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Thread: Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them!

  1. #1
    Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Snave's Avatar
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    Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them!

    I believe that if heaven does exist then it will be up in the clouds. However I believe that hell is facing life again. Having to be reincarnated and live life again until you fulfil Gods wishes and is sent up to paradise. Hell, in my books does not exist. Only life and heaven.

    Though this is a very basic theory, it is what I have lived my life believing in. Im not an atheist or Christian either. I like to keep my mind open and take in peoples ideas about this. So whats your thoughts on heaven and hell?
    A lone wolf. Sitting silently waiting for the right moment to strike. Hours go by, as do days and also years but when the moment is right, you shoot at the girls heart.

  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Basic it may be, but that's actually a really good way to look at it.

    In life, you go through pain -- and often happiness as well, but life, when you look at it is sort of pointless... But what is paradise/Heaven? As pointless as life? If you look at life as pointless, like I do, you'll think of Heaven as pointless. What's the point in creation, if there's no big picture to it. Anyway, that would be drifting a little off-topic.

    I'd say life could be like a form of hell, but hell has been depicted in such a bad way in the past, people believe it's elsewhere. You raise a very interesting point, though. Nice one, Snave.

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  3. #3
    Synthesized Ascension Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Zardoch's Avatar
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    My own theory is a bit different than others. I think there are certain places that are similar to heaven and hell, but they aren't heaven or hell and only referred to such because of mainstream belief.

    Now, I'm not sure what they are called or who runs them, but I believe that there are dimensions based upon this one universe. Not parallel universes, but different versions of the one universe upon three or maybe even a greater number of dimensions. The ones we would be very familiar with are our own reality, a heavenly dimension, and a hellish dimension.

    It's just something I put together long ago to create a theory to the things I have seen, what my friends have seen, and just how life is much more than based on universal laws.

  4. #4
    I kinda think of hell as some place were one realizes that he/she is seperated from God. I can't say if I think one feels physical and/or emotional pain but I imagine one would considering no matter what hell is, it's gotta suck to be there. One person told me that they think of hell as a factory where evil ideas are made and seep up through the earth and enter people's minds, that however kind of implies that hell would be in the middle of Earth but I think it is on another level of consiousness.

    When I was little I thought of Heaven as an infinitely large room where people would go when they die and you would just find people you knew and get caught up with them. I don't think this is off topic, but has anyone ever seen the Animatrix? It's like a weird short cartoons with weird ideas. In one cartoon there was a place where the laws of nature didn't exist. Sometimes I have thought of Heaven as a place like that, where you can do anything you want as long as it isn't evil. But that makes me think of another quetion, will you still have your free will when you go to Heaven. I mean if you don't then a part of you has been taken away, can you imagine not having free will? And if you do still have it then can you think evil thoughts or do evil things? If so would you get kicked out?

    Sorry I don't mean to change the question on you Snave. Just my thoughts.
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  5. #5
    Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! TomStrife's Avatar
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    I believe if you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose for your sins then you go to Heaven. I believe if you do not believe that Jesus died for your sins, you go to Hell.

    I believe Heaven is the greatest of the greatest places and our minds cannot comprehend its beauty and how long we will be there (imagine in your mind life going on forever and not stopping).

    I believe Hell is the exact opposite of everything Heaven is.
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  6. #6
    Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Snave's Avatar
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    Darkness - waiting for that ray of light to show me the way
    Ooo! Thats clever bout the parallel universe! So evil ghosts and guardian angels could be slipping into our universe by accident or those people who rebel against us and aim to slip into our universe? Cool! Maybe there is no heaven and hell. Maybe its live life, die, stay dead...You never know. Just have to find out when you are lying face up in a grave. If I was to die and my theory is correct then I think I would probably live life again Paradise to me would be a nightmare. You would not face worries, regrets, pain, it would all be covered up by creating a perfect angelic world. Theres no particular meaning to life but I enjoy living it. To die and go to heaven would be a nightmare.
    A lone wolf. Sitting silently waiting for the right moment to strike. Hours go by, as do days and also years but when the moment is right, you shoot at the girls heart.

  7. #7
    Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Earth. It is my heaven and it is my hell. It's a mixture of the bad and the good, just like my being, and it's perfect for me. I could not imagine there being a place of 'only good' and 'only bad'. I don't focus on what may come 'after' life; I got this now, I'm not going to look forward so much I forget to live.

    And it would be terribly cruel to judge people in such a manner.
    Also why do so many people, who don't know what to do with this life, blessed as they may be, yearn for another that is eternal?

    Oh well. Believe whatever.
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Snave
    I believe that if heaven does exist then it will be up in the clouds. However I believe that hell is facing life again. Having to be reincarnated and live life again until you fulfil Gods wishes and is sent up to paradise. Hell, in my books does not exist. Only life and heaven.

