It would be taken from European design of that era. Though naturally the cities will not be called that, little from Earth’s history is remembered.

    Magic and weapons, you just make up as you go along and we will just add them to the index of things to remember. Do not be afraid to make things up. I would not dare to make a list since it would simply be forgotten and it is better that you make them as you go along than me telling you everything. Though remember, once someone creates something you have to remain consistent with that.

    The classes themselves while few, since I did not want to clutter things up, are meant to be flexible. So just because it is such a type of class does not mean there is not remember for change to make you different. The game allows for people to mold their character how they want, so you given a long list of things that you can choice from to customize your class to your play style. What this list is well up to you to decide, again I am not going to create a list. But with that said, the Heavy Sword class, from how it sounds wields large weapons; it does not have to even be a sword. If you want to make it like a Dark Knight, more power to you. Each job has so much that they allocate to their customization and the higher level you are the more you can allocate. Naturally even at the highest level you cannot have everything, but you can have a fairly sizeable list of abilities and spells.

    The player base is allowed more or less to play the game how they wish. It is made to be open enough for you to make your own story. But there are naturally stories that you can play through though it does not affect the overall world politics. Though there are event stories that do affect the world which draw in everyone and depending the outcome will change things in the world.

    Players themselves can play free as wanders, be part of the city guard, royal knights, military, just about anything that they want to be. Which does bring me to a matter that we have been discussing. In the previous posts I had spoke about the Royalty and everyone being in the one group. Though it was figured that would be too large. For a bit I thought about disbanding that idea and just having a bunch of people unknown to each other. However, I think I will go with a hybrid of that. There will still be a group known as the Royalty, a small party of three to four and then everyone else can decide what they want to be, wanders, guards or their own party. It is up to them. Our interaction will come from meeting each other in the game through something. So there can be different sides made rather than just the one side.

    I can’t think of anything more for the online game at the moment, if there are questions just ask me and I will see what answer I can give you.

    As for the real world. The real world exists far into the future as said previously. It is roughly 10000 years after humanity left Earth. The exact reasons for leaving Earth are not clear anymore and most do not even believe Earth really existed at all. Earth is a more mystical place of humanity’s birth, something for religious discussions.

    In that time, humanity colonized planets and grew across the galaxy. There is now almost one trillion human beings in the galaxy. With over a hundred planets and at least five billion people on each the scale of humanity is massive. There are planets home now to an entire race of people that used to live crammed together on Earth. It has created large societies and plenty of dangerous situations.

    The planets are connected through a sub space communication network known as the Uninet. This allows for near instant communication between people thousands of light years apart. Travel is done through a sub space gate column that flows between the planets. The gates allow for quick transport through space, closing light years of travel into a few hours or a day.

    However, everything is not so smooth. There is a lot of political tension between planets. There is no giant federation or great force that holds everyone together. They are all more or less on their own. Planets group together in the formation of treaties and alliances, but they rather as divided at times as they were on Earth. There are numerous wars in the past, though recent years have seen the move towards possible unification. There are certain parties that would profit from this and certain parties that do not want to see this happen. Already there have been several close calls that nearly destroyed the progress.

    The soon to come strange occurrences that are going to be related to the game will start triggering the short fuses of the political situation. Probably questions of cyber terrorism and other issues will pop up make matters worse. Simply put lots of bad things will start happening and one of the roots of those problems will point back to the game.

    The Royalty themselves have long though mysterious history. They are quite well known characters in the game because they were the first ones to beat the Challenge of the Gods event, which was considered impossible to beat. Their fame began from that event though; they are long standing players that have continued to play in the game. They hold the current highest character level; whatever that might be is still undecided. Though after the event they have not return to partake in any further events. They can sometimes be seen in town, though they have their own place that they reside within the game that remains unknown.

    I don’t know if I have more to add or not. But this should be plenty to get started with. I will be putting my character up sometime later once I start seeing how things go with people. More than likely I am going to part of the Royalty.

    There are some things that I wanted to add since I got started writing up some of the RP. The first thing that I wanted to do was start a list, this is basically just a list of all of the important need to know or need to remember words for the RP. Since it is going to be a MMO environment and a real world, there is probably going to be a lot of things flying around. So I figured that I would keep a list of everything that I think is important to remember, now this will include everything that anyone makes up. Remember that I left a lot of ??? around, I did that intentionally. Because I wanted to encourage people to create and feel like they are not simply following one person's idea, but molding a group idea. This was one of the reason why I wanted everyone on different planets, this allows you to create your own world without conflictions with anyone else. You can do whatever you want with it. The online game is going to be same, though there will be more consistency required, thus the list. There are a lot of important places that will be created early on, cities that anyone, that played the game for more than a couple weeks would know. But I'm not creating all of the names, I'm allowing people to create the names as they are needed. So as they are created, I'll put them down in the list. This will be the same for skills, abilities, names, anything that we see as important.

