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Thread: Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

  1. #1
    #LOCKE4GOD Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test Alpha's Avatar
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    Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

    This is a thread spawned from the great mind of TFF's own DragonHeart. For information on Project Vote Smart, click it. Basically it's an organisation that is attempting (in the US only, I think) to challenge politicians to make their views clear for all to see, on a wide range of issues, in a simplistic form, so voters can cut through the chaff and the rhetoric, and vote for candidates that will truly represent them. I think it's fantastic; so here is a version for TFF.

    This is based on the 2010 version of the test. I'll see how I go with eliminating some questions. You do not need to answer everything. You are welcome to, and you are welcome to expand on anything, too.

    Note that some of the questions are really US-specific. I'm not exactly sure how we should get around these, but most people here don't need to worry.

    NOTE: Can somebody else explain what the hell is meant by all the jargon under Education? A translation would be neat.

    EDIT: Many thanks to Pete! But I still don't know what K-12 is...

    Education Jargon Explained:
    a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students? (Yes/No)

    Basically, the standards are set at the state level, and not nationwide. Some states have their own equivalence testing, while others just go based on cumulative grades for the year. This also affects passing grades. Certain states maintain that anywhere between a 55% to a 70% can be PASSING. Absurd, but that's America.

    b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs? (Yes/No)

    Universal Pre-Kindergarten is very similar. It's like a more involved daycare, and oftentimes it's considered optional and not part of a mandated curriculum. Some schools have their own setup within the school, while others are completely independent. Most of the time, it's just for socialization and the very basics of learning.

    c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools? (Yes/No)

    Charter schools are funded by both tax money and private donations, but run independently of the local jurisdiction, if I remember correctly. Oftentimes they have accelerated programs or just a safer atmosphere. The schools are

    d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers? (Yes/No)

    Vouchers are generally the giving out of federal or state money to poor families so they can afford private grade/ high schools, in hopes of giving them a better chance at a better education.

    e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid? (Yes/No)

    The government has various companies established to loan money to college students for their education, provided they or their family falls under certain income standards. The loans are deferred for generally 6 months after graduation, and take up to 10 years to be paid off fully.

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

    Please indicate your positions on the following issues. You will be recognized for your Political Courage, which will be calculated
    based on the number of issues you are willing to address out of the 13 issue categories.

    If you would like to expand upon an answer, please do so in the “Other or expanded principles” section and indicate which letter question you are referring to. All “Other or expanded principles” must be under 100 words.

    Abortion Issues:

    a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life? (Pro-choice/Pro-life)

    b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy (Yes/No)

    c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape? (Yes/No)

    d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered? (Yes/No)

    e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures? (Yes/No)

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Budget, Spending, and Tax Issues:

    1) Spending: Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.

    1 = Greatly Increase
    2 = Slightly Increase
    3 = Maintain Status
    4 = Slightly Decrease
    5 = Greatly Decrease
    6 = Eliminate

    a) Agriculture
    b) Arts
    c) Defense--
    c1) Intelligence operations
    c2) Military hardware
    c3) National missile defense
    c4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel
    c5) Programs to improve troop retention rates
    c6) Research and development of new weapons
    d) Education
    e) Environment
    f) Homeland security
    g) International aid
    h) Medical research
    i) Scientific research
    j) Space exploration
    k) United Nations
    l) Welfare
    m) Other or expanded categories:

    2) Taxes: Using the key, indicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories.

    a) Alcohol taxes
    b) Capital gains taxes
    c) Cigarette taxes
    d) Corporate taxes
    e) Gasoline taxes
    f) Income taxes (low-income families)
    g) Income taxes (middle-income families)
    h) Income taxes (high-income families)
    i) Other or expanded categories:

    4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year? (Yes/No)

    5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy? (Yes/No)

    6) Other or expanded principles:

    Business and Employment Issues:

    a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers? (Yes/No)

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues:

    a) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns? (Yes/No)

    b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns? (Yes/No)

    d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations? (Yes/No)

    f) Do you support limiting the President’s ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements? (Yes/No)

    g) Other or expanded principles:

