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Thread: Religions - Your Opinion

  1. #1

    Religions - Your Opinion

    I'd kinda like to know what people think of some religions, or even if they want to, say something about theirs. Recently I've come across one that suits me in many ways and I feel its not a useless exercise to tell people that I follow the teachings, and I wanted to know what everyone else thought.

    Personally, I am a form of Pagan, mainly following in the rites of Wicca. I find it to be wholefully practical and it feels like i can make aa difference with it. Opinions?

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    strudel? :|
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    strudel ^^
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    whats that haha
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    like apple pie but pastry instead of....pie stuff

  2. #2
    Religions - Your Opinion Jin's Avatar
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    Which religions do you want our opinions about? Religion in general? The topic is a bit ambiguous.

    Regarding religion in general, I used to take a firm stance against it, thinking that it corrupted humans, but anyone who actually believes that doesn't have their head on straight. Anyone who thinks that humans need outside influences to corrupt themselves are shooting for the moon. Moving on. I find religions fascinating to be honest, particularily Eastern Religions. Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism all interest me, but Buddhism and Taoism are the ones I find the most enthralling.

    I consider myself a Taoist, in that I believe there is an unexplainable, unamable force that has created the universe. Not so much a God, but something beyond even the imagination of humanity. I believe that to be happy, one has to live in accordance with the Tao, but not in the traditional sense. The ancient Taoists believed, or at least wrote, that to live in harmony with the Tao, one must reconnect with humanity's roots as part of nature. Living a simple life of peace and tranquility. This is an admirable way to live, I agree, but I don't believe it is the only way in which to live according to the Tao. Nature is not peaceful. As I said before, to assume humans are naturally good is to ask for destruction. I believe that society is as natural as seclusion.

    I believe everyone knows what they need to do to live in accordance with the Tao, they just aren't aware of their knowledge. What's that quote by Shakespeare? All the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players? I think that's what it ammounts to. Everyone has their part to play and to discover and embrace your part is the only true happiness, no matter what the part is. How do you know when you find your part? To paraphrase Lao Tzu, you must look inside yourself and see. No, it isn't logical, but religion isn't about being logical and neither is life for that matter.

    I'm sure Sinister can add more on this, although I imagine he is a more traditional form of Taoist. But he may surprise us. =P

    Regarding the Western Religions, I believe they are an important part of Western culture and society and are in their own rights interesting. Catholicism is pretty interesting I find, as is Judaism, especially the Kabalah (Evangelion anyone?). Do we have any Zoroastrians here?

    That was the topic of this thread, right?

    Until now!

  3. #3
    Arachnie Suicide Religions - Your Opinion ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Personally I think the world would be better without religion. I mean.. When you think about how many wars and deaths are caused because of it.. It's not worth it.

    However, it exists [Unfortunately].

    I don't belong to a particular named 'religion', but I do have a set of beliefs. Admittedly I did think they were odd and that I was the only person that believed them, but after a while I've found a few others that believe the same thing, which is.. Interesting. I've even found one or two around TFF ^^. Some people have described me as 'spiritualist' but I guess I don't really see myself that way at all. I do actually follow parts and believe in parts of other religions, though. I wouldn't consider myself Buddhist or Wiccan, but I do abide by certain parts of those religions.

    I've actually tried to fit into specific religions.. I was brought up Catholic and put simply, it didn't agree with me. I didn't enjoy the religion and I strongly disaggreed with areas of it.

    I practiced Wicca for a couple of years.. And again, found that I could not 'perfectly' abide by all the rules and laws of it. So.. There went that.

    I guess I've just picked up on bits and pieces of each religion along the way and formed my own. Which is fine with me.
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  4. #4
    Religions - Your Opinion Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Oh god, not another one of these... I can see this going on for too long before people begin bashing other's beliefs and certain people enforcing their beliefs onto others.

