Mood: Okayish.
Music: Green Finch and Linnet Bird - Sweeney Todd OST
Talking to: Froggie, Nathan, Fishie, Ann, Bean, Sinny
Quote of the Day: "WHY NECRO!?!?" - Bean
Before I launch into last night's hilarity, I'll tell you this: I failed Math. Yes I did. I got the worst mark possible: An E. I thought I might have scraped a pass on that test, actually. I thought I'd done okay considering my lack of effort previously. But I guess not. I suppose I'll count that as my penance for being so horrid. I hope other people did better than I did.
Anyway, last night I hopped on MSN and a chat window with Bec came up. I don't remember what she said, something about me not responding to something she'd said before when I was at Merry's.
So about five minutes later, she hadn't replied to me saying that I must have missed what she said and a chat window with another girl called Morgan Tiddy came up.
She said something to the effect of "What have you got to say NOW?" I said "Nothing".
(7:34 PM) Bec: she was talking to u
(7:34 PM) Lily: She's blocked, I don't know what she's saying.
(7:34 PM) Bec: y
(7:34 PM) Lily: I don't plan on unblocking her either.
(7:34 PM) Bec: y
(7:35 PM) Lily: Because I have nothing to say to her. We're not friends, I don't know her.
(7:35 PM) Lily: Why would I bother?
(7:35 PM) Bec: cant take someone thats got better word than youll ever have
(7:35 PM) Bec: were not friends so y do u talk to me
(7:35 PM) Bec: yeah bitch what ya got
I said that when I'm bored I talk to people on my list - true. Also the fact that Liss had tried to get us to talk to Bec civilly was a factor. After arguing with Liss last night (Basically she was judging me and telling me that she knew me when I was a better person and now I am going to hell was the gist of it... Hrn.) I talked to Bec, sort of with the need to defy sort of thing. And of course it didn't change a thing. Anyway, back the our three-way chat.
I should probably have left the conversation there, but it got funnier:
(7:37 PM) Bec: so y do u talk to me
(7:37 PM) Bec: i have never liked u so y start now
(7:37 PM) Bec: Morgan says: so why did you go to church n then quit?
(7:38 PM) Lily: Because I totally want your friendship, Bec. I've never liked you either. Why? Because I talk to most people on my list when I'm bored. Regardless of whether I like them or not.
And I'm sorry if I don't want to discuss my private life with you. It's personal.
(7:39 PM) Bec: you gave up church becasue you turned bi and emo
(7:39 PM) Bec: Morgan says: so maybe she went for a guy cause she though he was hot n then she didnt like him n left
(7:39 PM) Lily: Oh, dear goodness. I'm not that shallow.
(7:40 PM) Lily: And I am not bisexual or emo. Just to clear that up.
(7:41 PM) Bec: as if your not emo
(7:41 PM) Lily: How do I identify with that subculture?
(7:41 PM) Bec: you cuts u wear bandanas up your arms to hide them
(7:42 PM) Lily: Um, I don't have cuts, dear.
(7:42 PM) Lily: And I haven't worn a bandana in who knows how long.
(7:42 PM) Bec: serouiusly you think your the absoulute bes ttalking to me well tell u now your not
(7:43 PM) Bec: becasue u never go to church
(7:43 PM) Lily: Think I'm the best? No, sadly, my ego isn't that big.
(7:43 PM) Lily: And what has that to do with the price of fish?
The nicest and most morally centered girl I know has never set foot within a church.
(7:44 PM) Bec: what are u talking about emo
(7:45 PM) Lily: Oh, emo, a cutting word. I've been more hurt by the word elevator.
What does not going to church have to do with anything emo-related or otherwise, other than my faith and my personal life, neither of which are your concern?
(7:46 PM) Bec: and merry calls herself a christain
(7:46 PM) Lily: Actually, she doesn't.
Why are we bringing her into this?
(7:46 PM) Bec: becasue pretty much the opnly other time i saw u was at church
(7:46 PM) Bec: becasue shes a whore as much as u are
(7:46 PM) Lily: A whore? Oh, lovely. How am I a whore?
(7:47 PM) Bec: how are u not
(7:47 PM) Lily: How am I? I don't dress like provocatively or like a slut, I don't sleep around, I am nothing like a whore.
(7:48 PM) Bec: giving u a warning if morgan sees you she will kick the emoness out of your and u will need your little girlfriend merry to buy u plastic surgury
(7:48 PM) Bec: and it wont be her alone
(7:48 PM) Lily: Alright, love. I'm not emo or bisexual and Merry is not my girlfriend.
(7:49 PM) Bec: she doesn't like bitches who fight over msn and are to chicken to talk to the other face to face
After the 'emo whore' thing, I was just sitting there pissing myself laughing. After the 'beat the emoness out of you' I was incapable of anything except a silent laughing fit. Again, probably should have left. Instead, I mentioned it in passing to Craven.
7:42 PM) Lily: Laugh my effing ass off.
They think I'm into self harm.
(7:42 PM) Craven: INVITE THEM!