    Crime Issues:

    a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs? (Yes/No)

    g) Other or expanded principles:

    Education Issues:

    a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid? (Yes/No)

    Environment and Energy Issues:

    a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a “cap and trade” system? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas? (Yes/No)

    f) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy? (Yes/No)

    g) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors? (Yes/No)

    h) Other or expanded principles:

    Gun Issues:

    a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles? (Yes/No)

    e) Other or expanded principles:

    Health Issues:

    a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform? (Yes/No)

    c) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs? (Yes/No)

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Immigration Issues:

    a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country? (Yes/No)

    e) Other or expanded principles:

    International Policy Issues:

    a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan? (Yes/No)

    d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States? (Yes/No)

    f) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state? (Yes/No)

    g) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates? (Yes/No)

    h) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq? (Yes/No)

    i) Do you support the United States’ involvement in free trade agreements? (Yes/No)

    j) Other or expanded principles:

    Social Issues:

    a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? (Yes/No)

    d) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs? (Yes/No)

    e) Other or expanded principles:
    Last edited by Alpha; 01-17-2011 at 04:16 AM.

  2. #2
    .............. Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

    Any answers that can apply to my homeland (Rep of Ireland) do and any which arent related to my homeland and focus on US specific topics(such as missile shields) are how I feel the US should act.

    Abortion Issues:

    a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-choice

    b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy? Yes

    c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape? Yes

    d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered? Yes

    e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures? No

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Budget, Spending, and Tax Issues:

    1) Spending: Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.

    1 = Greatly Increase
    2 = Slightly Increase
    3 = Maintain Status
    4 = Slightly Decrease
    5 = Greatly Decrease
    6 = Eliminate

    a) Agriculture 5
    b) Arts 2
    c) Defense--5
    c1) Intelligence operations 3
    c2) Military hardware 4
    c3) National missile defense 4
    c4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel 2
    c5) Programs to improve troop retention rates 3
    c6) Research and development of new weapons 2
    d) Education 1
    e) Environment 3
    f) Homeland security 4
    g) International aid 3
    h) Medical research 1
    i) Scientific research 2
    j) Space exploration 2
    k) United Nations 6
    l) Welfare 3
    m) Other or expanded categories: Sports grants at grass roots levels 2
    Business grants/ incentives 1

    2) Taxes: Using the key, indicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories.

    a) Alcohol taxes 4
    b) Capital gains taxes 2
    c) Cigarette taxes 4
    d) Corporate taxes 3
    e) Gasoline taxes 5
    f) Income taxes (low-income families) 4
    g) Income taxes (middle-income families) 3
    h) Income taxes (high-income families) 2
    i) Other or expanded categories: Water Charges 6
    Tax on family homes 6
    Tax on civil servant pensions 2

    4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year? Yes

    5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy? Yes

    6) Other or expanded principles: Public money should not be used to socialise the losses of so called "bad banks"

    Business and Employment Issues:

    a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security? No

    b) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector? Yes

    c) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage? Yes

    d) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize? Yes

    e) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles:Regarding (b) I believe in cutting red tape and allowing businesses to run more effectively but on the contrary I believe big businesses whose actions may result on the economy need to be more tightly regulated. Regarding (d) I believe that unions are todays sole form for workers to protect themselves through but I am against unions amalgating into these behemoths with the power to hold a country to ransom.

    Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues:

    a) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns? No

    b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions? Yes

    c) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns? No

    d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits? Yes

    e) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations? No

    f) Do you support limiting the President’s ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements? Yes

    g) Other or expanded principles:

    Crime Issues:

    a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes? No

    b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released? Yes

    c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment? No

    d) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders? No

    e) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs? Yes

    g) Other or expanded principles:Re (a) I believe that for some crimes death is the easy way ouy and offenders who have gone beyond even capital punishment should be made to have the most horrible existence possible. Re(e) I believe that prison should be mandatory for anyone who sells or even takes drugs like cocaine, in which the supply and growth causes death and despair through gang violence in which the gangs try to control the supply of drugs such as Mexico, where the resulting deaths from the drug wars are in the thousands.

