In America (and other countries, I'm sure) today, there are many issues with gun control, largely dealing with military-style guns known as assault weapons. A congressional ban on these weapons had expired in 2004, allowing stores to sell 19 more types of weapons and various accessories and conversion kits, including increased magazine sizes, flash suppressors, and even lugs for attaching bayonets.
My question is this: Do you find this necessary? Do we really need assault weapons, or even bayonets for our rifles?
Personally, I fully support the second amendment, and the right to bear arms, but I believe that there should be some kind of limit to what you can purchase. For a soldier, fighting a war, yes, assault weapons are good and very necessary. They should have everything that they can get their hands on to be able to to the best possible job that they can do. While the wars fought may be of a questionable nature, it is only natural to want to see your own troops come back in one piece. (Please, let's not turn this into a debate on wars!)
For Joe Schmo walking down the street, I feel that carrying a Ruger or an AK-47 with banana clips and bayonet might be a tad bit unnecessary and even downright dangerous. While I feel that everyone should have the right to protect themselves, there should be some sort of line to be drawn. If you are in such a position where your life is in such danger, I don't feel that an assault rifle is so necessary, such a a change of venue or lifestyle. Granted, some people cannot avoid the danger, such a president's and other high ranking officials, and for the good of national security, it makes sense to have a military detail covering security.
Assault weapons would even appear to take the sport out of hunting. I'm no hunter, though I've fired various guns before (1911 Colt, a Glock, a .22-caliber rifle [don't remember the make], and a 12-gauge shotgun), I cannot see how going into the woods with such a rifle can be anything of a sport if the animal has zero chance of surviving due to a barrage of bullets. I do however see the sport in hunting with single action rifles, because in essence, you only get that one "perfect" shot at an animal, and it's up to you to track it and put yourself in the best position to make the best shot for the best kill. Using an assault weapon, in my opinion would only give you a Rambo like mentality, where you just point and fire at whatever moves, because the probability of a hit in shooting five rounds at a moving deer would be greater than firing one. Maybe people don't actually do this, but I'm trying to cover my bases here with hypothetical situations.
Anyways, your thoughts