do you train any art
Brazilian jiu-jitsu under 5th degree blackbelt Roberto Traven.
Favorite styles of fighting
Brazlian jiu-jitsu and catch wrestling. Judo newaza. Jiu-jitsu teaches postion before submission while catch wrestling emphasizes strength and standing entries into subs( exciting to watch). Grappling arts up until recently have not got the attention they deserve. Like i tell all my buddies, "If you do not know how to grapple then you do not know how to fight". you could be the best striker in the world but if you do not know how to defend agaisnt clinches, takedowns, and ground techniques then all your striking abilities don't mater. Learning to defend yourself off your back is crucial.
What is your favorite MMA organization.(ex: UFC, Strike Force, WEC, Pancrase)
Pride while it still existed. UFC and the Dream organization. Strikeforce(as long as they have moussai, fedor and Jacare).
Who is your favorite fighter.
awww many to name. Demian Maia, George Sotiropoulos, Kazushi Sakuraba, Anderson silva, George st Pierre, BJ Penn, Jacare, Fedor, Shinya Aoki........ and a whole lot more .
What was the first fight you ever saw.
hmmm....I really do not remember....uhhhhhh....something from the UFC.
I had a friend growing up who was 5'3 135 and was a wrestler who loved to get into fights. He won all but 1 fight that i know of and that was to a college football player. Anyway his recipe for success was always the same clinch + takedown + mount + maintaing mount + raining down blows = winning everytime. His opponents were clueless once the fight was off the feet and he would just dominate taller, stronger, bigger guys.
That showed me the power of grappling. The gracies showed me the power of submission grappling.