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Thread: Do you believe the world will end in 2012?

  1. #1
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? CloudsGhost 17's Avatar
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    Do you believe the world will end in 2012?

    Hello everyone. I'm CloudsGhost 17. I was wondering and I hope no one takes this the wrong way. How many of you believe that the world will end in 2012 and why do you believe this?

    I personally believe that the world will not end in 2012 simply becasue there is still so much that many people have yet to experiance in their lives like young children growing up and living great lifes.

    Thank you all for anwsering and have a good day.
    Searching for his last bit of Light deep down inside....


  2. #2
    Not really, no. The Mayan calender doesn't mean anything to me.

    It'll end when it ends. I just hope people don't get to het up with the idea and make it happen.

    Can't think of anything more than that to say, really.

  3. #3
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Jin's Avatar
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    Is that why s/he chose 2012? The Mayan calander? If not, could this number be explained as it seems completely arbitrary.

    No, I have seen nothing to indicate to me that the world will end in 2012. I've given out car battery warranties that last longer than that. Then again, perhaps you're the creator incarnate and are trying to warn us. Who knows. Try to choose a more reputable means of delivery next time though, I'm not buying it.
    Last edited by Jin; 01-08-2008 at 08:16 PM.

    Until now!

  4. #4
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    We had this thread back in 06' when people (although many few, the more superstitious) feared the end of the world and the take-over of the "Devil", that or, the world would explode.

    Why will the world end in 2012? I find it possibly the most illogical thing right now.

    So no, I don't think the world will end in 2012, and I don't have any evidence indicating that it will or won't. I just go with what my logic tells me.

    That the Mayan calendar is telling us some serious porkies.

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  5. #5
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Not to be rude but these end of the world topics are getting very old. And to answer your question No, I don't believe this end of the world nonsense, if the world ends it ends can't stop it, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen, or if it did it would probarly be long after we're gone or human kind finally decided to wise up and built colonies, and stuff of that nature in Outer Space. However I also believe that if the world ends it would be partly our fault, for damaging it over the course of history, and populating it with Smog, Gas, and other Ozone damage.
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  6. #6
    Stage Dives, High Fives. Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Confession's Avatar
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    The world ending at 2012?

    The mayans believe that the world is going to end because it is the end of their calander or whatever right? well my calander ends every year? I know im taking out the piss right now, by who knows, they could be right and we would feel like idiots wouldn't we?

    Well I think that civilization on earth will diminish due to global warming and polution and stuff, but the actually end of the earth? when the stretching of the universe stops and contracts to cause another big bang ( I'm a huge believer in science, NOT scientology just science)

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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CloudsGhost 17 View Post
    I personally believe that the world will not end in 2012 simply becasue there is still so much that many people have yet to experiance in their lives like young children growing up and living great lifes.
    This scares me.

    The world doesn't run on peoples experience. The world runs on a steady stream of sunlight, followed by a mix of elements that are vital to sustain life. When the Sun burns out, it will not be giving a reprieve to all babies who haven't had their first day in school yet.

    2012? Unlikely. I am of the belief that the world "ends" when I do, simply because I only know the world in the context of my being in it. Only a nuclear pissing match could cause such a world end at that particular point. Shiva and Yawheh will not be making appearances. Hell, I won't be done my graduate school by then.

  8. #8
    Sir Prize Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Sinister's Avatar
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    There's a lot of reasons both metaphysical and para-astral of which I am somewhat too lazy to explain and that I know 'Nin will most likely be along to explain more enthusiastically than I could but here is my go.

    The Mayan long calendar is a nonrepeating calendar. Made up of various units the most important being Bak'tuns. Which are very roughly a collection of about 400 years. Once we are living at the end of the 12 bak'tun by their reckoning.

    But what you must understand of Mayan culture is that they believed that THIS is the fourth world to be created, all other created worlds by the gods being somewhat failures. The previous creation ended at the start of the thirtenth bak'tun. They supposed that this one too would end on the same date.

    Really this is rather a silly idea in my opinion. But I wouldn't be heartbroken if the world did end, can't really think of why it should.

    Oh, there is the second largest object ever flying near Earth, early that year. 433 Eros. Doubt it has much to do with it, though.

    Last edited by Sinister; 01-09-2008 at 08:44 AM.

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  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'm of the belief that the world could end a second from now, or any time with possibly very little warning. And by 'the world ending' I don't necessarily mean the world will be reduced to fine particles floating around in the vast confines of space. Nope, I just mean made inhabitable.

    Is it likely? I hope not, and looking at the track record of how long the world has supposedly been around, I don't think something will happen anytime soon. But then, get a large enough foreign body hitting the earth, or a little carnage in the ring of fire, or even mishaps with overpowered man made weaponry and who knows?

