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Thread: Dreams

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    i have found my self wondering lately what it is to dream, i'm not talking about life ambition dreams i am talking about dreams as in while u are alseep. i myself do not dream or atleast i do not remember any of them at all except on very very very rare occasions. my sleeping, the lil i do get, doenst even feel like i went to sleep make sence? it seems like i lay there for like 5 minutes and then get up completely refreshed even though i know 3 or 4 hours has went by. i hear about all these people with really messedup dreams, happy dreams, nightmares, lovey dovey dreams, ect ect and i cant imagine what that would be like. i know the few dreams that i do have or remember now adays (less than 1 every two years or so) are the dreams that feel real and i wake up freaking out wondering what is goin on and why i am in bed. i know i used to dream alot (mainly nightmares) as a kid, maybe that is what has done it, that i have blocked myself from remembering, or maybe with the passsing of time i have actually forgoten how to dream due to the fact that i have other more prodominating things on my mind.

    i was just curious of other peoples perceptions on this, and or if other people are the same way, or if anyone has been like this and has figured out how to stop this kind of madness
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  2. #2
    I get those really scary dreams too, where you actually think you were somewhere else. I just have this really weird thought in all my dreams that tell me I'm actually in a dream. I feel like an outside spectator of the dream, watching myself go through it. I guess you could say my dreams are kind of like watching a movie. They make no sense, and when they do, they end up being nightmares.

    I can remember most of my dreams for up to a week. Then, it disappears because of my horrible memory. Maybe because dreams are just our subconscious going haywire, we can't remember them consciously. I'm not sure how I do it, but after halfway through the dream, the fact just dawns on me that nothing is real. Maybe it's because I'm always analyzing the most meaningless things.

    If you want to get rid of your dreams, I don't know what to suggest. Sorry, but I've never been able to get rid of my own. Just remember that if you know you went to bed and you don't know how to got here, you're probably in a dream. That's how I force myself up.

  3. #3
    Dreams pulse's Avatar
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    I tend to look at dreams as very spiritually based, and I find that the kind of dreams I have, the frequency of them, and the ability to remember them, all depends on how I am emotionally at that point.
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  4. #4
    Sir Prize Dreams Sinister's Avatar
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    Dreams are like miniature movies that have little or no coherent chain of lucidity. They merely float from topic to topic like a wandering mind is wont to do. I've been dreaming an unusual amount lately. Can't imagine why. Ninety percent of them have been horrible nightmares that are very gory. Whereas I generally enjoy Nightmares because they're so active but lately family members have been showing up in them... That's no good.

    I dream constantly, you could say. It's an interesting, if seemingly meaningless phenomenon.


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  5. #5
    That One Guy Dreams dimmufan's Avatar
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    Everybody has dreams, whether they say they do or not. It's just a matter of how well you can remember them. I have trouble remembering any of my dreams. The ones I do remember seem a little weird, even the naughty dreams. Sometimes I even have reoccuring dreams. There was one dream that I used to have that lasted about 7 years when I was a kid. I used to remember this dream about once a month for almost 7 years.

    Most dreams last for only a few minutes but seem like they drag on for a hour or so. Also people have anywhere from a hundred dreams to a thousand dreams in any given night (or day, depending on when you get your sleep).

    I've always wondered if dreams hold any significance to the real world. Sure there are books that try to explain the meaning of dreams, but I've always wondered if these books are correct. For the most part, I think dreams reflect on the way a person thinks. Like troubled people have nightmares, and people without a care in the world can have pleasant dreams. Maybe people with high IQs have weird dreams that don't make any sense.

