Three Days Later
Oh, you weren't forcing me to write. Notice how I never said when I'd write my post. >_>;
But either way. I'm writing it right now anyway. Blame Warcraft. >_>;
At this rate I'll have my post done before yours, I think.
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Three Days Later
Oh, you weren't forcing me to write. Notice how I never said when I'd write my post. >_>;
But either way. I'm writing it right now anyway. Blame Warcraft. >_>;
At this rate I'll have my post done before yours, I think.
Double post for Royalty Justice!~
Anyway. I liked your post, Merlin. Although the word 'bitch' seems out of character for the doctor, but that's just me. I would have thought he'd have said 'wench' or something more traditional.
And regrettably it looks like Matsuri, Kisara and Eris will have to live to fight another day. =(
Many people lose proper grammar when they become flustered... ;) Plus, a lot of the "calm, collect" stuff is just a front.
As for my reasoning behind that direction, I figured it was the best method to avoid god-modding issues and whatnot... which is no problem if I fight him myself. Recall the early episodes of Bleach when Rukia's brother and Renjii first came down to confront Ichigo. The comparison between your characters and Doctor Silverhand when he is actually serious about fighting is much like that. Rukia's brother telefragged Ichigo in a single hit, and he couldn't even follow the attack at all. Maybe not necessarily simply power, but skill. It'd be a very unfair match to say the least.
The other problem is, since magic is so new, such grand power comes with great cost. Anyone with that much power cannot possibly control it effectively after only a few years of having it. That in itself makes him much more dangerous. Its like a child playing with fire. Losing control of his power would be something like Naruto when he gets 4 tails or the Awakened Beings from Claymore. You really don't want to be around when that happens. Actually, Eris hints at such a power when she loses control during her unconsciousness. Her power level spikes and she unleashes her full(near full? ) potential. That is what the good doctor wishes her to do... he's trying to force her to use her powers.
So yeah, if you wish to fight someone like that, I'm willing to work out the details over PM... or I'll just defeat him myself, since it ties in with the Tyrbane/Yuuna arc anyway. Hell you can work with Andro to see what he wants to do as well. I'd rather have my characters work "with" yours than against, methinks... ;) If you do choose to fight them, Tyrbane/Yuuna would most likely have to come and help. He's like a notorious monster... it takes an alliance to kill the ****er... LOL
Anyways, I'm out of town for 4 days so I'll check back then. ^_^
EDIT: If you've watched the anime Claymore, think about why they gave up making Male Claymores... it kinda ties in to his whole power-trip.
EDIT2: I edited an example...
Yeah, I think we'll work some details with PM. I kind of don't want my characters to just -leave- because a stranger tells them to. >_>;
Matsuri's the type that likes a challenge, and Kisara's pretty damn smart. Although I do like the help from Tyrbane and Akira--I mean..Yuuna. xD
Well I'll see about making a post, but since Eris not going to do anything, but maybe flee. She will not really be in the conflict. I'll come up with something for her to do. Maybe have her run back to Farore. Its funny how where ever she goes trouble follows her in a destructive nature.
And what Eris showed in her home village would be more accurate to her possible potential. Though it was interrupted by someone before it ran its full course. So it would be unclear if that is her full potential or not. Though either way she has far too much destructive power inside her for her own good at times. That sort of thing is pretty taxing on the system even in a subconscious state.
Huh? I have no idea if thats some sort of vague joke or what, but I don't get it. There's only two Akira's I am aware of... one is a male anime character from an anime of the same name, the other is a voice actor who does Gaara from Naruto, among other anime... neither one of which has anything to do with Yuuna. O.o
Eh? You forgot your own Akira reference from Lucky Star? You said Yuuna was similar to her, heh. I can't believe you forgot about your own reference. D:
I didn't forget the reference, I simply forgot her name. She isn't a character from the manga, simply a character added on for the anime. I haven't watched that show in ages. :p
Well I finally posted in the RP. I had said that I was going to make one before the year ended and then I went to work on other things and then TFF's server was down. So then I went on to work on more other things. So like week and change later I posted. It is not quiet what I had said I was going to do, but it was just an idea before. And I felt like being contrary with myself and I found what I did to be more natural to the situation through Eris' eyes. I do not believe in her mental and paranoid state she would run back to Farore just yet. She's got trust issues right now.
