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Thread: Music Haven

  1. #391
    Godsmack Worshipper Music Haven Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    Quote Originally Posted by joesteel64
    What is/are your favorite soundtrack/s? (game, movie, television, etc)
    In my humble opinion, I think Final Fantasy VIII has some of the best soundtracks ever. In fact, the whole Final Fantasy series has just fantastic soundtracks.

    That being said, I believe that Prince of Persia (The Warrior Within) has by far the best soundtracks I've ever heard. Not to mention that I Stand Alone and Straight Out Of Line (Both songs were performed by Godsmack from their third studio album, Faceless) were featured in that game, both songs really match the game perfectly.
    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 09-30-2008 at 10:19 AM.

  2. #392
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    What is/are your favorite soundtrack/s (game, movie, television, etc)?

    Definatly all the Final Fantasy games. All the music was pretty well done, and its rare I'll get annoyed with the music. In FFVIII, the music played in Dollet was a little annoying, but it was still catchy. But the soundtrack for FFVII is my favourite!

    I also like the soundtrack from Oblivion. Especially the music in the opening cut-scene. Its really epic, and pirate-y... I might make a pirate in the game next!

    I absolutly love the soundtrack for Resident Evil! Its more my taste more than anything else.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  3. #393
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Music Haven Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Weapon View Post
    In my humble opinion, I think Final Fantasy VIII has some of the best soundtracks ever. In fact, the whole Final Fantasy series has just fantastic soundtracks.

    That being said, I believe that Prince of Persia (The Warrior Within) has by far the best soundtracks I've ever heard. Not to mention that I Stand Alone and Straight Out Of Line (Both songs were performed by Godsmack from their third studio album, Faceless) were featured in that game, both songs really match the game perfectly.

    Ha It's been so long since I've played it, Yeah you're right, PoP: warrior within had an Amazing soundtrack! That actuallly I think, along with the better controls were what made the game a million times better than Sands of Time, which was Mediocre at best.
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  4. #394
    Registered User Music Haven Halie's Avatar
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    @UntilTheEnd: Welcomes. I'll add you to the list...

    Alright, here's one I'm a litte ashamed to admit. I thought the soundtrack to 'A Cinderella Story' was really catchy, haha. Mainly the Goo Goo Dolls and Kara DioGuardi, and I'm pretty sure there were a few others. And there was a Busted song on there, which brings back loads of memories from when I was a kid. I didn't like the Hilary Duff songs, though. It's strange how I used to think she could sing fairly well, and stupid of me, haha. Yeah... I can't bloody stand her voice. It's just too squeaky. Grgh...

  5. #395
    Full Time Glompasaurus Music Haven Raider's Avatar
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    i has a question for all of yee

    If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    for example: Slipknot, Ting Tings and coldplay

    you can't say well there metal, death metal thrash metal, just generalize it all, ok?

    Mine would be

    Avenged Sevenfold - Rock
    Bring Me The horizon - Metal
    pendulum - Drum&Bass
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
    iheartpixels ♥

  6. #396
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mona Lisa Overdrive View Post
    you can't say well there metal, death metal thrash metal, just generalize it all, ok?
    Death metal and thrash metal ARE completely different genres, though.
    Unless you mean "don't name sub-genres within bigger genres". In which case I will have to complay and give my answers.

    If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    I don't have three favourite bands of all time. They vary from time to time. But right now, my three favourite would be:

    Krohm - Atmospheric depressive black metal.
    Bjork - Noise/trance/techno/pop/rock (literally no way to physically generalize her.)
    Keane - Indie.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  7. #397
    Registered User Music Haven Dimi's Avatar
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    First I'll start with Raider's question...

    1)If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    Tough one. I like so many bands but a majority of my all-time favorites are within the Gothic Metal genre. But I do listen to other genres. With that said, my three picks are:

    1) Mandragora Scream (Gothic Metal)
    2) Anathema (Atmospheric Rock)
    3) VNV Nation (Futurepop)

    Onto Joe's question...

    2) What are your favorite soundtracks? (game, movie, television, etc)
    Queen Of The Damned OST

    Valentine OST (Even though the movie sucks. )
    Sweeney Todd
    Final Fantasy IX
    Step Up
    Take The Lead
    Fight Club

    And of recently, I just got Nightmare Revisted earlier today which is the latest version of the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. They did really good on this one. I find it much better then the one they did a couple years ago with songs being covered by Fall Out Boy. *shivers*

    My current favorites of the soundtrack is Sparklehorse's version of Jack's Obsession. Amy Lee's version of Sally's Song (Much better then Fiona's version IMO.), and yes, even KoRn's version of Kidnap The Sandy Claws.