    I think that dreams will always be one of the things that humans will never get to understand.
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  6. #6
    I read somewhere....or someone told me that we remember a small majority of the dreams we have.
    Although I would love to really know if "you die, when you die in a dream" is real.
    As well as my father told me something like, "if you have chocolate before you go to sleep, you're supposed to have a really good rest"
    Also I would like to add in that I used to have nightmares that really were not really all the scary, but I used to wake up crying. In these nightmare I barely remember that I had to lift something incredibly heavy and there was no way in my ability that I would be able to lift it, but somehow it was something that I absolutely had to do it...yes I know its silly but somehow I drove me to tears....
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  7. #7
    Stage Dives, High Fives. Dreams Confession's Avatar
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    As Dimmu aid everybody dreams even if they dont realise it.
    A dream is a combination of things that has processed in your mid at some time during your life, they are thoughts you have had or things ther you have partaken in. after saying that its is highly unlikely that dreams would have clairvoyant properties. but they are as too say figments of your imagination, and have some link with your memories, wiether your dream is good or bad you have thought of it

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  8. #8
    Registered User Dreams DarkIrvine's Avatar
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    I lately dream a lot; or, better: I remember quite often what I dream. But obviously everything is always quite confused and I can't put all the pieces together to form a reasonable story of my dream.
    A year ago, more or less, I used to be very interested and I actually read a book written by Freud (we all knoe him) on dream theories. It was really really interested, although some parts of the book were too boring, at least to me. It explained why we can't remember our dreams, he made examples of dreams that resulted to be extraordinary, in the sense that showed something we can't see or face in reality...
    But, actually, we will never be able to understand what our dreams represent... If they represent actually something. If they mirror our fears, or what we are going through in our life in that particular period or if our dreams "continue" from the thoughts we have before falling asleep...
    They seem so strange to me sometimes, I just can't understand why I dream some enormous crocodiles that seemed to my parents or something like that... I sometime think to write down, as soon as I wake up, what I've just dreamt: in this way I can keep a memory of the "adventures" I have in my dreams.
    I'd love to have them analized by Freud: he made some examples of dreams he had analized and he came to some extraordinary conclusions I would never come to.

  9. #9
    I know what you mean about how you go to bed, it feels like 2 minutes and you wake up. that only happens on nights i cant remember my dreams. I heard somewhere that you have like 20 dreams a night but you usually only remember one or two.

    When i was like 7 i had alot of weird dreams that i would would always remember mainly because they were funny. Its that whole imagination thing i guess.

    Around 10 i started to watch "scary movie" and had alot of nightmares, but i usually had forgot/ repressed those before waking.

    Now i tend to have alot of sexual based dreams cuz that is what is on my mind now. I remember acctually quite a few of them because they were all enjoyable.

    So what im saying is for me, my dreams are remembered if i liked them, they were weird, or funny. It sounds kinda strange but that is my expeiriance. Also my type of dream is usually determined by what im thinking about, or watching. I acctually have started repeating things in my head right before i fall asleep in an attempt to get a specific dream, and surprisingly, it actually kinda works. but that is just my expieriance.
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  10. #10
    Dreams, huh?
    Well, I think I can remember my dreams very well, although I barely have dreams. It's like, I close my eyes for a few minutes and when I open them, it's already morning.

    But I think I have dreams whenever I think of something too much. I tend to dream about my girlfriend, and sometimes about work. It's creepy...

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  11. #11
    i can still remember some of my dreams from when i was five years old and im sixteen now. dreams are just your mind wandering while your body rests. dreams can have connections to the real world in rare cases....some of my dreams have come true before its kind of like being pshycic which is really stupid but sometimes meaningless things happen and i already now that they are goin to happen

  12. #12
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I quite often have weird or silly dreams, even night mares but I don't think much of them. Some I might think about during the day but I don't usually let them get to me. I don't think they mean anything, some people think that they might actually happen but I don't believe that in the least. None of the dreams I have had have actually happened, especially the very strange ones. Of course, I wish some of the things I have dreamed about actually happened like seeing my boyfriend and such, I think they all have something to do with emotions.

    Most of my dreams seem to be very random and I usually don't remember much when I wake up, only bits and pieces. I don't remember what I dreamed about last night, I am sick so that doesn't make things any better. I just think of dreams as a little movie, they are nothing significant really.