    Anyway, since it's still open I guess I'll give my opinion. I think religion was created with nothing but good intentions... but as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Essentially, every religion have some negative aspect about something, which causes non-followers to be upset. Some religions are dangerous and horrible while others are peaceful and positive. I for one do not have a set religion and I'm fine to live that way. I know I'm not going to hell or anything of the sort, so I have nothing to fear... oh, and almost all religions are based upon fear. You fear Hell so you act good, you fear God so you act good, you fear karmatic events so you act good, etc...

    I'm not saying religion is bad, I'm just saying it's definately not what it's suppose to be.
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  5. #5
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Religions - Your Opinion Joe's Avatar
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    Personally, although religions have the best of intentions, don't typically conform with any of them, since I intensely dislike the ideas of predestination. I also would prefer to live a good life, and be as good a person as I can be, because I Want to, not because I'm feared into it by a deity, or fear of hell. And I'm content with living life as I want to live it. It just seems to make more sense that way.
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  6. #6
    People are getting dramatic already.

    I am a hard atheist, which means I do not believe in any gods or deities controlling me or the workings of the universe. Religion was created by the ruling class in order to subjugate the common man and ensure healthy production. The Abrahamic religions, while revolutionary, have since been taken over by the same establishment that worshiped the Pharaoh or the Sumerian priests.

    Without a religious guideline, we atheists have to make our own. It is to basically be respectful of everyone else, as dangerous as we feel their ideas are.

  7. #7
    Gingersnap Religions - Your Opinion OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Pooooor religion. I have to feel for it a bit.

    What started as a way to explain the way things are - to give people something to believe in - has turned into a justification for violence and bigotry. A good thing used by the wrong people.

    Like baking cookies and using them on a diabetic.

    Me? I'm a Christian. It's what works for me. It's my piece of the divine puzzle. But I understand that my piece doesn't fit for everyone. And I think if we all had the same piece, we would have a hard time completing the final picture. My personal belief is that if there is a divine force somewhere in this universe, it would be a little vain to think we have it all figured out after such a short existence. But I think it's possible that we could all have part of it right, even if it's a small part. I've used the elephant example so many times I'm sure some of you have heard it already. Then again, it's been a while since I got religious here.

    Long story short: You put five blind men in a room with an elephant, place them around different parts of the elephant, and then ask them what an elephant is. One will say it's like a tree trunk (legs), one will say it's like a snake or a hose (trunk), one will say a large leaf (ears), etc etc. None of the men are wrong, they just don't see or understand the whole.

    That's how I feel about religion.

    I don't see other faiths as a challenge to mine as long as they don't come stomping around trying to piss on my puzzle piece. Or my cookie.

    Too many metaphors. I'm feeling silly this evening, I don't know why I'm posting in ID. I guess it seemed like a good time to share a religious opinion. I may not agree with everyone's religion, but who am I to say that it's wrong? My personal beliefs are that you shouldn't hurt other people so I'll stand up for that. But as long as your religion isn't hurting anyone, I have no beef with it.

    My faith is personal and my own, and it's brought me a lot of good. I don't go to church as often as I used to, but I pray a lot. It's helped me come to a state of mind that there is nothing that I can't make it through. And I think that's what's important. More important than how many verses you know or what sins your neighbors committed. It's an inner peace that has been really valuable to me. And I think finding that inner peace for yourself is more important than how you found it.

    Cheers, other pieces!
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 03-06-2008 at 10:28 PM.

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  8. #8
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I'm not religious in any way.

    All in all I believe religions were started to induce fear into the populace. "Do good or you will rot in hell."

    Now-a-days I find that religions only exist and care about what YOU do for THEM. I find them dull and a pointless waste of time.

    People seem to forget the bible was originally designed as an outline for how to live a moral life, which I'm all for being a good, moral, person and not bringing harm to others, but I just feel that religions go too many steps too far by trying to control one's life.

    I don't want to elaborate further, and don't dare tell me I'm ignorant for making blanket statements, because to me, all religions are the same in one way or another.

