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Thread: TFF Royalty

  1. #331
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Everything looks good Xeim, and I don't mind that you named a city in the game. I wanted it that way, since I did not want to be left naming them all myself. Even though DC has a more focused storyline, I wanted to leave it open to everyone to play with and adapt. Since we are going to be restarting the RP, I am going to need to pull the keyword list out again and start updating it since it will be important to have with us.

    And I look forward to the rest for the internal RP.

    Uninet – Basically the Internet, but for the galaxy.
    Fantasy Hour Online – The Online Game
    Shield Bearer – Class in the game, Tank
    Heavy Sword – Class in the game, Warrior
    Apothecary – Class in the game, White Mage
    Battle Wizard – Class in the game, Black Mage
    Assassin – Class in the game, Thief
    Spiritualist – Class in the game, Summoner
    Gnurin - Legendary Apothecary, generally famous
    Belbois - Metropolis in the game world
    Ferholm - Metropolis in the game world
    Kingdom of Berihelm - kingdom in the center area of the map, Belbois is located within it
    Kingdom of Hilmill - kingdom in the east, Ferholm is located in within it
    Melifois Empire - empire to the south
    Torifin - city within the Melifois Empire bordering the Loughin Desert
    Loughin Desert - desert to the east of Torifin
    Jhurdis - region east of Hilmill
    Cry of the Fallen - Heavy Two-Handed sword technique
    Transfer - Heavy Sword unique ability, allows break to be transfer and next attack has the speed of the previously equiped weapon
    Shunpo - Speed enhancement
    Vulgar Guillotine - Attack for Katars
    Nakiakasu - average sized city
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  2. #332
    Morning Always Comes TFF Royalty Xeim's Avatar
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    Alright, yay! I'll hopefully start a post tomorrow. I have a lot of idea swimming around in my head, so it may be hard to focus it into something, but I'll manage. It's better than having no ideas at all. ^^;;

    Well, here's my profile for the internal RP. It feels weird not to have a lot of structure to it, but I didn't want to go overboard. I'm quite lucky to be able to post this tonight...had to bargain for this little amount of time on the computer.


    Earless Yvonne of Norfolk

    Norfolk is a low-lying county in the east of southern England. It was 'ruled' by Earls from 1070-1644. Agriculture thrives.

    Yvonne is a laid-back, “happy go lucky” young woman. She is often found out in the fields laughing with the servants, or playfully helping them with their duties (though she doesn't accomplish much). She is married to the current Earl of Norfolk, though it is said that she is unfaithful to him, and calls him names like “pig” behind his back.

    Her actions are frowned upon by moist of the other nobles, but there is not a person in the house who thinks ill of her (save for her husband's parents). She treats all as equals and doesn't understand the concept of “superiority.” The people of the region look up to her and her outlook on life.

    She is only 19 years old, and was married to the earl at 14. It was an arranged marriage, and Yvonne wanted no part in it. When she met the Earl for the first time (him being 24, her 14) she wasn't exactly repulsed by him, but she did not like the prospect of sharing a bed with him.


    I do hope that suffices. If there's anything you need me to add on let me know... ^^;;

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  3. #333
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I have added your profile to the list of the Royal Court. Simply put the area that the Royal Court lives in is a large grounds in some random location in Europe that does not hold too much importance. If you want an idea what it is like I would say that the grounds at Versailles in France. There is a large castle, which in the style of Versailles would look more like a large few story structure with too many rooms and halls to count. There is a central main hall where the court sits at, a little like a throne room except that the members sit either along side the leader, myself, or along the adjacent walls.

    The grounds themselves are vast with gardens, the before mentioned cemetery and courtyards for whatever purposes we deem. Think of it like a summer home, it is no one's land or territory, just a place where we are all gathered. Aside from that, just have fun with whatever you want to do. There are plenty of rooms for privacy.

    On the next topic, I've reviewed Musicmuse's RPs and I am definitely pleased by what I have seen. I focused less on the Final Fantasy RP and more on the other two. I can definitely see a difference in the way things are handled between the two other RPs. The first you were alone working with your own NPC, so you had longer posts and often a little more developed at times. The third RP you were interacting with people and left unable to completely expand out your posts. I am pleased to see that even in the face of interacting with people that you did not cut things down to a couple couple paragraphs. Though I feel that once and a while you should have been able to expand further developing something of your own. But that is a minor point.