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  13. #13
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I have very odd dreams... I've had dreams where i'm running away from something though a wood. in the dream, I trip alot, and cut myself up on branches and stuff. I wake up, and i have bruises and cuts from where I fell over in the dream... and they are usually too real to just be a dream... spooky...

    Quite alot of my dreams are also based on playstation games and horror films, lol! Wanna see how weird my dreams are? Well here is one I had last week... I warn you, it is quite long, but by the end you will be laughing!

    It started with some kids around some random gates in London, that lead into the underground tunnels under the city. I said to them: "Don't go down there cos Mad Marry will get you!" Then they all legged it, screaming. So then I went around the corner to some train station that looked like it was made from gold because of all the pretty lights. When I got inside, I saw Lara Croft, who said she was going to Egypt. I said: "Can you get a train from London to Egypt?" and she said "Yes - wanna come with me?" So we both got on the train.

    When we got to Egypt, we saw some man running away with frying pans (?), so we helped him out, but made him give the frying pans back cos he stole them... (?). Then we saw some random sexy guy who me and Lara endded up with a crush on - we now hate eachother... Sexy guy says that he has a camper van, so we can all go on a raod trip with him. One night we booked into a hotel which looks like the place where my mums friends mum lives. We didn't stay though, cos it was a shit hole.

    The next evening, we made our way to some party boat, where the president of the US was getting death threats to hand over his fortune that was in a draw in the reception room. Him, his daughter, 3 body guards and some next guy who looked like Jim from Eastenders (?) were locked inside the reception room on the boat, while all the guests got out. The president had to find some key, to open the draw, so they could get the fortune to give to the bad guy.

    Anyways, they found the key after what took ages, in the presidents pocket. They opened the draw, and the boat blew up. Me, lara, frying pan guy, and sexy random guy jumped in the water to save them. Once they were ok-ish, I saw wires coming out of sexy randoms guys pocket - so he had the bomb! Me and lara shot him, and vowed to never fall out over sexy random guys again. The end... or so you think...

    You know how at the end of movies when the credits roll there are outtakes - sometimes? Well, while the credits were rolling, the frying pan guy was sitting in a bath tub, teaching me how to make a pancake... (?) *laughs*

    ... funny eh?

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  14. #14
    All I know about dreams are that sometimes God uses them to communicate with us. As for what they are most of the time, I have no idea.

  15. #15
    I think there already was a thread about this a few months ago. Oh well.

    Usually I have dreams of things that can happen, may happen, what should happen and often do happen. It's odd but you could say they come true. I'd rather they not, but it's hard to change what will be.

    Not all of them mind you... but many.

    "If all dreams came true, then they wouldn't have been dreams anyway, would they?"
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

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    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

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  16. #16
    アズテオル Dreams Azuteor's Avatar
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    I love the dreams that I have every once in a while! It doesn't happen that often, but when it does, the dreams are either random or I am trying to tell myself something. At times, I would dream about things that would happen a few days in the future. I doubt anybody would believe that! I'm not really sure if it is true or not. I don't really think I could see that far! If I was able to, then life would not be as exciting because I would know everything that happens to me.

    Dreams give message that you, the dreamer, need to realize something or they give a form of inspiration for a certain ambition. One time, a dream I had made me realize that I had to let go of something really important me and one dream gave me a neat idea on what to draw. Dreams have special meanings.
    Last edited by Azuteor; 03-30-2008 at 03:39 PM.

  17. #17
    Registered User Dreams Halie's Avatar
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    I tend to have a lot of weird dreams every now and then. Some of them can be really bizarre. Like, take this one for example - A couple of months ago, I had a dream that I was really, really, really high up and I was surrounded by really tall buildings that seemed to by really tight and close up to me. There was a light up above me that was shining down to the ground, where this man was. He was wearing a purple and yellow suit, had a purple and yellow beard and hair, and even his skin was purple and yellow. Basically, he was just purple and yellow all over. He was standing at the bottom of these buildings with his little finger pointing in the air, and then he started to slowly levitate off the ground and move up towards me. His pace was so slow, it freaked the living crap out of me! Eventually, when he was about 7" away from me, his pinkie started to point towards my cheast, and at this point, Dream-Me was starting to freak out and feel like she was going to die, as the nail of his pinkie got closer to her cheast. When the nail actually when into her cheast, I woke up.

