Hey all, I remember in a newspaper once that a woman was breast feeding her baby in a public park and she received a serious fine for it. On one side we have angry mothers upset that they are getting singled out for breastfeeding in public and the courts who fine them for it. Others say breast feeding in public is disgusting, some say it makes the mother look like a whore (excuse me for that ladies), and others say there's nothing wrong with it.
I'm not dising any women that do breast feed in public but I honestly think that some mothers should breast feed their children when they at home and not in the open where they could catch the wrong attention. I think mothers would feel more comfortable and safe feeding their babies outside of busy places, or another alterative is to buy formula and bring a bottle to feed your children if your going out. I don't have a problem with women doing that in public but I do think it would be safer for the mothers if they breastfeed their children in the safety of their homes. Now its your turn. What do you guys think about Breastfeeding in public? Do you think it should be allowed or do you think it should be kept at home for the mothers and babies safety?