    I am more than pleased with what you presented and I do not see a need to put you through a recruitment thread. So I welcome you to the club Musicmuse. You are free to post here as a member now. When you have time you can select a Royal title which is listed at the first post. You are open to join either of the two RPs. Both are at points that you may easily step into without worry of being lost. As spoken of recently there is also the internal RP that I am holding as a secondary club activity. You may join that as well, it is simply a light RP for fun. It can be used as a device to be your post when you have nothing to say, but need to post to show activity and presence.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  4. #334
    Thank you for the welcome, and I definately look forward to getting involved in the club's RP's. I'll develop a profile tomorrow and jump right in... I'm extremely excited to get aquainted with all of you and really get some great RP'ing experience with this group of writers



    Name: Niah Prentiss
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Cormenyr
    Magic Element (If applicable): Physical Mimicry -- Niah is able to change her physical appearance in terms of hair and eye color, skin tone, and alter her proportions slightly to appear either heavier or slimmer than she actually is. Although she is technically capable of completely mimicing any human, her powers are nowhere near that honed. She is currently unable to alter her voice, so impersonation remains difficult, if not impossible. For the time being, Niah finds her power mainly aids her in her profession to ensure a satisfied customer.
    Occupation: Adult Entertainer
    Social Status: Lower Class
    Weapons (If applicable): N/A
    Appearance: Niah's true appearance is a tall, slim woman with wavy dark brunette hair and deep emerald eyes. She wears a billowing scarlet robe with a thick black leather belt and simple sandals.

    Name: Kyra Prentiss
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Cormenyr
    Magic Element (If applicable): None
    Occupation: N/A
    Social Status: Lower Class
    Weapons (If applicable): N/A
    Appearance: Kyra is a petite girl with steely blue eyes and straight brunette hair. She wears a tattered white sundress and leather slip-on shoes.

    Name: Hacmed Prentiss
    Age: 12
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Cormenyr
    Magic Element (If applicable): Weight Manipulation -- Hacmed is able to fluxuate his weight in any part of his body to either make it heavier or lighter to any extent. His abilities let him also imbue other objects with weight gain or loss, but he currently doesn't even know this is within his capability.
    Occupation: N/A
    Social Status: Lower Class
    Weapons (If applicable): N/A
    Appearance: Hacmed has scragly dark brown hair and a generally dirty face. His blue eyes peek out from under his wild bangs, and he is dressed in a simple white tunic with a rope as a belt and leather sandals.

    The Prentiss siblings lost their oldest brother, Orion, to a pillaging mob of religious fanatics from Pilner who ravaged Cormenyr a few yearss ago. Orion was able to duplicate himself for short periods of time, and was put on trial as a Nature Heretic. He was incinerated after refusing to convert, and out of fear for their remaining children, the Prentiss' parents sent Niah, Kyra, and Hacmed away to protect them. Niah has been providing for her younger siblings by taking on a job as an "adult entertainer", and they have all managed to remain hidden away from the hate-mongering hands of the Pilner religious leaders.

    The siblings all have similar powers that seem to deal with physical manipulation, but so far Kyra has not manifested any powers of her own. She is frustrated by this, but her older sister Niah assures her that she is actually the lucky one. Whether or not Kyra will ever develop any magical powers remains to be seen, but for now the Prentiss siblings remain in hiding for fear of being detected and suffering the same fate as Orion.

    >>> <<<

    If my profile needs any editing, just let me know In the meantime, I'll work on a post and also my club profile for the inner RP.
    Last edited by Musicmuse; 09-04-2007 at 01:01 PM. Reason: Added profile for "Magically Appeared"

  5. #335
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    I've been out with a virus since Sunday, which is going around down here. Its got all the symptoms of strep, but as you probably know, there is no drugs for viruses... so yeah, it sucks.

    Anywho, I'm going to try writing tomorrow. I won't promise anything because I don't even know if I'll be able to make it to class.. O.o

    For those of you heading to Haven, I'll PM you something to keep in mind if you post before I have a chance to...

  6. #336
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Everything looks good Musicmuse, I'm a little surprised that the background information is so condensed, but it works since they are all related. I look forward to seeing you in the RP whenever you can post. You will definitely have enough to work on your own until someone ends up strolling past you. And depending on where you are hiding in the world, Wihnem may end up in your neck of the woods. Though he is going to be doing a lot of wandering so who knows.