  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'm religious, but I've gotten to the point where I've had to say '**** THAT' to several things I've heard some Christians say, or even to how some things are 'supposed' to be interpreted. Born a Catholic, now I call myself Christian. My God's chaotic, and I couldn't be happier.

    Hypocrisy within the Catholic church was a large part of things for me. Like how intolerant the church's members can be against minority groups despite teaching tolerance. And some of my friends are in those minority groups.

    Nowadays I try to be as tolerant of a person's beliefs as I can be, BUT people who seem way to close minded have a habit of pissing me off AND being human my ability to do so can't be perfect. I do my best.

    Some things I very much doubt I could ever tolerate. Such as emo culture and the like. So I just try to stay away from those wherever possible. And I try to stay cool anyways, it's more a disapproval thing.

    The main beauty of believing in chaos for me would probably be the freedom it allows. No boundaries, no limits, maximum freedom.
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  10. #10
    Religions - Your Opinion Jin's Avatar
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    People keep saying it, but I don't think religions were invented for the purpose of controlling people. I can't see there being a conspiracy by the priests of every society to start making people believe. I think it's more likely that religion, as Alisyn said, has been perverted and twisted later on to control people. Religions are a way to explain the unkown and to cope with suffering. Unless you live in Iced Earth's Something Wicked, they were not created to control anyone. There is nothing intrisicly bad about religion. People are the ones who have hijacked religion and, once again as Alisyn said, fed the cookies of religion to a diabetic. I like that analogy.
    Last edited by Jin; 03-07-2008 at 08:13 AM.

    Until now!

  11. #11
    This is a very touchy subject, but i feel i should weigh in. Too many people take their beliefs too seriously. They act based on they feel their god would want them to do, and not on their own feelings. Some people's views are so warped it just makes you sick, you actually want to slap these people and make them see sense. I don't know if anyone has seen this video, but i feel its something you should watch, just to see how serious some people can get, and how misguided they can be. If you want, have a look:

    Sickening isn't it? I'm not saying everyone is like this, i realize this, but its so sad what belief in a higher power can bring some people to believe. I personally choose not to believe in any specific higher power. If anything i would say i am agnostic. I think there COULD be some form of higher power, if its aliens, a god, some giant with a magnifying glass, i don't know, but it is what i believe. I don't try to pawn these ideas off on others, i keep them to myself. I do not like other religions that believe if you are not part of their faith that your soul will rot in hell for eternity, and they actually take steps to convert you because they think they are doing you a service. Quite frankly i find it hard to believe that if i am a fair, just person, who is kind to others, and gives people a chance, a person who does not discriminate others that even though all this is true, JUST because i am not part of an organized religion i will be doomed to burn in hell. There are too many inconsistencies, and contradictions for me to take any one religion seriously enough to be a part of it. I went to a catholic school for 7 years, and i just knew what they were teaching did not make sense for me. I respect others who believe in a higher power, people who have faith, i wish sometimes that i could have such faith in something unseen, but i don't. I only have problems with people who use their religion as an excuse to do harm to others, through words, or physical actions. I choose to live my life by my own standards, and i try to be a good person throughout. If that is not good enough then what is the point of living?

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  12. #12
    Religions - Your Opinion Phoenix's Avatar
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    I myself am a Buddhist, so I try and follow the teachings of Siddharta Gautama. I don't necessarily believe though that my religion is totally correct. I believe that there are elements of truth in all religions, and even if you don't buy into the supernatural side of it, all religions have good moral codes and practices, which make them worthwhile in my eyes.

    Viden (see above) also has a point of how much religion can warp people. Religion in itself isn't a bad thing, but its the way in which people see it which can warp their consciousness.

  13. #13
    Religions to me are guidelines to live your life by, so you don't stray off and become a psycho. They can help people spiritually when they are going through rough times, but I don't think what is said needs to be the end all be all. There is more than one way to find the right answer.

    That being said, the conventions I see on TV where one guy is preaching and there are about a million people there cheering them on scares me! Makes it look cult-ish. I don't think it's necessary.

