Its been on the news over here for the last few days about teachers teaching whats going to come up in the exam, and nothing else that could help with either other subjects and/or life skills. Also, there have been some stories about teachers putting too much pressure on students to do well.

In my opinion, exams should be as stress free as possible. When I'm stressed, all I want to do is chill out by reading a book, playing on the internet or playstation and meeting mates - NOT revision. Lots of teachers pile stress on to their student to do well, and maybe even push a few to do their best. But. How far can they push and do they know when enough is enough?

When I was doing my Drama exam, my teacher made all of the groups stay back after school to rehearse - EVERYDAY! I couldn't fo to other revision classes on offer. I was being shouted by most of my teachers for not going to their classes, and my excuse was always that I had Drama. It sucked. i'd come home and be too tired and stressed to do any revision for anything, and I'd sleep. By the time Drama had finished, I could go to the revision classes, but lots had shut down due to not many people turning up for them.

My Maths teacher giving us countless sheets and booklets and a DVD saying we needed to know everything in them... I cried when I got them home. How can we be expected to learn of THAT in a few weeks?! THEN, I did the exam yesterday only to find that the exam wasn't as bad as we all thought it was! All that stress... sleepless nights... crying for some pissy exam that could have been done with my eyes shut!!!??? GGGRRRRR!

So, what do you guys think about stress and exams? Should we worry and stress about them? What about being pushed by teachers who feel they are doing the right thing when really, they just make everything much worse?

(Mods, if you feel this is way too similar to the thread in General Chat, please delete... Please and Thankies!)