    That aside I don't know when you will be posting Merling, but what you PM'd me will only affect me if Dragonheart posts before you do. Seeing as that I already posted I will not be able to make use of your information. But if you do the worst case scenario that would be very interesting, given what it would mean. Not to mention really create some issues for us to deal with. I don't know Dragonheart would feel about that happening, but flexibility. I would find it very interesting, and I would imagine that you would too as well, Merlin. I don't know if you will do that, but if you did there should be plenty of fun posts afterwards.

    If Dragonheart posts before you do and I have the time toi post I will definitely at least make some use of your PM, even if it is just a small thing. Otherwise, I guess it may be Dragonheart or Shadow that can. But it is not necessary needed that we do, though something the scale probably will be noticed even if it is just a cloud of smoke. Anyway, I look forward to what happens as it could mean some very interesting things in sort for us.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  7. #337
    I've made my debut in Magically Appeared!!

    I have a question for Andro. Did you have a certain storyline in mind for Filt Hol Grimthor? If so, I'll ammend what I have in mind. If not, I'd like to utilize him.

    Spoiler is in case you'd like to read my post first... not that it makes that much of a difference.

    I said that Luna was sending Niah and her siblings to Lothua to meet Artifus, and I'd like for Artifus to be Filt. Artifus would be Filt's codename since he's in hiding -- like as in how an artifice is a clever trick or false behavior.

    It was an idea I had for a different RP, but it died so I'd like to implement it here if possible. They can either know or not know that Artifus is Filt.

    ... just let me know either way and I can work with whatever.

  8. #338
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yes, Filt Hol Grimthor is a special NPC, one that I do not really want to bring into the RP until I think it is time. While he does not have a specific impact on the plot of the RP currently, he is holder of a wealth of knowledge that would make alter a number of perceptions that characters have that would not like to shake currently. He is intended to be a mysterious unknown person right now. So its enough to say that he is not someone that can be used currently. When I feel the time is right I will bring him in myself. He is definitely an intentional thread I have hanging, but its not his time yet.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  9. #339
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    It was an interesting intro post. The only thing that threw me off was that you opened with her hair "growing", which makes it complicated to read, since the reader does not know that she can change her appearance. The reader ends up pausing, because it sounded like you meant that her hair "extended" down that far and changed color further down, not that it was physically growing. Once you explained her power it made sense. Just something to think about for future reference.

  10. #340
    Andro - Not a problem. That's specifically why I wanted to ask. I figured if he were important enough to be listed in the info thread than he was most likely off-limits

    Merlin - I can definately see your point. I think it could have been handled much better through a more appropriate description. I think had I simply said her hair "morphed" into a longer style or something along those lines that my point would have been much clearer and effective than describing it as "growing". Thanks for the pointer!

  11. #341
    HRH Albha TFF Royalty Aerif's Avatar
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    Gah! I'm such a hypocrite, I stated that I wouldn't be joining M.A. but now my decision seems to be void. However, the busyness that controls life still hasn't dissapeared, so I've decided to allow my character to have his own wee seperate story for now, in otherwords he probably won't be joining up with any other RPed characters. This is so I don't have to keep to deadlines for now.

    Anyways, without furthur ado:

    Name: Hayate Igentile
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Kithurian / Jumarian
    Magic Element (If applicable): To be revealed (which means I haven't decided yet...)
    Occupation: Proffesional Psychic / Con Artist
    Social Status: Bottom tier of Upper Class
    Weapons (If applicable): N/A
    Appearance: A tall man without any distinguishing features aside from a perfect smile that seems unrivalled. Hayate is of average height and build, and has grown his brown hair down to the level of his chin, he has no facial hair which distinguises him from other members of his town. He wears a mauve waistcoat and long black trousers that cover his hiking boots.
    Background: Born and bred in a large village located high within the Kithurian/Jumarian mountains, Hayate was raised in a wealthy enviroment in a traditional Minka. As a child his father attempted to teach him various martial arts, however Hayate took no intrest in these lessons and instead learned about psychic techniques from his mother. His childhood was happy and he met a beautiful woman named Natsume whom he married at 19. The two remain living toghether in the mountain village

    Banners and Stuff:

    ˙uɐɔ I ʍouʞ I <- uɐɔ I ssǝnƃ I¿sıɥʇ op I uɐƆ

    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  12. #342
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm glad to see you posting Aerif. And Merlin did the same thing posted independently for a while as well. So you don't have to worry too much about it. When you are ready to join the rest of us let us know. There is one thing that I need to bring up though, I will have to ask you to remove the Japanese honorifics from the post. Japanese is not a language or culture that exists in the world. If you want to do similar honorifics you can, but come up with new honorifics that are not Japanese.