    That list will be continued and I will probably post it every few posts so that it is always readily available with minimumal back tracking required. It will exist at last once on every page, if not more, since not everyone uses my same page setup.

    Another thing, as I said above I want to encourage people to create their own parts of the RP. So when while I am writing the introduction, you can easily be working on your own right now. If you have questions about technology and the science fiction part just ask, but since that is not going to be completely important in the story you should not have much problem. But if you are uncertain, just ask. But the world itself is all up to you, try to make it detailed and come to life so everyone knows what it is like. About the only part you will want to wait on is probably the online part, since I will probably set the feel of that with my post. But definitely be thinking or writing on your first posts.

    For the game what I have so far as cities is this:

    7 Starter Cities
    25 Villages and Towns
    12 Primary Large Cities
    2 Highly Populated Metropolis

    To break it down, the starter cities for those unfamiliar as the places that the newbies start and where a lot of early players will use as their city that they work out of. From there you will have a number of small villages and towns, I set the number at 25, but realistically there are probably even more than that. If we hit that number, we can always add more if we feel like it. There are twelve primary cities, these are larger than the starter cities and a vast amount of people use these as their base to work from. These are generally mid level cities. Then there are the two main cities, massive cities that are large enough to hold the millions that travel through it each day. As anyone in MMOs knows, there is always the popular city where if you are anyone in the world goes. These are those places, I made two because as I will eventually explain, there used to be one, but it became so overcrowded with people that there was just a simple need to have a second city. I'll fill in more details on it later, but simply put, one of the cities has about a million sitting characters, people who are otherwise AFK or away from terminals. Then there is another million or so of active people going about their business. This is about how it is for both cities, so in other words about 4 million people are usually in the two cities at any one time. The numbers vary, but it gives you the idea its like having all of the people of Chicago there, so crowded. Though the cities are large and have been expanded to try to deal with the scale, so they take a long time to traverse on foot.

    That gives you an idea, I'll probably handle the two major cities just to place out the ground work, aside from that everything it pretty much open game. If we come up with monster names, regions, areas to leveling such, I'll try to keep track of it all. It all will probably not be necessary, but highly experienced players would probably know all of the areas of the game.

    Also the game is seamless, so there are no load screens. So there is no such thing as defined areas as you might be used to. Maps will probably be a little more broad, but we can figure that as we go along.

    Lets see, character bios:

    Real World
    Name :
    Age :
    Gender :
    Nationality (Optional) :
    Occupation :
    Appearance :
    Background :

    Game World :
    Account Name :
    Character Name :
    Age :
    Gender :
    Job/Class : Leave Blank until sorted out
    Appearance :
    Background :

    Real World
    Name: Sarah Toya
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Planet/City: Shulita – Green Till Region – Shoula
    Occupation: College Student
    Appearance: Sarah is short in stature and rather meek looking. She wears circular electronic glasses that display text and images from the uninet. Her hair is black and short, curling in around her neck.
    Background: Sarah Toya is half Japanese and half English. Her father is Japanese and comes from another planet who met her mother on Shulita during a business trip. He eventually moved to Shulita a few years after Sarah’s birth. Sarah was raised with both heritages, though there is some isolationist ways among the English worlds that rejects who she is. The result of her mixed heritage made her secluded from her peers that rejected her at times. This gave her a very soft, shy personality that tries to avoid confrontation.

    She is smart, though not overtly, she maintains good grades and worked her way into the University of Shoula. The University of Shoula is one of the top ten University on Shulita in education and well-known through the galaxy. Sarah is studying general computer sciences currently not completely decided on a major, which has been undecided for four years now. She is nearing a point where is going to be forced to decide what she want to be, a day she is not looking forward to.

    During her late high school years she picked up the online game Fantasy Hour Online and began playing as a way to escape. She has remained playing the game through college though her time much less than it was back then.

    She has a complicated view about the unification efforts going on. Since he is mixed heritage she does want unification. However, the isolationistic ways of the English are a part of her and she does not wish to actually be part of everyone else. This also comes from her introverted personality that she is disassociated with much of the social world and was in cases shunned for being who she is. Since she is mixed blood unification has a different meaning for her.

    Online Characters
    Account: Toyama
    Name: Gnurin
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Class: Apothecary
    Appearance: Gnurin wears heavy gray-brown robes with his hood laid down. He is tall, muscular build though not to excess with long brown hair with a blue streak in a strain of hair that lays in front of his ear and down his chest. He normally carries a heavy full staff that is equal in height to him. Though he also wields a special no class specific sword that is a hyper rare item.

    Background: He is one of the former Royalty members from years ago. Sarah played him during her high school days when she had a lot of spare time. However, she rarely plays him these days.