  14. #14
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I'm not at all religious, and although i was once Christian, i don't think i've ever been religious - if that makes sence... For starters, i was told i was a Christian by my mum, nan, and the CofE primary school i went to. But i never really felt that special bond they say your supposed to feel with God, and i often questioned his existance. The questions i asked were always left unanswered, so i began to wonder why people worshiped someone they barely know - its like getting married to someone you've only known a few weeks.

    When i went to secondary school, i was surrounded by many different religions and cultures. Then, i asked my self: "But in primary school, i was told that there was only the one God... so who the hell is this Allah guy?" Why are there so many religions, if there is only one God?

    One RE lesson, i was told about Atheists, the ones who kinda do and don't, and the ones who do believe in God... (i think they are Agnostics and Theists...) After that lesson, i kinda saw myself as an Atheist.

    So, why are there so many religions, that claim that there is only one God? Why are there so many religions? Also, if you do believe in God, you can't believe that dinos existed cos your not supposed to believe in evolution... AND LOOK AT ALL THE EVIDENCE OF DINOS ON THIS PLANET!!!

    ahem... yeah...

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  15. #15
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I'm Agnostic.

    I don't directly believe anything, I don't find the aspect of God(s) logical, but I'd be open to discussion and I don't hate on people for being religious. I don't like it when people try on conversion. I know a lot of religious people, in fact, my best friends' mother is VERY Catholic, but she's not the type of person that would judge me for my opinions. Plus, she's a lovely person, so naturally, I find her likeable and her belief in religion to be valid as long as she has faith.

    I was raised Roman Catholic. My mother used to be stricter in her ways concerning religion and she did religious studies as a young woman which led her to unhappiness. She's not really religious these days, although I think it may have a thing or two to do with the life she led. Let's just keep it as; "it wasn't that great."
    I'm not saying she expected a miracle, but she was pushed so far to the edge and she became so sad when my half sister went missing... the years that followed were no better for her and eventually, she lost a little more faith... That's what I believe, anyway.

    I don't find religion logical, but I'd like to think there was a heaven or a nice place for us to go to when we died. As for religion, I respect each one... The one I understand least is the Muslim faith... I find some of the practises almost ... impossible to conprehend, but this isn't to say I dislike Muslim people, as long as they're not bothering about faith.

    I respect Buddhism a Hell of a lot. There's just so much about it that gives off a positive vibe. But until I see proof of anything religious, I'll remain Agnostic.

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  16. #16
    TFF's Token Imp Religions - Your Opinion Martin's Avatar
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    Well I think it's appropriate with it being Good Friday that I throw in my two cents.

    I was raised Roman Catholic like Chez, but I can't seem to remember me having a lot of choice in that matter. We all were in my family bar my mother, whom even though was not religious herself, still regularly attended church with us. I wasn't baptised until I was 8, owing to a dispute with our local priest and my dad had died two years previous. Dad had wanted me brought up in the faith and I suppose I did too.

    But now I'm older I'm beginning to have a major problem with organised religion as a whole. I just think that it could be considered a form of repression - to paraphrase Karl Marx, an opiate for the masses. This is not to say I do not respect those with a deep faith whatsoever, in fact quite the opposite. I'm very happy if they have a religious comfort in their life, and I wish I could say the same. However, I'm not so sure I believe I anything as such anymore.

    Plus let us not forget the fine line between being religious and spiritual. There is a difference after all.

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  17. #17
    My personal belief is that non-denominational Christianity is the one true religion, and that all others are wrong, but eh, that's just me.

  18. #18
    Registered User Religions - Your Opinion Dimi's Avatar
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    Well, a vast majority of my family is Roman Catholic as well. My mom's side at least. Where my dad was raised at a Christian. My grandma on my mom's side, is really religious. She's a Catholic and when I was younger, we would go to church with her. I remember, I saw this cute girl at about 13 years old and yeah, I'm going to hell if there is one. >< But what can I say? I'm human. So forgive me.

