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Thread: I Just Don't Get Obama

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    Registered User I Just Don't Get Obama Locke4God's Avatar
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    Orlando, FL

    I Just Don't Get Obama

    He was the great communicator right? The one that could pull everybody together. Make us understand his great vision of the future? He could even pull countries together?

    • 54% now Dissaprove of his performance, just 46% approve. That's an improvement over yesterday believe it or not
    • 42% think he's doing an absolutely terrible job, and that's almost as many as the total who think he's a least doing just ok. Listening to the news would you even realize that half the country thinks he's awful? Would you realize that the 54% total who dissaprove at all is more than the 52% of people that actually voted for him?
    • And check out the approval index. -15% for 2 days, and it's been in the negative double digits for 11 days.
    • All of that can be found here Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports

    And what about his "great" ideas.

    I could go on for hours about why most of what he's doing are just terrible ideas, but suffice it say that for those paying attention before the election it's not suprising to see that none of his major policies have support. And that doesn't count how bad off Cap & Trade is.

    You might wonder though why a President who's number one priority was Heatlhcare has never written even a portion of the Healthcare bill. Or if it was his idea, why there would be 7 bills floating around in the first place. If it was his idea, why wouldn't there just be one? You might wonder why they're trying to pass it anyway when a significant majority say they don't want it. This is a country of the people isn't it? Are they listening? I guess not.

    You might wonder how raising taxes in the middle of a recession could possibly be a good idea. And you might wonder how it is that unemployment is at 10.5% when he swore passing the stimulus would keep us from going above 8%. That's a 7 million job miscalculation! You might wonder why it's taken almost a year to close Guantanimo Bay if that was such a good idea. Could it be the prison actually served a good purpose? No that couldn't be, so he decided to release some prisoners. Anybody support that?

    You might wonder why his first reaction during the altercation between the professor and the cop earlier this year, was to blame the cop, admittedly before he knew what was going on.

    You might wonder why the head of his VP search commity, his Treasury Secretary, and Tom Daschel were all investigated for tax violations or other fraud, and there are others.

    You might wonder why Vaan Jones, and Anita Dunn have been forced out of his cabinet when they each process love for the political philosophies of Mao and Karl Marx. Communists in the White House? No that can't be? Why would Obama hire such people?

    You might awe at his embarrasing effort to get the Olympics or his laughable win of the Noble Peace prize. Why not send Hilary, or Bill, or Carter? Why stick your neck out for the Olypics? To get money for your hometown people who bankrolled your campaign? And how does one win the Noble Peace prize, when the cutoff for nomination was less than 3 weeks into his presidency? What did he do in 3 weeks to surpass all those who may have qualified over the previous year? He'd done nothing but run for president. Hardly a peace prize qualification.

    One of the great quotes of Ronald Reagan went as follows. "The most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I am here to help." (Ronald Reagan) Does the second half of that quote not mirror Obama's campaign slogan?

    These are just a few things, but I just sit and wonder why we ever decided to elect a man who's entire repitoire of ideas are not approved by the majority of Americans, who hires admited communists to be his presidential advisors, who hires tax cheats to run his office, who goes to church with a preacher who literally says he hates America, who doesn't stand up for cops, and the list goes on.

    Was Bush great? No, but this man Obama is a terrible terrible terrible president whose only qualification is that he seems like a nice guy. And that's the worst kind.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 11-25-2009 at 01:26 PM.

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