I thought it was about due time that i created another ID thread and one of the last things i have been thinking of was the symbolism and meaning of death.
Death has always been symbolised by the grim reaper, skeletons the devil you name it there are plenty of different symbols for it, but why such the dark demeanor of the symbols, i have always liked Grim Reapers just because of the mysteriousness of them with the capes and black hollow hoods and the massive scythes they carry and i can only assume that his scythe is his means of severing the soul from the body hence causing the body to become lifless but why do they make him/her so sinister. The egyptians don't exactly embrace death but the worship and celebrate it as one crossing to the lands of the Pharohs and as the name suggests it was mainly believed that only Pharohs, preists, nobles and scribes were allowed this passage towrds a second life. Ancient tribes used to believe that death was what they lived for and embraced it when it came and believed that it was their gods gift. But now we try and prevent it and subdue its coming geez i sound suicidal and goth when i speak like that trust me i am oooook hehe no i love my life and i live for my family but when it is my time i guess it is my time hopefully not for a very long time.
I know there are some parts of the world that celebrate their dead and deceased yearly in the festivel of the dead and i have watched these parades and they are quite freaky but that is their way instead of weeping and grieving the have a huge party hell i hope thats how i am remembered haha. Chinese and Japanese i think make little lanterns for friends and family who have passed away and set them adrift, some cultures still believe in send the body away with coins to pay the ferry man to get over the river styx and some still burn the bodies on a pyre. Now don't get me wrong i will always mourn if someone close to me passes i wouldn't celebrate their passing as such but i would celebrate their life and because i know thats how all my friends and family would like it.
How is death symbolised in your parts of the world, is it celebrated revered or mourned.