    I don't mind having names or backgrounds from cultures, but one has to remember that this is a fantasy world where the Earth cultures and ideas do not exist. I don't mind Japanese sounding names. But the specific customs are not something that would be in the world. You can make a dialect up for the mountain region that you are in that structures similarly to Japanese or some other culture. Just inserting Japanese words in would not exist in the world.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  13. #343
    HRH Albha TFF Royalty Aerif's Avatar
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    I was beginning to realise that the Japanese Titles really didn't make any sense at about 2am local time... I'm going to have too change them and come up with something else, yet the problem is I've never been good at making up titles . Though regardless I'll probably have a change up in time for... er... I'll have a change up...
    Last edited by Aerif; 09-07-2007 at 12:17 AM. Reason: Change the !; to a ;!, :p

    Banners and Stuff:

    ˙uɐɔ I ʍouʞ I <- uɐɔ I ssǝnƃ I¿sıɥʇ op I uɐƆ

    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  14. #344
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    I always suck at coming up with names. I can write all the character information, story background, whatever you want... but a name? Nope. I usually have a slew of "unnamed characters" running through my head and I know every nuance about them. Of course, that's how I am in real life. I can't remember people's names, but I can tell you every detail about the first time we met, what your favorite food is, how you think, etc. Its annoying...

  15. #345
    Morning Always Comes TFF Royalty Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, my post for DC is now in the editing stage. xD I'll be posting it up tomorrow at latest. I'm sorry it took me so long, but I really wanted to try develop the basics of my characters as much as I could in one post without going insane. ^^;;

    I was going to take a crack at the internal RP, but my browser glitched on me. I had the whole thing written up and was about to copy it into a word document to look for spelling errors, and it glitched. >_> So, I'll re-write it for my next post. I'm too mad right now. ^^;; Totally my own fault for not being careful, but it's still annyoing. xD
    Last edited by Xeim; 09-08-2007 at 03:58 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  16. #346
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, that happened to me often back when I was on 56k. So I just decided never to write a RP post in a browser again. So I write everything in Word first and just copy it over. It is safer and you can save frequently. But I look forward to your post for the internal RP. It will be nice to have it moving along again for people to use.

    I'm getting closer to finishing my episode that I am writing and once that is completed I am going to be writing up my Wihnem post that I have been delaying. So when that happens Magically Appeared will have another post of activity. I am hoping that I can get pretty close tonight and be able to write the Wihnem post tomorrow. Either way, we'll see what becomes of that.

    And I notice Solomon in your banner, was he inspiration for your character's name in the DC RP? I read it over and it is nice to have the RP back in action. I will have to work on familiarizing myself with Sarah once more and work out a post for it. Since I had started out on working the plot into the post I am going to continue pushing it a little further. But do bare in mind that it is flexible to change, so if you want to do something with it is open. Don't feel that I am the only one that is allowed to do something to it.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  17. #347
    Morning Always Comes TFF Royalty Xeim's Avatar
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    >_> I hate re-writing things. They never seem to come out as good as the original. Unless of course, you're re-writing as a revision. But anywho...


    When Yvonne was young, night seemed to be a wonderful thing. She could stand outside and stare at the stars for hours, just because she was so captivated by their beauty. But as she grew older, night took on a different meaning to her. It meant that she would have to lie in bed with her husband- a prospect she was none to happy about. And so, her peaceful nights of stargazing came to an end.

    Tonight, Yvonne lay in bed uncomfortably. She wanted to be anywhere but here. Next to her, her husband lay quietly on the bed- fast asleep. Yvonne took the opportunity to leave. On nights like these, she could make a return to the nights of her childhood. Well, nearly.

    She slowly and carefully slid out from under the sheets and rummaged around for her discarded nightgown. It was extremely dark in the room. So dark in fact, that Yvonne could barely make out the shapes of the various pieces of furniture that made it up. From the light leaking through the tightly closed curtains however, she could barely make out a row of chairs across from the bed. Upon one lay her nightgown.

    Quietly, Yvonne pulled it on, and left the room.

    “Alright,” she whispered with a heavy accent. “now to get outside.”