    Though this is a very basic theory, it is what I have lived my life believing in. Im not an atheist or Christian either. I like to keep my mind open and take in peoples ideas about this. So whats your thoughts on heaven and hell?
    Thats pretty much what Hinduism says. You do good, you gain 'moksha'.. a state where you're one with the energy that made the universe, you do bad, you are reincarnated back as a living thing.

    I'm not sure what i believe in actually. I kinda do believe in that, but I also believe that heaven and hell is what you make your life out to be.
    dont u have anything better to do than highlighting my sig?

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  9. #9
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Heaven does not appeal to me, a perfect paradise is impossible as our mind our souls not only feel differant from each other but we also go through experiances to change how we feel about something. During the begining of your life you think you know everything and as you go on you realise just how much you don't know.

    Hell is somewhat more interesting, Hell is potrayed as all the bad things. To reach hell you create it yourself, you choose to act in a negative stance then you will only receive the negative outcomes.

    I don't believe in heaven or hell in a "literal" sense, but I believe in the concept that although we don't not have control over our lives on a large scale, through our actions we determine out own fate. Whether god is true or not it doesn't matter, what kind of god would send us to an eternal pit of misery if we chose not to believe in him yet we followed the basic princibles of life.

    I also feel there is some truth to the super-natural such as parallel dimensions. As we are very tiny the is so much we don't know about.

    Also I believe that there can be a heaven on Earth, if humans chose to create it. Even though I claim to the "dark-side" I still believe that to get what we would see as a paradise we have to strive for a more positive existance rather than letting the negative consume us. ie Smile

  10. #10
    Hell is other people - Jean-Paul Sartre

    I dont believe in a literal heaven and hell, I think they're more devices and emotional crutches for people. ie, I was raised as a Christain, Go to Church or you'll go to Hell, was the message given to me as a child. Or if someone has a bad life they'd like to believe there's something better waiting for them.
    Personally, reincarnation is more likely I think, but there would be no memory of past lifes. A cycle seems more logical than a definititive stop.

  11. #11
    same as -Xu- i am raised as a christian but still heaven and hell seem so unrealistic. this world can be ur heaven or hell (for me its hell but thats me) and the afterlife is just a mystery.

    my personal thing on this is either when you die u replay ur life like when u get that feeling like you've done this before or u knew it was going to happen. my other threoy is that u become something else; a plant, a other human, who knows it is beyond are understanding.
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  12. #12
    Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Snave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Casanova[OCAU]
    Thats pretty much what Hinduism says. You do good, you gain 'moksha'.. a state where you're one with the energy that made the universe, you do bad, you are reincarnated back as a living thing.

    I'm not sure what i believe in actually. I kinda do believe in that, but I also believe that heaven and hell is what you make your life out to be.
    Wow! You know your stuff. I never knew bout that. Clever however, but its the only "logical" thing that I can think of. Dying and staying dead is impossible to think of, therefore I always tend to think of heaven and hell.
    A lone wolf. Sitting silently waiting for the right moment to strike. Hours go by, as do days and also years but when the moment is right, you shoot at the girls heart.

  13. #13
    I disagree with...

    Quote Originally Posted by TomStrife
    I believe if you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose for your sins then you go to Heaven. I believe if you do not believe that Jesus died for your sins, you go to Hell.
    Due to "many rooms in my fathers house" etc. but afterall they are only his beliefs and to debate that would be going into a different section of the whole shabang.

    I think Heaven is different depending on your religion, for instance Christianity is seeing God in his beatic vision, yet Hell would not be seeing God. There seems many variables about Heaven and Hell because in The Bible, (not sure about other religious texts) it contradicts itself verily, with the burning and whatnot.

    i dont think that anyone can agree on Heaven and Hell and thats why we have so many different opinions on it, i myself think that Heaven would just be a simple place where you enter some form of dream and your...ambitions and wants are all fulfilled. hell on the other hand could equally be living life again or being burnt eternally or feasted on by rabid dogs .
    "Shoot, coward, you're only going to kill a man"

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  14. #14
    Registered User Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Craigifer's Avatar
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    Heaven exists and so does Hell....they must counter each other to keep balance like the Ying and yang....because without balance...God would be destroyed...and since we are all a bit of God....we too would be destroyed...I am still searching for the entire truth....but so far I have that....and I know that hell is a dark, cold, empty space in which the sulfer that burn actually the sins you have comitted....the sins you have to think about for an eterity...thinking of every mistake you made...of everything bad you did....that's enough to burn don't actually think that in Hell you get burned with sulfer? After all souls can't be physically for is full of peace and wonders...the happiness that everyone searches for lies there....and gates that are impossible to get past....block the way....that is why I could never tell you....what heaven is truly like....
    "Open your mind and see the world as it truly lies, look to each other and try to understand one another. By doing so, you can see how others think and feel, therefore you can understand them, and work with them. If we work together, we can stop the end which is soon upon us. But by continuing to want to kill one another, it will only bring our end sooner. I can feel it stronger now than ever before, we can always turn back and stop the end from coming. But it's best to stop sooner than later.