    Education Issues:

    a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students? Yes

    b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs? Yes

    c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools? Yes

    d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers? No

    e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid? Yes

    Environment and Energy Issues:

    a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? No

    b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? No

    c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a “cap and trade” system? No

    d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles? Yes

    e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas? No

    f) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy? Yes

    g) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors? Yes

    h) Other or expanded principles:

    Gun Issues:

    a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns? Yes

    b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns? Yes

    c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns? Yes

    d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles? Yes

    e) Other or expanded principles: Re (c) I believe that individuals should be allowed concealed weapons for self defence as long as others are allowed firearms without proper process such as a mandatory mental health test.

    Health Issues:

    a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option? Yes

    b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform? Yes

    c) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts? Yes

    d) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits? Yes

    e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Immigration Issues:

    a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants? Yes

    b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country? Yes

    e) Other or expanded principles:

    International Policy Issues:

    a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan? Yes

    b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan? No

    c) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan? No

    d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan? Yes

    e) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States? Yes

    f) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state? Yes

    g) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates? Yes

    h) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq? Yes

    i) Do you support the United States’ involvement in free trade agreements? Yes

    j) Other or expanded principles:

    Social Issues:

    a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman? No

    b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military? Yes

    c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? Yes

    d) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs? No

    e) Other or expanded principles:
    Last edited by smurphy; 01-16-2011 at 04:04 PM.
    "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
    Winston S.Churchill

  3. #3
    The Mad God Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

    I'm not actually going to fill out any of the test here, since I do my research before choosing a candidate to back, and I don't just vote based on party. What I will do, is give my opinion on the idea behind this test and others like it. I love whoever came up with this concept. It's really quite depressing to watch politicians debate, since an overwhelming majority of the time, they aren't saying one god damned thing of significance. Just trying to convince people to vote for them by any means nescessary, which in an overwhelming majority of cases, is rhetoric, mudslinging, and other crap which doesn't give a single logical reason to choose either candidate. It also sickens me when they decide who "won" a presidential debate. Go figure, it's always the person who got the most appluase (almost always from use of rhetoric that doesn't actually prove anything) regardless of what points the candidate even made. And unfortuantely, the masses usually fall for rhetorical devices and fallacious arguments and vote for someone without any good reason to do so. I strongly support organizations that do things like this. This is how voting SHOULD be.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  4. #4
    #LOCKE4GOD Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

    I suppose I should do my own ones

    Abortion Issues:

    a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-choice

    b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy? Yes

    c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape? Yes

    d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered? Yes

    e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Personally, I believe life begins at conception, and would be horrified if my partner sought an abortion. However, I recognise that the key word there is "believe". Not everyone agrees with my belief -- and I respect that right. Which makes me pro-choice, even if I personally do not support abortion. Which explains why I don't want the government to encourage it by subsidising it. Rather, it should subsidise birth control.

    Budget, Spending, and Tax Issues:

    1) Spending: Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.

    1 = Greatly Increase
    2 = Slightly Increase
    3 = Maintain Status
    4 = Slightly Decrease
    5 = Greatly Decrease
    6 = Eliminate

    a) Agriculture 5
    b) Arts 2
    c) Defense--
    c1) Intelligence operations 3
    c2) Military hardware 4
    c3) National missile defense 5
    c4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel 3
    c5) Programs to improve troop retention rates
    c6) Research and development of new weapons 4
    d) Education 1
    e) Environment 1
    f) Homeland security 5
    g) International aid 2
    h) Medical research 3
    i) Scientific research 2
    j) Space exploration 6
    k) United Nations 2
    l) Welfare 2
    m) Other or expanded categories:

    2) Taxes: Using the key, indicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories.

    a) Alcohol taxes 2
    b) Capital gains taxes 1
    c) Cigarette taxes 1
    d) Corporate taxes 2
    e) Gasoline taxes 1
    f) Income taxes (low-income families) 5
    g) Income taxes (middle-income families) 3
    h) Income taxes (high-income families) 1
    i) Other or expanded categories:

    4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year? No

    5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy? Yes

    6) Other or expanded principles:

    My political economy theories are based around the ability of the government to hold surpluses and deficits in line with the general economic situation. If it was required that the government maintain a balanced budget, it would render my political identity illegal.

