Well I somtimes wonder in an extistenal way if humans even have a purpose but for now its to make people laugh and enjoy life, and I also plan to be a game designer and will not stop untill my goals are acomplished.Quote:
Have you found your purpose in life yet?
Well I think I have already answered that but I will say it again, I am going to be a game designer!Quote:
Have you found your resolve to do something great with your life?
Well I think I have but people often remind me that I may not get what I want and to be prepared for the worst so im not sure. As of now I am following the path of an anti-social inellect who is trying to sort out his life.Quote:
Have you chosen a path to follow?
I have wanted to be in the game design industry since I was like 4 when I first played FF7 on the PSX, so my final goal is to be happy and be a game desinger!Quote:
What are your final goals in life, or what goals do you wish to accomplish through out your lives.