Look at the above. It's true, this is Draken Benvolaid's club now.
Follow his rules guys...
Look at the above. It's true, this is Draken Benvolaid's club now.
Follow his rules guys...
Last edited by Furore; 10-24-2007 at 04:44 AM.
victoria aut mors
I don't particularly want to join, but I do have two very true, very happened-to-me, stories I would like to share.
I was jumped in the bathroom of a recreational skating establishment. This occurred a good 5-6 years ago, when I was about 11. No known reason and nothing was stolen from my person, it was apparently just an overly aggressive individual. Getting assaulted on skates isn't fun, considering the other guy had shoes on. Skates make it quite difficult to stand back up. Never saw that guy again.
And I have my father to thank for this one. (May he rest in peace)
I was about 12, I guess, and I somehow got roped into one of those stupid little scuffles almost-teenage boys have. I lost...horribly--- at least I didn't start the confrontation; I would never have regained face.
Anyways, my father convinced me to copy, word-for-word, the entire dictionary because I didn't know enough words to talk my way out of a fight. Years later, I look back and appreciate this fair and clever punishment. Because now I'm all smart and wordy. Huzzah.
Last edited by Rasler; 03-23-2007 at 07:57 PM.
3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
Lurking member of the Old School Cult of Kefka
Daa-hammm, over here in Australia we have all kinds of people who'll stop people from hammering other people at public places. Like for example the Fourth Rike. Those guys rule..
That said, they can go a little overboard at times....
As for pre teen scuffles, they might happen a lot, but at least most of 'em pre teens can't do that much damage to each other. That punishment being a good thing later was a great twist too.
Thanks for your stories, Wyatt!
Last edited by Furore; 04-13-2007 at 08:48 PM.
victoria aut mors
Sure I'll Join, cuz I get assulted on almost once or twice a month.
Here's one from my high school:
I was sitting in the cafateria, at a table with some friends, when I got wacked in the back of the head with a full water bottle. I turned around and one of my friends at my table shoutted something I don't remember, and I yelled, "knock it off," pretty threateningly.
I turned back around to my friends, and I get hit again with a heavy English book. They weigh around 4 or 5 lbs (7-8 Kg). I turned back around and yelled even louder, "What the Hell!? Knock it the **** off, NOW," and turned back around to my friends. I was pretty pissed off at the time.
They chucked a third thing at me, this time it was an exacto knife, one of the razer knives used for cutting shapes and things, extremely sharp. It stuck in my left arm. I was so pissed, I picked the whole table I was sitting at, food and all, and slammed it on top of them.
In the end I got suspended, but I think it was worth it.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
SWEET, interest, well it looks like the club is now active, so now I'll have a members list to be updated whenever. Titles are cool, so I think i'll add those![]()
Feel free to join, everyone.
And Draken Benvolaid, tell me if you want a different title![]()
Last edited by Furore; 04-13-2007 at 08:37 PM.
victoria aut mors
Uh...How about Lieutenant instead?
Never was a second seed to someone before.
In high school I was the first one that always stepped in to stop a fight, but I always end up getting pulled in to the fight itself.
...Oh yea, PM me about some of the details then.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
The details are above and you are now Lieutenant Draken Benvolaid. This is for anything fighting related except where it says otherwise in the first post. Basically no bragging about beating up on kids or anything like that, unless it was a fairish fight for good cause.
Like last night, I snotted some ice dealers near the local lake. Note that they were at a disadvantage as they were stringy geeks used to having drug addicts fight for them. And yes, both of them and their 'protectors' are probably crying somewhere. <boo hoo>. And if I see them so much as try dealing to the littlies, it's over the bridge and into the stinking water.
As for a description, I was fairly drunk at the time, but I remember headbutting one of the guys, IG taking another and then advancing on the dealers, weedy ones at that...
No real damage as this was a 'first offence', but they will suffer from what my little mate knows as a 'sore tummy' for a while.
victoria aut mors
I got a good one:
A few months ago I was coming home from campus when I got a flat. So I stopped my car on the side of the road to fix it. I got the tire off, new one on, and was beginining to bolt it back on, when someone hits me in the back of the head with crow bar or something like that, knocking me out.
I was out for a few seconds, and when I awoke the guy was just leaving with my car. The problem was the wheel wasn't bolted to the frame, so after about a few feet the wheel fell off and the car skidded to a halt... all over the road.
Feeling pretty pissed, I got up, ran to my car, and, in a Grand Theift Auto style, jacked him out of my car. I smashed his head into the stearing wheel and yanked him out of my car. I put a few well placed kicks into his back and a fist in his face.
He tried to fight back using his metal pole, the one he knocked me out with, except this time, I was ready for him.