    Back when he was her primary character, he was one of the strongest most powerful Apothecaries in the game. He was a unique blend of high defense and healing ability that made him the group’s tank. Since he was able to easily double as healer and tank, the Royalty was able to put more effort into offense. He was the foundation for the group’s strategy and when she left for college the group disbanded. The group was going their separate ways at this point as well, college mainly and became a good time to disband.

    Gnurin is a well-known Apothecary in the game, all aspiring Apothecary want to be like him since he took part in the Challenge of the Gods. Gnurin’s build while original at the time, is widely used these days and considered often a typical build he is still seen as the master and originator. No one know outside of the Royalty know Gnurin’s exact stats or skills, so the imitations are simply that, people’s guessing and attempt to figure out the mystery legendary Apothecary.

    The sword he uses, often during soloing times is the reward from the Challenge of Gods that was given to all of the Royalty and considered the sign that they are the Royalty. It was the only one time even item and the rarest of the hyper-rare item with only 3 or 4 in existence. The sword is wieldable by any class, but locked to the character permanently.

    Gnurin is a charismatic man with a smile on his face and up beat. He is strong and determined, confident. While he was in the commonly used he helped out new players and supported the stronger players. If he is on, it is usually during brief periods for an important reason.

    Name: Yerune
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Class: Heavy Sword
    Appearance: Yerune is average height, though still taller than Sarah in real life. She has bright pink hair that is long, a little abnormal for the game style that was dyed through an event item. She has the usual warrior type armor common to the heavy sword class, though an emphasis on agility. Her common weapon of choice is medium axe, that usually two handed, but not always. She also wields a full heavy sword for high damage purpose.

    Background: Yerune was created after Gnurin and during her college years. She has been playing with Yerune the longest, but it is not nearly as high level as Gnurin. Yerune is a more casual character that is usually a soloing character since she left the Royalty. She has not participated in many combat events or high-level battles, so her equipment is a little better than standard.

    She has a really happy, excited personality that is ever cheerful. She enjoys helping out others and spends a lot of time around the cities whether inside or out. Sarah is highly knowledgeable in the online world, so she will explain quests in great detail. Yerune is not a commonly known character by name, but rumors apart a pink haired heavy sword that is helpful are pretty common.

    Both Gnurin and Yerune have the teleport ability.

    Gnurin as said has defensive and healing skills mainly, he is also the max level with the most possible skills thanks to some events and quests that expanded it. Yerune is your run of the mill heavy sword, though with her own uniqueness take on it. She is more middle road on a lot with emphasis in speed and dodging and the ability to slowly add up a lot of damage. Overall when the battle is finished she is comparable with normal high damage heavy swords if not better.

    English are more or less the Americans, but I wanted to get away from that some, so English refers simply to all English-speaking people, British included. The English as I said are isolationistic currently and opposed to the unification.

    I have refrained from putting in a level for the characters, since it is not necessarily important to the RP. If it is something that we decide to be important, then we can add in that. But we can use a common sense in feeling where everyone is comparatively.

    Game Character
    Name: Shino
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Bust: 40 B
    Hair: Long black hair with light red streaks.
    Skintone: Pale
    Eyecolor: Grey/Red
    Weapon: Martial Arts + Elemental Magic; uses Katars
    Money: 50,000 GP
    Class: Assassin/Battle Mage

    Vulgar Guillotine: She uses her katars in several quick motions that decapitate the victim into several pieces.
    Broken Toy: She grabs them by their neck and tosses them into the wind. (Credit goes to: Namco/Heihachi Mishima)
    Shunpo: She dashes silently and quickly. Her movement is so quick that she vanishes from eyesight until it is too late.

    Background: When she first started the game, she was a fairly kind character, helping people with their quests. She managed to get the teleportation skill after a long, dreary quest. She helped people with it for a small fee. After a while, she began getting bored. Helping people didn't fill in her desire any longer. For the first time ever, she killed someone. It felt weird. Although not a bad kind of weird. Just different. Before she knew it, she got an adrenaline rush everytime she killed someone. She would join their party for quests and backstab them in the end, just for kicks. She always waited till after the spoils were split. She wasn't greedy or anything, just looking for excitement.

    Stats are subject to change as the game details are finalized.

    Real World
    Name: Himiko Kunimitsu
    Age: 29
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Japanese
    Body type: Athletic/toned
    Chest size: B
    Hair: Dark brown/black, shoulder-length
    Occupation: Private Detective

    Background: She was always watching detective shows when she was younger, because she always dreamed of being a detective. She had high deduction and observation skills at a young age as well.
    She heard about some information that there were various organizations that wanted to unite the entire human race spread across all the planets. She always thought about that as well, but not under one single ruling. She preferred Alliances more than anything else.

    As of this date, though, she had reoccuring dreams about something strange. She didn't know what it meant, and it bothered her.

