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  1. #1
    Registered User Racism in America Locke4God's Avatar
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    Racism in America

    (Disclaimer: I am fully aware that this can be a really really hot button issue for some of those among us, so I wanted to approach it in a very positive manner, and let you all know right off, that I wanted to simply explore how certain of us see it one way, while others see it a different way. I'm continuously curious that people can have such vastly different views on such an often times emotional topic)

    So my premise is, that there is a large faction of Americans who still hold race to be an important factor in American life, while others have completely moved on and don't think anything about it. I wonder if those who are sensitive to race know that a large portion of the country no longer thinks about it, and likewise, I wonder if the portion that doesn't think about it, considers that an equally large portion does. And are those portions the same size?

    I myself, don't consider race to a large degree. I'm not naive though. I know if you're white, or chinese, or black, or indian, etc. etc. But if you're an upstanding citizen, smart, and you work hard, I genuinely don't care what race or religion, or even what age or sex you may be.

    So I feel like I'm impartial. Perhaps that's biased considering I am myself, but I really think I am.

    So on that note, being of the portion that has moved beyond racial tendencies, I look at the group opposite of me, and wonder why they still think racism is such big deal. But before I go further,,,,

    Would we not all agree, that in order for racism or sexism to be completely eliminated, it would take both sides to understand that it no longer exists, or rather exists in minimal and insignificant portions.

    Clearly it does exist on some level, but I'm of the full belief that racism has been relegated to a small minority of people. It's never going to be gone. You need to know that, and the reason is simple if not inappropriate, and that's it's just that we know that we're different. It's dumb I know, but we're dumb as a human race. Maybe I should explain it like this. If your city were going to be attacked, who would you save first? You would save yourself or your family first. If you had time, you would get your extended family, and then your friends. If you had time after that you would get other close acquaintences and neighbors. But just ask yourself a few things. How many of those groups exist outside your race? Probably not many. If you're white and live in a trailer park, are you running to the next Country Club to help evacuate? If you're black and live in the city, are you heading for the suburbs to get a bunch of middle class white guys out? What I'm trying to get at, is that there is an order of operations, a way you classify yourself, and it starts with those things closest to you, and ends with groups you are loosely associated with. The reality is that you just don't associate yourself with members of other age groups, races, or religions to near the same degree that you do people within your group. Is that racism? I think racism implies hate, and the above scenerio is not imbued with hate.

    I'm white myself, and if I hear a white person utter racist commentary that's inflamatory, I usually disregard them as being an idiot, and I want those who would feel insulted by those comments to do the same. Clearly racists are too emotional connected to the subject or too dumb to get over it, that shouldn't been given the honor of getting angry over whatever it is they said.

    And racism exists in all cultures and amongst all racists. It's not impossible for a black man to be racist. It's not a province of white people. The Japanese dispised the Chinese, made notable in the 40's. Muslims are prejudiced towards jews and visa versa. The Nazi's, the Russian's over catholics in Eastern Europe, Indians over lower classes of their own society, etc. etc. It's everywhere. The question is how we address it.

    I feel it's time in America, as I'm an American, that we need to really start looking at moving beyond this, and from my view the next step has to be taken by those who feel oppressed. The Al Sharptons, and Jesse Jackson's of the world have to stop promoting finding racism, have to stop selling it, in order for their own people to get past it. Now, perhaps you feel that it exists more strongly than I give it credit for. Even so, you would have to say that you can't just live in it, but rather move yourself beyond it.

    Look at Bill Cosby for example. A great potential leader of the African American Community, but largely ignored. His message is for those of his racial background to make a stronger effort to educate themselves, and to stop from harming themselves with drugs and violence. He wants his people to attain all of the success they can, and he understands that it must be earned, not given. He's a respectable man. Would he say that if he didn't believe it? Ask yourself if it's more likely that his solution is best, and if those who choose not to listen to him, choose to listen to Al Sharpton instead, because it's easy to have a crutch to explain your short comings. Ask yourself if Jesse Jackson is really helping, or dibilitating his people, similar to how a parent would raise an ignorant child by telling them that it's ok not to do their math homework because it's too hard. Don't we learn through trials?

    I'd just point out that there are many respectable African American members of American society. Who doesn't love Tiger? George Foreman? Colin Powell? Bill Cosby? Will Smith? Oprah? Chris Rock? Michael Jackson? etc. etc. etc.

    The point I'm making there is that there is a vast difference between respectable and disrespectable actions and they're not based on race. I hate stupid white people. I really do. I hate trashy white people who act like idiots, who can't tell me who the president was 10 years ago, or 20 years ago, who can't point out Italy on a map, who can't multiply 8x8, who get thrown in jail for starting bar fights, who think it's funny not to pay their rent while funding their pot habit. It's dumb, and it has nothing to do with race.