    On a serious note, my parents raised my sister and I as Catholics. As of now, I do believe there is some sort of greater being in an existance. I believe that we're here for a reason and I do believe that there is some sort of afterlife in one way or another. I guess I can say that I don't follow any religion. I have a mixed set of beliefs. At this point in my life, I am unsure about choosing a religion to follow in my life. And as far as I know, I'd rather live my life as a good, honest, and open person to many religions and cultures in this life then just sticking to one.

  19. #19
    The best explanation of god is um... well...

    God, I'd say, is fickle. Sorta like he exists, yet not really.

    Christian views are that he is within every single thing, and cannot be removed or changed in anyway. Although whether God is a "He" or "She" or any gender, really doesn't matter one bit, even if some or many think so.

    It would be easier to explain like this:

    God is like the unit number absolute "0". It is between the positive and negative numbers, and doesn't have a positive or negative value sign. You can't have multiples of it, as it comes out, in the end, to just one "0". You cannot divide anything by it, as it has no set value, other then "0". You cannot add more of it to other numbers to alter their value, nor take away to do the same. Adding to it or taking away from it, just ends up with the number you are using, sorta like passing through it without touching. It is always part of other numbers, and no matter what you do to them, it will always be there.

    As for the part of between positive and negative, it is a point to keep balance between both sides, not letting one completely win, as the winner brings power, and power undoubtedly can corrupt anyone, no matter where they stand. Well just read my Sig, "Being light or dark does not dictate whether you are good or evil."

    There isn't more then one, as a multiple of "0" just leads to "0". Multiples of the same means that if there were, they would be identical in every way, shape, form, and mental thinking.

    You can't be divided by "God" as there is only one in everything, so in the end, it comes out to just 1 of "God".

    One cannot have more "God" in themselves then another, as it is only one equal share of "0" for everyone. This is where I differentiate between the Vatican and myself. The concept of "someone more holy then another" is not very likely, as anyone and "everyone is created equal", no matter who you are. What happens after, is different for everyone. It may not be physically or mentally, but spiritually, within one's soul, they are all the same. This probably pushes me towards the point of a "Quaker". lol

    This also draws upon the concept of you can believe it is there or not, but you cannot truly say one or the other. You cannot 100% prove that "0" does not exist, or that it is really there. It is entirely, personal preference. IF you want to believe that someone is watching you at all times, then do so; IF not, then you do not have to.

    I also do not believe that someone or anyone should be forced to believe in something they do not want to believe in. All people should lead individual lives, and not forcefully meddle in the lives of others.

    "Give them the option to follow, not a command; one that is devoid of all lies and deceit that could bring corruption to the world and the ones that reside in it."

    (Note: I'm not talking about any "0"s, like in the number "10", I am talking about absolute "0" with positive infinity on one side and negative infinity on the other.)
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  20. #20
    Totally agree loner-kid, organized religion is not my thing. I get really confused about some of their beliefs. Im a lesbian and well i get ALOT of shit for it from all these religious people saying im going to hell and all that, i dont get where in the bible it says that gays are going to hell, the only thing in the bible that they might get that from is where it says -there are two woman in a bed, one will live one will die. and there are two men in a field one will live one will die. (not exact words so dont quote me) in the time that this was written sisters slept in the same bed and men farmed. i dont get how that means gay people are going to hell. also doesnt it say to forgive. and what i wonder is why if god hates gays so much did he make gay people???????

  21. #21
    Organized religion is really only bad when it gets too big, as is the case of most "Christianity" today in the world. Giant mega churches, with lying preachers and priest who want your money and everything you own. I always refer back to the story of Paul and Simon the sorcerer in the book of Acts, when Simon asked Paul if he could have his secret for religion, in exchange for huge stashes of money, in which Paul tells him (free translation) you and your money can go to Hell. That's what I'd tell most Christians here.

