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Thread: ALIENS!! Real or Not??

  1. #1
    ALIENS!! Real or Not??
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    ALIENS!! Real or Not??

    they have got to be real in my oppinion! how can we really have the only planet that has adapted to support life!!? They may not b any more inteligent than what we are but there's a high chance really that they are! when you look at it we don't really know much about our lives or plant or universe(s)!! so what's all your oppinions!?!?

  2. #2
    Aleins exist! what are the chances that out of billions of planets, Earth is the only one to have life on it. about a billion to 1
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  3. #3
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    TheTrueSephiroth, this is a very spammy way to open a thread, however, I'll let it stand.

    Kain FF4, you're being warned for spam... you've had a warning in the past, and you're getting another one now... you really should look at the rules, that way, you won't get any warnings in future.

    In any case, if you have any problems, PM me. Replies to this post will be warned. Carry on with the topic, please. And no more spam, thanks.

    The person in my avatar is me.


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  4. #4
    That One Guy ALIENS!! Real or Not?? dimmufan's Avatar
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    I think there was another thread similar to this one, but oh well.
    I do believe in aliens. To think that Earth is home to the only lifeforms in this vast expansive universe would be quite egotistical. With so many other planets that are similar to Earth's atmosphere and gravity I think it would be impossible for us to be the only lifeforms in this universe. I was watching a program on the Science Channel the other night and there was this scientist who wanted to find the oldest lifeform on this planet. He dug deep into the Earth's crust and found fossilized bacteria that dated back to about 600,000 years after the Earth was formed. This bacteria was approximately 3.9 billion years old. So it doesn't take long after planet formation for life to flourish. Besides if we are the only lifeforms in this universe then it would seem like an awful waste of space.
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  5. #5
    ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Dark One's Avatar
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    Boco shut up.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTrueSephiroth View Post
    they have got to be real in my oppinion! how can we really have the only planet that has adapted to support life!!? They may not b any more inteligent than what we are but there's a high chance really that they are! when you look at it we don't really know much about our lives or plant or universe(s)!! so what's all your oppinions!?!?
    Hahaha are u jokeing!! This thread has got to be a joke. Um is there any prof at all that they are real NO but there is tons of prof there not. Like has anyone ever realy seen one and im not talking about a ufo. Also if u think there is a god then you know he says that we are the only ones but not all think like me. So no i don't think there is any chance that there real. Even if i did not think there was a god. There is no prof what so ever there real. If there was then we would be sending ship and other things into space more and more not less and less like we are doing.

    Also chez i agree with you. Umm put more detail into the first post man and more of y you think there real!! Also i think this should be in General Chat caws it don't look like an Intellectual Discussion.

    Dark One
    Last edited by Dark One; 09-10-2007 at 11:58 AM.

  6. #6
    ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Takishi's Avatar
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    Aliens aren't real so anyone shouldn't be freaking out about it. We'll be fine and don't worry about them at all. They say that there are aliens around but I don't beileve it. I think it's all a joke and they're trying to fool us.

  7. #7
    ALIENS!! Real or Not??
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    how can aliens not exsist?? really if you look at how big space is, which you can't really, surely there's atleast one planet there which can support life!! i mean someone has even come up with the drake equation which proves that aliens exsit!! also there was a cop who lived in my area quite a few years ago now!! one day he went missing, then returned the next! in his face he look worried and scared, but yet wouldn't tell anyone wat had happened!! then one day he was hipnotised to see wat was wrong with him and he told them the hole story about bein abducted by aliens!!

  8. #8
    ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Emerald620's Avatar
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    None of your buisiness... Russia
    I say there are no aliens to which that we see of like in movies, but definately other living organisms like humans somewhere. Seriously think about it, look at the universe it practically infinite, now look at how many solar systems that are out there like ours. Whats to stop people saying hey, there's such thing as another planet earth. Cause the chance of being another habital planet is really great.

    Sorry for any confusing english i have
    Sometimes people have to much fun

  9. #9
    Arachnie Suicide ALIENS!! Real or Not?? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I say that they are definitely real.

    There's pretty much infinite universe out there... And people believe that earth's the only planet with life on it? Out of billions?

    That doesn't make sence to me.

    So yeah... I don't think we're the only ones. And when you think about it, every now and then there's a big UFO sighting.. And all these rumours about the government trying to cover it up. What's to say that the rumours aren't true?