    I know nothing much happens, but I didn't want to make it too long tonight. ^^;;

    And yeah, you're definately right about using a word processing program from the beginning. xD I thought that since this post wasn't massive I'd just copy it in there, but meh. We all have to learn from our mistakes though, so now I know never to write something like that in a quick reply box again. xD

    And yes, Solomon from Blood+ was the inspiration for the name. I just totally fell in love with it (the name) and stuck it into my profile just for fun. Pretty much so I had something to work with. I planned on changing it before I submitted it, but, like Merline, I'm absolutely horrid with coming up with names, and didn't want to pull my hair out changing it. ^^;;Any intentional similarites end with the name however.

    Alright, well, I don't know if I want to jump into the anomalies too quickly. It may be fun to have one of his murders disrupted by Fantasy Hour Online though.

    Hmmm...I have a question. Did you plan on having FHO affected by the real world? Or just having the real world affected by FHO?
    Last edited by Xeim; 09-10-2007 at 07:24 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  18. #348
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well the original intention is that creatures that are familiar to those that play the game appear in the real world through whatever strange means. The reasons are a mystery and are the reasons to why it is happening. The game was meant primarily to be used as a communication device between everyone since they are all on different planets experiencing similar problems on their worlds. Fantasy Hour Online ends up being a target as an scapegoat as no one knows why or who is really causing the problems. And with the summit being placed in jeopardy by the increasing tension, it is just easy to place blame and make the public feel safe. That was the intentional outline that I had described, though I gave it a little more details.

    Though all that just simply outlines the direction that I am taking the RP. The reasons and causes remain undecided for us to sort out. And the full extent of what happens is up to us to decide as we go along. I can see both affecting each other, but in different manners. People believe that it is the game causing the problems in the real world. So they try to retaliate against the game world by whatever means, data manipulations, corrupted data, public protests in game, whatever we come up with. The ways that each can be affected will be different and not caused by the same source, or maybe it is. Who knows what it really is in the end, that is what the journey for us to decide.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  19. #349

    Did I scare any of you? Yes? No?

    Hey-ey everybody. I decided I would post here first and see what's new and such. It's been ages it seems. Anyways, I'm at school now with that nice workload that follows and without a computer but hey, I think once I get my own I'll start rping again. If I'm still welcome may I come back?

  20. #350
    Lady Succubus TFF Royalty Victoria's Avatar
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    We weren't aware you had been kicked out. o_O;
    Oh wait, you haven't.

    You don't need to ask to come back, just.. come back. XD

  21. #351
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yes, all members of the club are allowed to come back whenever they want. It is best when you stay and are active, but I do not kick someone out for having a life off the internet. If you were not a member anymore you'd know. Heck, if ID ever returned he'd be allowed to post.

    Anyway, hopefully you will be able to return to active duty in the club. You are still on the member list as well.

    On the other subject, it is funny how the only RPs I have to write for are the three Royalty ones. So yeah, I am going to be trying to get them done this weekend. I am going to be doing the recruitment one first because its a little more pressing. And then the DC since Wihnem is a minor character currently that is not dependent on someone. He is just there to give me something to do and keep things alive in the RP.
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  22. #352
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    Hopefully tonight I can post. I've been swamped with HW lately. That and studying foreign languages absorb all your free time.

    In other news, Aerif, you might want to list what all those titles mean... because trying to figure out to whom you are refering to becomes quite troublesome. Also, keep in mind that while cultures such as Japanese use last names for most situations unless the individuals are extremely close, in writing its prefered to stick to either last names or first to make it clear to whom you are refering. Either that or make it clear through the actions of the individual to whom he or she is speaking.

    Lets use my character for example: His name is Tyrbane Silverhand. Lets say that someone of rank is speaking to him.

    The officer looked at Tyrbane and said, "Mr. Silverhand, it is an honor to meet you.

    The reader knows the character by his first name, since I consistently refer to him with that name. Although the speaker does not use his first name, I specify it in his action, so there is no confusion whom he is talking to. Even if you don't know Tyrbane's last name, you still know the speaker is talking to Tyrbane.

    Speaking of which, don't use colors as an excuse to forget actions, even if they are minor, like he said, she said, we said, Tyrbane said, etc. It is not required on every single quotation, such as two people consistently talking to each other, but you still should throw them in every other quote so people know who is speaking.