  22. #22
    I'm Christian.....though not a real good one, I really don't believe in this "god" figure, though I'm not prejudiced against other peoples beliefs. Other people can believe in who or what every else they want just as long as they don't go and try to force it onto me.
    Though believing there's no God, one must also understand that theres no heaven or hell.
    But when I people say God created all, then who created God? If god created all then how long has he been sitting where-ever he is? And more to that, why did he suddenly go "Hey lets create a universe, and a planet that will wonder if its alone. Then I will send my son down there and he'll mess around and someone will write a holy book about him." Then centuries later, "Hey, I'm bored lets create a whole bunch of corrupt people to mess up this planet a bit."
    If god is so holy and wise, and HE creates people, and warns people not to go to do bad things, why does he create corruption and temptations?

    Well thats just my opinion, sorry if I offend anyone.
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  23. #23
    Synthesized Ascension Religions - Your Opinion Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by some guy View Post
    But when I people say God created all, then who created God? If god created all then how long has he been sitting where-ever he is?
    Those questions really have nothing to do with God. I've actually thought about it myself, but in the end it's simply asking too much on comprehending on what God is which is something mere humans can never truly accomplish.

    Quote Originally Posted by some guy View Post
    And more to that, why did he suddenly go "Hey lets create a universe, and a planet that will wonder if its alone.
    Again, those questions could only be answered by God himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by some guy View Post
    Then centuries later, "Hey, I'm bored lets create a whole bunch of corrupt people to mess up this planet a bit." If god is so holy and wise, and HE creates people, and warns people not to go to do bad things, why does he create corruption and temptations?
    In Christianity, God never created any of those things, humans did. In Christianity, God is perfect, humans aren't. However, from what I understand this is not a terrible thing. The choice of humans becoming corrupt or tempted to do wicked or evil things is the evidence of the free will we have. If we did not have free will, we would not have the choice to deny God's existence and all that the bible teaches. Free will is what keeps this world in an ever-flowing river of change, which assures us to never be bored. The good and bad choices are the balance of life. This was not God's creation, it was our own as human beings.

    Quote Originally Posted by some guy View Post
    Well thats just my opinion, sorry if I offend anyone.
    Don't worry about it. Everyone has their own opinion about everything. If everyone were to get offended then more people would be suing anyone for any reason, though that happens these days too, lol. The idea of it is to gradually learn and understand the concepts of what our world has.

    Moving onto the subject at hand, my opinion of religion is it is a very much needed asset to our world. The advantage of having hope, faith, and contentment for happiness is something some people need for their lives. It doesn't make people ignorant for believing in something others find to be imaginary since people can also believe in the real facts of science at the same time. It simply goes beyond what people assume about it and allows for the spirituality of humanity to seek something other than just cold hard facts.

    Fear does not drive people away from science, emptiness does. The emptiness of not having the answers for the biggest of life's questions or the answers that can be more depressing than happy. Nor does religion use fear as a way to control people's minds. Humans do that, not religion. There is nothing in religion that speaks of brainwashing the masses in order to extort money out of them or any other wicked scam. That's the thinking of a human. Which reminds me of something else that bugs me.

    People just don't seem to understand that religion never preaches what they hate about it. Only the assumed followers of said religion twist the original teachings so that they can do as they please. These are the human beings like the Westboro Church, radical Islamics, or ancient pagan religions that require terrible offerings [I.E. Sacrificing human lives for gods]. These people take the same verses and scriptures out of context as much as anti-religious zealots who become obsessed with believing the way they wish rather than what the original teachings teach. Because of this, they are truly not apart of what religion they claim to be from. They are lost within their faith and only use religion to further their agenda. Human beings do this, not God(s). If there is anything anti-religious people must hate about religion, it is the people who call themselves Christians/Catholics/Muslims/or wherever their from to do unholy and criminal sins against the rest of mankind.

    Other than that, there isn't much wrong with religion. There's a whole lot of things wrong with the human race.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 03-27-2008 at 01:24 AM.

  24. #24
    Religions - Your Opinion Blitz King's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Momo Mastermind View Post

    oh, and almost all religions are based upon fear. You fear Hell so you act good, you fear God so you act good, you fear karmatic events so you act good, etc...