    I mean.. Look at Roswell. Something crashed, and there were absolute thousands of people saying that the night it crashed they had seen a UFO. The area closed and it was released that it was a weather balloon... Now, that doesn't seem right to me. If it was infact a weather balloon, why so secretive about it?

    And yes, people report UFO sightings every day.. But these ones were so adamant that Roswell is STILL a massive tourist area for people looking for that kind of thing.

    And I don't just think there are 'aliens' out there.. I think that there's intelligent life out there, as opposed to just.. Things that're living. As said above, I can't believe that in a universe so big/infinite that we're the only things around. And I don't just think it's one other planet.. Tens, hundreds, possibly millions of communities of other intelligent life forms are out there.

    We may never find them, though. And I think.. That's probably a good idea. There would be no way to communicate whatsoever, and although they're intelligent, their form of ethics and behaviour would be entirely different.

    And you know what? If they live somewhere else, they probably wouldn't survive in earth's climate anyway.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  10. #10
    ALIENS!! Real or Not??
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    well these 'film aliens' are 'based' on wat people have seen supposebly!! but i still believe that they'll look so much different!! i recon they will be more intelectual than us because when you look at it nobody really know's much on earth in comparison to the infinite size of space!! n i'm finnaly glad i've found some people who agree with about aliens!!

  11. #11
    I think aliens are real. Not at all like like those science fictional ones, but like Emerald said, other organisms. There might be aliens that actually are like those movie ones, but no one can really be sure.

    Maybe the ufo sitings are real, I don't care. If anything out there has the intelligence to make a cool ship like that to fly around the universe to other planets, kudos to them. I wish we could do that so someone could bring me back some asteroids for science class. Those funky things aren't so interesting to me. I think aliens are real. Their space ships, not so much.

    There's evidence that the other planets in our solar system can't really hold life, but there might be other life forms out there that don't need all the things humans and other animals do to survive. Maybe all our wonderful scientists overlooked that and there really are little Martians.

    Okay, my ranting is confusing me, so I'll just stop there. But all together, I believe in aliens, so don't jump me for it...please.

  12. #12
    ALIENS!! Real or Not??
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    the main problem related to there being aliens is the pressance of water!! AS FAR AS WE KNOW all life forms need water to survive!! but wats sayin that another planet doesn't have some form of water atleast!! or realatin to bleachfangirl they don't need water to survive?!?!

  13. #13
    Black Wizard Lvl 16 Magic ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Master Garland's Avatar
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    Aliens Do exist. First of all we live in a Solar System that was sopposedly Created from the main indgrediants of Hydrogen, and Helium, that condensed, became a heavy mass of hot unstable energy, that then exploded and left a Condensed high mass sphere of energy the Sun. The remaining gases not fused in the sun spread out and changed atomical composition from temperature changes causing Atoms to vibrate at different frequencies and all that stuff that I dont feel like delving to deeply on. So which then after millions of years we have planets both Gasy and Terrestrial and there is Earth which has our Magical beautiful water which is created from Two Charged hydrogen atoms(keep in mind that hydrogen is the suns main energy source and indgridient) and one Oxygen ect then as was said before maybe 6 hundred million years later life starts on this lovely planet. And when you realize that all stars are mainly hydrogen based masses then it should become more prelavent that life exists on other planets especialy if one of those planets was basically the same size as earth around 12.500 miles in diameter the same distance from the sun as us 93.500.000 miles or for short 1 Astronomical Unit(AU) with a similar sized sun than there is a high chance that life will evolve there as well. Also sense there are probably trillions of stars with around 5-9 planets per star so lets say 5-9 trillion planets and 1/3 of those were rocky so around 1.7-3.0 trillion of them and 1/3 of those were similar to earth(able to sustain life) so 633.000.000- of them. So as you can see from the math if everthing in the universe operates the same way than 633.000.000- planets should have life so there may be lots of Aliens.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Hahaha are u jokeing!! This thread has got to be a joke. Um is there any prof at all that they are real NO but there is tons of prof there not. Like has anyone ever realy seen one and im not talking about a ufo. Also if u think there is a god then you know he says that we are the only ones but not all think like me. So no i don't think there is any chance that there real. Even if i did not think there was a god. There is no prof what so ever there real. If there was then we would be sending ship and other things into space more and more not less and less like we are doing.