    I admit. I do tune in to a KoRn song every once in a while. I've gone through my phase of listening to Nu-Metal religiously. But I started to branch out more with my musical tastes and explored new genres I thought I would never end up liking.

    Plus Chez is my Metal teacher. She got me into Opeth.

  8. #398
    Registered User Music Haven Halie's Avatar
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    If you had to pick your three favourite bands, but each had to be a different genre, what would they be?

    Oooh, that's a toughie. Hmm...

    Flyleaf - Post Grunge... I think. Not sure. They're a bit hard to label in my opinion. =/

    Paramore - Pop Rock. I think. Again, not sure, haha. They're along those lines, though. Up-beat and stuff. Yeah...

    Bullet - METAHHHLLL!!1111!!!!!!!!

    ...Yeah. ^^;

    EDIT:: Oh, and uh... Milo, sorry to burst your bubble, but Bring Me The Horizon aren't metal. ... They're emo. ^^;;;;

  9. #399
    Godsmack Worshipper Music Haven Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    Quote Originally Posted by joesteel64 View Post
    Ha It's been so long since I've played it, Yeah you're right, PoP: warrior within had an Amazing soundtrack! That actuallly I think, along with the better controls were what made the game a million times better than Sands of Time, which was Mediocre at best.
    I totally agree. While The Warrior Within is a million times better than The Sands of Time, anyone who plays The Sands of Time first will think that The Warrior Within is just waste of money. >.> Thankfully, I played The Warrior Within first. ^^

    Ignoring the above...

    If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    I have four favorite bands of all time which makes it very difficult for me to decide which bands should I choose but I'll answer your question anyway:

    • Godsmack - Hard Rock (Definitely not Nu-Metal)
    • Within Temptation - Symphonic Rock/Metal
    • Alice In Chains - Grunge
    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 09-30-2008 at 06:02 PM.

  10. #400
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    goldfinger - punk/ska
    Pantara - metal
    The doors - classic rock

    Now given these are not my only 3 there are alot more but since the feild was limited to 3 I just choose the first 3 that came to mind.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  11. #401
    Hi, I want to join

    What are/is your favourite type(s) of music?
    Rock, pop rock, alternative, and various kinds of metal (death, thrash, glam, etc.). I also occasionally listen to country and folk.

    Do you have a particular favourite artist/band? If so, who?
    Mötley Crüe.

    How has music affected your life?
    A fair bit. I think the majority of people connect with music through their moods, and how they're feeling at the time. They can relate to the lyrics, the sound, or maybe even the 'vibe' or 'theme' they're getting from the songs. I know I do! I've also played an instrument with the school for a few years (see: below question), and wish to experiment with other instruments in the future.

    Have any musical talents?
    I used to play violin for a few years when I was younger. I'd really like to start learning how to play guitar and/or drums, though.

    What's your favourite song at the moment?
    **** Was I - Jenny Owen Youngs

  12. #402
    Arachnie Suicide Music Haven ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Favourite Soundtracks -

    Game -

    Final Fantasy X - I thought a lot of the music in here was very good at conveying particular emotions that were going on in the game, and recreate the emotions when listened to outside of the game.

    Prince of Persia - The Warrior Within - Very different to FFX, but great with the game and as a stand-alone album. One I thoroughly enjoy listening to.


    Moulin Rouge! - Probably my favourite. The perfect mix of music, on here. Makes me want to laugh and cry and dance. Great mix of original and remade music, and also has a great lot of the actual actors singing, which is very rare in a soundtrack. <3

    Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Very consistant, and relatable to the film. The one thing I probably dislike about it is that it doesn't work even remotely as a stand alone album. Pleasant to listen to if you know the movie, but if you haven't seen it, it's a load of crap.

    Aladin - C'mon. It's amazing.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  13. #403
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halie View Post
    @UntilTheEnd: Welcomes. I'll add you to the list...
    Actually, there's a funny music-related story behind UntilTheEnd and I. Not so much a story, but a fact. We met through our music tastes, lame, but take it or leave it, it'd be no different to finding a partner through TFF.
    We've always had very similar views of music, and a very similar group of bands. But we're also insanely different. I like more black metal, and he likes more medolic death. Ah, to love and be bought together by the power of music. Hahah, sorry, being lame again.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  14. #404
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    If you had to pick your three favourite bands, but each had to be a different genre, what would they be?

