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Thread: Writers Academy (Previously Demonia)

  1. #1
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia)

    Rules: Just the TFF rules. The rule of no flaming needs some stressing though. We had some problems with it in the last club, and it will not be tolerated in the slightest in this new thread. Watch carefully where you tread. We reserve the right to ban you from the club if you flame. Also, as a new enforcement: No Bickering or Drama. If you want to argue with someone, take it outside. We've had enough of it to last a millennium. Now, there's nothing wrong with proper discussions. Just no bickering, okay?

    RPB's between club members
    Current RPB's: N/A

    RPB Tournaments

    Club Only RP's
    Current RP's: N/A

    Training Activities - These are activities designed to improve certain areas of writing that you are not quite up to par with, or wish to improve. These areas can range from spelling errors to lack of character depth. They are also meant to be enjoyable ways in which to improve.

    Current Training Activies: N/A

    Example by DragonHeart:
    Challenge: The Time Mage

    Objective: The Time Mage has stolen something important from you. To get it back you must land three attacks on him before he escapes.

    The Challenge: Every time you make a tense shift in your post, the Time Mage teleports to a new area. You have ten seconds to jump through the rift in time and space to pursue him, and then you must also locate him again.

    If you land a successful attack and then the next has a tense shift, he will teleport and heal one previous wound. So if he has two wounds and teleports, when you find him he will only have one.

    The Time Mage does not attack or counterattack.

    Time Limit: You have six attack attempts to stop the Time Mage before he escapes with the stolen item. If he gets away you may retry the challenge, but he will keep the item he has stolen and steal a second item in addition. If you win the second time you get both back, but if you lose he keeps both. Double or nothing, essentially.

    Toph Bei Fong

    Toph Bei Fong

    Event Designers:


    There will be no internal ranking system. However, standings in RPB Tournaments, training activities, and any other club activities will exist. These will be posted within the club thread and linked to in the first post.

    Members of the original club are welcome to rejoin without an entry test.
    Last edited by Victoria; 02-24-2008 at 09:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Morning Always Comes Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Xeim's Avatar
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    Oh! Oh! I'm in!

    I'm glad we finally got this going again, it had a lot of potential. Do you want me to try and contact some of the old members via PM? Or should we just wait around and see if they notice we're back? xD

    Either way,



    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  3. #3
    The Lost Writer Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Psiko's Avatar
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    What is RPB?

    I must learn more about this new concept! Teach me, Obi Wan Kenobi! You are my only hope!

    But on a more serious note, I'd be willing to throw my two cents in here. In fact, it has been too long since I've done writing of any kind. Perhaps a good RP/RPB is what I need to kick that back into gear once more!!!

    Any challengers feel free to request a dual. I'll take you all on. XD
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Good to see you here, David. You're automatically in. =P
    I'm familiar with your work. Unless you want to take the scenario test. =P

  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Hello there. Yeah I got a pm from Xeim telling me this was up. Cool.
    I don't know if I'll be as active with the RPBs due to a bigger interest in some other RPs now, but I should be able to get an RPB post in every day or two.
    If you'll accept another old Demonia member of course...
    victoria aut mors

  6. #6
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    I'm out completely. Toph took absolute control when it wasn't his to take.

    Count me out.


    Edit: To PM, I was all up for it when 4 of us were joint leaders. Taking it upon yourself to control an established club is ludecrous. I don't get why he'd do that.

    I joined a club that was ran by a guy that drew all of you together. I don't want to be shouted at by a guy that didnt put any effort into teh club in the first place.

    Thats all I have to say.
    I feel quite betrayed actually, I guess thats why I'm angry.

    Edit 2:

    Not to be a pain PM but I did try to get this going. I was one of the ones who cared that it did re-start. I wanted to join really really bad but this club started out with a democratic approach which has been thrown.

    And I'm not spamming because I was a member of the club in the first place and still want to to be a part of it. I just don't get why Toph has done certain things. Anyway, I was sending a withdrawal notice in response to a private message. NO spam involved if there is no topic to spam on.

    I can't see how it can flourish as it is currently. I really wanted to be part of this as well. I had 2 completed competitions ready for it and I would offer them forward to Toph anyway.

    I don't like my tone.

    Nice to see Xeim and Toph takin interest though, Psiko is also interesting to see play. If I can be assured that I won't be constantly told off by a singular person I'd join right away. I don't vie for leadership, I just want joint leaders. I'd be happy if decisions were placed upon 2 or more people. I hate monachy in clubs like this.

