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Thread: The Sky Pirates: Remixed

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  1. #1
    The Sky Pirates: Remixed Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Where the polar bears play at night and where the beavers are furry...

    The Sky Pirates: Remixed

    Arr mateys, this be your co-captain Patches Totz and welcome thee to thah club of me Sky Pirrates. Me band will traverse thah grand sea of air claiming all trreasures and loot from scum. Here lies where thah rrequest for admittance in thah band upon which thee shall prresent yourself to thah rrest of thy mateys. All thee need is a persona, some valueble present to offer our ship and of course, some skill for thee ship.

    But mateys, ter be in there be three requirements. Thah be that you show excellent post counts of 150+, thah you not spam in our band and thah you be productive.

    Given the huge death of the past Sky Pirates, Celtic and I have decided to revive it under clean and consistent management. Hence this club is under respectful co-management of Co-captain Rummy Silver and myself, Patches Totz. Under this management i guarantee the progression in small but hopeful quantities given that members stay loyal and compassionate. Of course, co-captain Rummy and i will make sure everything runs smoothly and controllable.

    The main purpose of this club will be Role Play. Where members will be required to actively participate at a minimum of once every 2 weeks, or have a reason not to. Or be faced with possible counsul ruled demotion given the circumstances of that member's importance/position in order to keep the club running. Hence, a democracy will be incorporate within the Sky Pirates.

    The Role Play will only begin when a respectable amount of members have joined, where people can actively post during that inaugurational week and of course, when the ship name has been decided.

    This master thread will serve as a democratic chamber. Members and guests can post at will given they respect spamming rules and post with purpose. Personas must be however, dropped off with the pirate application requests for guests. Discussion will be held here within the members for any purposes, and the rankings will be updates any time possible.

    Needless to say, all forum rules apply within this club. So join thah pirates mateys, steal or be stolen from!

    So without further adew, i present to you,



    Co-Captain: Rummy Silver (Celtic_Silver)
    Co-Captain: Patches Totz (Dragoon_Nick)
    Elite Swordsman: Mr. Prince (CLOUDY)
    Dead-Eye Gunman: Fishie (Fishie)
    Cannon Demolition Cutey: Tina (Ekimeinna)
    Emma's Bodyguard: Victoria Nova (Toph Bei Fong)
    Supreme Strategist: Emma (Xeim)
    Aerial Specialist: Razgriz (Evangel)
    Lookout Specialist: "Mad-Eye" Keehaul (FF_FrEaK)
    Combat Medic: Unknown (Holy Priest)

    Pending Members:

    Last edited by Dragoon_Nick; 12-04-2007 at 08:58 PM.

    My Awesome TFF Family

    My awesome Obsessive Half-Breed Half Sister: Vampiric Delirium, My Yaoi-Loving Compassionate Daughter: Xeim, My Forever Intoxicated Vigilante Brother: Celtic_Silver, My Sister From Another Mister: OceanEyes28, My Awesome Cali Brother: Fishie, My adorable little pet bunny: Tiger Lily, My FF worthy awesome Homie, ManicDepression, My Cloud-loving Spartan Fenririan Brother: Cloud, My UFC Champion athlete fighter: BenRampage, My godsmack addict, Manchester United Fan Rival in Trivia Brother: Omega Weapon, My Trivial Addict Cousin: Phantom, My Uber bot slicer son: Zero, My Really Awesome Rival in Trivia Brother: Squall333, My Silly Dragoonic Sister: Kaos Dragon, My Drunken Step-Father Who Smokes Every 5 Seconds: SasuXNaru, My "Unknowingly Being in His Family" Brother: Rasler, My Bahamut-Loving Stalker Sister:Bahamut1990, My Insane Overlord Grandfather: Itachi Uchiha

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