    Theory of a Deadman - Rock/Country.
    Pink - Pop rock.
    Evanescence - Alternative Rock.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  15. #405
    Music Haven UntilTheEnd's Avatar
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    Pärlby (with Chez and Peter)
    If you had to pick your three favourite bands, but each had to be a different genre, what would they be?

    Ohoho... this'll be fun.

    The first choice is easy, Hypocrisy (Atmospheric melodic death metal).
    The second choice not so easy, The Who (Rock).
    And the third choice is a punt in the dark, Madness (Pop/Ska).

    It's extremely rare that I listen to 'The Who' or 'Madness' though.
    Last edited by UntilTheEnd; 10-01-2008 at 08:26 AM.

  16. #406
    I just tried to pick three people, just three, and failed. My favourites change a lot.

    Bob Dylan - usually fairly quiet

    David Bowie - a bit louder

    Led Zeppelin - lots louder.

  17. #407
    Australian Goof Music Haven Craven's Avatar
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    If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    Hrmm. There are so many though!

    Within Temptation - Symphonic Rock/Metal

    This band calls out to me, I love Sharon Den Adel. She has a great voice which I thoroughly enjoy listening to.

    Evanescence - Rock

    I have loved this band since I was a child. (Well, I still am one I guess ) Amy Lee has the most amazing voice. Her Duo with Seether, such a moving and powerful song, It got me deep.

    Three Days Grace - Hard Rock

    I love this band. One of my all time favourites. I can really relate to the lyrics. They move me. I cried for Never Too Late. ^^; Heh.

    Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:

  18. #408
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Music Haven Joe's Avatar
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    If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    Ha, for once this is relatively easy, though For two of them I had to think

    Dream Theater - Progressive Metal

    DT Are one of my favorite bands EVER! Absolutely love their music, their sound, and Portnoy and Petrucci are amazing on Drums and Guitar, respectively

    Godsmack - Hard Rock

    Absolutely Love godsmack, haven't heard anything by them that I've disliked, except for maybe one or two tracks off of their second album. Their self-titled debut album has got to be one of the best debut albums EVER.

    Buckethead - Instrumental Guitar/Guitar Virtuoso

    Buckethead is by far my favorite guitarist. he's able to play so many different styles of music, and can also play with amazing emotion. Ever heard Soothsayer? For Mom? Just amazing. Too Many Humans was absolutely hauntingly beautiful.
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  19. #409
    Godsmack Worshipper Music Haven Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    Quote Originally Posted by Halie View Post
    EDIT:: Oh, and uh... Milo, sorry to burst your bubble, but Bring Me The Horizon aren't metal. ... They're emo. ^^;;;;
    You hit the nail right on the head. No offense to Raider but I can't believe he actually likes this band. >.> Maybe I am too old for this shit but, c'mon, this band is incredibly untalented.

    Sorry to say it, but Bring Me The Horizon is a disgrace to music, as they shamelessly do not even make an attempt at good music. Seriously though, what can you expect from a bunch of emo kids who know absolutely nothing about music?
    Quote Originally Posted by Craven View Post
    Within Temptation - Symphonic Rock/Metal

    This band calls out to me, I love Sharon Den Adel. She has a great voice which I thoroughly enjoy listening to.
    I totally agree with you, She blew me away with her voice, I am not exaggerating here, she is absolutely one of those rarest female singers who has one of the most unique voices out there. She is a Goddess and I love her. <3
    Quote Originally Posted by joesteel64 View Post
    Godsmack - Hard Rock

    Absolutely Love Godsmack, haven't heard anything by them that I've disliked, except for maybe one or two tracks off of their second album. Their self-titled debut album has got to be one of the best debut albums EVER.
    Ever since I heard Godsmack I completely fell in love with their music. I still love them and probably will never stop listening to them. I have been listening to them for more than 5 years now and I never get tired of them.

    I totally agree with you by the way, their self-titled album is brilliant, it is one of the few CD's I own I can actually listen to straight through mostly because every song is great, I just can't pick favorites.

    EIDT: Haha. I just realized that this is my 1000th post. ^^
    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 10-03-2008 at 02:39 PM.