Well, the never-ending saga of waiting for people to post continues. I spent a lot of time debating whether I should stop waiting on Jay and just write his ass out of the scene and finally got to the point that even that wouldn't solve the underlying problem. I know Andro and I are really interested in Magically Appeared, but I don't know how anyone else stands. Half the participants never even met up with anyone and are randomly posting from places far far away, DH thinks her character has no current purpose(even though I think it does), Jay just never posts... Meh.
The cycle of TFF RPing continues.
Anyways, its not really an RP if just Andro and myself post so that leaves us with a bit of a dilemna. Should we just give up on it or what? One post a month average is kinda beating a dead horse I suppose. More people seem interested in that RPB club at the moment (especially Jay) so I don't know anymore. I personally find RPBing pointless, but thats me. RPBing is to Unreal Tournament as RPing is to Elder Scrolls(Morrowind, Oblivion, etc). RPB you have a character bio and are thrown into some random battle against people you often have no correlation to whatsoever and told to duke it out to the death in a localized, pregenerated environment. RPing, you go far beyond simply making a bio, creating an individual that interacts with a constantly-evolving environment on a global scale. Its just a shame that so many people get a brainfart after the first few posts... uguu.
I guess its up to you Andro. If you feel like continuing this, I'll bypass Jay's characters and keep going. Otherwise we need to come up with a new plan...
In my opinion, it all went downhill after Andro had Eris get captured and left my character alone. My motivation was shot since. I could have had her find Eris right away by sensing her magical energies (you'd think it'd be possible, right? Noo.. Andro said that was a no go.)
Ever since then, the RP went downhill for me. I love my characters, and I want to develop them more, but my muse is MIA and so my writing mood is blah. I could force myself, but my posts wouldn't be as good, nor as long as I'd want them to be.
...At least they'd be out there though, right? Is what you're thinking. >_>
And if you want to bypass, then go right ahead and I'll drop out of the RP. No point in having them around anyway, if they'll be like the others and just wander aimlessly.
I also remember there being talk about reviving DC with Xeim, but that's also just beating a dead horse. Not really interested in that anymore... I guess my L phase has passed.
That's why I said its up to Andro what he wants to do. There's no sense dragging this RP on for eternity at its current pace. If you are not in the mood to post right now, it would be pretty much just him and I interacting, which really is more of a collaborative story than a RP at that point. That would actually be an interesting idea, but it would have to be re-vamped on various points.
As for the other RP, it shared the same predicament as this one. It started off good and then like every other TFF RP, just mysteriously died.
I think thats why RPBs are so much more popular around TFF nowadays. You only have to write a few posts and then move on to something else. Bleh.
*Sigh* Yeah, I do like RPBs, but at the same time, I like character developments inside RPBs. Like learning a new technique on the fly, or having some sort of drama.. but wait, then it'd turn into DBZ. *cough* Though it's sad, I think you're right. RPs are losing the popularity they once had. I mean, I still love to RP, don't get me wrong. I love writing. But I can't do anything when my Muse is gone. =\
Although, I think even if I did actively post, It'd just be the three of us. ...Which isn't much better, no?
Indeed. The folks that never "joined up" was a downside, IMHO. The town was becoming a gathering point of sorts (sounds like a Stephen King reference... O.o) but some folks didn't get the memo. No sense crying over the issue though.
I'm still debating putting something up in the writing forum. I'm not even sure if people venture there though. Kinda wasteful if nobody even frequents that forum. :-0
Actually I am still fond of the "collaborative story" idea I randomly came up with. Andro and I would have to rip out all the proprietary characters, unless said creators did not mind their characters' presence up to the current time line. Might be interesting. Its not a solo story, but not a RP.
In other news, we should still do something as a club methinks. :lick: It doesn't even have to be a RP. We could have a writing seminar, perhaps, which is basically something to build skill up in writing. It would actually be good for the RP/RPBers as well. I find that there is still quite a deficit in that department.
