After reading the Twilight books, there aren't many weaknesses for either race, no silver bullets, no sunlight burns, nothing, just sheer power.
Now, if you wanna know my take on the age old weaknesses, I would definitely have to say Sunlight for vamps, and silver for wolves.
Sunlight is just a ridiculous weakness to have, to not be able to do anything during daylight just seems absurd. While Silver, the only reason I hate that is because I wear a lot of silver jewelry, lol...
Oh, and let me figure a RP character and I will post it here later ^^.
~Kaiser Dragoon
*cough* I uhm, seriosuly spaced *cough*
Sorry, guys. I have the banner contest results for you, finally. Sin and I got this all done and out of the way a long time ago, but I kept forgetting to post. You'll have to forgive me. ^^;
1st place: Ann
2nd place: Mistress Sheena
3rd place: Silver
Ann's banner is now available for usage by all club members. Upon her approval, the other two banners submitted may be as well.
I may hold another banner contest later, as well, if we ever get more banner making members. So don't get too comfortable with your position, Ann. =P
Anyway...bow before Banner Overlord Ann! ^^;
Wow, second place. Not bad.. I had a feeling Ann's was going to win, though. Hers had both, mine was just vampire oriented.
I swear there was an invisible rule going on. *cough*fixed*cough* =P
But yeah. I'm going to be using mine either way. So it wouldn't really matter who won in the end.
Hey sorry that I have not been around lately. I bet you guy like totaly forgot that I was ever part of this club. I do not have any answers for the last few questions. I just wanted to comment on something and say that I am still alive.
Alright Ann you go. I can't beleaive you won. Oh and welcome all new members. And as for you silver I was kind of hopeing that you would win. sorry. Anyways I just wanted to ask when is the next contest comeing up, and what is going to be?
Okay, I decided to pull this out of the ashes, seeing as people think it's dead. Well, think again!
It's about werewolves and is basically the same story as the Corentine RP. Except, we're done with that RP and are just going to work on it between the three of us.
I'd like to know if anyone here is interested in participating in a Werweolf/Vampire RP. It hasn't been made yet, but if we get enough RPers, we could have a blast. So what say you?