    Real World
    Name: Lynn Hitsugi
    Age: 21
    Gender: female
    Nationality (Optional) : Japanese
    Occupation: Part-time collage student
    Appearance: She has waist length black hair and a slim build. Her blue gaze is intensified by her dark hair and tan complexion.
    Background: Lynn lives in a small one person apartment. She works part-time as a waitress at a restaurant. She makes quite a bit off tips and lives quite comfortably. She goes to collage so she can open her own restaurant one day. She’s not into the politics much, but is really interested in the myths of Earth and enjoys reading about them often. She can go into very detailed conversations about its history and tends to get aggravated when people say it didn’t exist.

    Game World:
    Account Name: Litsugi
    Character Name: Hikari
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Job/Class: Spiritualist
    Weapon: Akirane- a metal staff that is decorated with a blue metal carved to look like ivy going up and around the staff, ending at the point with a light blue gray moon.
    Appearance: She has silver blue hair that goes down to about her knees with a small ribbon tied into it at her shoulders. She wears a black dress that criss-crosses over the stomach and in the back. The back part of the dress goes to the ground while the front only goes to about her knees. She wears a pair of black and silver boots that go up to a little under her knee.
    Background: She controls a black wolf as her beast. Its fur is as black as night and it has a piercing blue gaze. The wolf is unusually big and stands at her waist on all fours.

    Real World
    Name: Sethe Hookling
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: American from Earth
    Occupation: University Student, waiter
    Appearance: Sethe is just short of 5'10 with a thick neck and a broad chest. His arms are bulky and he's built like an athlete. His muscles are large but not overbearing, and his stomach bulges slightly from ab muscles. His long dirty-blond hair falls to his jaw and compliments his gray eyes.
    Background: Sethe goes to University and is studying digital arts. He spends his off-time programming and learning from playing online games. He's currently working on programming a new computer game and is trying to learn different elements from this game to impliment into his own.

    Game World:
    Account Name: Sethes_the_Man
    Character Name: Arielle
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Job/Class: Thief
    Weapon: Twin daggers. Both eight inches long in length, three inches wide at the wides part of the blade. Both sharpened to precision.
    Appearance: Sethe has customized Arielle to look like his perfect girl. She's only 5'2 and very skinny. Her hair is long and blonde, but tied into a bun in the back with long bangs hanging down her face over her sharp green eyes. She has a medium-sized bust and a body like an hourglass. Her in-game clothes to start are just leather pants and a leather top that cuts off above her naval. Her sleeves cut off halfway down her forearm.
    Background: Arielle is a medium-levelled character with stats excelling in speed and average in everything else. Often times, Sethe will pretend he is a girl and hit on other players in the game world, telling them he looks exactly like his in-game character. Mainly concerned with running quests over anything else, he's been looking for a clan to join.

    Real World
    Name: Doug Questor
    Age: 36
    Gender: Male
    Nationality (Optional): English
    Occupation (Currently): Convict, resides in the 5th prison on the planet Kharisis.
    Appearance: Doug is rather tall and well built, this is mostly due to his time in prison, because of his predicament he wears the normal prison garb. (Green over suit). He has short red hair, and green eyes.
    Background: Doug followed after his fathers footsteps growing up and strived to become a lawyer. He met his goal, and made his father proud by becoming a part of the largest lawyer firm on the planet Shulita. For Doug however his popularity for winning cases quickly faded after his father's death and he soon came to resent the legal system he served. It started to become clear to him the isolationism was flawed and he helped spark a unification movement in the law firm, from there the unification movement spread. However the movement was halted before it became to noticeable.

    All the movement did for Doug was win him a seven year sentence in Prison #5 on Kharisis. A year into his sentence Fantasy Hour Online came out and was given to him from his mother. The card attached to the set up said "To keep you occupied until your sentence is up." That was six years ago. Doug hasn't stopped playing and he's almost a free man again. He found that FH Online was he escape from his prison, so he found himself wandering the game just enjoying the scenery many times instead of trying to reach the max level. He even has some favorite places to visit.

    Doug is pro unification. He thinks that if the world can be unified than the legal system can be fixed of its "sickness".

    Game World:
    Account Name: One_who_is_free
    Character Name: Lysander
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Job/Class: Shield Bearer
    Appearance: Lysander has the same build as Doug, only that he has medium length brown hair which is always tied up and blue eyes. Currently wearing a set of yellow and blue armor the covers his entire body. The breastplate has a bit of an extension that just comes over Lysanders nose, only revealing his eyes. From time to time he also wears a unique cape that adds bonuses to his set of armor. He carries with him a rare shield and sword, but also is seen from time to time with a gleaming bow.
    Background: Lysander has been there from the beginning, although he is not the max level he can handle himself in most situations. He's noble, and doesn't stand for things that are below the common good. Some call him a knight in shining armor, but he isn't very famous.