Well you know me, I never want to see a RP die. But Merlin does make the point that only having the two of us posting is not really much of a RP. I tried to keep it going, but without others posting I can't really keep up the posting. And yeah, for some reason the main group people seemed think that they were in a dead end for some reason. I did not really see a dead end. In all honesty, I was forcing myself to write for the RP in the beginning because I was restraining myself. I thrive on planning and foreshadowing and such knowing what I want to do with a character 50 moves/posts in the future. Its why I'm so hyped up about my character in the Bleach club next door. It might not be as interesting of a story, but I just was hyped up on the character, because I was laying down so many layers of interconnected webs it was fun. It took me a while to get behind Eris because I was coming from the approach that people are bothered by my "overly planned out" RPs. And then no one actually ended up helping put it together so it was still me doing it.
Anyway, though the point of the ramble was that I was forcing myself to write. I was not behind my character, but it still turned out fine. And where my character went I actually really enjoyed. I actually love how she turned out. I had not planned on taking her down the road that she ended up. However, she was primed for it, so it was not a strange direction.
That said, I do want to keep the RP, if there are enough that want to continue it. If the RP stops I will start working on a new RP. There were something that were left around in waiting that I can pick up. I'd say that Loco would be interested, but his total absence makes it an empty bullet point right now.
On the subject of Divided Connections, its been very slow. I do have to wonder if it will continue. I'll see about posting there and see what happens. We'll see what becomes of it from there.
My muse came back so I'm working on MA right now so don't skip over me right now please, thanks. I'll be done as soon as I possibly can while still judging that war thing. >_>;
Alrihgt, that is good to hear. I figure that it is going to be another day or so before you finish up the judging from the way it sounds. But I don't think you have to worry about being skipped since no one seemed to be looking to post immediately. I would imagine that Merlin is considering it, but waiting to know if it is more than just a party of two right now. Once you post I'll have something that I can post as well I would imagine. Hopefully, we'll get that ball rolling.
I await your post... whenever that may be. :)
In other news, I can work on Tyrbane and Yuuna I suppose. I have brainstormed on about 10+ different ideas on what to do with them, so I guess I need to write one down so I can think about other things... Uguu..
EDIT: Oh and Andro... feel free to take off your rev limiter, skill cap, power limiter, writing nerf, or whatever you'd like to call it. I don't see the point in capping potential. This isn't some n00b babysitting campaign or anything. If you want to make deep plot twists in the background, go for it! You think I'm not?
It really doesn't matter what you come up with, I most likely have a contingency plan for it already, that coupled with the knowledge that I can at least partially guess what your character will do based upon how it has behaved up to this point. Its really part of creative writing anyway. You should be able to come up with new ways of doing things and not be locked into a set pattern. I'm not sure how this will look, but here's a very brief glimpse into how my brain functions on a given idea. Let's take the idea that Jay doesn't post. I could show the contingencies for the flip side but its rather lengthy and this is for brevity sake:
- Doctor Silverhand kills Falaris
- Doctor Silverhand confronts Jay's characters
- Jay's characters hurt Doctor Silverhand
- Doctor Silverhand powers up and further attacks are useless
- Doctor Silverhand retreats towards town
- Doctor Silverhand dies
- Jay's characters cannot hurt him
- Doctor Silverhand ignores their attempts and retreats towards town
- Doctor Silverhand ignores their attempts and demands a better opponent
- Doctor Silverhand strikes back, leaving the reader wondering what happened.
- Doctor Silverhand ignores Jay's characters
- Doctor Silverhand retreats towards town
- Doctor Silverhand demands a better opponent
- Doctor Silverhand attacks, leaving the reader wondering what happened.
- Falaris defeats Doctor Silverhand
- Falaris leaves for Jumin
- Falaris dies from overexertion and damage
- Tyrbane and Yuuna discover the body(s) at the hospital
- Gwinnyn discovers the body(s) at the hospital
- The townspeople discover the body(s) at the hospital
- Falaris is confronted by Gwinnyn
- Gwinnyn kills Falaris
- Gwinnyn demands that Falaris find Tyrbane
- Falaris is let go and returns to Jumin
- Falaris is confronted by Tyrbane and Yuuna
- Tyrbane and Yuuna kill Falaris
- Falaris is set free and returns to Jumin
- Falaris joins Tyrbane and Yuuna's 'party'.
