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Thread: Crystal Skulls

  1. #1
    That One Guy Crystal Skulls dimmufan's Avatar
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    Crystal Skulls

    Who here has heard of the Crystal Skulls? There was a documentary about it on the Nat Geo channel not too long ago. They were saying that the skulls had mysterious powers and had a few ideas of why they were made. Not much is known about who made them or why they exist, they just know that the skulls are a few centuries old. Some believe that when all 13 skulls meet, they will counteract doomsday on December 21, 2012. So far about half of the skulls have been found. They even made a new Indiana Jones movie about them.

    So what do you guys think about the history and mysteries of the famed Crystal Skulls? Here is a link for more info. Legend of the Crystal Skulls
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  2. #2
    Registered User Crystal Skulls winterborn86's Avatar
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    I read somewhere on the net that scientists belive the skulls were made my aliens and contain all the secrets of life on earth, and they were palced here thousands of years ago, but i dont believe in alien stuff so i think its rubbish and that there is another explaination for them.

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  3. #3
    The crystal skulls are absolute rubbish. There are a multitude of artifacts, buildings, and even languages that we know little or nothing about because the information and documentation about its creation and use is long since destroyed or decayed.

    To this day, we are still in disagreement on how the pyramids and Stonehenge were built and over if there was a city of Atlantis, much less a continent.

    Yes, aliens is the easy way to explain these things. Much like gods are the easy way to explain life, the universe, and everything. However, anyone with a lick of sense knows that the world and reality are not simple and easy. Reality and factual explanation are complicated, difficult, and most importantly, correct.

    As for the end of the world theory, here's a page compiling 220 end of the world theories, a great many of them interpreted straight from the Bible.

    Frankly, I don't think we have the ability to literally destroy the world. No doubt we can completely end humanity, but I expect this planet to be around until the sun expands and vaporizes it in several billion years.

    That is, if those guys with the large hadron collider don't generate a small black hole and compress us into a quantum singularity.

    -edit edit- Wow, forgot to include the link to the page. I feel foolish, having had a sentence referring you to a link I didn't include. I apologize.
    Last edited by Rasler; 06-21-2008 at 08:43 AM.
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  4. #4
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Crystal Skulls Joe's Avatar
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    After reading over the article provided, and doing a fair bit of reasearch on the topic, and, most importantly, the French Antiquarian Eugene Boban, I'm of the opinion that the skulls are fake. Various authorities have run testing on the artifiacts, including viewing it under an electron microscope, and they have shown that the skulls were made with modernized tools. Tool that the Aztec, Mayan, Mixtec, etc, could not have had access to. These cultures were using stone, wood, and possibly copper tools, not exactly easy to cut crystal (a very hard substance) with a piece of copper (a relatively soft metal).

    I also perused wikipedia, since I find looking at the sources used to create their articles are usually reliable, and I found this, as a footnote citation in the article on the Crystal Skulls

    As Philip Jenkins, former Distinguished Professor of History and Religious Studies and now an endowed Professor of Humanities at PSU notes, crystal skulls are among the more obvious of examples where the association with Native spirituality is a "historically recent" and "artificial" synthesis, "products of a generation of creative spiritual entrepreneurs" that do not "[represent] the practice of any historical community
    Now, this leads me more than anything else to believe that these skulls are merely skillfully made fakes. In fact, I would go as far to say that Boban, the antiquarian manufactured most if not all of the larger, and therefore more noticed skulls. Take the following quote from NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts
    One thing the scientists have figured out is that the British Museum's skull came from Boban, that mysterious French collector. In the late 1800s, he first described it as a piece of artwork. Then he began calling it an Aztec artifact, in an attempt, Sax says, to make it "more appealing in order to sell it."
    Note the word THEN. This means that it most likely wasn't an artifact to begin with, and therefore a fake. But there aren't any real ones, so it's just a made up artifact that was manufactured by a French Antiquarian, and bought up by Europeans and North Americans alike.

    In conclusion, the crystal skulls were really an excellent business venture, and have evolved into senseless superstitions that appeal to others who believe that extra-terrestrials are real, or who believe in the Mayan doomsday theory.


    (By the way, thanks for the interesting discussion, I usually have fun researching things like this ^_^ )
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