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Thread: Summoner's Pilgrimage

  1. #1
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.

    Summoner's Pilgrimage

    The day was bright, and promised to be a day that would be full of vigor and excitement, as today was the day that Yu Hisigawa was setting out on his pilgrimage to defeat Sin. Yu seemed a bit nervous, even though he has been anticipating this day all of his life.

    Yu was going to Kiliki islands to get his first aeon. This place was most appealing to him, so he wanted to go there first. He would return to Bevelle to get his hometown's aeon, only after he proved himself worthy of being a great summoner. Kiliki would be a great place to get started he thought, since he had never actually been there he wanted to do some sightseeing.

    Bevelle was a big city. Even though he was raised all his life there, he still wasn't used to all of it. He was off now to tell everyone bye, and to find his friend and guardian, Nova.

    First though, Yu was to report to the Maester, Maeter Mika. There would be some words of encouragement and praise, thanking Yu for how he would risk his life to defeat Sin, and then he would get the Maester's blessings. This seemed alright with Yu, although he has not always gone by the teachings of Yevon, he needed to get into the temples, so that he could get the all powerful aeons.

    Yu couldn't wait to gain the aeons' stength either. He had seen some from afar, but he had never actually been in close enough to touch one, and now he would be able to summon one. That was amazing to Yu.

    So Yu headed to the high bridge, where the High Maester would meet him. Once there, he saw the Maester, along with the other Maester, the Ronso Maester. He had never actually met the Ronso Maester.
    "I am glad that you, Yu Hisigawa have decided to take this difficult journey, the Summoner's Pilgrimage, to help rid the world of Sin." the head Maester said.

    "Sin very strong, much courage is needed to fight Sin, may your courage be as big as Mt. Gigazet, so that you can slay Sin" the Ronso Maester said.

    "Are you sure that you can do this, you do know that your life will to an end?" the the Head Maester asked asked.

    This was an unexpected question, none the less, Yu already knew his answer. "Of course! Sin has been around long enough, so I intend to bring the longest Calm ever. Maybe Sin won't even come back this time!" Yu said.

    "Well, that is quite a bold statement, let's hope that it is true." Maester Mika said.

    The Maesters continued there chat, and at the end, they gave them their blessings and sent him off, to get ready for his journey. Now Yu just had to tell everyone bye, something he did not want to do. So with the meeting out of the way, Yu headed for his home, maybe Nova would be there.

    OOC: Well, here it is, if anyone wants to be my guardian, feel free to meet me in Bevelle now, or at a later time. Anyone that wants to be a Summoner, feel free to do your own thing if you wish.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 02-23-2009 at 01:59 PM.

  2. #2
    'I am soooo late,' the boy thought as he rushed through his house. This didn't happen often, but when Sano Matsura's usually tight schedule was thrown off course, everything crashes and burns. He had stayed up late the night before to try and carve another pole for training.

    In the course of Sano's usual daily blitzball practice, he also spent a few hours sparring with the other village boys or with his brother, Wes. This was usually done with either fists or long poles and staffs that he would carve on his own. Because most of these sticks were really just sticks that were hastily carved and smoothed, they broke every month or so. It just so happened that Sano finally decided to find real wood from the forest to seriously make a weapon with the night before.

    "Wes! Weeees!" cried the boy as he slipped into his vest. No reply came, and Sano grunted in frustration. "He was supposed to make sure I woke up. Whatever. The guys better not be mad." After swiping his ball and spare staff (for the new one was still in progress), Sano ran out the door to meet his friends.

    A little ways off from the port village was a sandy beach. Here, Sano greeted the annoyed glares of his nine "team mates."

    "Where have you been? We've been waiting for the you and the ball for an hour, moron!" scolded the largest boy there.
    "Sorry Dammy. Wes didn't wake me," Sano replied with a wide grin, thinking if he shrugged it off, so would everyone else. Damion never stayed mad at his best friend anyway, so there was nothing to really worry about.
    "Yeah, whatever man. Lets just get some practice in before noon."

    A few minutes of set up and everyone was split up in two teams of five in the water. The kids played somewhat seriously, but no one could compare to the two eldest boys. Sano and Damion were never on the same team. Both were forwards, and good ones at that, so being on opposing sides was the best way for them to really push themselves. This scrimmage lasted for two hours before everyone decided to take a rest and meet again the next day.