- Tyrbane and Yuuna arrive
- ....
- ....
- ....
Like I said, thats pretty brief. No I'm not bragging or anything... just pointing out that it really doesn't matter what you write, I can work around it. In fact, I probably already have thought my way around it. :)
EDIT2: On a second note, if you ever wonder why I am indecisive on what I want to do... I think the above pretty much described it. I come up with too many farking ideas. {/panic}
Honestly I have an idea I want to run with, but then I thought that it was kind of too DBZ'ish and also kind of moddish, so I'm not sure if it's that good. Although it'd be good if it were made into a manga comic.
Basically what I had in mind was that Matsuri becomes angered by the intentions of Silverhand and takes off her limiter, so to speak, and uses her super speed/wind to pwn him. >_> He could use Iron Curtain but really, she'd move too fast and hit him before he even spoke the words. xD
But yeah, the whole combo'ing a body back and forth.. "teleporting"... bla bla.
Yeah, that's why I thought it was too DBZ'ish. Though I will say that Matsuri is still plenty strong when her limiter is off. XD;
I'm kind of wanting to try and use Kisara too. Haven't really used a magic user before. So I want to get used to the habit of incantations and whatnot. That, and developing her blinking magic.
(And really, it's going to take more than 1 day to finish all the judging. xD;;; I'm still doing the akira vs prophet one. it's like the best one out of them all because they both worked together.)
I could care less if its DBZish, because if you've read through all my stuff so far, you'd see that is already an element. Actually, I've used more "Claymore" elements than anything, but still. The magic users are often persecuted because of the ones who have no idea how to control their power and go nuts, blowing shit up, etc (like Eris). People like that give the rest of them a bad reputation. Also, if you hit your max, you pretty much are no longer a human... because the human body cannot withstand that kind of power forever. It would destroy you or transform you into something... not human.
It would actually be funny if you did that. Then we could do the whole Bleach/Naruto/DBZ/etc one-up routine. You power up, beat the shit outta him. Next he laughs it off, gets serious and makes your attacks pointless again. But, since his defense is vs her stuff, Kisara just waltzes up and nukes his ass with lightning... etc. Of course that's just an example, but if written well, it would be pretty cool, IMHO.
If you did that, I wouldn't mind if you killed him. Just having Matsuri power up and kill him? Not realistic. He already has a Shunpo-like ability allowing him to move extremely fast... and he's not even serious. He might suck ass at fighting, but he's trained in staying alive quite well. He's a bastard that just won't die. I mean, the guy was supposedly already killed years ago by Pilner priests... yet here he is. He won't die easily.
EDIT: That's not to say he's invincible. Technically, he's a pansy bitch-ass compared to Falaris at her best. The problem is, Falaris has no magic power at the moment since she used it all up in the mountains training with Ice Clones (one of which was destroyed by Tyrbane). He's simply taking advantage of the fact that her energy reserves is basically <1%. Of course, if there was a source of ice nearby, she could recharge faster. ^_^
Kisara could give her an ice source with her blink magic, but I don't think Kisara knows she uses Ice. And hey if you're up for the idea, that's pretty neat. Although yeah, Matsuri doing it herself isn't all that fun either. I like the approach with the one-up routine and Kisara waltzing in and finishing the job. XD
That sounds more entertaining. And if you don't mind looking over that scene to see if I written well, that'd be nice. Since, it should be written well. =P (Not that I wrote it yet, obviously. I mean when I finish writing it.)
Sounds like a plan. I still got to write up my Tyrbane and Yuuna material as well. It should be pretty interesting, since it will reveal more about what's been happening with them. ^_^
Alright. I'll go ahead and quickly finish this war thing so I can go ahead and work on my RPs. After this anime episode is over. >_>
Edit: You don't mind me taking slight control of Silverhand, do you? You know, for fluidity purposes and things like that.
Hehe ^^; Writing nerf huh? Power limiter sounds like a reasonable comparison since I don't know what a rev limiter is. Well if you want me at my fullest, then I guess I can oblige you then. Just don't come complaining to me like in Poulus then when you think I'm writing a novel rather than a RP post. I will start pulling out all of the stops and work to weave some sort of epic plot. I've already had a number of pieces in place. So I will start doing more to manipulate them.Quote:
Originally Posted by Merlin
I'll see what I can come up with while I wait to see what Shadow does. Eris ran off out of the way. So I don't know if you were planning on having one of your characters chase after me or not. I'll wait to find out if you do that. And then begin making my moves.