    I used to have an occurring dream when I was a kid too. It was me as a toddler in a living room that seemed as though it belonged to someone really rich, and I was playing with a bunch of toys, and suddenly, when I looked at the mantelpiece from across the room, there was a black ornament on the top of it which started to slowly and gradually get bigger and bigger, until somehow it turned into Batmans' head. That really freaked me out.

    I think its safe to say that slow things tend to scare me, lol.

    But anyway, I'm not really sure how to help you here. I guess, over time, you may develope a regularity for remembering dreams, or you won't.
    Last edited by Halie; 03-30-2008 at 05:07 PM.

  18. #18
    my dreams are freaky or weird, some of them are nice, happy, beautiful but most of them are horror ones.
    when I was 2nd grade I was dreaming that I was with my class swimming in somekinda pool, but I didn't swim. I was with my friend Kate on somekinda tree, then I looked somekinda little-round warining sign with dolphin on it (like don't jump into water) and then I picked it up and suddenly a nun appeard, with white-pale face, smiling wide with sharpy teeth, she was floating like a ghost but she was made of blood and flesh, and no eyes. she was trying to take my soul or something, and when I was running from her, she touched me and she tooked my soul and then I woke up. Then few years later I dreamed that same nun, but it was different story. I was with my friend Kate again on somekinda big valley(like there's no end of it) and then I ran into a boy from my class, and when he pumped the tires of some stand, I picked up again that warning sign with a dolphin on it, and then the big building apperad and just behind the corner the nun appeard and then I said: "Hey wait, didn't you took my soul?" And then she screamed like hell, I actaully heard the scream. I was so freaked out that I woke up and asked my dad was I screaming, he said:"No, why?" I said nothing.
    And when I was 1st grade I dreamed that when I was walking home from school, I saw skulls and bones everywhere, and the grass was bloody, it was like the devil defeated the god or something, I really don't know.
    One night I was dreaming that I get the nintendo wii and sims 2 with it, and when I opened the game I entered a house that had a theatre in it, but in the newspaper was saying(not in the game) that in this house was living a family, and in that family the father gaved a big baby doll to his daughter, the girl loved the doll so much that she called her Slan, and then one night the doll was pale and all white and her eyes were crystally red and the doll killed the whole family. so I like exited the house, deleted the things in it, and I entered it again, so I want to the theatre and I saw the doll, it was white and it was lying on the floor behind the curtain. I was scared that I woke up.
    so I have freaky dreams, but the things is I don't watch horror movies. so I really don't know where's the catch with this dreams...
    who want's to comment this post or what ever, feel free. I like reading other people opinions. =)

  19. #19
    People on average dream 4-5 times a night during REM. It's just your mind sorting through your memories of the day you had, as well as messing with some of the older memories you have. It's just that, some people are able to remember their dreams while others can't.

    I have a short period every now and then when I can remember my dreams. They've ranged from: strange, nightmares, epic, normal, and love. From what I remember, anyway. The two that I remember the best have been epics. I might post those later, or just edit them into this post.

    Before going to sleep, or while trying to go to sleep, I'll also sometimes have these scary hallucinations, some sight and audio, while others are only sight hallucinations. They're really strange. Like, one time, I opened my eyes, and saw all these little dark specs moving and buzzing around in front of me, and my mind told me that they were bees. Saw a giant faded translucent white spider under my desk one time, as well. Has anyone ever had this happen to them.

    Has anyone else, either trying to go to sleep, or just entering sleep, ever feel this sensation where the bed falls a few feet, and you feel it? You don't feel the bed hit the ground, but you feel like you and the bed just dropped a few feet. I wake up or open my eyes instantly after I feel that. I've had that happen to me a few times. Has anyone else?

    Yeah, the way I sleep and dream... it's really weird. Can my hallucinations and sensations that occur every now and then be my consciousness just now coming out of it's dream state?