    Uninet – Basically the Internet, but for the galaxy.
    Fantasy Hour Online – The Online Game
    Shield Bearer – Class in the game, Tank
    Heavy Sword – Class in the game, Warrior
    Apothecary – Class in the game, White Mage
    Battle Wizard – Class in the game, Black Mage
    Assassin – Class in the game, Thief
    Spiritualist – Class in the game, Summoner
    Gnurin - Legendary Apothecary, generally famous
    Belbois - Metropolis in the game world
    Ferholm - Metropolis in the game world
    Kingdom of Berihelm - kingdom in the center area of the map, Belbois is located within it
    Kingdom of Hilmill - kingdom in the east, Ferholm is located in within it
    Melifois Empire - empire to the south
    Torifin - city within the Melifois Empire bordering the Loughin Desert
    Loughin Desert - desert to the east of Torifin
    Jhurdis - region east of Hilmill
    Cry of the Fallen - Heavy Two-Handed sword technique
    Transfer - Heavy Sword unique ability, allows break to be transfer and next attack has the speed of the previously equiped weapon
    Shunpo - Speed enhancement
    Vulgar Guillotine - Attack for Katars
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  3. #3
    The Old Skool Warrior TFF Royalty LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Awesome. I was actually going to drop a line after your first post until I realized you were writing another, at which point I opted to wait.

    Sooner or later (hopefully sooner) I should have my character info up, so even if I'm not ready to start writing yet, the information will be partially there. I still plan on going with the idea of my real-world character knowing DragonHeart's prior to playing the game, giving me a more flexible schedule to work with, allowing me to jump in at my best convenience. You can guarantee that she and I will certainly work through the background information together, if that remains the case.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Lord Fujiwara of Kyoto
    Kyoto remained Japan's capital until the transfer of the government to Edo in 1868 at the time of the Imperial Restoration. (Some believe it is still a legal capital.) After Edo was renamed Tokyo (meaning "Eastern Capital"), Kyoto was known for a short time as Saikyo (西京 Saikyō, meaning "Western Capital").

    Name: Fujiwara Taiki
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Appearance: Dark brown/black, slightly pale skin. (See signature/avatar.)

    Ever since he traveled to France on vacation, he went to the region of Artois. There he managed to bump into the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on. Ever since, he has wanted to see her and have her bear his children. He will not stop until he succeeds in capturing her heart.



    Andromeda....I want to see you, Andromeda....

  5. #5
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    That also depends on whether or not Dragonheart is going to join the RP. I think she has more interest in the one that I currently putting together, since it is a fantasy genre completely. I do not mind if she does join the other as well, the more the merrier.

    Other things you can think about its an in-club character if you want to have some fun. I figure it will give us something to do within the club as a type of activity. I just want to keep it light and fun, nothing overly complex.

    Also let me know what you do think of the new RP I am coming up with as well.
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    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well, I’ve never been good with titles but I’ll give this a shot. I’m actually taking a page from my own ancestry for this, by the way. Just for fun. I’m a descendant of Germans hailing from Stuttgart, so you may notice some strong similarities between me and my club counterpart. XD

    Duchess Corinna Thalberg of Württemberg

    Württemberg is a duchy in the southwestern region of Germany from 1495-1805. An agricultural state mainly, although the capital, Stuttgart, is a cultural center.

    Corinna is a typical German; punctual, by-the-book, and above all, efficient. She can be hard to get along with at times due to her tendency to be direct and her apparent lack of humor (which is untrue, but widely rumored). She is very formal and polite by nature but will not hesitate to do what she thinks is right by any means necessary.

    Although she holds the rank of Duchess, she prefers to let her younger sister Amalia do the majority of the work. Corinna herself spends much of her time traveling, both locally and internationally.

    Despite her constant comings and goings, she is well-respected and loved by her people. The Thalbergs in general are highly-regarded for their fair hand in governing and Corinna is no exception.

    As for the Divided Connections RP, I hate to say it but I’ve decided against participating. I’m sorry but it’s just not a style I can comfortably write.

    I am however, quite intrigued by that new idea of yours, Andro.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

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    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, I took Artois from my family history as well. I do not remember all of the details since I have not read our genelogy book before. I know that Artois has been around before for a while, though when my family was forced into exile because they were protestant in a catholic France, I am not sure what became of the region. We left in the year 1660 to the US. The other thing that I know is that my family was allowed the capalization of the letter "B" in our last name because we were of nobility.

    I'm glad that you are interested in the RP. Whatever additions and suggestions you want to make Dragonheart would be helpful. I'm still getting all of the details worked out still.

    It is good to see that there are already a few members posting in the new club. Hopefully the rest will be here soon as well. Things are going well so far.
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    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Let’s see now…since it’s the birth of magic, I’d go as far as to suggest things like elves and dragons can’t yet exist in the traditional sense of the word. I’d say that more primitive versions of them are around, but they aren’t nearly as refined or powerful as they will be in the future.