  15. #15
    You seem very strong on this, And if souls can be 'aided' by the holy spirit i would think they can be harmed. Whats with the ...? they seem to be in a large quantity i think your flogging a dead horse, it gives a feel of uncertainty to a strong passage. Im not sure if your coming or going :S.

    many people dont search for happiness, they search for hurt because of things that they have done, are you inferring that in heaven you would get a free clice?

    i dont think anyone CAN tell us anything about heaven, hell or even religion because, the amount it is fiddled and tampered with makes it a farce on a fundamentalist level.

    "Shoot, coward, you're only going to kill a man"

    Mood For Today:meh

  16. #16
    Registered User Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Craigifer's Avatar
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    You're right...I don't know too much about religion...but I am only 16 ith a long life ahead of me to learn these for my "..." I put those there for not the feel of uncertainty...but for the face that I am horrible with punctuations...v.v those are to just show the since of posing in my talking...well...if a soul is 'aided' by the Holy Spirit...maybe it's just to relieve your mind of your I said I don't know too much about religion...but that would be my guess on things
    "Open your mind and see the world as it truly lies, look to each other and try to understand one another. By doing so, you can see how others think and feel, therefore you can understand them, and work with them. If we work together, we can stop the end which is soon upon us. But by continuing to want to kill one another, it will only bring our end sooner. I can feel it stronger now than ever before, we can always turn back and stop the end from coming. But it's best to stop sooner than later.

  17. #17
    LOL, sorry, i was just confused. i dont think anyone can be sure of anything about religion. Afterall its just like a load of morals. Im going off on a tangent and ive just had d&#233;ja vouz.
    "Shoot, coward, you're only going to kill a man"

    Mood For Today:meh

  18. #18
    Registered User Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! Craigifer's Avatar
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    Hey we're all searching for an answer....I just hope to find it more than most my journey is to find the Truth of everything...and it will not end until I do...
    "Open your mind and see the world as it truly lies, look to each other and try to understand one another. By doing so, you can see how others think and feel, therefore you can understand them, and work with them. If we work together, we can stop the end which is soon upon us. But by continuing to want to kill one another, it will only bring our end sooner. I can feel it stronger now than ever before, we can always turn back and stop the end from coming. But it's best to stop sooner than later.

  19. #19
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Both of you, add more content. And try to focus more on the main subject here. These posts are growing shorter and spammier. Jof, this is your last pre-warning, after this I shall give out official warnings. Thanks.

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  20. #20
    Permanently banned Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! darkViVi's Avatar
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    I don't belive in heaven nor hell.
    Heaven is supposed to exist in the sky, above the clouds and shit, but I have been there (in a plane) there was no angels, no god and no gate, just clouds.

    Throughout the years many christians have tried to make me belive in heaven, god etc. but in my eyes the bible is filled with lies and deceit.
    Moses made a passage through a lake, but that very lake was maybe 1 metre deep (3ft) and there wouldn't really be a point in making a passage through a lake like that would it?
    You could argue aout the lake getting shallower through the times and it has but it never was deep enough to drown a man.

    I don't belive, I have never belived and I will never belive. 'nuff said.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by darkViVi
    Moses made a passage through a lake, but that very lake was maybe 1 metre deep
    I was under the impression that it was a sea. And how can you be sure if it is indeed the 'lake' that it was never deep enough-Where you there? Also as i have previously stated on perhaps all of my 20(?) posts, that the Bible is a book of Morals to nearly all Chiristians, It needs to be interpretted by a priest or if you are a liberal Christian by yourself. I think the moral of that story was to always help others and have a belief in God.

    Also could you tell me (seriously) how long i should post minimum?(seriously) Because i thought i was posting alright now.
    "Shoot, coward, you're only going to kill a man"

    Mood For Today:meh

  22. #22
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    That post is fine. One/two lines are not acceptable unless they have a lot of useful content. Ones that mock or make fun of the thread, or basically make no major contribution to the thread are useless and pre-warned for.

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  23. #23
    Registered User Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! maxpower's Avatar
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    I believe that Heaven and Hell both exist right here on earth. After you die you have to live with the decisions you made while here on earth. For example everyone sins and everyone feels bad about it so my own personal hell would be to live forever knowing that I have sinned and am imperfect.