  20. #20
    Asking all the personal questions. Dreams RamesesII's Avatar
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    To have a dream or night mare is your sub-conscious mind falling in and out of sleep while you maybe asleep it doesn't mean your actually fully asleep but when you have a dream or nightmare that means you have drifted right into a heavy sleep you generally experience nightmares or dreams when your sub-conscious mind is waking up which is why you usually wake up not long after having a nightmare or dream, its the brains way of exercising your brain before it is fully operational like warming up an engine.
    Its not to be mixed up with astral traveling many ppl believe that they have experienced astral traveling. Astral traveling is when the soul leaves the body and is connected to the body by lets say like an elastic band for example some ppl claim to have seen themselves from above and watch themselves sleeping. When the soul is jerked back into the body by the elastic band you usually experience a jerk which can also be related to the falling dream or feeling when a person feels like they are falling out of a window or off a cliff etc and experience a jerk at the end.This may mean you have been astral traveling. While some ppl believe it many don't, many ppl also believe that that if the connection to your body and soul is broken in any way during astral traveling that your soul and body will be seperated forever which in turn results in your soul finding a new body hence re-incarnation but thats another story for another time.

    sorry about that useless bit of trivia i hope i didn't annoy anyone. So if you don't dream or have nightmares very much it may mean your not getting a deep enough sleep. any back to the question no i don't remember my dream last night because i didn't have one but i do remember a night mare i used to have when i was little about these hands that used to tickle me where ever i used to go they used to jump out from underneath thing they where never really connected to a body they were just white gloved hands although there was one time that the tickling in my nightmare was a little girl behind me i spun around quick enough to see her before she ran off. Night after night i used to have these dreams as a young boy i tried explaining it to my parents and they just saw it as a cute story i don't know how old i was when thy stopped or when or why or if it was the house i lived and to this day i don't know what it was all about. i do think that is the reason why i hate being tickled so much as an adult.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
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    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
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  21. #21
    persona user Dreams foster kid's Avatar
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    let me pose this question...have you ever had a dream about something wether it be meeting some complete stranger of getting a job or a raise,and like a week or sooner os maybe a month later your dream happens? you meet this stranger and become friends or just what ever the dream was but it comes true and you had no knowledge of anything happening just did...........that has happened to me like 3 or 4 times in my life of 21 years........almost creepy

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  22. #22
    I invented Go-Gurt. Dreams Clint's Avatar
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    Usually when somebody remembers their dream is when they wake up during REM sleep. That's like when you jolt awake during the middle of the night and you have no idea where you are. But nevertheless, everybody has to dream. If not, you'll begin to dream when you're awake, which isn't good if you're trying to convince people that you're sane. There are certain ways to not dream, such as taking certain drugs, including alcohol. Insomnia can also halt dreaming, but you would probably know if you haven't been sleeping. If you don't remember your dreams, but you do feel well rested, that's probably because you're getting a very good sleep pattern, which has you sleeping all the way through REM, up until the cycle comes to a stop whenever you wake up. I wouldn't worry about it unless you start hallucinating.

  23. #23
    I was just browsing through, and this topic really caught my eye. Dreams are another mystery to mankind. There are many different ways to read into them... So I thought I'd like to share my knowledge and thoughts about the subject.

    First off, what are dreams? What is happening when we think we switch off and go into a deep slumber. One this is for sure, and that is that our brains aren't joining us. The theory behind why we do actually dream and the analysis of these dreams has intrigued and interested mankind and fascinated scientists and psychologists for centuries.
    Of course this has led to research being carried out by many professionals. Delving deeper into the unknown areas which we would like to explore. But... the fact of the matter is, what have we 'actually' found out?
    Studies have shown that we typically experience and recall our most vivid dreams during the kind of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (R.E.M). Although we seem to be unconscious, our brains are still very much active during this type of sleep. One of the obvious signs that come to attention that a person is undergoing this particular sleep is when their eyes move back and forth underneath the eyelids - although coincidentally the rest of the body will tend to be motionless. Quite obviously, this is how this type of sleep got it's name, due to the eye movements. According to some facts, Rapid Eye Movement sleep occurs once every 100 minutes - and may last a duration of approximately 15 to 45 minutes. Apparently... we generally have this R.E.M sleep 3 to 4 times a night! Did you know that? Were you aware of the fact that your brain was triggering this so often? I wasn't... Not until I researched it anyway.