    For example, instead of dragons, have drakes. Much smaller, only basic intelligence, no breath weapons for defense.

    Since it is magic, after all, they could start developing at a very fast rate that would probably never occur in normal evolution. Plus, with no one possessing any real knowledge about magic or how to use it, they’d be just as frightened and confused as anyone else. It would add an interesting twist on the old stereotypes of fantasy races, anyways. (As a note, the race that becomes elves would most likely figure out this newfangled magic thing quicker than others and tap into it to all be immortal pretty boys. XD )

    Just my take on how things might work initially.

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    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Now that TFF is working again I can post. And the RP is not really that traditionally based, so we do not need to worry about following fantasy stereotypes. But on that, we could have Dragons not even be sentient until they learn magic. At which point some of them begin developing intelligence, language, social skills. Might seem a little strange, but when you are suddenly give a small amount of intelligence things begin to change. Sort like going from monkey to caveman, in a manner of speaking.

    What magic really is going to affect besides granting elemental properties and such is up to us to figure out. Magic can impact all sort of things, like you said giving Dragons fire breath or something like that. I'm not so sure about immortal elves and things. I just mentioned them as an example, I'd much prefer not to use them. They just feel like they are too used, though the same could be said for Humans and Dragons too huh? I don't know. We do Elves I want to steer away from Tolkien Elves and hopefully D&D Elves, though that sort of takes out a lot of the possibilities.

    Well we shall see I guess. More ideas Dragonheart. I like where you are thinking.
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    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Well again, I was just basing my thoughts off the examples you provided. It could translate over into just about any race/animal, really. To be honest, the sheer amount of things magic affects in a normal fantasy enviroment is staggering; the idea of being at the start of it all is overwhelmimg. Quite a challenge you're presenting to us. I like it. ^^

    If you want to move off the beaten trail, as it were, maybe we could pull some of the more obscure peoples/creatures of mythology and redesign them to fit our purposes. I did it for the Travesty RP and it worked out fairly well, in my opinion.

    As for as what magic would be impacting...well, pretty much everything. Do we have any idea as to how the magic itself starts?

    I'm thinking it would be a ripple effect, strongest at the focal point, then slowly diffusing over the rest of the world. Wherever the focal point is would have the really weird stuff going on, magestorms and the creation of new animals or changing of old ones and all that. Anyone caught within the immediate area would probably end up vastly different from how they started. A person's distance from the focal point determines how strong and how direct the changes are, if any. I imagine some people would have some sort of immunity of varying degrees, while others would be extra vulnerable. Almost like a disease, heh.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  11. #11
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, it is not easy task most definitely. For me in previous RPs I have taken a more nature oriented view to the source of magic. Though I am leaning away from that for this one. My original thoughts were that it was like evolution in its moment change. Though I am not so set on that either. Another idea I had was that it was mixed blood of races that caused it. However, since I ended up setting up a land in conflict, that does seem likely unless it is some massive conspiracy from someone in order to create people with magical abilities. For which they had some end, purpose to having people with magical abilities, which it was to increase conflict, absorb magical powers, or something else. All are valid thoughts, but since I have been running with some many different possibilities I have not really settled on one at the moment.

    But you are obsolutely correct magic tends to effect everything. If magic is a natural occurence in the land that just happens starting a chain reaction then magic would have a deeper impact on things. The environment would be altered, not just people since the area would become saturated with this foreign element. Though if magic is more of an evolution, a random thing in genes that are starting to occur, then its impact on the environment would be minimumal until it is spread away from sentient beings. It would be possible to have magic and it not exist in everything.

    My original thoughts were more for focusing on the conflicts with the people and these developing abilities. But looking at it afterwards, I am seeing the great impacts and interest for other avenues of writing as well. There is a lot to still figure out definitely.
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    The Old Skool Warrior TFF Royalty LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I like the idea of a focal point -- with that in mind, what if we gave it somewhat of a polar effect? What if the focal point was really two points on complete opposite sides of the planet, much like the two gravitational poles? A theory could be that the magic infused itself into the planet from an unknown origin, moving in a straight line directly through the planet, thus creating both an entry and exit point, where the affects of magic would be the strongest.

    If you're wanting to do a worldwide ripple effect, it's much easier to do it with two opposite focal points than it is for just one -- unless, of course, you want half the planet to be without magic at all, and if that's the case, a single focal point would work just fine.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  13. #13
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, all I know for right now is that my character for -that- RP will have very strong magic that doesn't look like magic. More like ki/chi or something. Cause that's kinda like magic too.

    He'll live fairly close to one of the focal points, or the focal point. Except his personality allows him to 'know' the magic, yet not really 'know' it's magic at all. Like he was born with it and trained since he was able to walk.