    Business and Employment Issues:

    a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security? No

    b) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector? No*

    c) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage? Yes

    d) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize? Yes

    e) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    *As a general rule. However it really must be case-by-case.

    Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues:

    a) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns? No

    b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions? Yes

    c) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns? No

    d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits? Yes

    e) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations?

    f) Do you support limiting the President’s ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements?

    g) Other or expanded principles:

    I believe strongly in maximum campaign donations. As in, a political party can only accept donations up to a certain point. The cap is the same for all political parties. Democracy is NOT a contest to see who has the wealthiest backers.

    Crime Issues:

    a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes? No

    b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released? Yes

    c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment? Yes

    d) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders? Yes

    e) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs? No

    g) Other or expanded principles:

    Education Issues:

    a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students?

    b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs? Yes

    c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools? No

    d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers?

    e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid? Yes

    Environment and Energy Issues:

    a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? Yes

    b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? Yes

    c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a “cap and trade” system? Yes

    d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles? Yes

    e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas? No

    f) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy? Yes

    g) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors? No

    h) Other or expanded principles:

    Gun Issues:

    a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns? Yes

    b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns?

    c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns? No

    d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles? Yes

    e) Other or expanded principles:

    Health Issues:

    a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option? No*

    b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform? Yes

    c) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts?

    d) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits? Yes

    e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    With regards to a) -- Health insurance should be completely privatised. However, public health should be universal. That is, health insurance will cover people for lost wages, malpractice, etc. But in simply meeting necessary medical costs -- the government must pay for these (not electives).

    Immigration Issues:

    a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants? Yes

    b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country? No

    e) Other or expanded principles:

    International Policy Issues:

    a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan? Yes

    b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan? Yes

    c) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan? Yes

    d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan? Yes

    e) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States? No*

    f) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state? Yes

    g) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates? Yes

    h) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq? Yes

    i) Do you support the United States’ involvement in free trade agreements? Yes

    j) Other or expanded principles:

    *In the sense that this should not be the only reason.

    Social Issues:

    a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman? No

    b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military? Yes

    c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? No

    d) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs? Yes

    e) Other or expanded principles:
    Last edited by Alpha; 01-17-2011 at 04:39 AM.

  5. #5
    I do what you can't. Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Here and there

    Re: Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

    Don't know how many big surprises there'll be here, but what the hell.

    Abortion Issues:

    a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-life

    b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy? No

    c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape? No

    d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered? Yes

    e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles: b: I do not support abortion as a non-health-related issue at all, and thus I believe that it should be illegal in all trimesters unless the life of the mother is at stake.

    Budget, Spending, and Tax Issues:

    1) Spending: Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.

    1 = Greatly Increase
    2 = Slightly Increase
    3 = Maintain Status
    4 = Slightly Decrease
    5 = Greatly Decrease
    6 = Eliminate

    a) Agriculture -- 4
    b) Arts -- 6
    c) Defense -- 3
    c1) Intelligence operations -- 3
    c2) Military hardware -- 3
    c3) National missile defense -- 3
    c4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel -- 3
    c5) Programs to improve troop retention rates -- 2
    c6) Research and development of new weapons -- 2
    d) Education -- 4
    e) Environment --5
    f) Homeland security -- 3
    g) International aid -- 4
    h) Medical research -- 4
    i) Scientific research -- 4
    j) Space exploration -- 5
    k) United Nations -- 5
    l) Welfare -- 5
    m) Other or expanded categories: c: Retention rates should be improved, not recruitment rates. What the U.S. is doing now is giving huge bonuses to kids out of high school to enlist, so we have a surplus of ignorant Privates, but cutting re-enlistment bonuses and career opportunities for more experienced NCOs. So not only are we getting more kids who need leadership, we're also pushing away our leadership.