    Also chez i agree with you. Umm put more detail into the first post man and more of y you think there real!! Also i think this should be in General Chat caws it don't look like an Intellectual Discussion.

    Dark One
    Several things

    Firstly if English is your 1st language then don't type like a moron, if it's not your 1st language then ignore that.

    Secondly there is a big difference between proof and evidence, if something has been proven to have happened then there is no way it could not have happened, what you posted is evidence which suggests there are no aliens, even at that it weak evidence, definitely not proof.

    Thirdly it takes light trillions of years to travel across the universe, basically just because they haven't come here yet and the fact that we haven't found them yet doesn't mean they don't exist. And besides how do we know they're so much more advanced than us that they can go faster than light.

    Fourthly what makes you think we're sending less ships into space? True we haven't bothered sending many people to the moon for a while but we are sending shuttles to other planets to gather information, it's just it's unlikely that we'll find any aliens in our lifetime so there's no point in sending shuttles to likely candidates, all they can try to do it pick up radio waves from likely areas and hope that any aliens are as advanced as us.

    Finally don't bring god into arguments like this, it's a worthless way to argue.

  15. #15
    Of course they're real. How would it even be theoretically possible that we'd be the only planet in the universe to have life on it?

    Now, whether or not they're super intellegent beings who randomly come to our planet...that I highly doubt.
    "I hope you realize you look so pretty through these bleeding eyes...

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  16. #16
    The chances are, there are aliens out there, and I believe it. Is it really possible that Earth, one of countless numbers of planets, is the only one adapted to life?
    Right, think. Say the average planets around each start was five, because some will have lots, some have none. In one inch of the sky, just one inch, there are around 200,000 stars. Or maybe 200 million, I can't remember which. That makes an immesurable number of starts, with an immesurable number of planets. There has to be life out there somewhere, even if it is only plant life!

  17. #17
    Registered User ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Dimi's Avatar
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    Sorry, that post above me cracked me up. >.>

    Anyways, on a serious note I do believe aliens do exist. Not your Hollywood type aliens like someone in this thread has mentioned, but I do believe that we're not alone in this universe. Its too big and scientifically it wouldn't make sense that somehow out of all planets we're the only living organisms in the universe. But even if we are the only ones that kinda would make me actually believe the whole religion aspect then more so with science.

    But I won't get into the whole religion thing. I just think that we haven't found the right "technology" and they could be far out of our solar system for all we know.

    And with the whole UFO sightings in Roswell and such, I believe that maybe aliens are more technology advanced then us. We know more about our planet itself then the universe itself. And for all we know, there's always that possibility that they do exist.

  18. #18
    I don't know how someone can say that they don't believe there is any extraterrestrial life.

    Gliese 581c is believed to have liquid water. Also, the temperature is calculated between 22 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but this does not take into account what sort of atmosphere it may have. Europa is believed to possibly have an underground ocean. Etc, etc.

    There is something else out there. We cant be that egotistical that we believe we are all that there is.

  19. #19
    I am Ol' Fartsy and I said So! ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Ol' Fartsy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTrueSephiroth View Post
    they have got to be real in my oppinion! how can we really have the only planet that has adapted to support life!!? They may not b any more inteligent than what we are but there's a high chance really that they are! when you look at it we don't really know much about our lives or plant or universe(s)!! so what's all your oppinions!?!?
    Of course aliens exist! Just look at those coming over from Mexico and Cuba. As far as the ETs, it's possible that we could have them. Look at the US tabloids a few years back, one of that tabloids said that Sen. Orrin Hatch was an ET.
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  20. #20
    Courage, Character, Confidence. ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Lunasa's Avatar
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    Aliens- I believe in them- I would be entirely close minded to believe we're the only world out there. In fact, think about this:

    For one, as common knowledge dictates, the Sun is a star. There are many stars out in that solar system. Who's to say they don't have planets revolving around them as we do ours?

    Another, is to look at the structure of some of the ancient civilizations, and specifically the Egyptian/Mayan civilizations. The pyramids are an amazing wonder, and even more wondrous is how so many managed to be built in so little time. Especially the great Pyramid- It's huge, and still standing. Books say that it took ten years to built. But the intricatecies, such as hundreds and hundreds of false passageways, fake coffin rooms, and floors upon its interior are well beyond simple ramp and lever tools. The technologies are so great, we're not sure how to reconstuct one without it toppling over.