Jay: I pretty much already gave you permission to do so. Just don't do shit like Fehrant did in his latest RP where he wrote an entire backstory for a character that didn't even belong to him. Actually a mod should look at that.
Anywho, thats just something bugging me. I just happened to stumble across that RP and it sounded kinda interesting, until I saw the way he was writing. Plus the way he treats his members.
Andro: I could care less how much you write. The only concern I have is that everyone attempt to work as a team to make an interesting main arc for the plot. Side-arcs are open-season, but for where the main story is going, we should all be on the same page in general. That isn't to say that everything should be decided ahead of time... The point here is that if you have some "key event" that you want to take place or "key _____" you should make it known in some fashion here before doing it, that way people are aware of it.
Example: Let's say you want the characters to find out that magic is like a poison that slowly kills you. The more you use it, the faster you die. In the end, magic is nothing more than a death sentence. If you want to do that, you should point it out before its in a post, because we all have our own ideas and it could collide if we are already writing our own post.
Other than that, and of course total control over a character that isn't yours, I am not picky. If you wish to use my character(s) beyond the extent of simple guestures and basic conversations, I ask that you show it to me before posting so that I can ensure the persona is authentic. I don't have much to worry about with you guys, but I say it anyway. I give enough character detail that you should be able to easily identify the behavior patterns. If not, ask. No sense writing a bunch of one-liner convo/action posts, eh?
EDIT: A Rev Limiter limits the RPM of an engine in the last gear(typically) to prevent the vehicle from going beyond a set speed.
Yeah, hence why I asked for you to look it over. I just hope my plan turns out okay and doesn't go over the top. I just have one more match to judge on that war thing, so it's almost over so my regular RP duties shall continue soon. Just bear with me. ^^;
Aw, can't unleash the mysteries of the world suddenly upon everyone huh? :P Yeah, I know. I've been trying to get people to work as a team on the RP as much as I can. Though a push or nudge in the right direction may be required to get the ball moving if nothing else. But most of what I was going start pushing on is the side-stories and lay down threads and foundation for us to work with.
One of the front running pieces that I'm wanting to become more is the border tensions that Eris created in her village. A new war front is being drawn and that will begin to change the course of the war in the north as well as shape of the two kingdoms. Their directions and urgencies will change. I'm seeing forced conscription with a heavy focus on using magic users. Which can be turned a couple of ways. The obvious one is the abuse and treatment, but we can look into other areas as well like experiments and what not. That is just for the north side.
I want to start making more of the crusade in the south with the magic hunts and inquisition. You already had a pretty good foot hold started with some of your characters. So you no doubt have more thoughts and ideas and fun things we can do there.
Weaving it into a main story is going to be complicated, but I did setup a large world with more than one problem. Eventually, we'll find something to tie it together. We need to deal with the problems in Haven though.
There's already experiments going on. Alastora was a victim of such experiments, even if she had no real recollection of it, other than at the very end.
Jumin is in a bit of a pickle. They got one country waiting to burst through their borders and here comes Doctor Silverhand stirring the pot in the other countries. His real motive is still a mystery... one that will soon be revealed of course. xD
Yeah, I fully expect experiments. As you said one of your characters is a victim of them. I expect that experiments have been occurring since the first signs of magic appeared. I'm more saying that we can just looking into it more deeply at some point for plot points or what not. You've already opened the gate with Alastora.
Yeah, Jumin is in trouble. Though how much is Dr. Silverhand calling himself Jumin? Both kingdoms have been closely connected for a while so their accents are roughly similar. But if does speak with a distinct Jumin accent, then it would be easy to associate him with Jumin. It also depends on the eventual actions that he does end up making in Haven.
Well, I finished writing my post. I just PM'd it to Merlin so he could look it over for any mishaps on his character. I think I got him down okay. Though I'm wondering if I should add some sort of shocked reaction for Falaris on Matsuri's skills and strength. Hmm..