    What do dreams mean? There is a famous psychiatrist we have all heard of. Sigmund Freud. He studied and looked into dreams, identifying an area of our brains where the mind actually stores all of our memories and so called.... desires! Go Freud! It was in fact Freud's belief that dreams were in fact visuals of the subconscious. He thought that every symbol in our dreams perhaps stemmed or came from one of our unknown desires buried deep into the depth of out subconscious mind. How deep is that? Currently as we speak there are other (more modern obviously) scientists and psychiatrists etc. working hard into researching this subconscious realm. Maybe one day we will in fact get more understandable answers. But for now... It still remains a mystery.
    In the past, for example like in the ancient times of the Greeks and the Romans, they believed that the importance of a dream was in fact to provide information about the past, present or future events. Nowadays there are more skeptics among us. If someone claims to this description to why they indeed have their dreams they would be immediately labelled as a "Psychic". Some would believe... others would ignore.
    To this very day Scientists continue to argue and debate about the issue of the 'True Meaning' behind a dream. A dream can mean something special to the individual. Perhaps a known desire. Or a forgotten one. But do we sometimes really get warning signs in our dreams? How do we know when these are occurring? Will it ever be known to us mere mortals?

    Why do we have dreams? Many an intelligent person has tried to guess this. But as you can understand, we don't know if any of what we find out or theorize is true. Here are a couple of the theories that are out there.

    One theory seems to suggest that dreams are the result of our brain trying to interpret external stimuli during sleep. For example, the sound of the radio may be incorporated into the content of a dream. (A reference to Antrobus, J. (1993). Characteristics of dreams. Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming.)

    Another theory uses a computer metaphor to account for dreams. According to this particular theory, dreams serve to ‘clean up’ clutter from the mind, much like clean-up operations in a computer, refreshing the mind to prepare for the next day. Brand spanking new haha... (A reference from Evans, C. & Newman, E. (1964) Dreaming: An analogy from computers. New Scientist.)

    Yet another model proposes that dreams function as a form of psychotherapy. In this theory, the dreamer is able to make connections between different thoughts and emotions in a safe environment. (A reference from Hartmann, E. (1995)Making connections in a safe place: Is dreaming psychotherapy? Dreaming.)

    A contemporary model of dreaming combines some elements of various theories. The activation of the brain creates loose connections between thoughts and ideas, which are then guided by the emotions of the dreamer. (A reference from Hartman, E. (2006). Why do we dream? Scientific American.)

    Personally I think we dream to escape from reality. It's a way with coping from the stresses of this world. A temporary place in paradise. Well... thats for when we're having a 'nice' dream. Nightmares... I still need to think on those.

    Well thats it from me for now. Just a quick little essay on my thoughts etc.
    Last edited by Kilala; 05-08-2009 at 09:05 AM.

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  24. #24
    Master of the Shadow Key Dreams KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    That was quite an eyefull!

  25. #25
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeybladerXIII View Post
    That was quite an eyefull!
    Umm, I am going to be blunt since this is one of my topics, old but mine still the same.

    I posted this in Inellectual Discussion for a reason, the same goes for any posts I make in ID; it is because I do not want spammy one liner responces. Your comment added nothing to this conversation and is not relevant to the thread at hand at all.

    I would appriciate it if you took your spam back and went to GC with it.