He came in high with an over-head swing, probably thinking he was going to get an easy kill... I caught it in mid-air, threw his weapon out to the side, and grabbed him in the neck. I then threw him on to the trunk of my car, and he slid over to the other side and fell on his back and continued to tumble down the hill.
I walked over to see if he was still alive or not, and he was. He then got up in a hurry and ran for his life. I went back to my car, fixed the wheel, and left.
The whole experience left me with a sort of warm feeling inside, although my car was a little damaged.
Last edited by Draken Benvolaid; 04-15-2007 at 04:07 PM.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Har har. That's a good one.
Some people are so stupid, nice of you to put Mr.Thief in his place. Grand theft auto style brings some interesting images to mind....
As for me, no fights today, but I do find it very interesting that where a mate lives it can be 'scary' to just post a letter or walk out the front at night. I might have to look into that.
I think vigilantism has been cheapened recently however, as I've noticed some who do it now as they see it as 'fashionable' or some crap. And I've been in a little strife about being a bad example despite how I recommend the kiddies 'sleep' at night time.![]()
victoria aut mors
This is an original one!!!
Well, since i have gotten in some fights in my life & i will get into others in the near future...can i join?
Anyways, this is one of my fav fights all the way.
It was 3 years ago, in our first year at highschool. There was this classmate of mine Chris ( i had beaten him in the past too). He's a pain in the neck & always bugged the whole class, including me... One day, he was teasing another half-crazy guy like himself. He started throwing things at him, for fun, like pencils & books. He came near my desk & grabbed a book out of my hands & threw it at him, tearing some pages this way. I started to get pissed of & the thing got worse when he threw my sack in the corner- way too dusty for a class corner.
So, i got pissed of, jumped on him & grabbed him by the neck, forcing him to fall on the wall, hurting the back of his head. He tried to fight back, but since i'm much stronger than him, especially when i'm angry, i didn't even feel his punch & started punching him as well- in the face & in the stomach. It wasn't over yet; i threw him on some desks, making a real ruckus on the whole floor. In the end, while he was trying to put himself together, i grabbed his arm behind his back with my first hand & with the other one i punched him & gripped his neck.
Dimitris- Chris: 1-0
We spent the rest of the day with him calling me names, while i was smiling like an idiot...he couldn't do shit to hurt me, so...
EDIT: I'm sort of "planning" to get into a fight in 2-3 weeks- that will be fun!!! I'll post it then
Last edited by CLOUD; 04-16-2007 at 07:13 AM.
You're in. As one of the first few members, is there a certain title you wish for? I'll post question marks for now.
victoria aut mors
Originally Posted by celtic_silver
Title? Doesn't really matter... (anything would be good).
Lieutenant, Major, Colonel & stuff? I prefer the Colonel title, but do as you wish..![]()
It's done. BTW I forgot to mention, love the story. Hopefully many more to come. Looking forward to a few more weeks time....![]()
victoria aut mors
Yo. Ranks of Commanding Officers for an Army are:
General of the Army
Lieutenant General
Major General
Brigadier General
Lieutenant Colonel
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
We use them in my Clan and most others use them for rank as well.
I don't want to sound like an ass, but it may be easier to use this list for ranking the Fighters Club.
And I posted somethin on the Tavern as well.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Sounds good to me. Leader dude, seemed kind of lame, but I lacked the imagination.
This way, while it does sound a little militaristic, it is certainly organised....
It goes ahead.
victoria aut mors
Indeed, it's good. It reminds me of the FMA anime, one of my favs, so..
Good thinking on the ranks & about it sounding militaristic, don't worry about it. It's a Fighter's Guild anyway.
Way to go dudes.
Like I said, my clan uses that type of ranking as a "who is better then the rest" sort of thing, as well as the leaders of squads. It's useful in tight situations, such as ambushes, assults, and aviational flight patterns.
We use it especially during local tournaments, although we go with lower rankings during such things. Like squad leaders, are refered to as the Captain, and so on and so forth.
Interesting note for you, Cloudy, my First Lieutenant's name is RS_Hawkeye. Yep, Lt. Hawkeye's our best Halo 2 Player, close, short, and mid range. I have him beat in Long range though. I need to rag on him later.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I guess we could incorporate video game violence into our club as well. It is fighting of a sort.......
Not true fighting, but it'll give us something else to yap about. What do you guys think?
victoria aut mors
Well how about specific kinds, like unusual Halo Deaths, or Virtual Fighter 5 kills?
Anyway, I got a good one.
I was walking through an alleyway to my car down a city street, when I see an older asian guy getting the shit beat out of him by some teens, 18 or 19 at least. I think they were robbing him, cuz a large box of cigerette cartons, was under one guy's arm. In the US, it was probably worth about $2000-3000.
They keep wailing on him with bats and hunks of wood. He was full of splinters, and bleeding on the ground.