(7:42 PM) Craven: DO IT
(7:42 PM) Craven: or invite me
This went on for a while longer.
(7:44 PM) Craven: PLEASE!
(7:44 PM) Craven: NO
(7:44 PM) Lily: Later!
(7:44 PM) Craven: LILY!
(7:44 PM) Craven: please?
(7:44 PM) Craven: please.
(7:44 PM) Craven: lily.
(7:45 PM) Craven: lily
(7:56 PM) Craven: please add me
(7:56 PM) Craven: just do it
(7:56 PM) Craven: please.
(7:56 PM) Craven: do it.
(7:57 PM) Lily: Fine.
So I did.
Then after I'd added him...
(7:58 PM) Craven: I may have lied
(7:58 PM) Craven: ...jsut a little bit
(7:58 PM) Craven: >.>
... Ugh.
Back to Bec and Morgan...
(7:50 PM) Bec: have u ever seen a bricjk wall
(7:50 PM) Bec: i couldn't care if i get suspended
(7:51 PM) Bec: u woint have teeth
(7:51 PM) Lily: I have indeed seen a brick wall.
(7:51 PM) Lily: And better now than when I get braces.
(7:51 PM) Lily: If I'm going to be toothless I may as well do it before I'll get my lips shredded.
(7:52 PM) Bec: u will have brick wall lines through your face aswell
(7:52 PM) Bec: so u want me to bash u
(7:52 PM) Lily: Not particularly.
(7:53 PM) Bec: y not
(7:53 PM) Lily: Because I'd like to have a face come the end of Tuesday.
(7:53 PM) Lily: But whatever.
(7:53 PM) Bec: well not joking i couldn't care if i get suspended i would rather see u get whtas coming
(7:54 PM) Lily: Whatever.
Don't let them know they're getting to you, eh. So I called their bluff and it was pretty funny. Imagine asking if I wanted to be bashed. Hah!
This is after I added Craven in.
(8:01 PM) Craven: i only ask stupid questions to stupid people
(8:02 PM) Bec: dude your just adding to how hard i'm gonna indent a brick wall to your face
(8:02 PM) Lily: Whatever.
(8:03 PM) Craven: that butch ey?
(8:03 PM) Lily: Seemingly.
(8:03 PM) Bec: you wont be watching youll be unconciuos
(8:05 PM) Lily: And I have a name.
(8:05 PM) Craven: don't call lily a bitch
(8:06 PM) Craven: i speak only the truth
(8:06 PM) Bec: u have a man name
A man name? Ohh, burn.
Then Ben signed in and Craven added him. Not the best tactical move, but undoubtedly the best thing Craven did for the conversation.
(8:10 PM) Lily: At the moment, I'm not much of a Christian at all.
(8:10 PM) Lily: I'll admit it.
(8:10 PM) Bec: well until u start talking to me i'm a much nicer person but your stuck up person you are
(8:10 PM) Ben has been added to the conversation.
(8:10 PM) Bec: at the moment you never where
(8:10 PM) Bec: her boyfriend
(8:11 PM) Ben: wait what?
(8:17 PM) Bec: lily cant stick up so she gets her two lovers involved
(8:17 PM) Ben: Ok, well you are aware i am no longer dating Lily?
I can only assume that Morgan asked who Ben was. I still had her on block at that point.
She was damn well aware. I know that for a fact because in an earlier conversation I made a point of using past tense when she made a previous jibe at my sexual preference.
Lily: And I'm pretty sure I had a boyfriend.
I didn't even think for a moment that she seriously thought we were still dating; I made it clear to her and fifty bucks Elissa did too. I mean, she said that Merry was my girlfriend and Craven was my lover. WTF. Reeks of... Bec.
So sorry if you thought I was giving her the wrong impression. I just knew that she was stirring more trouble.
(8:28 PM) Bec: she started it
(8:28 PM) Bec: and hasnt left me alone
(8:28 PM) Lily: I was quite civil until you started being condescending, thank you.
(8:30 PM) Morgan: ya gurlfrind is online
(8:30 PM) Bec: and let me guess merry is gnna get added
(8:31 PM) Lily: She's not my girlfriend and I will not add her.
(8:31 PM) Lily: How many times.
(8:33 PM) Morgan: n u tihnk ur making wat eva the helll it is loook gud?
(8:33 PM) Morgan: i heard her name was george/lily but idn
(8:33 PM) Lily: Lovely. You don't know my name and you're going to beat me senseless?
(8:38 PM) Ben: so, why exactly is she getting knocked senseless?
(8:38 PM) Morgan: for a start she called me a aboriginal whore
(8:39 PM) Lily: That is a blatant lie.
(8:39 PM) Morgan: one thats racist n no one calls me anything like that
(8:39 PM) Morgan: ur a frigging lie
(8:39 PM) Lily: I would never call anyone anything like that.
(8:39 PM) Morgan: u reckn
(8:39 PM) Lily: Actually, I do.