    But when it happen to be a member of an different race, suddenly those aspect get confused with racism. I mean I don't like the things listed above that anybody does, and when a chinese guy, or a black guy, or a mexican guy does them, I don't like them then either.

    The problem is, that a larger percentage of minorities do these things. Like Plaxico Burress taking a gun to a club, or Michael Vick Dogfighting. Hey, with Timothy McVay blew up a building, or that idiot KKK dude shot people in DC I was all for anybody who wanted to bash those guys. They're dumb, and so were Vick and Burress. It's not a racial issue.

    But I think what white Americans want to see, is less of the Vick's of the world, and more of the Oprah's. We're actually desperate to more Will Smiths (who don't have to cuss to sell records), and we're frustrated that we keep getting more Terrell Owens. We really want to live side by side with a respectable minority community, but many of still see too large a population of those who don't respect themselves, and don't want to respect civil society. That makes it hard to be respectful back. It'd be like trying to be friends with your inlaws family when you knew 3 quarters of them where heroine adicts. I mean, you really want to get to know your inlaws, but damn if they aren't insane.

    So that's what I'm saying. I think we're at this point in the country where we have to take one more step, and this time the step isn't going to come from the white community as it has in the past. And mind you, it needed to come from the white community in the past. But it's been 40 years. The next step has to be taken by the minority community themselves.

    What are your thoughts?
    Last edited by Locke4God; 09-08-2009 at 12:41 PM.

  2. #2
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Racism in America Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I hate Racism, and I never want to see it or hear about it happening...ever again. Why would anyone be Racist anyways? I don't understand what you would gain by being Racist. Its stupid, and Moraly wrong. I was never racist before, and I don't plan on becoming one ever. Racism is like one of the worst things out there. I Spit on Racism. That is what I think about this matter.

    Please don't become a Racist. Its Demeaning, and it is Discriminating. Racism is just a Horrible thing. Be kind to your Fellow Peers, Don't hate, Please Appreciate.
    Last edited by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima; 09-08-2009 at 01:14 PM.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Racism in America Locke4God's Avatar
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    Agreed. It is as you say, stupid.

    I wonder though sometimes, because I don't think it's our nature as humans for it to completely go away, how we deal with knowing that it's going to be out there. There has to be a healthy way to look at it, more than anger. Clearly those guilty should be held accountable, but you can't wildly point fingers either.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 09-08-2009 at 01:19 PM.

  4. #4
    This is why I like racist humor. Some may believe we have to completely ignore racism and that it isn't there, and laughing at racist jokes is taboo. I believe the fact that black people, white people, and asians can all sit in the same room and laugh at the same comedian who's telling jokes about stereotypes is a great thing. It makes us step back and say, yes we're different, and sometimes it's funny because we all come from different cultures, but you know what, it's not bad. It just means we're different, and I like that.

    When I meet someone, I give them a clean slate. Over the course of time if I decide that I don't agree with them then I start to not like them, or like them more. I treat everyone like this regardless of race. There have been times where I've met a white guy who seemed less educated and had a much more biased view on things than I have, which I didn't agree with and I began not to like that person. There was also a time where I've met a black guy and the more I talked to him the more I noticed that when he would hang around other black people or his family, he'd be racist.

    My best friend in 3rd grade was a black guy. We'd play at recess, pass notes, and all that shit 3rd graders did. Played sports together... Nothing separated us. Then one day he invited me to his birthday party. I got the invite for the 4th of June(can't remember what day it was anymore, so we'll just use this as an example). So I bought him a birthday present which was some toy laser gun thing that you could line up with an eyepiece and see where it was pointed. So the 4th of June came around and my dad walks me up to the door and his grandmother opens it and my dad says "Hey, I'm here to drop Brett off for the birthday party." and she replies "Oh, that was yesterday, you missed it!" I gave her the birthday present to give to him and left. I ended up finding out later that all the black kids were invited to the 3rd, and I was invited to the 4th. Our invitations were marked differently on purpose. But after that, we were still friends. We still played at recess, and he let me play with the present and no one else. His family was racist and he might have not had any idea what happened at the time.

    Has anyone seen Gran Turino? It's going to be hard to get rid of racism if the old people who are stuck in their ways don't stop teaching their children and grandchildren the wrong things.

  5. #5
    Registered User Racism in America Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Che - you know you said over time if you find you dissagree with them then you grow to not ike them. I actually enjoy people I don't agree with, and that's not to say you don't. If then the person is obnoxious in their dissagreement then obviously, but otherise I like a good person who you completely dissagree with actually but that you can still hold a good conversation with. My best man actually is a very liberal guy, and I'm very conservative, but I talk to him a lot and we'll discuss various issues in a logical way. It's refreshing to have a friend that you can talk to and learn from, and not be scared to dissagree with. I like it.