    A contemporary model of dreaming combines some elements of various theories. The activation of the brain creates loose connections between thoughts and ideas, which are then guided by the emotions of the dreamer. (A reference from Hartman, E. (2006). Why do we dream? Scientific American.)
    I find this to be very interesting. A culmantion of ideas and thoughts driven by emotion. This brings a thought to my mind, if dreams are as created as this states (by emotion). Would the dream be influanced by the emotions while in REM or would it mainly be driven by your current moods and emotions that where going on right before one falls asleep.
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  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    I find this to be very interesting. A culmantion of ideas and thoughts driven by emotion. This brings a thought to my mind, if dreams are as created as this states (by emotion). Would the dream be influanced by the emotions while in REM or would it mainly be driven by your current moods and emotions that where going on right before one falls asleep.
    It certainly is food for thought... Generally I don't think we can control what thought or mood we're in. The brain is always activate thus taking us for a ride continuously. So with that in mind perhaps it's more a case of while in R.E.M?
    I know there have been times where I go to sleep happy and thinking about say some TV show I had just been watching, and I wake up thinking about something else completely random or about breakfast.
    As our minds are always on the go, I don't think we can control what happens when the lights go off. If you know what I mean? Or I could be rambling. Sorry... <_<

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  27. #27
    Sh*t! I just cast Firaga on myself! Dreams Neo Nagisa's Avatar
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    I think that it's from the mood and emotions you have right before falling asleep. I always go to sleep thinking about either tomorrow, something that I dread, something that made me happy, or something I wish I had. And as I'm sleeping, I dream about whatever it is I was thinking about. But my dream doesn't stay on the same subject. After I fall asleep and dream about what I was thinking, it changes to something completely random. I think this is because of the stages of sleep. Right when I fall asleep, I am in the first/lightest stage of sleep, thus the memory is still on my mind. As I fall deeper into sleep, it changes. Sleep is an interesting time for me. I'd much rather live the life I do in my dreams than in rl, I can tell you that much.

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  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagisa Kaworu View Post
    I think that it's from the mood and emotions you have right before falling asleep. I always go to sleep thinking about either tomorrow, something that I dread, something that made me happy, or something I wish I had. And as I'm sleeping, I dream about whatever it is I was thinking about. But my dream doesn't stay on the same subject. After I fall asleep and dream about what I was thinking, it changes to something completely random. I think this is because of the stages of sleep. Right when I fall asleep, I am in the first/lightest stage of sleep, thus the memory is still on my mind. As I fall deeper into sleep, it changes. Sleep is an interesting time for me. I'd much rather live the life I do in my dreams than in rl, I can tell you that much.
    Ah ha then is Mr Freud right? ^~ You dream of desires, or a so called reality you'd rather be in than you are now?
    Of course the mood you go off to sleep in is relevant to the first dream you may have, but what about others? Ever had those dreams of when you wake up and you just can't recall what happened? What about those? And according to the statistics we have more than one R.E.M occurrence in our slumber... It's poses so many questions... So little answers.

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  29. #29
    #LOCKE4GOD Dreams Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    ... or if anyone has been like this and has figured out how to stop this kind of madness
    I am like this, though I never used to be. I haven't remembered dreams in ages, and contrary to a post I red earlier, I have had the worst sleeping patterns of my life over the last year (combination of being a student and doing early-morning shifts).

    I heard once that eating copious amounts of cheese will give you wack dreams, so I decided to try it. I had a few slices before bed... and nothing happened. Not one to give up that easily on an urban myth, I steadily increased my cheese intake. By 'steadily increased' I mean the very next night I ate between 250-500 grams of cheese between dinner and bed. It was just your normal supermarket cheddar, nothing fancy, and was, of course, when cheese did not cost $10 a kg. That night... was wild. I remember the dream being VERY colourful, and bright, but I don't think too much happened. I woke up feeling fairly crap, but I had eaten a lot of cheese. Though probably meaningless, I still remember the vibrancy of this dream, so, Meier, if you want to get some dream action, stock up on de cheese.

  30. #30
    Fading into a dream Dreams Dean Winchester's Avatar
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    I don't know why but a couple of my dreams happened already.

    I remember last year, i kept having this reoccuring nightmare where i was chased through this forest by a unseen hellhound. It eventually catches up to me and rips me apart. -_-

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