There were some broken warehouse pallets next to me, probably where the thugs got their weapons. I yanked one off, a 1-by-2, and crep up behind one of the thugs, tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around, I hit him hard in the stomic, long ways with the board. He fell over gasping for air.
The other two then turned their attention to me. One of them came at me with a diagonal cross chop; I side stepped it and hit him in the head with the flat side of my board, breaking it. He fell over dazed.
The third one had a bat, most likely more skilled than the others, but still not a match for me. He swung the bat down vertically, but stopped as soon as I side stepped his attack. Bringing the weapon in a now high, left to right, horizontal maner, he attemped knock me in the chest. I leaned back, just missing the bat, and grabbed it with my left arm, then grabbed him with my other hand. I hoisted him up and threw him into a pile of trash cans 10 feet away.
Seeing that the others got back up, dropping the box of cigerettes, grabbed their friend, now covered in trash, and ran down the alleyway.
I helped the store clerk up and into his store. I handed him some paper towels to try to wipe the blood off his face, and asked if I should call the police. He said, "No it wasn't necessary. they probably wont be back again."
He gave me a carton of cigerettes for the box, even though I told him I didn't need a reward. Unwillingly, I accepted it, although I don't even smoke, so I gave them to my brother-in-law.
A common crime, turned out for the better.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Man,this is better thing than ambushing the thugs or getting the fight without their knowing. You're cool.Originally Posted by Draken Benvolaid
About the hiking poles; yes, i have to admit that they're practical. Personally, i think that iron bat or some long & heavy wooden club are the best. *bang* and the brains are flowing down the driveway.
As for the quote of the day: "Being prepared is just another way of staying happy. XD" Right on!!!
And if you wanna incorporate video game violence, even if it's sorta vague, i'm in.
I knew you were a gangbreaker, Draken Benvolaid.
When I get that feeling, I'm usually right. While not that good a story, I've found that those fold up hiking poles can make a great weapon, easily hideable. Ya gotta get a strong one though or they break on you way too easily. If I'm expecting trouble for whatever reason, I make sure to stick one up the sleeve of my jacket. Being prepared is just another way of staying happy. XD
victoria aut mors
Although with the videogame violence, I think we should limit to funny stories or great achievements only. Otherwise it might choke the club up.
Actually, I left at around 6pm yesterday. My time. Why? Some guys from the next suburb over decided they'd cause a little trouble. You know breaking street signs, grafittiing and all that crap. Geeze that crap's pointless. It just pisses people off. Anyway, when I saw a street sign taken out, some of my mates looking a little battered and some property damage, I though to myself, screw it, it might be wrong, but these dickheads are gonna pay. (I have a short fuse at times, most often when things I care about are messed with). What did I do? I picked up the street sign, rammed it into the jaw of the nearest guy, concrete side first, then when I saw two more coming, I rotated the pole, whilst ducking, effectively tripping both of them and injuring their ankles. The last guy? Well I decided as he was the last one still standing, I didn't need the street sign anymore so I chucked it at him and down he went. Good Times.....
Trouble was I got a bit of a gash when rotating the street sign, the bit with the street name got me, and I had to be patched up, so I couldn't come back on 'til today. As for it being after the middle of the afternoon, well I was busy with some other stuff this morning.![]()
victoria aut mors
I don't know Australian law, but over here in the States, that'd be the crime of assault and battery. Vigilantism doesn't have strong support over here. "Let the police handle it," is what us Americans tend to think.
And since I see this club becoming more general and unrestricting the creative control of my posts, I might withdraw my decision to not join this club.
I've shared all the real-life fights I've been part of in my previous post. I do however, have some awesome videogame fighting.
I guarantee these videos to be at least the most awesome things you will watch all day.
(Click Watch This Movie, then I suggest you go to scene selection and start at scene 2, Street Fight.)
We must be especially careful not to make this thread more violence oriented than fighting oriented. Careful wording might be needed.
Last edited by Rasler; 04-20-2007 at 11:39 PM.
3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
Lurking member of the Old School Cult of Kefka
Originally Posted by Rasler
That's true. Here in Greece it's the same. But with our police....forget it. Those people are just useless. They're so bored that they won't even bother.
It might not be the best solution to go over there & start beating the crap out of them, but whenever someone's acting like that, the least you can do is tell them "WTF are you doing there you scum?!?!?" I have noticed that many people may wanna seem tough & stuff, but when things get messy,they'll just chicken & flee.
I was in the subway, on the electric stairs. There, if you don't wanna walk, you're obliged to stay on the right side. Once, there was this dude who was standing to the left side & i was behind them. Many people do that & i don't normally speak if they're elderly & stuff, but the guy wasn't more than 25.
So i say to him :"So? What's it gonna be? Are we going to be standing here for long, we'll grow roots. Move to the right side. Now."