    Also @ Che - You see, I'm just wondering with the rest of your comments if you would could get to a point of understanding that racisim in the country doesn't exist without any one group. Some white people see blacks or hispanics or even women in general as baring a grudge against white men that is undeserved, and at the same time a lot of minorities and if you include women do have just causes to find racisim or sexism in white men. So perhaps it's gotten to a point where it now equally goes both ways, and if we just let go, we'll be fine.

    Mind you, I'm not saying we ignore it. What I'm suggesting is that where in the 60's maybe 70% of the nation was racist, but now I think that number is only like 5%. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think it's as big of an issue as some may like to think. In other words some people think that we're a big racist unfair country, but I just don't think that's true. I think there are a few idiot goofballs, but the rest of us are pretty fair to anybody who is an intelligent, capable, hard working person.

  6. #6
    @Locke It's not that I don't like people who I don't particularly agree with, but in that case it was true. Also, I have some racist friends that I don't see a reason for them to be racist, but maybe the fact that they have been victims of racism make them want to be "racist back"? While I don't agree with it and sometimes they take it a little too far in jokes because I know of their intent, I'm still friends with them.

    I dunno. It's tough to tell, but I don't think there's anyway to drop racism completely unless there is some kind of occurrence which unites us all as a whole to make us look past our differences suddenly. Like alien invasion, or finding life on another planet and coming in contact with it. Sad but probably true. At least I don't see it happening for the next couple hundred years. Sure, we've come a long way since the 60s and such, but not really. We're more formerly fair, but people are still racist in their households, teaching their children the wrong things to believe. Not all children are just going to grow up and magically see the light - some are going to follow right in their racist parents' footsteps.

  7. #7
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Racism in America Joe's Avatar
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    Frankly, I didn't read any of the posts in this read, beyond the title, because I can't be arsed, but this it how I see it.

    Yes, there is a lot of racism in America, but there's not really anything you can do about it. As long as people are different there will be some form of discrimination. If everyone in the world were white, we'd likely discriminate against blonde people, simply for being different, or ginger kids, because we all know ginger kids have no souls

    You can fight racism all you want, try and make everything appear all equal and friendly, but it won't change anything. I'm not a racist myself, as we're all simply people, but I'm certainly not guilty of making jokes based on stereotypes, and I guarantee not a single one of you has heard a race joke at some point in your lives and not chuckled or grinned. I'd like to share the Avenue Q song, "Everyone's a little bit racist" because by and large, it's true. Not necessarily in a bad way, but different races usually have different cultures, and it's natural to feel your way is the best way.

    ~ Afterthought: I likely came off as a huge douche in this post, but frankly i don't much care at the moment xD

    EDIT: The more we try to push the whole "everyone is totally equal" card, the closer we'll get to this: That's a truly scary thought I think.
    Last edited by Joe; 09-08-2009 at 05:44 PM.
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  8. #8
    That story was retarded. Intelligence has nothing to do with what race you are, and there's no way anyone would wear a retard aid in their ear because they're too smart and need to be average. Over the top and unrealistic.

    I know some people are gonna say "but it's a clever story!" Well, it's not.
    Last edited by Che; 09-08-2009 at 06:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor Racism in America Josh_R's Avatar
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    I personal do not agree with racism I am white and have a few friend who are black and in the state I live racism is strong and when I am with my friends I can see the way that it affects...I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the "N" word used at one of my friends it upsets me and I can see how they feel...

    Racism will always be there and it will never end that is a fact..There will always one or two people that despise someone of a different race...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  10. #10
    I think the Whole world just needs to sit down an watch these:

    YouTube - Black Or White Michael Jackson Complete Version HD

    <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Prejudice- an instance of such judgment or opinion; an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics.

    There is a difference between being "Racist" and "Prejudice". Racism is the belief that one group of people is superior to another. I remember having a conversation with my Sociology teacher. He wanted to know if we thought America is a Racist Community. In my opinion, America or we are not "Racist", but there are only a select few racist individuals. There will always be some form of prejudices or discrimination.

    I think Racism is for the most part non existent here, but there is and always will be discrimination of some form. I'd like to think that one day everyone will be mixed, not one single race. But even then there will still be people thinking negatively.

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    This is why I like racist humor. Some may believe we have to completely ignore racism and that it isn't there, and laughing at racist jokes is taboo. I believe the fact that black people, white people, and asians can all sit in the same room and laugh at the same comedian who's telling jokes about stereotypes is a great thing. It makes us step back and say, yes we're different, and sometimes it's funny because we all come from different cultures, but you know what, it's not bad. It just means we're different, and I like that.
    I highly agree. It's better to embrace differences and accept them, rather than trying to point out the negatives of a specific race.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-11-2009 at 10:41 PM.

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    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

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