    Maybe the Mayans did have an accurate way of predicting the world's end. But then maybe they didn't. Many have predicted the world would end at some earlier date. Did it?
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  10. #10
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    this topic kind of reminds me the year 1999 when everyone was saying the world was going to end, guess wht we are still here! so no i dont think the world will in 2012 let alone 2112, this world was here long before humans got here and it will more then likely be here long after we are gone. it has been through more then stuff then what we humans can even possibly think of doing to it. even will all of our "power" all we could do to it is scratch the surface. even if evey nuke in the world was set off and man kind was wiped from exsistance thousands of years from now our planet would still be here and life would go on, its a vicious cycle but its the truth. our world has always found a way to survive.
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  11. #11
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    This is a very fun topic, although considering the world actually ends on 2012 is extremely depressing.

    CloudsGhost17, why would it matter if there are people who haven't experienced anything? Children, and the likes? There will ALWAYS be children on Earth [as long as our species continues to reproduce] so if it ended today, on 2012, or thirt-thousand years from now, it would make no difference.

    I found it extremely funny that people were in the streets screaming that the world would end on 6.6.06... then the next day, I wonder what they were thinking.

    I personally have no idea whether or not the "world" [what do you define as "the world" anyway?] will end on 2012, or sometime within 2012, or at all in my lifetime. I would find it extremely poetic if it ended in 2012 though.

    I guess once 2012 passes, we should revisit this thread and discuss our findings... lol.

    What will the next date be after that, and what reason will people think the world will end then? ._.
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  12. #12
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    im guessing the next date will be 2088... the 100TH YEAR after the orignial release of akira!!!! tetsuo is coming back and the world is F*****.... sorry i had to add a little humor to this.

    i do have to agree with momo
    what do you define as "the world" anyway?
    do you mean the world of man, the world, the world as we know it?!?!?

    thats kind of a very broad statment.....
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  13. #13
    ummmmmmmmmmm................. NO!!!!!! THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN!!!!!
    Oh no, the ancient Mayan Calender Ends in 2012! WHO CARES!! This is coming from a civilization that lived thousands of years ago!
    So what the probably just ran out of paper or got bored and just quit with the callender! If they really did predict the end for 2012, You know what else they did?
    They painted their 13 year old girls blue, and had them "Married" to the rain god by chopping off their head and throwing them into a whirlpool!

    You guys are taking information from really weird people. Bottom Line: IT WONT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  14. #14
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Umm...when i read threads like this, i get a sudden urge to take one of the biggest shits of my life.

    Basically, there isn't any proof of this world end. If there is any scientific reason, other then the Eros being neglected due to its improbable orbit deviation, then let us know.

    The Mayan calendar, in my opinion, is a joke. In fact the whole mayan rituals and beliefs are. I doubt anyone should get offended by this.

    I mean, they cut people's head off for sacrifices....and they all died because foreigners brought diseases...


    Anyway, on a side note, did we all die on June 6 2006? Did we all get lucky on July 7th 2007?

    NO, and if both happened to you, how the hell are you still typing here...
    Last edited by Dragoon_Nick; 01-09-2008 at 04:57 PM.

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  15. #15
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? CloudsGhost 17's Avatar
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    By the world I simply mean the world that is alive today. Humans did not create the world nor can we ever destroy it. And as for the children issue, true that as long as humans reproduce their will be children but consider this. If you were a parent and your child was just born, your friend tells you that the world shall come to end in 2012... this will only make your child still very young. As a parent you would not want this to happent because you want your child to be able to grow up and experiance life for themselves.

    That is what I meant by those two things I stated erlier(spell?). Sorry for the confusion everyone.
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  16. #16
    Arachnie Suicide Do you believe the world will end in 2012? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    2012... 20 + 12 = 32, which is 23 reversed. It's also 20 + [1 + 2], which is directly twenty three. Twenty-****ing-three!.

    ...Heh. I've seen that movie way too many times. I was into the twenty-three enigma before it, though. Interesting shit.

    I don't think it'll end exactly 2012.. But I really don't think it'll last long. Honestly, humans are idiots. I think we're gone by 3000, honestly.
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  17. #17
    Registered User Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Halie's Avatar
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    I really, really, really, doubt it will all end in 2012. I don't believe at all...Heck, I don't even truley believe in Global Warming and all that crap. They say it's getting warmer, but it's also getting colder too. I don't know why that is, but I wouldn't refer to this extremely cold winter a matter of 'Global Warming'. Summer's warm, Winter's cold, it's just getting deeper within that, I think.

