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Thread: Made in China

  1. #1

    Made in China

    I am having enough of that Made in China mess. I am saddened that many manufacturers have moved their production facilities to the People's Republic of China, the most oppressive country in the world, and they are learning their lesson because of that. Many products I have seen on the job have been manufactured in the People's Republic of China (hence the label "Made in China"). "Made in China" now serves as a consumer warning label. I am urging non-Chinese manufacturing companies to move their Chinese manufacturing plants to countries besides the People's Republic of China. The first companies who should do this are toy manufacturers. Remember, if the product you want to purchase is made in China or assembled with Chinese-made parts, then put it back on the shelf. There should be a law that toys should be made in a country other than China.
    Last edited by Ted Zanarukando; 12-30-2007 at 02:08 AM.

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    F*ckin' Australia!
    Toys be damned, their stainless steel rusts!

    It's true indeed. My favourite knife happens to be made of Chinese stainless steel. And water makes it rust. Blood makes it rust. Just being exposed to oxygen makes it rust (albeit a little slower).

    I'm loving the often cheaper prices of Chinese made goods, but I agree that some things are just that bad a quality to be worth buying...
    As for toys, most of the ones I have from China are quite durable. Except for a knockoff of a Trunks DBZ figurine I bought about a decade ago. Or a bit less, I forget...

    It feel to pieces outside of the box leading to a very upset kid celtic...
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Made in China
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    Yeah, that's right. The quality of the Chinese stuff exported worldwide must be the lowest possible...

    The prices are the only positive thing about them, but most of the time, everything one buys breaks in mere seconds.

    Here in Greece, there's a huge "underground" link of all Chinese stores, which seem to pop up everywhere. Sometimes, i meet those shorty Chinese dudes in the streets of Athens, carrying huge, black plastic bags full of clothes most of the time, from one store to the next. It's more than an alliance between them.

    The worst thing is that the immigrants & the poor class citizens mostly buy clothes & other stuff from them. That way, not only is that a back-set for the law abiding store owners who cannot compete with those ridiculously low prices, but furthermore those products are harmful for the people's health, especially the fabrics of the clothes & the electrical appliances. Last year, a woman died because she bought a sewing iron that upon plugging it in, it gave her an electric shock & killed her.

    Another thing that those good for nothing Greek smartarses do, is to buy Chinese stuff & say that they're European, etc... Like that, they buy a leather blouson for 10 Euro & sell it to customers as an "Italian blah blah blah" for more than 100 Euro! It's also hard to catch them.

    It's a good thing that major companies decide to take their factories away from China, even though places like Taiwan & Indonesia aren't that different; they just don't have the "made in China" effect on buyers, yet.

    If there was a way to stop the illegal Chinese trade, stop them from entering all that cr*p in our countries, things would be much better. I don't know about other countries, but here, the trade is suffering because of them.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Zanarukando View Post
    the People's Republic of China, the most oppressive country in the world
    Surely you jest.

    A lot of you are acting like Chinese goods are forced onto us. If you don't want them, don't buy them. The truth is, other than the recent lead fiasco, most of what they have sent us has been reliable. Do they break often? Of course they do, but that is not the fault of the Chinese day laborer, that is the fault of the American tycoon who uses cheap tools and materials. But a lot of the hatred has race in the back of the mind.

  5. #5
    I do what you can't. Made in China Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Here and there
    Nobody blamed the Chinese worker for making a shoddy product. That would be like blaming the grocery store clerk because the apple you bought had a bruise. And this has nothing to do with hatred or racism -- but the more it's mentioned, the less it means, so people need to stop crying wolf.

    And China is an extremely oppresive country. Maybe not as much as some Islamic extremist countries are, but close. Torturing Christians and forcing abortions are only a few of the attrocities committed by the Chinese authorities.

    Sure, having things made in China is cheaper -- but do you know why? Taxes. American companies and corporations (that's not an evil word, by the way) are taxed ridiculous amounts of money to locate their service in the United States. Not only are they paying their American workers dollars on the hour more than they could pay Chinese workers for the same job, they're also paying quite a chunk of their gross profit in taxes. So what do they do? They move. They go somewhere like Mexico or China, where people will work for a fraction of what Americans will work for (because there's no ridiculous "minimum wage" in certain other countries), and pay import taxes to get the products into the U.S. Furthermore, since the products are constructed in other countries, they follow the safety regulations of those countries, not those of America. Sure, there are regulations on what's put on the market and what's imported to the United States, but there are also quite a few regulations regarding safety and durability that can only be applied during the manufacturing stage -- and if that's done out of country, those regulations don't necessarily apply.

    All in all, you prettymuch get what you pay for. You can't expect that the toy included in your Happy Meal will stand up to being stepped on, or to drive your Kia Sophia into an oncoming Mack and walk away from it. Like El Wray said, if you don't want them, don't buy them -- some people are even on a sort of personal crusade to only buy American-made goods.

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    John 15:13

  6. #6
    I am all for toys Made in China. If people Made in China are all right, why can't their toys be fine with you people either?

    Like it was previously stated, if you don't want toys made in China, then don't buy them. It's as simple as that. If I don't want Lung Cancer from Cigarettes, then I just straight up don't buy cigarettes.

    If I don't want crabs from Underwear, then I won't buy them from the Goodwill Store, will I?

  7. #7
    Dude! I, like, bought this microphone that was made in china so that I could replace my old one, and then we only used it once! After we used it, it stopped working.

    Another disappointment was a wireless mouse I bought. And it already broke even before it lasted a week.

    But I think that's why Chinese products are so cheap: Their products are disposable.

    "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil."
    ROMANS 16:19

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  8. #8
    I am quite dismayed myself that America keeps giving jobs to abusive companies in repressive countries like China and Taiwan. So yeah, I don't like the whole made in china stuff either.


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