    At the break, Sano left the group saying "See you guys tomorrow! I'm heading back to the temple."

    This visit was also another daily habit that the boy would never miss. The trip through the forest was always quick enough if he decided to follow the trail, but that would never serve as proper training. Cutting straight through the forest, ignoring the trails, was definitely not the fastest route, but it ensured at least on encounter of some fiend or beast daily. Today was no different. Halfway through the forest and Sano found himself face to face with two killer bees.

    "Hello friends! Shall we do battle?" Sano asked cheerily before rushing forward with this staff, making a quick downward swing that hit the nearest bee. This pole was as long as the boy was tall, so he swung it around with relative ease.

    The first bee seemed to be surprised by this attack and lost its altitude, falling nearly to the ground before buzzing back up to Sano's head level. During this time, the second bee had moved forward and jabbed its stinger at Sano's arm, leaving a cut.

    "OW!" he yelled as he turned his torso to hit the bee with an elbow. 'You wanna piece of me, you can have it.' In the momentum of the turn, he held out the staff with his other arm and swung in a circle, aiming to hit the other bee from behind. The hit connected, smashing it against the mossy trunk of a tree.

    "Oh yeah! Score 402 to 5, with the charming Matsura in the lead. The beasts will never catch up." Monologuing in the midst of these brawls was another habit that Sano had taken up from playing blitball with his friends everyday. He turned to face the other bee and screamed, "You wanna fight me?"

    The boy didn't care to wait to see if perhaps this monster, unlike all the rest, would answer and instead hurled his staff at it like a javelin. The throw missed, and the bee came back to take another jab at him. He was tried to dodge by jumping back, but forgot that when an attack is coming straight at you at a fast speed, it's most likely that it will continue in the same direction. This led to another, deeper cut on Sano's forearm, which he had used to shield himself. In reaction, the boy used his other fist to take a sideways swing at the bee. This hit and caused the monster to fall. Sano kicked it against another tree trunk a few times to make sure it would at least stay down until he could get to the temple before moving on.

    After retrieving his staff, Sano made his way to the Kilika temple, winding through the forest.

    OOC: I'll finish later or make another post.

  3. #3
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage Halie's Avatar
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    Hana! Wake up!” A loud voice cried, “You have to leave soon!”

    As Hana heard these calls, she quickly lifted her quilt and sped out of bed. She replied to her brother in a loud shout and walked over to a small mirror that rested upon tatty wallpaper. Though her hair wasn’t too messy, she begun combing it thoroughly. She could smell the scrumptious scent of Bacon that lingered from the kitchen, so she hurriedly dressed herself. Hanas’ bedroom was fairly small, and not many possessions were kept inside. On a small wooden stool that sat by the end of her bed, lay three thick books. All of them read “The Art Of White Magic” on each cover. Hana had done many chores for her mother and her brothers for months in order to earn the money to buy them. As she moved to walk out of her room, she began debating with herself over whether to take them with her.

    “...Nah. I’ll be fine without them. I’ve studied enough.”

    Downstairs, her brother Akio would be cooking her and the family a delicious breakfast, whilst the eldest brother Kano would be readying for work. Hana also had two four year old brothers who were both identical twins, they would be messing around and purposefully irritating Kano. Hanas’ mother would already be working hard at her morning job. Even with a mother who worked two jobs and two brothers who also worked, her family still had very little money.

    Hana assembled in the kitchen and sat at their petite dining table. Akio brought her a generous plate of sizzling bacon, buttered toast and poached eggs.

    “Wow, that’s a lot of bacon.” She said in a grateful tone.

    “You need it for your journey. By the way, Mother said good luck out there.” Akio replied.

    Akio was eighteen years of age. His hair was short dark brown, and his skin was lightly tanned from the sun. He wore a green vest with black, three-quarter trousers and brown cork sandals. He was quite out-going and humorous, and very different from his elder brother. Kano was quiet, and had become very cold with Hana since she decided to become a guardian. He wore a pale grey t shirt with long black slacks. He was fairly hansom, with long, curly, dark hair.

