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  1. #1
    Amor fati. Sasquatch: Great in a bikini? &lt;3 Tiger Lily's Avatar
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    Sasquatch: Great in a bikini? <3

    I guess I got your attention if you're reading this.

    So, recently on the news there were reports of these two "Bigfoot hunters" having found a sasquatch and putting its body in a freezer. It's 2.3 meters tall, covered in reddish fur, has blackish-grey eyes and weighs upwards of 230kg.

    They say they'll present DNA evidence at a press release, but there's still quiiite a bit of skepticism over it.

    Question: Is it actually the real thing, or just an overgrown monkey?

    What about the Loch Ness monster, the Yeti, and other legendary giant monsters?

    What are the chances of them actually existing? Do you believe they do?

    Personally, I think that it's possible that they COULD exist, I just don't think they do. You'd think someone would have solid evidence by now if they did. And as for the sasquatch... I'll be waiting for this DNA evidence. I really have my doubts.

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  2. #2
    I do what you can't. Sasquatch: Great in a bikini? &lt;3 Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Wait, what's going on? I'm still here.

    While I think that some of these "mythical" creatures COULD exist -- Nessie, for example -- there are chances to each one. And the chances for Sasquatch to be real are slim.

    As far as this newest "discovery" goes ... It's not a bad idea. Cook up a decent-looking hoax, make millions selling the story, and you're forgotten when it's proven to be a hoax. Why would we believe that prettymuch every animal that's lived in the past few thousand years has been killed and/or captured, studied, documented, etc., except this one, that has never been seen? It's not a case of it being a special breed or type of something we already know about, it's something completely different, and if it's capable of staying hidden since the invention of cameras, it's smarter than humans.

    I'd be extremely surprised if this turned out to be anywhere near credible. There's always the possibility, of course, but it's just too slim for me to buy into.

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  3. #3
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Wait, what's going on? I'm still here.

    While I think that some of these "mythical" creatures COULD exist -- Nessie, for example -- there are chances to each one. And the chances for Sasquatch to be real are slim.

    As far as this newest "discovery" goes ... It's not a bad idea. Cook up a decent-looking hoax, make millions selling the story, and you're forgotten when it's proven to be a hoax. Why would we believe that prettymuch every animal that's lived in the past few thousand years has been killed and/or captured, studied, documented, etc., except this one, that has never been seen? It's not a case of it being a special breed or type of something we already know about, it's something completely different, and if it's capable of staying hidden since the invention of cameras, it's smarter than humans.

    I'd be extremely surprised if this turned out to be anywhere near credible. There's always the possibility, of course, but it's just too slim for me to buy into.

    "and if it's capable of staying hidden since the invention of cameras, it's smarter than humans."

    Exactly what I throught. If Bigfoot does exist (which I have a few doubts) then its probarly smarter then humans. Especially if its been in hiding all these years avoiding thrill seekers looking to make a quick $$$ with they cameras in toe. Hiding or maybe very elusive. I hope their theory isn't based on those Beef Jerky commercials I keep seeing on t.v. Then again whose to say that it doesn't exist? This world holds many mysterious wonders that humans may not even know about yet. Makes ya think doesn't it? If that were the case then hell unicorns could exist for all we all...rofl. Then again I could be wrong haha
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  4. #4
    Bananarama Sasquatch: Great in a bikini? &lt;3 Pete's Avatar
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    Well, in a somewhat related note, there have been a ton of new species of fish and other underwater creatures being discovered off the coasts of Japan, India and the Philippines, and essentially anything in the area of the 2004 tsunami. The general idea is that stuff that was at one point too far underwater for humans to find, was shot up towards higher ocean elevation, where it could be found.

    Granted, Bigfoot isn't a fish laying under the radar. That being said, Bigfoot is an inherently American phenomenon, much like the Chupacabra is Spanish. While I won't go so far to say that they are completely fictional, it's pretty unlikely that we'll be seeing them anytime soon.

    As for the hunters, if they really wanted to be reputable, they would take photos at the very least. I mean, I'm sure I could produce a Bigfoot DNA sample too, once I mix a little bit of my blood in a vial with a little bit of monkey blood that my veterinarian friend could hook me up with.

    Also, just think about it, if Bigfoot is really about 500lbs (if my quick math is right) and about 7-8 feet tall, what the hell kind of freezer are you going to need? It'll have to be much more of a meat locker like you find in restaurants than your typical household freezer. On that same note, if you're a hunter, like a real hunter, then that carcass is your trophy. You wouldn't hide that thing or throw it straight in the freezer. You'd have gutted it and had the body hanging upside down outdoors to drain. And if you were really so concerned with finding it, you'd have alerted the news and the gov't immediately, not thrown it in the freezer and given it a few days.

    But yeah, I'm thinking this is a hoax. Or just some rednecks got lost in the woods after drinkin a little too much moonshine and shot the first fat guy they saw walking through the woods.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  5. #5

    A. Bigfoot is real. I saw him in the woods when I was fifteen.
    B. The pictures of this Bigfoot do not match what I saw.

    I am of the belief that you cannot catch a Bigfoot unless it wants to be caught. And they don't, at least not at the moment. We wouldn't be able to understand the Bigfoot at the moment, and may not ever.

  6. #6
    Sasquatch: Great in a bikini? &lt;3 Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    In my opinion they do exist.

    Is it actually the real thing, or just an overgrown monkey?
    If you think about it, the scientists says that the human is overgrown monkeys

    So yea, I believe in that crap , it makes life fun to live =D

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