    But I like the dual focal points better than a single. But we can do either one.

  14. #14
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Shadow I would prefer that you stick to magic. Other oriental influences are not needed right now. It will be enough just to manage with magic, than having a second power that seperate from magic that only one person is controling.

    Well the RP is more taking place on a single continent and probably not the entire continent, so the whole globe will not be much of an issue. There are probably boats and ships, but I placed everything in the confines of one land.

    But not everyone has magic right now anyway, I would say that only 5% of the population has magic and probably out of that 20% actually have enough that it can manifest on a subconscious level in order for the person to become aware of it. Because in a world where there is no magic or concept of it, if you do not know you have it, you are not going to look for it in yourself. So you will need some sign, a burst of something you cannot explain that would start you down a path of exploration. So when you get down to it, probably 1% of the entire population the races actually would have magic at the start the RP. This is no doubt going to alter as things move through, but that is what I am starting with.

    Summoning magic powers will be another issue completely. If it is in the land, well then that presents different challenges then if it was not in the land. Though having two focal points or five, really will not make much of a difference since we will never see those focal points I think. We will probably never even get near them. But who knows, I could be wrong and we fly there on the back of a dragon or something.

    For my character at least, her abilities appeared shortly after she was raped. Whether or not that is significant is still undecided. Though the natural activation of the abilities will no doubt be during some sort of moment in life that forced them up. If it is from birth, then it would be a little different. Since children will have some sort of natural connection to tapping the magic on an unconscious level.
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    The Old Skool Warrior TFF Royalty LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Well, the only reason I had mentioned polar points was because of DragonHeart's idea of a ripple effect. As mentioned, the powers would be weaker and weaker as you moved away from the origin; however, consider when the ripples begin to overlap on the other side. Depending upon how large this "ripple" effect is, it could be to the point where people far away from the epicenter could have power even greater than that of those right in the middle. That was the only reason I mentioned poles. We could still even do the polar thing, and as you said, just not ever mention the second side -- unless we venture into that via dragon or some other form of flight or travel.

    Just because we don't utilize it right away doesn't mean it can't be there waiting.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  16. #16
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Most definitely, it is good for us to have that sort of thing there in place in the event that it is used. Though it does come up to the matter of still deciding which method that magic would be existing in the world.

    But aside from just that I need some ideas for more races to toss in. I can make them up and that is more or less what we will be doing. But everyone reads different fantasy and has different ideas. Having some races in the other important thing that needs to be settle so I can lock down the remaining pieces.
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  17. #17
    The Old Skool Warrior TFF Royalty LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Alien influence.

    It could explain the magic's straight path through the planet, as well as the strong ripple effect. Let's not take the term "alien" as a sci-fi term; rather, let's consider it by definition... an influence that is foreign.

    In this case, the alien could be anything from the expected beings from another planet (perhaps using this planet as a grounds for experimentation) to a series of gods or goddesses who have bestowed "great power" in the form of magicks upon the lands. The latter of the two obviously seems more fitting given the direction you're wishing to take the roleplay, but the source is always something that can be debated. Whether or not the source is ever even discovered by the inhabitants of the planet is something that doesn't need to be known right from the start (at least not in terms of the roleplay itself, though it would be nice to know what direction to push this in an out-of-context form).

    Hell, the inhabitants don't EVER need to know where the power comes from, if you think about it. Sure, the curious ones could seek answers, but they don't necessarily have to find them if you don't feel like going that route.

    What matters is that an otherworldly source produced this stream of magic flowing through the center of the planet, in from one point and out through an opposite point, be it another species or paranormal phenomenon or gods and goddesses.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  18. #18
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    My idea was just a suggestion anyway. It doesn't have to be ki/chi at all. It could be normal magic. Whatever that may be. And you'll see once I get my character idea down. Just watch Air Master and pay attention to the character Julietta for reference. =P My character will have that kind of personality.

  19. #19
    Rabble Rouser
    hey, uh, I just want to know if I can join the club.

  20. #20
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    First, you have to provide us with RP examples, which you have none of.
    Or, if you get permission from us, you can join a recruitment RP, which we have none of right now.

    So,'s really up to Andromeda. But..I'm going to say... not yet.

    Edit: This isn't a newbie RP club you know. This is an RP for the elites, yo. The good people. The usual suspects.

  21. #21
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    As Shadow said and I will repeat most likely, we need proof of your skill before letting you try a recruitment. If you do not have proof, i.e. an example for a RP you have participated in, then you will need to come back later when you do have an example. Until you have an example I cannot say what your skill is and if it is high enough for the club's recruitment.
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    HRH Albha TFF Royalty Aerif's Avatar
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    I have lots of examples of my past work... That's why I have finally built up the courage to ask for membership... I was a very active roleplayer in 2006 and even had that RP that finished in the cleft of dimension...