    There was silence at the table as the family ate. Once Hana had finished, she stood up from her seat, and ambled to the kitchen sink where she begun washing her plate. She then moved to open the front door of their little cottage, when Akio gently halted her.

    “Goodbye sis...Good luck.” He cried whilst firmly hugging her. The two twins then joined in, but Kano stood by the table, silently.

    “Thanks,” Hana reciprocated the hug, and then slowly pulled away.
    “I must go now. Goodbye to all of you.” She looked toward Kano, who was glaring at her frigidly. She then looked away and opened the door. Before heading to the S.S Liki ship, Hana would go to the temple and pray for a safe journey and say goodbye to the village.

    Inside the Besaid temple were various statues, each of the High summoners that had already defeated Sin. The priest stood at the bottom of a long staircase. Hana began talking to him.

    “Your grace, I shall be leaving soon.”

    “Ah. Well, good luck on your journey Hana. Will you be praying before you leave?” the priest replied.

    Hana nodded in reply, and then kneeled in front of the statues. She prayed hard for her safety, and for her family to be fine whilst she was away. Once she had finished praying, she gestured a wave toward the priest and exited the temple.

  4. #4
    Nova sat with one leg out and another bent on the knee, his head tiltid up, placed upon the wall of bevelle.

    "Sir..excuse me Sir!". Nova awoke to see a bevelle'n guard stood gracfully infront of him."You cannot sit there sir I'm going to have to ask you to move. Nova streched his arms above his head, and jumped to his feet.

    "No, problem. Im waiting for someone, he'll be along soon. Can I wait here for his arival?" Insited Nova, aprotching the guard, with his hands on his head flatening his white hair that seemed to glisen in the new days early light.

    "of course, aslong as you don move from that spot Ill be keeping an eye on you." Incripted the guard in a sure voice.

    Nova stood patting down and straightening his red jacket, "Ah, no problem you won't hear a peep out of me." Nova stuck his thumb at the guard, almost forcing it upon him with a slight grin on his face. He turned around facing the entereance doors to bevelle.
    "Damm, thats some big doors. Yu better be along soon " Nova thought in his head. as he proceaded back to the wall with his arms crossed.

  5. #5
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage Halie's Avatar
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    Hana stepped outside. She breathed in the warm, fresh outdoor breezes, and examined her surroundings. The sun hung in the cloudless sky and blistered over the peoples’ huts. She could see villagers scurrying to and fro, the little kids playing and smiling. It was peaceful, but there was something missing. It was obvious to the blind eye that these people were in fear of Sin, and would be until it was destroyed. All they could do is wait for another Calm. Hana was confident that this would change, with her help.

    As the villagers waved her goodbye, she made her way to Besaid Beach. Though before arriving there, she would pass through Besaid falls, where there were usually fiends. Hana had prepared herself for them by learning a thunder spell in case she was attacked, though it was the only Black Magic spell she knew. She followed the pathway to the waterfalls whilst thinking along the way. She would sail the S.S. Liki to Bevelle, where she would meet up with Yu Hisagawa – a young summoner who she would now become guardian to, and Nova – another guardian to Yu. Hana was unaware of whether Yu would have more guardians, and if so, had no idea who they would be.

    The sounds of water clashing and crashing against rocks echoed throughout the falls, though Hana could hear the shaking of bushes or trees nearby. She looked around her, but there was no one in sight. She figured it must’ve been nothing and turned back to the path to continue on. As she looked forward, she became startled and found that standing in front of her was a nifty coyote. She instinctively switched to a defensive stance, when suddenly the foe jumped to attack her. She swiftly moved to the left and dodged its attack before beginning to perform the thunder spell. The monster jumped to attack her again, this time landing a scratch wound from its claws on her upper arm. She kicked the coyote off her arm, and hit it with her spell. Furious bolts of lightning dashed at the fiend, leaving it lying helplessly on the ground.

    “I knew I was going to need that...” she breathed quietly.

    She kicked it once again to make sure it was dead. The fiend didn’t move a muscle, so she brushed off the dust that the coyote had rubbed onto her as it attacked. She then took a small potion out of her pocket and smothered it onto her upper arm wound.

    “Five minutes into my journey and I’m already wounded.” She sighed and continued forward.

