Originally Posted by
Let me think....
That post of yours starting with: 'Flame away.'
For starters that can somewhat be seen as flame baiting in a very non-transparent form. And that whole grammar war thing when you yourself have made countless errors. I can almost respect your desire for truth, but when you posted that very long post about grammar war, people not having common sense and all that other crap that is hardly a non aggressive way to ask for proof. Hell you could have PMed Drake instead.
This is quite hypocritical of you. You called my response to Cloud’s correction an act of aggression yet you just did the same thing when you corrected my spelling mistake. You responded to my “aggression” with “aggression”(see further down in the post). I said “flame away” in an attempt to show that I have little care for anyone flames me. It wasn’t an attempt at making people angry.
Also these so called acts of aggression come after I question Draken, so how is this relevant? Me and Cloud’s argument really are pretty irrelevant to how I questioned Draken’s credibility in that first post.
As for my rules:
So yeah, this club is about fighting in it's recreational forms. And I don't want anyone attacking another person as the last bit of that quote said. Attacking a person's reputation or claims is a form of attacking another person last time I checked.
I know for a fact that questioning is not a synonym of attacking. I am pretty sure we don’t have to pull out a thesaurus to check it. Your warping what I said to make it go against these rules in your first post. You can say I attacked him and Bill Clinton, the former president of the United States, can say oral sex is not sex, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. Do you see the similarity?
And I agree with Cloud. He was bloody right to argue with you. As for bolding the 'I', I was emphasising that I made this club, it was made to my ideals. Cloud has every right to pull rank here. He does his best to be constructive and also to keep the ideals of this club true.
“He does his best to be constructive and also to keep the ideals of this club true.” You say that I was aggressive in correcting his grammar, yet it was a response to him trying to make me look silly by correcting my grammar. That contradicts your statement of him keeping the ideals of this club true.
What's more of a joke is the hypocracy shown through your actions. The whole grammar war rebuttal when yours is far from perfect yourself. And that shit about no aggressiveness. I'm no ****ing saint myself, but saying shit like:
“For example someone who is a loser in real life could go on a forum and say he sleeps with 3 hot chicks every night and it will make him feel better, this happens ALL THE TIME. You don’t know Draken, so how do you know he is not one of these people?”
is quite clearly aggressive. Your example there is clearly used to employ negative connotations towards your suspicions about Drake. And that's all they were, suspicions.
I’ll address that statement about me being a hypocrite below. I honestly I never dreamed that this would be considered an aggressive statement. Let me explain: I understand that you haven’t met me in person, so you don’t know what I look like, how old I am, what my personality is like. For all you know, I could be a fat, 11 year old, Asian kid. When I say that am I being aggressive to myself if I am indeed not a fat, 11 year old Asian kid? Obviously it was an example statement meant to make a point, it was that simple and not difficult to comprehend.
Yeah it is redundant. But then it's redundant so I can try to drill my message through. And it seems you've spelt nonsense in a rather nonsensical fashion yourself. See my message stays the same. Yours seems to change a little every time.
Redundancy is making a point over and over again, in the process wasting space. I think the word that you are looking for is pointless. It may have been pointless, but I just wanted to point it out.
My posts change? You went from saying that I can’t question credibility at all to saying that it was the way I questioned his credibility that was wrong.
Time for me to repeat a point that I have made before because you seem to be unable to comprehend it. I can correct the hundreds of grammar errors you have made and you can do the same to me, therefore it is pointless to do so. This isn’t an intellectual forum so we are allowed to use colloquial language, right?
And yes, I CAN see the hypocracy behind this aggressive post on my half, BUT I'm just trying to get my club back on track. I really couldn't care anymore if you have a problem with it. This is my club. You have a problem, just stop posting or make your own club dedicated solely to arguments or whatever you want. Why not a debating club or something, you seem very good at it.
This post shows that you are a mature person, and I respect that, but at the same time you fail to realize that you were wrong in criticizing me and warning me.
Admitting that you are being aggressive toward me makes me wonder why you are arguing with me...
About the comment on debate, when I feel something is wrong I am not going to be silent and let people just walk all over me. I just don’t let it happen.
I'll close by saying I'd prefer you to remain here especially if you wish to say something about your fights, experiences or just something constructive but otherwise, please leave. This club is for physical fights and NOT for debates.
I’ll close with an apology if you felt offended by what I have said. What is written here is what I feel as “right” and I will defend that with my words because words are the only thing available to me on the internet.