    2) Taxes: Using the key, indicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories.

    a) Alcohol taxes -- 5
    b) Capital gains taxes -- 5
    c) Cigarette taxes -- 5
    d) Corporate taxes -- 5
    e) Gasoline taxes -- 5
    f) Income taxes (low-income families) -- 3
    g) Income taxes (middle-income families) -- 4
    h) Income taxes (high-income families) -- 5
    i) Other or expanded categories: f/g/h: Since taxes are collected extremely disproportionally right now, I would heavily support movement towards a flat tax system where everybody pays the same percentage, instead of punishing success and then wondering why nobody tries to be successful.

    4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year? Yes

    5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy? No -- the best way to stimulate an economy isn't to redistribute income, it's to let people keep and use their own money.

    6) Other or expanded principles:

    Business and Employment Issues:

    a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security? Yes

    b) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector? Yes

    c) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage? No

    d) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize? Yes

    e) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers? No

    f) Other or expanded principles: d: I support people's right to unionize, however, I do not at all support the strength of modern-day unions and how involved they are in politics.

    Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues:

    a) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns? Yes

    b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions? No

    c) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns? Yes

    d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits? No

    e) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations? Yes

    f) Do you support limiting the President’s ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements? Yes

    g) Other or expanded principles:

    Crime Issues:

    a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes? Yes

    b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released? Yes

    c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment? Yes

    d) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders? No

    e) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs? Yes

    g) Other or expanded principles: a: I only support capital punishment because the current state of our prison system is a joke. If prison sucked as bad as it should, more people would be afraid to commit crimes, which means less people would be in prison. If prison was actually a punishment, we would have nearly as many repeat offenders, and I would have a warmer, fuzzier feeling about letting a murderer "do his time" of twenty-five years of hell, then get out and live out his life.

    Education Issues:

    a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students? Yes

    b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs? No

    c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools? No

    d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers? Yes

    e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid? No

    f) Other or expanded principles: c/d: I don't support federal funding for them because that would mean that taxes are collected, then redistributed. I would much rather see people being allowed to keep their own money and spend it as they see fit, including on better education for their children. e: Instead of the government controlling higher education and charging more, then loaning money so that more people can afford to attend college, they should just charge less -- or better yet, let it privitize so that the competition creates a better product, as it always does.

    Environment and Energy Issues:

    a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? No

    b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? No

    c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a “cap and trade” system? No

    d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles? No

    e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas? Yes

    f) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy? No

    g) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors? Yes

    h) Other or expanded principles:

    Gun Issues:

    a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns? Yes

    b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns? Yes -- it matters not who "believes" that it does or it doesn't. It does, period.

    c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns? Yes

    d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles? No

    e) Other or expanded principles: a: By "restrictions", I'm referring to people who have lost their right to own firearms because they can't be trusted with them, whether it be because of crimes committed or mental status. However, I would be wary of the federal government, or any government, creating a "mental stability test", because it could easily be manipulated to be a "loyalty to the government test". d: First of all, there's no reason to ban assault weapons specifically. Second, let's clearly define "assault weapons" or "assault rifles" before we try to regulate them -- in the last decade or so, the term "assault weapon/rifle" has prettymuch meant "any scary-looking gun". And third, the Founding Fathers wanted to guarantee that a militia could form to overthrow the federal government if needed -- they placed no stipulations on securing the right to posess firearms, but only those that are inferior to firearms controlled by the federal government.

    Health Issues:

    a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option? No

    b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform? Yes

    c) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts? Yes

    d) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits? Yes

    e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles: c: The federal government should expand tax-free everything.

    Immigration Issues:

    a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants? No

    b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country? No

    e) Other or expanded principles: a: If they can't be trusted to obey the law (as proven by the fact that they're breaking the law already), why offer them citizenship? c/d: Where are you? What's up with a, b, e?