    Finally, she approached Besaid Beach. The sea glistened from the sun, and the sand was almost ablaze from the intense heat. The image of the scorched Beach fixated in her mind. It would be the last time she’d see it for a long time, possibly never again. Down from the small Beach was a dock, where the S.S. Liki awaited. It was now time for the ship to leave, so Hana quickly boarded.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Hours passed, and the boat finally arrived at Bevelle. Hana had been resting in the ships’ cabin, when suddenly a young man awoke her.

    “Excuse me, m’am, but I think this is your stop.” the young man presumed.

    “Oh, yes. Thank you.” Hana replied.

    She gently rubbed her eyes and stood up. She made her way out of the cabin and up to the main deck, where she could see the entire view of Bevelle, and it was much different from Besaid. Its buildings were tall and grand, whereas Besaid had tiny huts. Whilst staring out at the large city, she came out of the boat and onto the dock. Nearby was the Bevelle temple, which was also much larger than the one in Besaid. Nova appeared to be leaning against the wall of the temple, so she ran towards him.

    “Hey Nova, is Yu not here yet?”
    Last edited by Halie; 04-03-2008 at 10:41 AM.

  6. #6
    Nova lifted his head in repliance to echoed word's. "Nope im still waiting for him" Nova replied as he shruged his shoulders.

    Upon moving away from the wall, it bacame clear to him the figure running towards that he just replied to was Hana. - Another guardian of Yu's only she was gifted in the art of white magic, where as Nova was more gifted in swordman ship, and found it more helpfull learning skills such as sleep attack.

    "well he's taking his sweet time." adressed hanna to Nova
    "Yea i know what you mean, Yu supose to be a summoner and is normaly a prompt one at that" Nova sighed and turned round. To his amazement the bevelle'n guard was behind them listening into the conversation.
    "W-What are you doing!" screamed Nova at the guard, who tried to stand still acting as if he wasn't ease dropping.

    "I-I-I'm terrible sorry sir, just I kind heard you say Summoner Yu was coming home, am I correct in this information?"

    "yea, that's right, why?" Questioned Nova, as he approched the guard, who seen it only fitting to back-up.

    "Then I better go inform the people of bevelle" with that out burst, he was off.
    "Well I gues were watching the gate then?" said nova in a sarcastic giggle, aiming the question at Hana.

  7. #7
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    The fiends here were much like the fiends usually found in Sanubia Desert, which was exceedingly helpful at some points, but not so much at other times, owing to the fact that the only level two spell she had learned was Fira. Regardless, the Alcyones and the Sandragoras fell faster than flies and the forest wasn’t much of a challenge in traversing.

    Sabina had been lucky to encounter so many Alcyones, they were of course good battle practice. The stories she had been told in the nearby town had detailed that the Southern Temple was overrun with fiends, but of course, like many Temples in the archipelago, nobody had entered for several Calms. It was shameful really, the Fayth in the Temples were never to be disturbed, and it was a well-known fact that the Aurum Archipelago was particularly covered in magical energies. The Fayth were going to waste.

    The stone archway above told her that she was heading in the correct direction; the Temple to the north had an archway much like it. Ahead of her would be the Temple, described by the townspeople as being as large as the Temple of Shiva. Sabina was eagerly awaiting the first glance of the Temple.

    What she saw was not quite what she had expected to see, there was a large lake, but no sign of a Temple. A bubble of air about the size of a blitzball made its way to the surface, prompting her too look down.

    Below the surface of the crystal clear lake, was the entrance to the Temple. One thing was for certain, there was no chance of her getting in with her current repertoire of Aeons, which was limited to one very travel-worn peacock-like Tritoch.

    (OOC: >_< worst post ever)

  8. #8
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    As Yu arrived at his home, he looked around for Nova. "Nova! You here? What a pain, where is he?" Yu walked around the house for a bit. He looked at his desk, and saw his Beginner's Black Magic book. "Maybe I should bring this. I know if I practice I will get better." so he picked the book up and left his house.

    There was one of the Bevelle guards, walking around, so Yu approached him. The guard spotted him and then said, "Lord Yu, your guardians are at the temple, waiting for you." "Thank you" Yu replied, and hurried off with the guard to the temple.