    I'm not nagging, its just little things that make the difference between a reader stumbling through a paragraph randomly guessing and a reader clearly understanding what you mean. Just look out for it in the future. ^_^

  23. #353
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I finally posted in Divided Connections. It took me a while to get back into the character since I had been out of touch with her for a while. But I have her figured out once again, so I was able to get something written. Sorry about the delay on that. Now that I'm back into the right frame of mind for the character I'll be able to respond much more quickly. There is still Shadow that remains unposted in the RP now, but he is working on things in order. So at some point he will be doing a post.

    Anyone know of the absence of Dragonheart from the club and RP? I know that she has been around the forums. I don't know if it is that she thinks I have not posted or forgot or that life just caught up to her. Until she posts I cannot continue with Eris that much. There is also Merlin, but I'm not sure if you are waiting for someone else to do something or too busy to post. I know you have things planned out for where we are headed if I am not mistaken.
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  24. #354
    The Old Skool Warrior TFF Royalty LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Andromeda, I received your PM regarding signatures... and sent you one back saying I'd fix it. Surprise surprise, I cannot. The latest update to vBulletin removed my ability to remove signatures for specific forums. You'll notice the return of the old "no signatures" rule, but I'd like you to read through the announcement before you start handing out warnings.

    As for the Royalty... I want to do some writing. The PS3 has a character limit for text boxes, so anything I do will have to be done whenever I have PC access until my new laptop batteries get here. I don't want to play a major role in anything, as my appearances will be staggered, much like they are in real life.

    Andro, can we work up some sort of recurring character that would actually fit in with Divided Connections, or would it be too much of a hassle to do so? I'll let you decide, and if you want the participation, we can figure something out that will let me pop in and interact with a random character every once in a while.

    Until I have the TIME to write regularly, I don't want to get in-depth with anything.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  25. #355
    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    I should have bothered Fuzz for it when I was talking to him yesterday. Oh well, I guess I'll have crack down on it until we get them turned off. It is why I still turn off my signature even disable if the thread is moved out of the forum the signatures would still show up.

    As for a reoccurring character I think I know of one that you could do. Since information dealing is going to be necessary from time to time. You could be an information broker in the game, a hacker or something that my character knows. Then I can go to you every so often. It would give you a minor role, but not one that is always needed. Sort of like Helba if you want a comparison.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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  26. #356
    The Old Skool Warrior TFF Royalty LocoColt04's Avatar
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    A hacker, eh? I like the sound of that. I never play the role of a seedy player... somehow I'm always locked in the "good guy" role. Of course, not all hacking is negative, but I think I'll want to play this as a middle-of-the-line kind of thing. Information to the highest bidder, etcetera etcetera.

    As for the signature thing... yeah. Just back to enforcing the old rule, that's all.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  27. #357
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    This won't solve ones already posted, but it will block future ones. Just do it to each template and voila! Find in your respective postbit template:

    [PHP]<if condition="$post['signature']">[/PHP]

    Replace with:

    [PHP]<if condition="$post['signature'] AND $GLOBALS[forumid] != X">[/PHP]

    Replace X with the Forum ID of the Forum you don't want Signatures displayed in.

    As for other matters, I am swamped. 5 Classes is a pain. More on that subject later... as it is time for class.

  28. #358
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Apologies, I guess I missed your post Andro. Buried under Merlin's novella, as it were. Speaking of, I've been working on the first draft of a novel, so I haven't been as active here. It's rather difficult juggling two stories at once - I keep trying to meld the two together, especially later at night when I start getting tired. =X Nothing like waking up in the morning to find Farore trying to sneak off with Alexander for the third time...

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  29. #359
    Magically Delicous TFF Royalty Merlin's Avatar
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    I'm stuck debating amongst myself(s) (lol) on two different story arches. They are both rather interesting but for totally different reasons. Oh well, one or the other will appear sometime soon unless something quite drastic puts a stop-gap on my writing.

    I still can't decide if I want to kill Alastora... I've grown fond of her after using the name in FFXI again... XD
    Last edited by Merlin; 09-27-2007 at 09:25 AM.

  30. #360
    Just wanted to check in. Nothing particularly noteworthy to say, but I didn't want anyone to think I had disappeared. I've just been following along quietly and working on my next post.

    I may decide to join DC soon, but with my busy work schedule I would prefer to make sure I can actually follow the story and contribute effectively before I commit. Also, I just realized that I have yet to post my inner-club RP profile, so I'll get on that as well.

    That's it from my end

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