    So, uh... Can I join

  23. #23
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    As I told the previous person, if you have examples present them to us and I will decide from there. Pick what you believe to be your best work and we will let you know if you are good enough to begin the recruitment process. For the time being I will probably handle the recruitment individually, unless there is a RP availabe in time. The recruitment process will be just a two person RP for the sake of simplisity. More of it will be explained once you get to that point.
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    HRH Albha TFF Royalty Aerif's Avatar
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    Well, I think I've found an appropiate post, of course it may not be my best... However I think it would be easier to review a piece of average day work:

    Marlene continued to run from the burning building, she had seen many films and had realised that this evil Headquarters would probably blow up as well...

    She heard a wall collapse from behind her, she must've been about half a mile away from the HQ but the adrenelin was making it easier to hear things further away. From all the films she had seen she figured out that she only had a short period left before the almighty explosion...

    Up ahead there was a sign of life, the flickering of a camp fire, several tents, a blonde haired girl getting ready to try and cook a sausage on the campfire. The sheer blondeness of the hair and the clumsy aura surrounding her was enough to tell Marlene it was definitley Naomi who was attempting to utilise the camp fire as a cooking appliance...

    Just as Marlene had predicted the explosion came, by this time she had noticed a woman, no a man, sitting about 10 metres away from the tents, but before she had time to ponder why he was sitting alone, the explosion took her off her feet.

    The force of the explosion blew out the chances of Naomi cooking the sausage, as it blew out the fire on which she was about to attempt to make something to eat upon. This was unfortunate for the likes of Serparon and Ki who had been making use of the dim glow that the fire emitted however it was perfect for Marlene, if that fire had not gone out she would have flew right through it by the force of the explosion.

    She passed centimetres over the hot logs which had been burning just a few seconds ago and crashed directly into one of the tents, hitting it with such force that it was surprising it did not tear...

    Marlene made sure to speak a few words before losing conciusnous:

    "Nice evening for fireworks..."

    She passed out...

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    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    As an average, I am more curious to see what would be your best. There are a few spelling errors that I noticed off hand and some grammar. Typing it up in word would have caught the spelling errors. I am however, not one that likes reading simply one entry and making a judgment. I guess I should have been more clear, but when I was asking for an example I wanted a whole RP, one that holds your best work. It is obvious that people have their ups and their downs. I want to see how high and low those are, as well as I want to story development, character development, descriptions, etc. All which are lacking from a single post.

    I am unable to tell if you can tell a good story from one post, create a convincing character, or go into detail about the table next to you. There is a lot that I am going to look at, much of that I will test myself as well. But I need to see more than just a post.

    Also the RP, races as I mentions. If you have some ideas please drop them down and we can stir them around in the blender to see what it is that we come up with. The weekend is coming, so hopefully I can sort things out for it soon. Though I do have the tournament that I am gearing up for as well as an episode to write. >< I'm going to busy.
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    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    Average piece of work? We're not the average club, missy. We're the Elites of RP. The best, or what have you. Just not average.

    Get a real RP link and post it here to be evaluated. =D

  27. #27
    The Old Skool Warrior TFF Royalty LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    Also the RP, races as I mentions. If you have some ideas please drop them down and we can stir them around in the blender to see what it is that we come up with.
    I suppose Humans of some sort would be a given, though I would not be opposed to something else altogether.

    Since we're discussing the inclusion of dragons, we could just as easily have draconians or some other form of reptoid. I don't think we should be too complex as far as playable races go. The simpler, the better.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  28. #28
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Shadow don't be condescending, I already told her what I needed. You were just repeating me unnecessarily. You should be nicer to the members, especially ones that are interested in joining.

    Now, to the other matter. Yes, I did sort of put in the Humans and Dragons in the mix. Humans sort of seem to be a given, we can have completely different races without any humans, of course. I am easily make up some races well enough, though some other minds working on it as well would be useful.

    But yes, they do not have to be really complex. I guess if you wanted to, you could just borrow some of the races I made for Poulus. *shrugs* There were a bunch in there. Either way, I'm still thinking up things. If you want I can lay down some races and see where we go.
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    HRH Albha TFF Royalty Aerif's Avatar
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    I see that all the members of TFF Royalty are as paetient as Andromerda! Obviously there will be ups and downs to everyone's work and I understand that you would need to see a complete RP to evaluate membership. So, I guess my RP would be:

    Or perhaps it won't come up to scratch... I had dramatically changed my writing style at the start of this RP and it has become similar to my everyday writing. There may be grammer and spelling errors however that is because I'm too lazy to use Word but I'm still young, I can change my ways!

    I hope...

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    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Are you looking for any particular type of race? I have several floating around from unwritten novels and dead RPs that I could adapt to the new RP, but I'm not sure if they'd be what you want. I just hope I can find the notes for them, anything that was on my old computer no longer exists.

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