    In short, I don't think that Hell is below the earth, or Heaven is up in the sky, I think that they are in your heart and are based on decisions that you make. I know that I have been through hell after some decisions that I felt really bad about.

  24. #24
    Banned Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! demonology's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snave
    I believe that if heaven does exist then it will be up in the clouds. However I believe that hell is facing life again. Having to be reincarnated and live life again until you fulfil Gods wishes and is sent up to paradise. Hell, in my books does not exist. Only life and heaven.

    Though this is a very basic theory, it is what I have lived my life believing in. Im not an atheist or Christian either. I like to keep my mind open and take in peoples ideas about this. So whats your thoughts on heaven and hell?
    why should we belive in a god?people said that he means good and all that crap and when someone dies they say he took them because he/she served theyre purpuse in life but when something goes wrong they always blame the all mighty god.the thoughts of someone being so supirior is so ****en stupid


    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    I believe that Heaven and Hell both exist right here on earth. After you die you have to live with the decisions you made while here on earth. For example everyone sins and everyone feels bad about it so my own personal hell would be to live forever knowing that I have sinned and am imperfect.

    In short, I don't think that Hell is below the earth, or Heaven is up in the sky, I think that they are in your heart and are based on decisions that you make. I know that I have been through hell after some decisions that I felt really bad about.
    if what you say is true then there is no heaven because every one sins so every one goes to hell
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 07-22-2006 at 07:32 AM.

  25. #25
    Heaven: I believe that heaven is just another part in the cycle of life. Not really a "place", but more of a level of being. the Buddists believed that when you die, depending on the life you lived, you would turn into something else. If you led an evil life you would come back as a low life form, and if you were good your would come back as something positive. Although I am not a buddist I believe this. Rather than just believing in a place where you can find pure happiness. Because people are so different...everyone would have a different opinion about what heaven is, and I don't believe that heaven could be all of those things.

    Hell: As far as hell I go with Judaism. The Jews believe that Hell is consired the grave an ground that we walk on. So to me going to hell just means being buried. Which is something we all do. I don't believe in a place that bad people go, becuase bad is not something that all people can judge on. Meaning that everyone has a different opinion about what "Evil" is. I also don't believe in the Devil because I don't believe God makes mistakes. Everything is predetermined to me, and God is not a creature that can make "accidents" like the devil. If the devil exsisted God must have wanted it.

    Just my theories an crapperz....when I die I will be sure to let you all know.

  26. #26
    I believe in Heaven and Hell. Its to depressing for me to think we just go to worm dirt after we die. Even if religion is a lie without it people would be crazy. People would do stupid things becuase they thought it wouldnt matter becuase this is the only life we get. Religion to me is more or less hope for the future. No matter how bad my life gets messed up, when I die someone will finaly love me and I will be accepted for who I am. I was brought up in Christianity, my Grandparents take everything in the bible as literal fact. All of it, which is just ignorant. I think the bible is a good concept but nothing more. Its a good book that tells you to love your neighbor and be kind to people but to believe everything that is said in it is very unwise. Personaly, I believe in God but I don't believe in churches and mass religions. I think you should read the bible, or which ever holy book your religion believes in, and draw your on conclusions from it. I wouldn't let a preach tell you what its supposed to mean becuase if he reads it as literal fact he is dumb. I think all of the stories in the bible is Gods way of showing us through examples how we should live.

  27. #27
    Banned Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them!
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    I think Heaven and Hell is a philosophical work by Aldous Huxley, published in 1956. The title is derived from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake. The essay explains the relationship beetween bright, colorful objects, geometric designs, psychoactives, and profound experience. The text is usually published in a volume combined with Huxley's companion work "The Doors of Perception".
    Last edited by Fernester; 07-25-2006 at 07:20 PM.

  28. #28
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Yes, that's very interesting fernester, but also irrelevent... I mean, yes you recommend us a book in which people may enjoy reading more into this subject...but you don't actually contribute anything to the thread. So... this is a warning for being spammy and off-topic.

    Any responces to this post will earn you another warning, so don't bother.
    Thnaks. Everyone, back on-topic.

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  29. #29
    Banned Heaven and hell. Your thoughts on them! demonology's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by demonology
    why should we belive in a god?people said that he means good and all that crap and when someone dies they say he took them because he/she served theyre purpuse in life but when something goes wrong they always blame the all mighty god.the thoughts of someone being so supirior is so ****en stupid


    if what you say is true then there is no heaven because every one sins so every one goes to hell
    i don,t know but if everyone goes to hell why do people belive in god?

  30. #30
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    demonology, I'm giving you a spam warning for one-lining...also, wtf? You quoted yourself, contradicting yourself somewhat. Confusing. O_o;

    Not that I'm warning you for that, though. I'm just stating.

    Anyway, spam warning. Try and add more to your posts, please.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

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