Originally Posted by Xeim
What's the name of Ichigo's hollow?
As of yet, I've been unable to find anything solid about this. I have found through various icon searches that a good many people call him "Hichigo." And Wikipedia says this "The title page of chapter 220 depicts the inner hollow with the mirror writing of Ichigo's name." That's about all I've seen though.
Why is Menos Grande that F*cking huge?
I don't know for sure why they're so big but, Menos Grande means "little big." So, seeing that "big" enemies are "scarier" Tite Kubo probably decided to make them big. Not all menos are big though, the Vastro Lodes are the same size as humans.
I'm a little confused over the names of the Zanpakuto forms; I know 3rd form is Bankai, but do not know the names of the other two.As far as I know there are only two zanpukto forms, not counting the unreleased state which has no name. If you can find somethign disproving this, I'd be extremely interested in it.
Initial release: shikai
Final release: bankai