    International Policy Issues:

    a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan? Yes

    b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan? No

    c) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan? Yes

    d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan? Yes

    e) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States? No

    f) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state? No

    g) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates? Yes

    h) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq? Yes

    i) Do you support the United States’ involvement in free trade agreements? Yes

    j) Other or expanded principles: e: Not only when it fits our security interests. And especially not in a "you will give us money or we will support attacks against you" security interest type of deal. f: There already is an Arab Palestinian state. It's called Jordan. i: What do they mean? Our own free trade agreements, of course. Meddling in the free trade agreements of other countries, no.

    Social Issues:

    a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman? Yes

    b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military? No

    c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? No

    d) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs? Yes

    e) Other or expanded principles: b: This will only create problems. Think about it -- as soon as it ends, I come out of the closet. Can't let me room with the males now, because there's a chance of sexual harassment or assault on my part. Can't put me with other queers, because there's a chance of sexual harassment or assault on both parts. Can't let me room with the females, because I could be lying. So I need my own room, my own shower, etc. And every other homosexual, male or female, needs their own private living and hygiene area as well. Unless we just go all co-ed like Starship Troopers, but we need more better-looking women first. c: Stem cells can be harvested from multiple sources without having to kill a human being. d: Why should the federal government support employment decisions based on skin color? Why is it only wrong when it benefits white males?

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  6. #6
    HRH Albha Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Project Vote Smart: 2011 TFF Political Courage Test

    I'm not going to pretend that I understand absolutely everything mentioned here. So I'll mark those with a '€' symbol, since it's just sitting beside the number '4' and underneath '$' begging to be used.

    I'm also going to pretend I live in the US

    Abortion Issues:

    a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-life

    b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy? No

    c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape? No

    d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered? Yes

    e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures? Yes

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Aside from abortion often causing physical and mental damage to the mother, abortion is murdering an already conceived child. If a mother doesn't want her child for whatever reason, there is always Social Services.

    Who knows? Perhaps that now, non-aborted child could go onto cure cancer or AIDS?

    Budget, Spending, and Tax Issues:

    1) Spending: Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.

    1 = Greatly Increase
    2 = Slightly Increase
    3 = Maintain Status
    4 = Slightly Decrease
    5 = Greatly Decrease
    6 = Eliminate

    a) Agriculture -- 4
    b) Arts -- 3
    c) Defense--
    c1) Intelligence operations -- 5
    c2) Military hardware -- 3
    c3) National missile defense -- 5
    c4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel -- 2
    c5) Programs to improve troop retention rates -- 2
    c6) Research and development of new weapons -- 4
    d) Education -- 1
    e) Environment -- 1
    f) Homeland security -- 3
    g) International aid -- 3
    h) Medical research -- 2
    i) Scientific research -- 3
    j) Space exploration -- 6
    k) United Nations -- 4
    l) Welfare -- 4
    m) Other or expanded categories: The millitary currently recieves too much funding IMO. Distributing that money to education and medical research would be more beneficial for maintaining America's status as a world power.

    2) Taxes: Using the key, indicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories.

    a) Alcohol taxes -- 1
    b) Capital gains taxes -- 3
    c) Cigarette taxes -- 1
    d) Corporate taxes -- 3
    e) Gasoline taxes -- 3
    f) Income taxes (low-income families) -- 4
    g) Income taxes (middle-income families) -- 2
    h) Income taxes (high-income families) -- 3
    i) Other or expanded categories:

    4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year? No

    5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy? No

    6) Other or expanded principles: I thought the US was complaining to China about manipulating their economy? Surely using gov. funds to shift money around would be doing that?

    Business and Employment Issues:

    a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security? €

    b) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector? No

    c) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage? Yes*

    d) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize? Yes*

    e) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers? No

    f) Other or expanded principles: I'd really need to study this in greater detail, since I think about these matters so much in a UK-context that it can be difficult to stretch my mind to it.

    Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues:

    a) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns? No

    b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions? Yes

    c) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns? No

    d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits? No*

    e) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations? €

    f) Do you support limiting the President’s ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements? No

    g) Other or expanded principles: In a democracy, any eligible candidate should be able to stand for leadership. Eligibillity should not be dictated by your current earnings. Think about it, people with the money and influences to be able to afford huge campaigns aren't going to be very representative of the population they are going to represent.

    Crime Issues:

    a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes? No

    b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released? No

    c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment? Yes

    d) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders? No

    e) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs? Yes

    g) Other or expanded principles: A lot of these things would need to be judged on a case-by-case basis. Except the death penalty - murdering a person can't be justified no matter the crime - and think about the implications if the accused was innocent all along?

    Education Issues:

    a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students? Yes

    b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs? No

    c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools? No

    d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers? No

    e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid? Yes

    Environment and Energy Issues:

    a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? Yes

    b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? Yes

    c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a “cap and trade” system? €

    d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles? Yes

    e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas? No

    f) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy? Yes

    g) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors? No

    h) Other or expanded principles: I personally believe in human-influenced climate change. We need to reduce that.

    Gun Issues:

    a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns? Yes

    b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns? No

    c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns? No

    d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles? Yes

    e) Other or expanded principles: Guns should not be available to anyone, bar the police and the millitary.

    Health Issues:

    a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option? Yes

    b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform? Yes

    c) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts? Yes

    d) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits? Yes

    e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs? No

    f) Other or expanded principles: Healthcare shouldn't be a business first and a necessity second, it should be about saving lives before making money.

    Immigration Issues:

    a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants? No

    b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country? No

    e) Other or expanded principles: Sadly, I understand the plight of over-immigration, and have to say that if someone breaks the law by staying in a country illegally they shouldn't be given a free pass to stay there.

    International Policy Issues:

    a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan? No

    b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan? No

    c) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan? Yes

    d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan? Yes

    e) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States? Yes

    f) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state? I have no opinion on Palenstine

    g) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates? Yes

    h) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq? Yes

    i) Do you support the United States’ involvement in free trade agreements? €

    j) Other or expanded principles:

    Social Issues:

    a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman? Yes

    b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military? Yes

    c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? No

    d) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs? €

    e) Other or expanded principles: On (a), call me old fashioned buy marriage has always been a religious thing for me. Alternatives include Civil Partnerships.

    Banners and Stuff:

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    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  7. #7
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I'm not going to answer all at once, as I'm sure there will be a lot of thought required for at least some of them. Those I'm considering shall be marked in italics.

    Abortion Issues:

    a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life? (Pro-choice/Pro-life)

    b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy (Yes/No)

    c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape? Yes

    d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered? Yes

    e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures? (Yes/No)

    f) Other or expanded principles: Abortion is a huge, huge debate and quite frankly, I hope I never have to make that choice myself. In fact, as I don't intend on ever having children, I'm not sure that I should even be casting judgments about it either way. Sometimes children are aborted because the parents want a different gender; sometimes because they've developed with severe diseases or deformities that are, as the doctors term it, incompatible with life. As with most issues such as this, it's not a black and white concept.

    Budget, Spending, and Tax Issues:

    1) Spending: Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.

    1 = Greatly Increase
    2 = Slightly Increase
    3 = Maintain Status
    4 = Slightly Decrease
    5 = Greatly Decrease
    6 = Eliminate

    a) Agriculture - 2
    b) Arts - 2
    c) Defense - 3
    c1) Intelligence operations - 2
    c2) Military hardware - 3
    c3) National missile defense - 3
    c4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel - 1
    c5) Programs to improve troop retention rates - 3
    c6) Research and development of new weapons - 3
    d) Education - 1
    e) Environment - 1
    f) Homeland Security - 5
    g) International Aid - 3
    h) Medical Research - 1
    i) Scientific Research - 1
    j) Space Exploration - 1
    k) United Nations - 3
    l) Welfare - 3
    m) Other or expanded categories: Ah, the truth is revealed through budgeting. I'm a cynical idealist, and no that doesn't make sense. I would love it if we could eliminate the military budget altogether but I know that's not going to happen. I did decrease Homeland Security because it's a bad joke at best. You'll see I did increase all the technology/education/environment sort of stuff because that's our future right there, and monetary cost should be a factor in that sort of thing. Yes, that's the idealism speaking.