  20. #410
    Full Time Glompasaurus Music Haven Raider's Avatar
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    @halie BMTH were deathcore but their new album went down a different route, i only like their older stuff so, they are hardcore in my books

    1. how the f**k can you say they have no skill, I'd like to see you scream like that (i don't mean to be offensive just very strong opinions)

    2. i hate with in temptation, they're just another generic comercialy spewed oyut band


    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
    iheartpixels ♥

  21. #411
    Australian Goof Music Haven Craven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    @halie BMTH were deathcore but their new album went down a different route, i only like their older stuff so, they are hardcore in my books

    1. how the f**k can you say they have no skill, I'd like to see you scream like that (i don't mean to be offensive just very strong opinions)

    2. i hate with in temptation, they're just another generic comercialy spewed oyut band



    1. Last time I checked they were called Within Temptation not with in temptation.

    2. They don't have any skill. It takes no skill whatsoever to scream.

    3. How can you swear at someone and not be offensive. If that was possible, politicians jobs would be extremely easy.

    Again, each to their own. But you need to know what generic is before you can classify what band is and isn't.
    Last edited by Craven; 10-03-2008 at 11:38 PM.

    Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:

  22. #412
    Full Time Glompasaurus Music Haven Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craven View Post

    1. Last time I checked they were called Within Temptation not with in temptation.

    2. They don't have any skill. It takes no skill whatsoever to scream.

    3. How can you swear at someone and not be offensive. If that was possible, politicians jobs would be extremely easy.

    Again, each to their own. But you need to know what generic is before you can classify what band is and isn't.

    1. sorry i forgot to type within i was sleepy

    2. if it takes no skill then why do people have screaming coaches to be able to do that then?

    3. I'm just amazing cus i can do things like that
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
    iheartpixels ♥

  23. #413
    Registered User Music Haven Dimi's Avatar
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    I don't mind hearing vocalists scream whenever I hear a song of the band that usually does that. I like a mixture of how vocals are done. I like hearing growls. I like hearing male vocals. I like hearing female vocals. And I like a mixture of male/female vocals. It does take talent to at least know how to scream properly. Otherwise, you might sound like a dying cat. Not to mention you can definitely **** up your throat and your vocal cords in the long run.

  24. #414
    Arachnie Suicide Music Haven ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Three favourite bands of a different genre -

    1 - ThouShaltNot [Darkwave]
    I've raved on about them a million times in various places on this forum. They generally fall into the darkwave genre whatever they do, but within that they still display a pretty wide range of sounds, from almost-cabaret to slightly heavier industrial stuff.

    2 - The Dresden Dolls [Dark Caberet]
    They're not one of my favourites at all, but it took me a while to think of a band I like that isn't anywhere near darkwave XD. They are good, though. Quite refreshing as far as music goes, and they have some interesting themes.

    3 - Epica [Metal...?]
    I'm not usually one for this type of music, in case you've not guessed, but I love Epica. I still only like any type of metal in small doses and I guess this is my dose. One of three regularly listened to metal bands by me, and them probably the most often. I just like them.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  25. #415
    Screaming songs is a skill. Just like doing data entry is a skill. Both require a modicum of training, and neither yield positive results.

    I like songs where the person sings, personally. I work in an airport, so there are many oppotunities during my day whereby I can get someone to scream at me if I so wish. I'm also a politics student, which means I get screamed at by rabid geology students most of the time anyway. However, I don't usually wish being screamed at upon myself, and would never choose it to happen, least of all in music.

    And finally:

    Quote Originally Posted by Raider
    3. I'm just amazing cus i can do things like that
    I'm amazing too.

  26. #416
    Registered User Music Haven Halie's Avatar
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    Uh, guys... can we please not argue like that? A debate is nice, but keep it clean okay? Don't get huffy puffy if someone disagrees with your opinion. But also, like it says in the introduction post, keep an open mind. -.-;;

    Onto more happier things... welcome to the club, ^^.

    I do think it requires some skill to screaming. I can't even try to scream, haha. So there must be some sort of hidden skill to it. But it also depends on your voice in general. It's more common for to Men have deeper, more masculine voices than women. It's also common for men to use screaming vocals. So that must show that deep, huskier voices are needed for screaming vocals. At least, in most cases anyway.

  27. #417
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I had a huge post set up, but my mouse jumped and killed it. Ground control to Major lolz. Major lolz, do you copy? Amirite? No worries, anyway.

    Let me put it simply. Raider, you look really silly when you go around telling everybody you're a master of metal, when, lets face it. You probably don't even know who Burzum are. You like metal, yes? But you don't know anything outside of nu and Brutal. So lets fix that in an easy and friendly way.

    Let's talk about mainstream for a moment. The reason I am making you my main target for this post is because you're getting your genres all mixed up. The reason I do not tut and shake my head at Halie liking Bullet is because she KNOWS they are not hard-ass metal and she accepts that. That is admirable behavior. They are metal, but they are not death, they are not black, they're not uber amazing hard metal of dooooomz. But Halie knows what she likes and she's cool with it.