And he's all: What do you want now mate? If i punch you in the face, i'll see if you continue talking..."
But when i tell him to get over with it outside {come on, NOW!!!} he started the common stuff like : "NO, i don't have time to deal with you, i have better things to do."
What i have understood is that they're all talk. When a good brawl is ahead, the'll flee like wet cats.
About the videos, they're awesome. I wanted Ryu to kill Scorpion, but it works for me.
Same situation. Illegal and all, if the cops catch you you're in for it, but they couldn't give a damn about vandalism and stuff they don't see. Which is an awful lot.
As for the whole assault thing, if I see something as justifiable, I'll do it. The jails here have both TVs and computers, with decent food and a good amount of space compared to what I'm used to.
I'm okay with my actions, unless I start something. I see that as 'not okay'. Rasler the videos were cool, but I'm a little unclear as to whether you actually want to join or not. You're welcome here if you want to be.![]()
victoria aut mors
Just call me Drake for short.
I'm in the US too, and it varies from state to state, and cop to cop. If you have witnesses and a buyable story, they'll let you go after a day or so if not sooner.
RS_Hawkeye was telling me about this one guy in his collage class last Friday.
After work the guy, I don't know his name, was walking to his car, and saw two thugs holding a teenage girl up by her neck on the hood of his car. So he walks over to his trunk and pulls out a tire iron. Like me, he snuck up next to one of them and hits them on the back of the head, and then immediately hits the other in the forehead, giving them concussions.
The police came and he was arrested, but the girl that the thugs were strangling, vouched for him saying that they were trying to rape her. He only got one night in jail and is getting out today, I think. The thugs on the other hand, are hospitalized for head injuries.
It seems that were not alone in the world.
Last edited by Draken Benvolaid; 04-21-2007 at 04:41 PM.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Certainly not.
I know many from all kinds of places. And they all have their own reasons, some good others bad. I try to be as neutral as possible, but some things such as my mates and property getting damaged really piss me off. I go straight from my usually over happy self to a right angry bugger. Sad thing is, I tend to get injured more in that state as I'm not thinking clearly.....
Hope the guy gets off, it was for a good cause.
Love the banner cloudy....
And FF themed too. Good Job.
victoria aut mors
I feel the same way. But you can't always be neutral, especially if you know that your actions can make a difference.Originally Posted by celtic_silver
You know, i also get more injured when i'm angry, but that state of body & mind are amazing...When i get pissed, which i tend to avoid when i'm with friends & girls, & i lose control, man, the outcome is awesome. It's like i'm blinded & i start hitting without watching- like some beast in hyper mode. Afterwards, when i cool down, my arms & legs hurt & sometimes bleed, the punch-receiver is in some corner crying...At least, when i'm angry i don't feel the pain. It happens later on, which is good i guess..more or less.
Anyways, about the banner, i found this part of the pic in a manga & it took me hours to figure out what to write in it. The size wasn't the best & i had to try it out many times.
Thanks mate!!![]()
I know what you mean. It's probably what gives the term 'blinded by anger' it's meaning. I used to be like that, and then one day I realised I could control myself to an extent. I could guide my actions towards someone in particular, do things I wouldn't have thought of before or even stop myself if I had to, though that still can take some effort. I don't know what brought it about, maybe a med of some kind, or maybe the amount of fights I got into. It seemed to come with age, but I doubt that's the reason.
Anyone observed any good fights lately? That is this club's other purpose.
I haven't seen anything special as of late......
victoria aut mors
I got a good gaming one.
I was playing Ace Combat Zero: The Belkin War, on 2 player with my friend a few months ago. We were playing a little follow the leader with missiles and I decided to see if he could follow me through the city skyline. So I went down and started to weave in and out of buildings at Mach 1, but he wouldn't follow. He tried to fire some off while in power dives, but they wouldn't connect.
After the 5th or 6th attempt, I started to taunt him, and he eventually came down. I was still on the defensive and just about lost it, when I came up with an idea to try a smokescreen with miss fired missiles. We came around one bend and spiralled up one skyscraper. I then went inverted, went down, and came back up launching two missiles into a close alleyway area, it had just enough space to fly sideways through it. The fireball from the missiles, covered the area. I slipped through, but my friend didn't. He smashed right into the building, covering it in flames.
He keep yelling, "what the Hell was that?" and I told him it was just a bad pilot. lol
The funny thing is, It worked twice in a row. Might have worked again if I wasn't out of ammo.
"What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."
"You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."
<a href="">
<img src="" border=0></a>
"Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
grant to you what is truly wanted by
your heart and make it attainable,
where as the infinite will not."
"The world owes you nothing,
not even an explanation."
PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
RANK: Deuce of Pwns
<a href="¤t=67x6cs0.gif" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>