    I'm rambling. Sorry. I'll talk in Private from now on.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 11-21-2007 at 06:55 AM. Reason: Reply

  7. #7
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    No offense Hyzen, but no one else seemed to be doing much.

    Anyway, I'm back in.

    Well...could be cause it's been forever and a half since the idea was suggested and no one was acting on it? You post to join a club, or to participate... not to say you're doing neither. That's called spam.
    Last edited by Prodigal Madness; 11-21-2007 at 06:04 AM.
    MadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessWhere Darkness ends,

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  8. #8
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, here is my explanation for not including any of the old leaders.

    1. DH was not interested in the first place, not even in the previous establishment, she just didn't want to be rude and turn down an invite.
    2. Aerif hasn't been active in who knows how long. Probably busy with things again.
    3. I'm sorry for lecturing/scolding you a lot, but we all know that the previous leader was yourself and your friend. Don't say "some guy". It was you. And do you know how much chaos there was in the old club because of that? No, I don't mean because of you, I mean because of how "Alexander" was. He hardly did shit at all. Don't say he did a lot. He did practically nothing except open the club up. He had poor, vague rules that had very little sense within the club.

    And besides, who said I'm taking sole leadership? Notice how the title says "Leaders", not "Leader". If you promise to actually take your time and do things correctly and not half ass anything (Remember when you created the thread with a different name that we agreed upon in the old thread and with the same old intro? >_>), then you can be a leader again.

    I don't really mean to offend you or anything like that and I'm sorry if I did, but I just didn't like how the old club was run. It was very unorganized.

  9. #9
    HRH Albha Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Aerif's Avatar
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    Aerif hasn't been active in who knows how long. Probably busy with things again.
    *cough*Aerif still here >_<;

    I'm still interested... I do have work going on although TFF is my priority.

    However with nothing going on I didn't really post much...

    I miss my RP

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  10. #10
    Imperius Rex Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Storm's Avatar
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    Ahh... as you know Toph, I've been wanting to get back into my roleplaying recently, so I request to join. Hopefully get back to the good times of being in RPs together, I miss it so (arsekiss do I much? >.<)! I have a couple of university assaignments to do, but since i'm on top of them at the moment I shouldn't have trouble with activity, but if I have any problems arising from the course being demanding I shall post in advance.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  11. #11
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, looks like Aerif's issue has been solved, so back on the list he goes. And alright, Storm. Let's get you on the list as well. And if you want to do the scenario test, you can. ^_^

  12. #12
    Count me back in...

    ... I've been busy and not around lately with trying to get my school plans back together, but I really would like to buckle down and get back into the swing of things shortly.

    Glad we're back up and running

  13. #13
    Lone Wolf Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Darkwolf's Avatar
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    Count me in, of course. Hopefully we can get some RPB's started back up again, since right now I've sort of hit a dead spot in all of my current unfinshed ones *sigh* So, that's about it. Hopefully things pick up nicely and we can have a club that is going to run smoothly.

  14. #14
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Right okay. Well then tahts 2 leaders. I will join now, If my invite still stands. Hey Aerif, and I'll post in your RP soon, promise.

    Vague rules may be, but a good idea all the same. I had nothing to do with the idea. If I had then I'd have made it only RP, I suck at RPB... For the most part. I can, however, write.

    So anyway, I apologise Toph. I'm very sorry. I'm such an idiot sometimes and my strong oppinions suck. PM, sorry to you too.

    Like I said, I won't ask for leadership Toph, it's your choice to re-instate me if you wish. I won't fight about it. I just want to give my activity idea's and give some positive imput.

    Thanks, Aimee.

  15. #15
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    I'll go ahead and put you under an Event Designer, because you're good at that type of thing. And your apology is accepted even though you practically apologized in the end of your last post. Heh.

  16. #16
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Although I no longer have any real interest or motivation for participating in RPBs, I am still willing to help out. If you need someone for events or as a judge, feel free to ask. Who knows, maybe I'll feel the urge to do a battle on occasion, I just don't feel like doing so right now. Too much investment in other areas at the moment, as it were.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  17. #17
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, if that's the case, we can always use more judges and event staff. XD
    That way more things can be made and stuff can be judged faster, or something of that sort. I appreciate you wanting to help out still, and that is majorly cool. I'll go ahead and put you on the list.

    I was also thinking of starting up a small RPB tournament. We have 7 members. Although if we take one out, we have an even 6. Unless we give one of them a bye, that is. If we do that, then that would be super special awesome. Let me know if you all would be into a small tournament. Just so you can get the rust off your sleeves. Although I'd like to participate too... so that'd make 8.