    That is a good point, Although I am christian I do not Fear upon my God. I do not believe that you have to do everything good to go to heaven. Many people say that they know God, but yet the same people how say that can only answer a few things right about him. I know God, but others just know of Him.

    I do fear hell though, I don not want to burn for eternity. Although I fear hell i still do wrong doings even though I know I'm not supposed to. Im a firefighter and know how hot fire can be, even stading 100 feet away from it it still is hot enough to cause damage to you. I probably got off topic, but im just tryin to prove my point about hell.
    You Scared Say Your Scared

  25. #25
    Religion... where to begin? Well, I believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and that no-one should patronize or criticize anyone else for their beliefs. It is up to the person in question to choose their beliefs. Belonging to no religion myself, I have no quarrels with anyone's beliefs or what they were taught about religion, so long as they accept that not everyone has the same beliefs and don't try to impose their beliefs on others.
    However, some people do actually do this, and some take it to extreme levels. Hitler is one of the best examples I can think of. Hell, he tried to wipe out anyone who followed Judaism. Sicko.
    Anyway, back to the matter at hand. All I mean to say is everyone, no matter how rich they are, no matter who they are, or where they come from, I mean everyone is entitled to their own beliefs so long as they go about it peacefully. That's all from me.
    Last edited by Hjortkayre; 06-07-2008 at 04:10 PM.

  26. #26
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I'm Agnostic.

    I don't directly believe anything, I don't find the aspect of God(s) logical, but I'd be open to discussion
    Is that what it's called? That's what I am too, I don't have any beliefs really. I just believe in what I want to believe in instead of others forcing it down my throat. I used to believe in God when I was younger but my beliefs have changed in the past few years where I don't so much anymore. I just find it hard to believe but hey, anything is possible.

    Religion can be evil, as we all know. It can start arguments, fights and even wars and that's never a good thing. I'm not sure if we would be better off without it, we could be, there might not be so many fights in our world but I think it does give people hope and makes them feel easier about dying. I really dislike it when people offer their opinions and other people from a different religion shoot them down and tell them they're wrong, oh I've seen it before, especially here. Everybody should have their own opinions without having to be told they are wrong. As most of us know, religion = conflict most of the time.

    I don't follow a religion, I'm happier believing in what I like to believe in, as I have said, I dislike it when people try to force information about their own religions down our throats. We are free to believe in whatever we want. My parents both have a religion and seem to believe in God but they are not the most religious people, heck they barely are. My Mum used to go to church and such but nowadays she doesn't. I don't know many people who are highly religious, they'd rather believe in whatever they would like.

    Anyway, my thoughts on religion are that it can be both evil and nice. While it gives hope to some, it can cause fights with others. It's a topic I like to avoid in forums, I thought I would just voice my opinion in this thread to see how it goes. I have nothing against religious people, they can believe in whatever they please, I won't hassle them about it.

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  27. #27
    Religions - Your Opinion X SlAyEr's Avatar
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    Well... I was muslim before 2 years ago and inside me i feel i'm follow the wrong religion because i have gradients about christian religion so what happened was turn from Islam to Christian religion but that was not easy cos my parents muslims and before turning to christian i took a permission from my parents to it and that was not the easy part but they were agree on it.
    Now I'm Christian and I'm happy with it, I go every weekend to Bahrain to Learn about Christian Religion.
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  28. #28
    Religion is basically man's attempt to try to understand the world around us, and to try to get closer to God. I mean, even if you don't believe in a God, or one particular God, you have to at least see some sort of clue that there is a greater power, right?

