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Thread: The PWNers Club

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  1. #1

    The PWNers Club

    Welcome to the Challenger's Lounge of The Red Streak Mercenaries

    This is an extension of my Gaming Clan, but it functions primarily as a place to accept and make gaming challenges to anyone else.

    All Multiplayer Online games are usable for the Pwner Club!
    Joining has the possibility of finding someone else with the same Multiplayer game as you online.

    You can set up tournaments and one player challenges to others just by posting and giving a small payment of forum credits as your own entry fees or none/just for fun activities. You set up the fees yourself.

    Please Deposit the Fees into my account and I'll act as banker till the end, then distribute it accordingly.
    Prizes and fees are unnecessary, but nice.

    (Creators must pay same fees as well to join in the Tournaments/Challenges)
    You set the fees and prize money. Winner take all style.

    New Feature: Member Challenge!!
    Now if you join, you may challenge any member(s) to any game on TFF even if they're not in the club.
    The Challenger must PM me on the challenge and who involved. I will forward the message upon approval to the Challengee.
    If they accept, then the challenge will commence at the agreed time.
    If denied, the message will be returned and a reply PM will follow.

    Tournament Rules

    If you are posting an online tournament, you'll need to post your Gamertags here and on the forum.
    (Xboxlive gamers need to post both here and in the gXboxLive link at the top of the forum.)

    To compensate for the different time zones, you'll need to post the times for online tournaments in the standard 0:00 time zone (Prime Meridian).
    (In your profile settings in the forum, you set the timezone yourself. Take that time and add or subtract it from the time you set.)

    If you arrive late, don't pay the requested fee, or cause problems among the members/gamers, you'll be disqualified and lose any fee payed for the specific tournament. Fees will be added to the prize if already paid for.

    canceled tournaments must be done 24 hours before the tournament is scheduled to take place. Fees will be returned to the respected gamers in that event.

    Challenge Rules

    For Gaming Challenges, upload your submitted game data on within the respected games.
    Please use PSP, PS3, PS2/PS3, Action Replay Max, and PC formated data to be reviewed.

    They must have a time beginning and time ending, and must be possible.
    Hacking games and game data are not allowed. If found they will be disqualified from the events.

    My gamer tags are RS Draken(XboxLive) and RS_Draken(PSN)

    Current Members

    Draken Benvolaid
    RS Draken(XboxLive)
    RSM Leader(XboxLive)




    Kaiser Dragoon

    New Ranking System.
    Deck of Pwns (DoP Rank)
    Based on card numbers with the suit in Pwns.
    Everyone starts at "Duce of Pwns" and must work their way up to the upper ranks through challengels and tournaments.
    Each member may implement a tournament or challenge risking any number of ranks in order to move up.
    Losing a tournament moves you down a rank.
    No Rank Risk Tournaments and challenges move up ranks by one. Each Rank risked adds to how many ranks you can move up.
    You cannot go lower then the 2 rank, but you can't enter tournaments that cost more ranks then you have to enter.

    Each rank may be put into your Sig or online profile.

    Master DoP Ranks
    TFF Pwner Overlord:
    TFF Pwner of Absolutes:
    TFF Pwning Without Regrets:
    TFF Pwner Hunter:
    TFF True Pwner:

    Normal DoP Ranks
    Ace of Pwns:
    King Pwner:
    Pwner Queen:
    Jack of all Pwns:
    10 times the Pwnage:
    3 cubed Pwner:
    Pwner 8er:
    Lucky 7 Pwner:
    6ey Pwner:
    5 Golden Pwns:
    Quad Pwner:
    Three Sided Pwnage:
    Duce of Pwns: Loco, Draken, Toph, Rocky, Kaiser Dragoon

    Current Tournaments

    Vomit Fest Free For All. - Draken Benvolaid
    Best of 3 FFA matches on Distortion V3.
    The mind-numbing, up-chucking, up is down and down is left map that you shouldn't play while drunk or high is the stage for this free for all.
    Map: Distortion Version 3
    Gametype: Random Slayer (Winning points 30)
    Winner: One Rank Up.
    Cost: Nothing, but must play on a Full Stomach.

    Current Challenges

    Challenge of the Bounty Hunter of the Fallen - Draken Benvolaid
    Ace Combat 6 challenge
    Availability: Anyone and Everyone
    When: Challenge is Accepted
    1 vs up to 10 Team Deathmatch (I'm the one)
    Entry fee: 500 Credits
    Winner take all plus 10000 credits from me. One DoP Rank Up.

    1v1 with Rocky in Halo3!!
    - Rocky
    Try to beat me 2 out of 3 in a 1v1 match.
    You get host for the first match, I get it for the other two.
    Play the maps Guardian, Construct, and Onslaught in that order.
    MLG style rules, except radar ON
    If you win, One Rank Up.
    No Rank Cost.

    All Rights Reserved
    Last edited by Draken Benvolaid; 06-21-2008 at 04:26 PM.
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

    <a href="">
    <img src="" border=0></a>

    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

    PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
    RANK: Deuce of Pwns
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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