    Viruses. Viruses are an exception to the Theory of Living/Non-Living creatures because they don't respirate, yet they can replicate, they are motile, and perform all functions of living things- except respiration. Where did these beings come from? According to the Theory of Evolution, the virus couldn't have mutated since it doesn't have any organelles whatsoever, which leads me to the conclusion of them being extraterrestrial.

    Big Bang Theory- everything started as some sort of energy ball in the center of the universe and then seperated in a flash of energy. The power to arrise living things was doubtfully given to earth alone. Who's to say Earth People got all of the power and other planets didn't.

    There is also overwelming evidence on Mars of water deposits. On Earth, we believe water is the equivelancy to living. Although it is a narrow-minded theory, it is a place to start since Mars doesn't have any visible lifesigns, apart from carbon deposits- perhaps it is because of the absence of water.

    UFO sightings- There was a case when someone caught a UFO sighting on video, in the early 50's, before we had the software to doctor up videos and the such. The 'UFO' was in the picture- and then- it vanished from sight. This aliens thing can't all be wrong.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 11-23-2007 at 12:14 PM.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  21. #21
    Aliens...well, we would probably have to figure out were the supposed big bang started to decide what planets were created in what order, you would think the planet thats been around the longest would be the furthest in technology, but although our technology isn't all that great it maybe be possible one day for intergalactic transportation. (note I don't believe that moon landing was real)
    But think about it, if fish can live underwater, and trees take in carbon dioxide, many things could adapt to live practically anywhere.
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  22. #22
    Stage Dives, High Fives. ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Confession's Avatar
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    Peronally I believe that it is Unimaginable for there not to be other lifeforms on different planets. People who dont believe that their are is because we cannot survive on their planets, but can we survive underwater? No. But yet we know that there are lifeforms in the ocean.
    Also just becasue we dont have the technology (i dont believe in the moon landing either) to go into outer space doesn't mean others dont. In terms of creation other planets were here long before we were and the fact that we are here, supports the facts of things being on other planets

    Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.

  23. #23
    I agree with the idea that aliens exist. I believe dinosaurs where the native inhabitants of this earth, who were then exterminated by alien weaponry we decided to call meteors. The aliens then seeded the planet with a docile, feeble-minded populace that they left to multiply, duly returning several millenia in the future to collect their newly-grown slave population.
    [Today 2:38 AM] Lord Kaos: Police report on their IPs?
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: im going to kill him now.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Koloth: I tried to check IPs... but the asshole is probably using proxies
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: brb im off to kill them both.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Lady Aerith: and I don't have the power to IP ban either...

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa View Post
    Aliens- I believe in them- I would be entirely close minded to believe we're the only world out there. In fact, think about this:

    For one, as common knowledge dictates, the Sun is a star. There are many stars out in that solar system. Who's to say they don't have planets revolving around them as we do ours?

    Another, is to look at the structure of some of the ancient civilizations, and specifically the Egyptian/Mayan civilizations. The pyramids are an amazing wonder, and even more wondrous is how so many managed to be built in so little time. Especially the great Pyramid- It's huge, and still standing. Books say that it took ten years to built. But the intricatecies, such as hundreds and hundreds of false passageways, fake coffin rooms, and floors upon its interior are well beyond simple ramp and lever tools. The technologies are so great, we're not sure how to reconstuct one without it toppling over.

    Viruses. Viruses are an exception to the Theory of Living/Non-Living creatures because they don't respirate, yet they can replicate, they are motile, and perform all functions of living things- except respiration. Where did these beings come from? According to the Theory of Evolution, the virus couldn't have mutated since it doesn't have any organelles whatsoever, which leads me to the conclusion of them being extraterrestrial.

    Big Bang Theory- everything started as some sort of energy ball in the center of the universe and then seperated in a flash of energy. The power to arrise living things was doubtfully given to earth alone. Who's to say Earth People got all of the power and other planets didn't.

    There is also overwelming evidence on Mars of water deposits. On Earth, we believe water is the equivelancy to living. Although it is a narrow-minded theory, it is a place to start since Mars doesn't have any visible lifesigns, apart from carbon deposits- perhaps it is because of the absence of water.

    UFO sightings- There was a case when someone caught a UFO sighting on video, in the early 50's, before we had the software to doctor up videos and the such. The 'UFO' was in the picture- and then- it vanished from sight. This aliens thing can't all be wrong.