    So I've compiled a list of bands that I think you should check out. Take my advise or leave it, but this WILL benefit you if you want to progress onto being anywhere knowledgeable about metal. Because you can't say you know metal when you only have three genres to list.

    I will type my list up here later, but first, lets have a little lesson in metal shall we?

    Morbid Angel, formed in '84. Death metal, influenced a lot of following bands. New stuff? Not so great.
    Entombed, formed about '87/'88, became popular death metal in the early 90's. Again, new stuff isn't as good as the old. Listen to Left Hand Path if you get the chance.
    Both of the above are influential to todays death metal. Have you heard of those bands before now? Be serious with me.

    Now, onto the list I have prepared for you. By the way, I don't promote downloading, but I don't pry into what people do in their spare time either. I would suggest buying them if you want them, but if you just want to listen to them, please do so by using Youtube and Last.FM or other sites that allows you to legally obtain or listen to tracks or clipits of tracks.

    Hypocrisy - I would suggest listening to Virus first, since it is the easiest album of theirs to get into if you're new to the band.
    Fear Factory - You'll probably like this one a lot.
    Dimmu Borgir - Same as above. Mainstream, so easy to find in local stores as well as on Amazon.
    Anaal Nathrakh

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  28. #418
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    If you had to pick your three favourite bands but each had to be a different genre what would they be?

    Well they wouldn't be my absolute favourites due to having to be different genres, but I'd say:

    Mudhoney (Grunge). They have a great sound and are one of few older grunge bands still more or less active. I enjoy their 2008 album 'The Lucky Ones' greatly, but I feel the vocals seem a bit flatter than they managed to get with some of their older music. Mudhoney includes Mark Arm and Steve Turner from Green River, which is another great grunge band who some see as being the first true grunge sound, Dan Peters who was associated with several grunge bands including Nirvana (notably he performed drums for 'Sliver') and Guy Maddison who's also previously been involved with a few punk and grunge acts.

    Alice in Chains (Grunge influenced alternative metal). Another great sound, and very unique. I found it hard to label them any specific genre, though I do feel some grunge, alternative metal, hard rock, and at times heavy metal present in a good percentage of their songs. I also find I can appreciate a good percentage of their lyrics as well as the music itself (though the same can be said of Mudhoney and most other bands I listen to). And my God, did they kick ass as Alice Mudgarden performing with Mudhoney's Mark Arm and Sound Garden's Chris Cornell. Unfortunately the one song that I know of performed by Alice Mudgarden seems harder to find these days - 'Right Turn'. It's on the Sap Alice in Chains EP, and you can hear it in the film Black Hawk Down.

    The Melvins (Sludge metal). Sludge metal is probably the metal sound I'm personally most fond of, and it's mostly (if not completely) due to the Melvins. They can be very controversial, but many see them as a novelty act regardless of their talent, so they don't seem to catch the attention they deserve. I only wish I could find a copy of their newest album Nude With Boots which came out earlier this year I've heard. Local stores don't seem to stock the good stuff no more.
    Last edited by Furore; 10-04-2008 at 07:48 PM.
    victoria aut mors

  29. #419
    Arachnie Suicide Music Haven ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    Screaming songs is a skill. Just like doing data entry is a skill. Both require a modicum of training, and neither yield positive results.

    I like songs where the person sings, personally. I work in an airport, so there are many oppotunities during my day whereby I can get someone to scream at me if I so wish. I'm also a politics student, which means I get screamed at by rabid geology students most of the time anyway. However, I don't usually wish being screamed at upon myself, and would never choose it to happen, least of all in music.

    And finally:

    I'm amazing too.

    Zomg! You ARE amazing!!

    Anyway, I was about to come in and chip in on the screaming vs. talent debate, but I agree with basically everything in here.

    I get that it's a skill, and definitely quite hard to do effectively. But, that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it. I actually don't mind it in small amounts, but I couldn't listen to a whole song, albeit a whole album full of it. Little bits I don't mind. But a band specialising in it? No thanks. I guess I'm not zomghardcorezZ enough for it ^^;. Most of what I listen to's relatively soft.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  30. #420
    Music Haven You's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    Hmmm here are my 3:

    Nightwish: Symphonic metal I guess (man I suck at genres)

    Jimi Hendrix: Hard rock/blues rock

    Alestorm: Pirate metal for the win^^

    In my opinion screaming does take talent. Any one can scream, but learning to scream properly, from your diaphragm, so you dont completely ruin your voice, takes a lot of learning and skill.

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