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Opinion from a former homeschooler:
Once I was forced to go to public school in fifth grade, I hated it. The public school system was a nightmare. I knew how to work with others, I just hated it. I always found that my productivity was highly increased when I worked alone. group dynamics, to me, is an excuse for a single person, usually the smartest, to have all of the work dumped on him/her while the others fart around.
The teachers at my school couldn't care less if we succeeded; they figured that if one student knew about it, then they could teach the students. Teh group dynamic was emphasized to a higher degree, and once the No child Left Behind Act was implemented, The smarter kids were restrianed under the philosophy that everyone had to advance at the same pace. I suffered through the extra practice that i was given until everyone got the topic, and I suffered because of it. I had learned more in first to fourth grade homeschooling than I learned in my public school education.
I am currently a junior in high school, but I got fed up with the social and educational organization of teh typical high school after my freshman year, that I sought somethign better.
I discovered a type of hgih school called an early college. An early college is completely different from regular high school. The students are required to take college classes (I am enrolled in four, and am over halfway to an asociate's degree. For those who care, I am enrolled in Expository writing, college algebra, World civilizations and intro to computers(im only in intro to computers b/c its requried)). The environment is much like family, and the chians placed on those thirsting for knowledge were lifted. The environmetn is much like family, and everybody encourages and pushes everyone else to do their best.
I miss my homeschooling days, but I have found something so much better. Currently I am valedictorian, and none have been able to unseat me from that position.
All of that being said. I would reccommend homeschooling at least through elementary school, if not middle school. I fear for her ability to succeed in typical high school, where everything is arranged in a hierarchial structure, and those who do not conform to typical stereotypes, much less the "normal and even" level of intellegence are expunged from the social scene, and constrined in the educational level.
Note: in case you are unfamiliar with the arrangement of american public schools, elementary school lasts from 1st-5th grade (age 6-10 or so), and middle school last from 6th-8th grade (age 11ish to 13 or so)