    I'm not disagreeing with much of what you said, but I just want to clarify.

    For one, as common knowledge dictates, the Sun is a star. There are many stars out in that solar system. Who's to say they don't have planets revolving around them as we do ours?
    Nobody is saying that. We now know that there are hundreds of other solar systems similar to ours. We put unbelievably powerful telescopes up into space, and they scope it out for us. We have "seen" these planets.

    Big Bang Theory- everything started as some sort of energy ball in the center of the universe and then seperated in a flash of energy. The power to arrise living things was doubtfully given to earth alone. Who's to say Earth People got all of the power and other planets didn't.
    Well first, it's a crudely incorrect summation of what the "Big Bang" is, so that can be a bit misleading. Second, I wouldn't classify it as a "power" to have life arise. I would consider it to be an allowance depending on the classification of star and planet. But those points aside, once again nobody is saying that. The wide consensus is that there are a lot of extra-solar planets out there that could have a good position to allow the rise of life.

    There is also overwelming evidence on Mars of water deposits. On Earth, we believe water is the equivelancy to living. Although it is a narrow-minded theory, it is a place to start since Mars doesn't have any visible lifesigns, apart from carbon deposits- perhaps it is because of the absence of water.
    No, we don't believe water is the equivalence to holding life. For humans and all creatures on Earth it is. It may not be on a different planet. We see it as a potential for hosting life. Not the equivalence to life.

    As far as aliens, it would be very highly unlikely to witness any aliens from any solar system other than ours, considering the closest star is still several light years away from us. If an alien were to come from ours, they would be coming from Mercury, Venus, or Mars since any planet outside of the asteroid belt is very large, entirely gaseous, and uninhabitable. And I wouldn't count on it coming from Mercury or Venus, as the conditions there aren't exactly hospitable.
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    Grow up. - El Wray

    Testy are we? Sit down to some nice music and relax. - Momo Mastermind

    Emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo, emo!! - Nin'

    Man, you emo! ^_^ - Nin'

    You're an idiot and need to grow up

    you're probably the biggest emo I've seen. Shut up and actually try to hold a thought.

    I can only assume the last two are also Nin'.

    What the hell is the theme with calling me emo and telling me I need to grow up? You people are retarded.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Hahaha are u jokeing!! This thread has got to be a joke. Um is there any prof at all that they are real NO but there is tons of prof there not. Like has anyone ever realy seen one and im not talking about a ufo. Also if u think there is a god then you know he says that we are the only ones but not all think like me. So no i don't think there is any chance that there real. Even if i did not think there was a god. There is no prof what so ever there real. If there was then we would be sending ship and other things into space more and more not less and less like we are doing.

    Also chez i agree with you. Umm put more detail into the first post man and more of y you think there real!! Also i think this should be in General Chat caws it don't look like an Intellectual Discussion.

    Dark One
    Woah... where to start with this one.

    Well, let's see.

    First of all, you call into question the existance of aliens. Fair enough.

    Um is there any prof at all that they are real NO but there is tons of prof there not. Like has anyone ever realy seen one and im not talking about a ufo.
    And why not? Who indeed has ever seen a real live alien? Someone with a genuine photograph, a videotape, genuine proof?(the word has two o's. Not ****ing hard.).

    Then you commit your first no-no;

    Also if u think there is a god then you know he says that we are the only ones but not all think like me. So no i don't think there is any chance that there real.
    Remember that word you couldn't or wouldn't take the time to spell, "proof"? It comes into play here. You believe in an unseen, unheard, unproven creator, yet you demand hard proof regarding the existance of extra-terrestrials? Dark One, do you know what the word "hypocrite" means? You're willing to throw all your belief into the idea that there's some big, spiritual Daddy waiting to spank you at the end of Eternity. Yet is the idea that somewhere out there, somehow, life may exist on a planet outside the domain of God as you know it so unfathomable? I wouldn't be surprised if it was, if your post is anything to consider. Or is the thought so disgusting and blasphemous to you and your god that merely considering it would be a sin?

    Please, I'm not trying to bait you into some religious battle. That can happen elsewhere.