    2) Taxes: Using the key, indicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories.

    a) Alcohol taxes - 1
    b) Capital gains taxes - 3
    c) Cigarette taxes - 1
    d) Corporate taxes - 1
    e) Gasoline taxes - 3
    f) Income taxes (low-income families) - 5
    g) Income taxes (middle-income families) - 3
    h) Income taxes (high-income families) - 1
    i) Other or expanded categories: Yes, I support taxing vices. And yes, I know none of this is actually possible in the real world. Again, cynical idealism.

    4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year? Yes

    5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy? No

    6) Other or expanded principles: If the budget was balanced we wouldn't be in such a deep economic hole right now. The stupid stimulus bills do nothing but spend money we don't have.

    Business and Employment Issues:

    a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage? Yes

    d) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize? Yes

    e) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers? (Yes/No)

    f) Other or expanded principles: As someone attempting to live on minimum wage, I can say that getting paid feels more like an insult than an income. Minimum wage is not a living wage.

    Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues:

    a) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns? No

    b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns? No

    d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits? Yes

    e) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations? (Yes/No)

    f) Do you support limiting the President’s ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements? (Yes/No)

    g) Other or expanded principles: How about simply making it so that instead of the mud-slinging contest it's become, campaigns are limited to establishing the candidate's actual views on real issues and not the latest scandals of their rivals. Ugh, I hate politics.

    Crime Issues:

    a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes? No

    b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released? Yes

    c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment? Yes

    d) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders? Yes

    e) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs? Yes

    g) Other or expanded principles: I will expand upon this category at a later time.

    Education Issues:

    a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students? Yes

    b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs? Yes

    c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools? Yes

    d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid? Yes. Obviously I won't say no since I wouldn't be going to college if I didn't have financial aid.

    Environment and Energy Issues:

    a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? Yes

    b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change? Yes

    c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a “cap and trade” system? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles? Yes

    e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas? No

    f) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy? Yes

    g) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors? (Yes/No)

    h) Other or expanded principles:

    Gun Issues:

    a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns? Yes. Let me explain this one here, though. Anyone who buys a weapon should be required to take a gun safety/training class. There are far too many people who own guns without understanding or respecting them.

    b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns? (Yes/No)

    d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles? (Yes/No)

    e) Other or expanded principles: Another category I will expand on later.

    Health Issues:

    a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform? (Yes/No)

    c) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts? Yes

    d) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits? Yes

    e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs? No

    f) Other or expanded principles:

    Immigration Issues:

    a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants? Yes

    b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country? No

    e) Other or expanded principles: Odd that there's only two questions here. Well, decreasing the number of legal immigrants increases the number of illegal ones, so it seems like the same thing phrased differently. Considering that for most of us, our predecessors were immigrants to this country, it would be quite hypocritical to deny others the same thing.

    International Policy Issues:

    a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan? (Yes/No)

    b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan? (Yes/No)

    c) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan? (Yes/No)

    d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan? (Yes/No)

    e) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States? (Yes/No)

    f) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state? (Yes/No)

    g) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates? (Yes/No)

    h) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq? Yes

    i) Do you support the United States’ involvement in free trade agreements? (Yes/No)

    j) Other or expanded principles: Never before has a country at war been so apathetic, and I am ashamed to admit myself that I know very little of the current situation.

    Social Issues:

    a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman? No

    b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military? Yes

    c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? Yes

    d) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs? (Yes/No)

    e) Other or expanded principles: Religious marriage should be whatever the religion holds to, but these days marriage is more of an institution than a religious practice. No one should be denied the benefits of that institution just because they love someone society doesn't approve of. I still don't understand how we as a society can get away with telling other people what they can or cannot do in their private lives.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn


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