    I never did get to finish my previous match.
    Last edited by Victoria; 11-22-2007 at 03:56 PM.

  18. #18
    The Lost Writer Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Psiko's Avatar
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    2,712 won't even RPB with me? :'(

    I'd like to challenge you...

    Please reconsider. I need my ass to be handed to me by a pro! By a future best-selling author!

    And anyone else who wants a good RPB, let me know. I'm also good for some RPing!

    I need to write more often!!!

  19. #19
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    As always I'll take part in the tournament. I do, however, want to be against you Toph. My fights rarely, if ever, get finished and I want somebody else that I know will post. So if you will I'll take you, even if I'm not up to your standard.

    Anyway, I'll send you details of teh Celestial Tournament soon Toph, okay?

    Thanks, Aimee

  20. #20
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    Depends on the tourny. The whole Celestial thing was a turn off for my tastes, as I remember that being worked on. So, I'll gladly not participate. So if you get the rest, you've got your 6.
    MadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessWhere Darkness ends,

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  21. #21
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Uhm.. this isn't going to be the celestial thing. Just a normal tourney. o_O
    Whatever gave you the idea that it was going to be the Celestial tournament? XD

    And the way tournaments work, is not predetermined matches.. but meh, whatever.

  22. #22
    Morning Always Comes Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Xeim's Avatar
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    I'm in for a tourney!

    Though, I will most likely be eliminated quite quickly due to inexperience in RPBs. xD I'll try though. Heh. If you need any help on designing arenas or anything though, I'll do what I can. ^^

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  23. #23
    HRH Albha Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Aerif's Avatar
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    Ah but you have to remember, tournament judging is mostly focussed on writing style, past experiance helps, but if you face some one who has had a lot of experiance but has a crappy style then the style takes priority.

    I myself won't be taking part in any RPB tournaments as far as I can see. Which is good for two reasons:

    1. A participant really can't be a fair judge
    2. I can't RPB very well at all.

    And while I'm typing I might as well mention that RP material must be developed as well, from my experiance I'd say that the Winter is the best time for ANY RP so if an RP is developed it probably won't be started until sometime in December. Or the Christmas holidays. Though it would help if everyone started throwing ideas out, Writer's Academy is about roleplay battle and roleplaying so let's try and balance it out

    Banners and Stuff:

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    Last signature update: 02/08/2014

  24. #24
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    I want to be against you as training Toph. Not in the tourney. Just for giggles.

    Im up for an RP too. I get really bored when I come on hereunless there is lots to do, so...


  25. #25
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Red's Avatar
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    thanks for the pm Xiem.

    I guess I could try this out again, I actually liked the club last time, it's just things got out of control and I kinda took it bad. sorry. if it's not a problem may I become a member?

  26. #26
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    You don't have to ask, Red. Previous members are already in. With that, I'll go ahead and put you on the list.

  27. #27
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Red's Avatar
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    I have a small request, (I'm hoping this club is open to suggestions) now I know that the rules state that "no internal standing system is allowed etc." (for obvious reasons) but I would like to be battling to gain SOMETHING. even if no one was ranked but everyone could gain points from their battles or even items to use on characters, I just like to know that I'm fighting for something, like exp for a character etc.

  28. #28
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, think of it this way. You all are technically fighting for experience. Writing experience, and I suppose character experience as well. Seeing as when you use your character, you gain more experience with them and gain a better feeling for them all around.

    That's pretty much what you're fighting/RP'ing for. But as far as items and stuff go, we'll have to talk about that, and see if we can come up with something if members would want that sort of thing.

  29. #29
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Red's Avatar
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    the items is something I was thinking could be somehow involved with the RP'ing portion, as in an RP you usually have character development etc. why not have a character who gains items and experience.

    as for the ranking system, all I want is at the end of the matched to be judged and have points like last club, I liked knowing how good of a fight it is and how good of an RPBer I am, if anyone else agrees with some kind of point system I hope you take it into consideration but if it's only me who cares then I guess I'll just forget about it xP.

  30. #30
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    Well, in that case, count me in.

    Why can't you get items and experience from your fight? YOU control your ABB. Come up with something on your own and add it in. As far as the points... What does the number matter? The judges will still be giving feedback, which is what you're looking for, right? It seems you want to know how superior you are to your opponent, or how close you came to beating the other person. It seems they're trying to eliminate the bad feelings over numbers and whatnot.
    MadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessWhere Darkness ends,

    <img src="">
    Loner by Nature
    Magery is Afoot
    Caster Galore
    Soul Mate to Vampiric Delirium

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