    Anyway, I'll go back onto 2012 now. There have been many predictions of when the world will end, all being wrong [Well, the predicted dates that have passed]. Who's to say this ones right? Plus, these 'Mayan' people sound like psycho-paths anyway.

    In fact, I really don't get why anyone would want to predict when the world will end anyway. I mean, it's pretty depressing =/ I guess they must just be bored twats

    Last edited by Halie; 01-09-2008 at 05:15 PM.

  18. #18
    Registered User Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by CloudsGhost_17
    nor can we ever destroy it
    Actually it is possible that humans can destroy the planet. We could real easily if we wanted to. But heck, we already are in a way. Pollution, war, global warming, but that's a different subject.

    I highly doubt that the world will end in 2012 though. No one can predict when the world will end I believe. I really believe the world will end when we as the whole human race accomplished our reason for being here for whatever reason it is in this universe. But who knows.

    But as of now, my world will end when I die I guess. But that's a long time from now I'm hoping. ><
    Last edited by Dimi; 01-09-2008 at 09:30 PM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Basically, there isn't any proof of this world end. If there is any scientific reason, other then the Eros being neglected due to its improbable orbit deviation, then let us know.
    Stars go through periods in their lifetime, and when our Sun changes into a red giant our oceans will evaporate and Earth will become barren, like Mercury. Of course, this won't happen for another five billion years.

    There are other things that are in the future. In three billion years, our galaxy is colliding with Andromeda. Also, the sun is getting hotter, so in a billion years much of our water supply may be gone.

    Of course, if we somehow make it through this, the Big Freeze is inevitable; the universe will spread out farther than energy can reach planets and sustain a civilization of any kind.

    With the exception of the Big Freeze, those are all going to happen. So don't say there is no proof.

  20. #20
    Hmmm....So if the "Mayan" calender ends sometime in 2012, why dont we just buy them a new one?

    But seriously, I haven't looked into this, but it just seems like another one of those ending conspiracies made just for the sake of it, like "tomorrow won't happen because we're all going to be eaten by a giant space dog at 11:38 and 16 seconds"

    I think the earth wont really end, just the human race will extinguish after causing a big ruckus after using up and resource we have at our mercy.
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  21. #21
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    Stars go through periods in their lifetime, and when our Sun changes into a red giant our oceans will evaporate and Earth will become barren, like Mercury. Of course, this won't happen for another five billion years.

    There are other things that are in the future. In three billion years, our galaxy is colliding with Andromeda. Also, the sun is getting hotter, so in a billion years much of our water supply may be gone.

    Of course, if we somehow make it through this, the Big Freeze is inevitable; the universe will spread out farther than energy can reach planets and sustain a civilization of any kind.

    With the exception of the Big Freeze, those are all going to happen. So don't say there is no proof.

    Jeez, no kidding. There's global warming, the sun engulfing all the nearby planets then blowing up, and even possible impacts of outer space lovely rocks. For sure we're going to die by one of those, but not in the year 2012, thats for sure. I doubt any will happen for sure by then, thats why i said we have no proof any will happen by then. You can just sit and speculate about how we die, or you can simply live until you die.

    As for the collision with andromeda, i doubt thats actually true. Spectrometers have proven, or i learned it weird, that the galaxies originally evolved from a point, and have each moved their separate ways since in a linear path. So how could they collide? I'm intrigued man, explain that..

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  22. #22
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whisper View Post

    Plus, these 'Mayan' people sound like psycho-paths anyway.

    In fact, I really don't get why anyone would want to predict when the world will end anyway. I mean, it's pretty depressing =/ I guess they must just be bored twats

    [[I'm going purely on what I know, so if there's anything wrong or missing, someone please correct me.]]

    Actually the Mayans [despite their ritualistic tendancies] were extremely advanced for their time period in astronomy, geology, and the such. They had detailed patterns of the stars on images in tehir temples, and as ridiculous as it sounds [you can read a professional book instead of hearing it from me] a lot of people claim that the Mayans have predicted certain events that have happened recently, some thousand years ago.

    Two large metal birds flying at a mountain of glass [something like that] as well as certain dates having specific meanings. So I'm not saying I believe them to be anything more than smoke and mirrors, but, I do feel that they weren't psychopaths or twats.

    That's just my understanding of it :/
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  23. #23
    i think we all desirve to die along with this world, what humens have dine to it and what not., and im redy for it, Zombies, demons, or any thing the can be killed, ill kill, any thing that is 10X bigger then earth, ill just die like every you eles, in not sure about 2012, i think more about 2023, of 2031, either way the world is close to it's final day, and where ending it with war...hate...darkness....sorrow....nothing relly matters any more.....and god cant help us, we're like his puppets, the players of his game, and we lost, lost badly....