    Also chez i agree with you. Umm put more detail into the first post man and more of y you think there real!!
    You realize all the things you call for... well...

    caws it don't look like an Intellectual Discussion.[/
    It was until you showed up.
    Last edited by Frank_White; 12-20-2007 at 12:29 AM.
    [Today 2:38 AM] Lord Kaos: Police report on their IPs?
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: im going to kill him now.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Koloth: I tried to check IPs... but the asshole is probably using proxies
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: brb im off to kill them both.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Lady Aerith: and I don't have the power to IP ban either...

  26. #26
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ ALIENS!! Real or Not?? chaosweapon's Avatar
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    Being a fan of the X-files I can't deny that I believe in extra terrestrial life forms. If there are planets similar to Earth in the universe, there would be surely aliens. Unfortunately, the media depicts aliens as super intelligent creatures with a large head and a tiny body. This is obviously not true. Personally, I would expect them to be similar to us. Jenova is an ideal alien. Her body shape is just like ours but her body's color is different.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTrueSephiroth View Post
    ALIENS!! Real or Not??
    Of course they are. It is assumed there are about 12 million of them living in America alone. Bush wants to give them 'rights' just to curry the Latino vote.

  28. #28
    Registered User ALIENS!! Real or Not?? DarkIrvine's Avatar
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    Well, in the past I would have said that alien can't exist simply because, from a religious point of view, God created only us so...
    Actually now, even if i don't believe in god anymore, I still continue admitting that they don't exist! Until someone shows me an evidence of their existence, I won't believe in them.
    There are lots of legends, there are also some videos (that are said to be top secret: but if they were actually top secret I wouldn't have it on my computer!) showing them. Give me an evidence of their existence and then we can talk about it.

  29. #29
    ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank_White View Post
    Woah... where to start with this one.

    Well, let's see.

    First of all, you call into question the existance of aliens. Fair enough.

    And why not? Who indeed has ever seen a real live alien? Someone with a genuine photograph, a videotape, genuine proof?(the word has two o's. Not ****ing hard.).

    Then you commit your first no-no;

    Remember that word you couldn't or wouldn't take the time to spell, "proof"? It comes into play here. You believe in an unseen, unheard, unproven creator, yet you demand hard proof regarding the existance of extra-terrestrials? Dark One, do you know what the word "hypocrite" means? You're willing to throw all your belief into the idea that there's some big, spiritual Daddy waiting to spank you at the end of Eternity. Yet is the idea that somewhere out there, somehow, life may exist on a planet outside the domain of God as you know it so unfathomable? I wouldn't be surprised if it was, if your post is anything to consider. Or is the thought so disgusting and blasphemous to you and your god that merely considering it would be a sin?

    Please, I'm not trying to bait you into some religious battle. That can happen elsewhere.

    You realize all the things you call for... well...

    It was until you showed up.
    You obviously can't see the quotes he was replying to, however I just needed to note that this made me laugh pretty hard.

    Moving on, I do believe there's a VERY high chance of life somewhere else "out there". To believe otherwise would just be foolish... or extremely super-intelligent... but that would call for super-intelligence... and it doesn't seem like that sort of power exists in our world

    Anyway, MANY of these posts have made me laugh, thank you to everyone who added to my chuckles.

    It's extremely vain to think that we're the only ones in this universe. Also, those those who continuously spew such shit as "Well why haven't we seen them yet!?" or "Wouldn't someone have found them in their space ships."... perhaps, maybe just for a moment let's step out of your little box and think about this, shall we? Human beings are fairly new, as intelligent life forms go. It isn't impossible to perhaps consider the possibility that the life forms on distant planets aren't as advanced as we are, if they're intelligent AT ALL. Perhaps we really are the most advanced beings in the entire universe, perhaps not.

    Anyway, facts lead us to believe, through logical means, that if we really ARE the only ones in the entire universe, then we're pretty damn lucky- and we're realy one in a billion.
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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  30. #30
    Lady of the Flowers ALIENS!! Real or Not?? Anthiena's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    There is life on other worlds-but those capable of traveling so far would most likely view us as monkeys still in the trees. We are still bound to our own solar system, so why would any alien civilization worry about us?

    Unless it was like Alien Nation or sommat like that, where they had screwed themselves out of their home planet.

    ...but face it, Invasion of the Tripods/War of the Worlds, Alien, Predator and other such are so unlikely as to be impossible.
    I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
    I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Kunihiko Ikuhara "Ikuni"

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