    Basically, religion uses one view and uses it to make sense of the world and of God. This is why there are so many religions out there. But, if you were to mix beliefs of different religions, then you would be that much closer to whatever higher power you believe is out there (any form of God, basically). I learned that from a book I read (one of my favorites titled 'One For Sorrow' by Christopher Barzak). I have taken this idea to heart.
    I was raised Roman Catholic, and believe in a good amount of it, but I also have a good amount of conflicting ideas with the Church. I've mixed my own ideas and beliefs with Roman Catholicism, and mixed those beliefs with some of the beliefs of Shinto and Buddhism. I've studied up on a few religions, but have done more with Shinto and Buddhism, so those are the main religions that I've mixed with my own so far. I'm fairly satisfied.
    I'll also be looking into other religions as well as studying the ones that I have taken part in more as well.

    My view on God and the world. Basically, the world is a crossover between all the genres of every type of media, and God is watching it through his television set in the afterlife. God created the world for either no reason or out of boredom (or other. His thoughts are unknown when it comes to creation), and saw that it was good (maybe). After meddling with it in the past, He let Mankind take over, and sat idly by watching. He does interfere every now and then, but only when it's important or as he sees fit. Each person is given a number of miracles that will pop up randomly when they are born, as well. You can pray to God all you want, but he won't do shit unless he sees fit for Him to actually meddle with your little situation.
    God is not bad, but don't expect him to do everything for you, or watch over you. This is why Guardian Angels are around. Remember that.

    These are just a few of my views. Because I mix religions, it'd be a little time consuming trying to explain all of my beliefs, so I just put in the biggest and/or important ones.

  29. #29
    Religions - Your Opinion Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    My thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Raymond Stantz View Post
    I personally don't care for religion one bit. The reason being that every single major religion is a corrupt organization, created by corrupt governments to brainwash and control the masses. Then, the minor religions which people tend to ignore, say that they're not corrupt, but they discrimination against people of other religions is still there. So they're basically saying that it's alright to discriminate.

    Many of the wars in history have been fought over some type of deity, and myself being a peaceful entity, I feel obliged to decline every single one. They're violent, distasteful, and not worth the effort.

    Don't get me wrong, just because I severely hate religion, doesn't mean that I have anything against spirituality. Quite frankly, people who follow religion, aren't spiritual. They're taking somebody else's belief, and claiming it as their own belief. In order to have spirituality, you have to have your own set of personal beliefs and morals.
    Alright, I see where you're getting at here, and personally, I agree with you. A large percentage of wars have been centered around religion, and it seems to be about all anyone cares about these days. In short, it is understandable that you would blame religion for that...


    I also believe that it is a bit unfair for one to broadly point the finger at religion. I do not think that war or conflict would immediately disappear if religion did. This is why: being human, we also want to be right because it gives us a sense of accomplishment, even if it occasionally makes us look like a complete douchebag. We don't care. At least our idea was correct.

    The truth of the matter is, if our own morals or beliefs were all that existed, we'd have no foundation to back it up on. The world would plunge into chaos, confusion, and anarchy, and no belief would firmly be the "correct" one because there would be no evidence to back it. Murdering for one person may be more "morally correct" than the other one. Lack of proof leads to lack of organization.

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    Where could that mantree be?
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  30. #30
    I think religion is a good things in many ways but its not perfect. I'm technically a Presbyterian but I'm not into it enough that I know any real difference between me and other Christians. Despite whether a "God" exists or not I think it helps people on an individual level to be better people. When larger groups form sometimes it does bad but I bet most of the people you know arn't fanatics right? I tend to notice people who are atheists seem to live a more self-destructive life because of THEIR disregard for others beliefs. YES even those who are "atheists" still cause problems like they are any other religion.

    I think South Park had it right even if all religion was abolished from existence people would still fight and war over trivial things.

    Also I find newer religions to just be silly Fads where everyone is trying to be an "individual" and pull away from the pack and find something Fun rather then meaningful. Thats not to say all are bullshit and I'm not stating this as a fact because I havn't researched and experienced all of them.

    All I can say is Scientology is about the most retarded thing I have ever known. It's NOT a religion it's known to be written by a science fiction writer. Plus it makes people in it crazy, rejecting loving families and stuff.
    Last edited by Dan558; 08-31-2008 at 12:45 AM.
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