(8:40 PM) Morgan: i cant believe that
After that I was shaking and hyperventilating. I've never been that angry in my life. I was just sitting there breathing raggedly through my mouth, shaking as I did so. The nerve! Anyone who knows me knows that I would NEVER. Never!
(8:40 PM) Craven: you can't bash her on tuesday, haven't you got a doll payment to collect?
(8:40 PM) Morgan: hehe no
(8:40 PM) Morgan: that comes on friday n i aint on no ****ing doll you stupid dumb ****
(8:41 PM) Morgan: i go to skewl, live at home n have a job
(8:41 PM) Morgan: u stupid ****
(8:41 PM) Craven: professional slut isn't a job
(8:41 PM) Craven: you want to resort to payouts, i can too
(8:41 PM) Morgan: oh so now i am a aboriginal whore & slut
(8:41 PM) Craven: um...didn't I just say taht?
(8:42 PM) Morgan: man u aint gonna b fukin livin soon c***
(8:42 PM) Craven: ooo i'm scared
(8:42 PM) Morgan: i havent called her a slut or anythign liekt hat i called her a bitch
(8:42 PM) Craven: you threatened to bash her
(8:42 PM) Lily: One of the two of you called me a whore.
(8:42 PM) Craven: and you just threatened to kill me
(8:42 PM) Lily: I forget which one of you.
(8:42 PM) Craven: I can report that to the police if I felt like
Oh, auto-censoring. It think it just does the f-word (I'd put it in.. But it'd censor me. xD), so I did the c-word myself. I HATE that word. I hate it, I hate it. I never have and never will use it.
8:50 PM) Craven: wait, this is how this started?
(8:50 PM) Morgan: n private life
(8:50 PM) Bec: yes eaxactly
(8:51 PM) Bec: lily wont get over herself
(8:51 PM) Craven: Different people have different lives.
(8:51 PM) Lily: That's pretty subjective, Bec...
And here is Ben's input that eventually got them to shut up and forget about knocking out my teeth.
(8:14 PM) Ben: ...Cant this be sorted out in a more civil manor?
(8:15 PM) Ben: and how did this start in the first place?
(8:16 PM) Ben: 'whos ya mum' ... while i have no reason to hate either of you ... atm ... i thought those kind of lame attempts at a come back died in year 8
(8:18 PM) Ben: ... and the come backs get worse. How old is Morgan?
(8:18 PM) Ben: Bec's been nice to me, she was my math buddy, so I dont really have a reason to hate anyone here.
(8:19 PM) Ben: Yet, why this childish flinging of insults and stupid come backs started in the first place still eludes me
(8:22 PM) Ben: so basically, there has been a clashing of different personalities and life styles, which has escalated into this.
(8:27 PM) Ben: So, what brought about you guys talking in the first place?
(8:30 PM) Ben: Morgan, no offense, but your not very good support for Bec. Your just belittling her and dragging her down to your level with your childish taunts seeminly coming from a 6 year old.
(8:32 PM) Ben: repeating what she says, and then adding blah blah, is the type of come back when i look after my friends 6 year old. But your here supporting Bec, so really, by doing that, your also making Bec look bad.
(8:38 PM) Ben: so, why exactly is she getting knocked senseless?
(8:34 PM) Ben: Morgan, do you go to a private school?
(8:34 PM) Ben: no, its just private schools are more sheltered.
(8:44 PM) Ben: I cant believe how far this has escalated from a conversation
(8:53 PM) Ben: Religion is religion, the world will never full agree with it with all the cultures, sub-cultures and what not, but getting into religion does start long and never ending debates from my experience
(8:54 PM) Ben: I say you agree to disagree and leave it in the past
(8:56 PM) Ben: I'm fine with that, the whole debate has been kinda fruitless. Debates based on religion will not end, and noone will ever be able to fully prove their point, thats why alot of it is based on faith and belief, but the again, who is to say what you can and cant believe
If you look at the timestamps I've taken these from throughout the whole conversation. I'd put them in their respective places... But the responses to them are just too pathetic to even post here. The whole conversation was longer and ruder and even more pointless, so I've cropped it down to the funniest and worst parts. Otherwise this post would be very boring.
So in the end, we agreed never to talk again, pretty much. Which means that I now have no one to pick on when I'm bored. But life goes on. And I find it very interesting that she never agreed not to smash my face in. I half hope she does so she gets expelled. xD
Though that would mean dentures as opposed to braces, which would suck.
Oh. And the 'butch' references are from the fact that she is quite 'big' as well as muscled from BXM biking.
It was sort of funny because I think Craven expected to mediate it by yelling at them or something, but all he did was add fuel to the fire. It was quite amusing though. I didn't put in some of what he said because I'd need to quote beforehand to explain why he said it. Though adding Ben in was undoubtedly beneficial. I mean, they stopped calling me an emo whore at least. Though that was the funniest part of the conversation... ><
Except for Morgan's spelling! I actually had to read it aloud to understand what she was saying. Absolutely hilarious. Froggie's worst nightmare.
Anyway, I hope that amused you. I expect that Froggie'll tell you if I get my face smashed. Take care, all.
Much love,