traveling to museums and historic locations to learn history is the way to go. usually the information there isn't too biased and is more interesting; i.e. a lot of time, at historic locations, there are stories told from ordinary people about what was going on about said event/location.
going to throw in a personal example here - when i was in elementary i went to a montessori school (if you dont know what that it) and we were always encouraged to do "going outs" to places to learn about them rather than just reading them from a textbook. going out to different historic places gave it a more personal, hands on (at times) learning experience which is more valuable than reading the same chapter in a history book as every other student in the U.S.
now that being said, i also live in texas where the board of education approved a curriculum not too long ago to allow texas history textbooks to press the republican philosophy in a more positive manner. if you want to learn real history, get off your butt and go where the history is!