  24. #24
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonStone View Post
    i think we all desirve to die along with this world, what humens have dine to it and what not., and im redy for it, Zombies, demons, or any thing the can be killed, ill kill, any thing that is 10X bigger then earth, ill just die like every you eles, in not sure about 2012, i think more about 2023, of 2031, either way the world is close to it's final day, and where ending it with war...hate...darkness....sorrow....nothing relly matters any more.....and god cant help us, we're like his puppets, the players of his game, and we lost, lost badly....
    Lexapro works wonders for that kind of depression >.>

    I really don't think the world is that gloom to where humans are completely hopeless, and if there IS a God I doubt that he's given up all hope on his creations. Either way, we ARE indeed heading downhill, it just depends on how quickly we can break.
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Momo Mastermind View Post
    Lexapro works wonders for that kind of depression >.>

    I really don't think the world is that gloom to where humans are completely hopeless, and if there IS a God I doubt that he's given up all hope on his creations. Either way, we ARE indeed heading downhill, it just depends on how quickly we can break.
    yes, If there is a god, he aredy gave up on us, and look out side of America, the world is nothing, just a waste of gods time, as if he cared, the bilble never solved any thing , did it? and if god cared he would coem down and save us, the wolrd is close to it's end, trust me....and im not depressed, just smart

  26. #26
    Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    ... I really don't see how this will have any impact on your views, but I'll say this anyway.

    Why even believe in God then? Why do you claim there is a God if all you say is that he has lost hope in the world he has created? This is actually a rather strange viewpoint, seeing as how most of the people who believe in God do so because they are promised a good afterlife.

    For being so "smart" you should accept that, for a large portion of life, life is what you make of it. You CAN change your living situations, you CAN change your surroundings, then do so. Don't complain of how grey and black the hopeless world is- put use to your beating heart and make a difference if to nobody but yourself.

    Also, what the hell does this have to do with America? What is it with you and America? You're so superbly absorbed in the current worldly state my country is in, you center my thought process around that. I believe the Bible is a good book that teaches [some] good lessons, but it is not something to follow for life. I don't even know how that came into this actually...
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonStone View Post
    yes, If there is a god, he aredy gave up on us, and look out side of America, the world is nothing, just a waste of gods time
    Thats the funniest thing i've heard all day... no wait...

    and im not depressed, just smart
    Yes, that is definatly funnier

    As for the topic, i've lost count of how many times the world was supposed to be destroyed. The most likely thing to cause the end of humankind on Earth isn't going to be global warming, it'll be an asteroid or something sun or moon related XD, thats just an opinion though

  28. #28
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    i really dont think that man kind will do much in the aspect of destroying the world, its just not possible we are to greedy of beings to jepordize our exsistance. im not going into global warming - if you want to discuss that there is already a thread for that. ::thats not directed at you Djinn, ive just noticed people going into depth about it and this doesnt seem like the place to do that:: look at what man has accomplished through out their small amount of time on earth, we have survived, why because we adapt to change so as for man wiping out man i dont see that happening at all unless by some freak accident. i have to agree with Djinn it would have to be some kind of unearthly phinominan that would bring us down.
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  29. #29
    Sir Prize Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Sinister's Avatar
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    You know the pilot episode of Invader Zim where Mrs. Bitters is like "Space will eventually implode in upon itself so we're all doomed DOOMED!" That's what you guys sound like...

    The truth? You're going to die before the world will no matter if it ends in 2012 or not... And so what if it does end? There are plenty other worlds in the universe. It's not like it's the end of caught myself though, lol.

    Though, Nick, I some how doubt that Eros will be the cause of our doom, it is possible that it's unexpected course permutations could move our magnetic pole even more, which probably won't help our global warming problem...

    But seriously guys, all of you...lighten up, especially you, MoonStone.


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  30. #30
    Godsmack Worshipper Do you believe the world will end in 2012? Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    I don't think the world will end. I am however eager to see what happens in 2012. The Mayans predicted that 12/23/2012 is the date that our Solar System aligns itself with the galactic center and "passes through the mouth of the dragon"!

    The world has been in existence for billions of years, and will continue to exist for billions of more years. However, like every planet (or star) it will eventually implode into a black hole, but we will not be there anymore when it happen.

    So, what will happen to humans when our planet implode? They will be in other planets. Science will take care of that.

    Here's some rational information on the subject:

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    Last Post: 10-18-2009, 08:14 PM
  2. The (Mostly) Complete List of TFF's RPs
    By Andromeda in forum Structured Role-Playing
    Replies: 13
    Last Post: 07-03-2008, 04:06 PM


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