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Thread: What is a Spamming post in RP?

  1. #1

    What is a Spamming post in RP?

    There are many different definitions of what constitutes SPAM in the RP forum. Well, this is mine, and this is the definition we will be using.

    There is no such thing as a one line IC RP post. Period.

    If everything you have to say in the RP can be said in a line, or two or three, then do NOT post it. Plain and simple. Any such RP threads that start become this will be closed.

    Role Playing is about searching the depths of your creativity and desires. It's also about writing. It is NOT redundant to talk about EVERY LITTLE DETAIL. The greatest writers in the world do JUST THAT. Describing mood, scenery, passing thoughts that are not relevent to the over all subject of the post are ESSENTIAL! I will give you an example of this.

    Setting: Yuna after the end of Final Fantasy X

    Yuna sat in the wet sand, where the waves met the shore. The water had soaked her bottom, but she didn't care. Hugging her knees, her mind was else where... perhaps in a different time completely. Earlier that day, durring her speech, it had taken all her strength not to cry. Was she stronger for it? Maybe, but probably not. Her heart ached too much for her to believe that she had grown stronger. She felt alone, like a star that had burnt out and was giving off the last of its shine. She wanted to fall forever, like he did the last time she saw him. No cares, no titles, no memories... just fall...

    A large wave startled her, leaving salt water dripping from her face. The water was warm, but in the evening breeze, the wetness grew colder. She heard the sounds of children playing in the distance. The sound of a bell some where off in the distance. The eternal calm... her eyes filled with tears. Does this mean I'm no longer needed?. She had been a summoner. When she learned she could truely defeat Sin forever, her future seemed bright, she was surrounded by all of her friend... All of them.... A single tear fell down her cheek, but it could have easily been mistaken for the spray of waves.

    That entire post could have, with in the RP time, taken no more then a minute. It's all about details, useless things that normally you wouldn't think to include. This makes a post go from alright, to fantastic!

    This, on the other hand, would be RP Forum Spam:

    Yuna sat on the beach alone, with the waves splashing into her ever few seconds. Her thoughts drifted from thought to thought, but in the end, always returned to her lonliness.

    That WILL NOT DO. Sorry, but beef it up, or don't post it.

    If you have any more questions on what does or doesn't qualify as Spam, please post them here! Thanks =D

    Last edited by Yuna; 08-05-2005 at 05:30 AM.

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior What is a Spamming post in RP? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yuna
    If everything you have to say in the RP can be said in a line, or two or three, then do NOT post it. Plain and simple. Any such RP threads that start become this will be closed.
    *points at that clause*

    I know you guys like your fast-paced RPs, but you don't tell much of a story when you only discuss a single action per post.


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