    Guardians? Had the other guardian, who was she, Hana that was her name..... had she already arrived? This was embarrassing for Yu. It was his first time to meet his new guardian, and he was late. He had planned to get an early start and meet her at the docks. If only he could have found Nova earlier...

    As he neared the temple, he saw Nova, and Hana, waiting for him. He hurried to meet them.

    "Sorry I'm late" Yu apologized.

    OOC: please do not godmode, which is take control of someone else's character. Thank you.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 04-05-2008 at 08:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage Halie's Avatar
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    "Well I guess we're watching the gate then?" said nova in a sarcastic giggle, aiming the question at Hana.

    "I guess so." Hana laughed as she kneeled down next to Nova.

    The two sat and waited as the minutes went by. Not only was Bevelle bigger than Besaid, but it was also much busier. Nova and Hana watched as the people scurried back and forth. Hana though to herself, "I've always wanted to meet the four Maesters...". Here in Bevelle, the heart of Spira, lived the four grand maeters, who each controlled the teachings. Hana was a great follower of the teachings, and was very devoted to them. Meetings the four Maesters was a fond dream of hers.

    As a few minutes passed, the two guardians spotted a young man running in the distance. It was Yu, who'd finally arrived.

    "Sorry I'm late." Yu apologised.

    "It's about time!" Nova joked.

    The two guardians greeted Yu. Hana looked behind him for a second to see if anyone else had come with him.

    "Is anyone else coming with us?" she asked.

    EDIT:: Sorry, I only just saw the 'No godmoding part' >_<

  10. #10
    (OOC: Sorry about the whole Godmoding thing in my above post, wont happen again (Y))

    Nova blanked out Hana's Question. Instead he walked up to Yu. "Heya Yu, sorry about not meeting you sooner. You know what im like With Long, big worded convosation. I would have fell asleep infront of the maester" explained Nova giggling and then bursting into a stead laugh.

    "Anyway I knew you come by this way, so I decided to wait here. And look who else found the meeting place" Nova grabbed hana pushing her promptly infront of him in order to include her in the conversation. " I know you two have never met yet, so say your helo's now, We got a long way to go."

  11. #11
    Sano rushed up the long flight of stairs to the temple two steps at a time. By now, the sun had lowered a bit from it's high perch at noon. The trip through the forest and small scuffle hadn't taken too long. 'I guess my day won't be totally off schedule,' thought the boy as he stopped at the top of the steps to catch his breath.

    He wasn't one to carry around potions or ethers like most people, so Sano's cuts from the battle with the bees were still apparent on his arm. The bleeding had stopped soon after the battle, but feeling the cuts annoyed the boy. He once again hadn't though to at least bring a few bandages, so there was not even the slightest barrier between the wounds and Sano's fidgety fingers. 'I'm gonna have to ask one of the priests to heal this or something.'

    Sano made his way to the entrance of the fire temple, careful to bow at the statues he saw on the way. The inside of the temple was surprisingly cool and dimly lit with a few villagers inside. The priests were scattered throughout he main room, some praying and some talking with the villagers. Sano went over to the one standing at the cloister stairs and made the Yevon symbol as he bowed to him.

    "Hello priest. Any news of coming summoners or of Sin?" the boy inquired as usual.

    "Ah, Sano," the older man replied. "Well, it's said that the young summoner Yu Hisigawa is begining his pilgrimage today. He will be coming here for our aeon, it is for certain, but I do not know when he will come. As for Sin, I haven't heard of any attacks recently, but that news comes as a blessing to us all."

    "Indeed it does, sir," Sano answered quietly. "But this summoner, do you have any idea at all when he'll be here? Where's he's coming from?"

    "Well, he is starting off from Bevelle, so it may be a few days at least before he gets here if he intends to travel by land. The city is quite a ways off from our islands." The priest was smiling slightly, all too aware of Sano's intentions after the years of his constant visits. "But he'll have to come eventually."

    "Yeah, I guess so," Sano sighed. "Maybe I'll leave this place and meet him half way. What about that, sir?"

    "Do whatever you think you should."

    "Yeah...well, better be getting back to practice! Thank you sir. See you soon!" With that, the boy bowed again and nearly ran out the way he came. He was excited. He just didn't know what to do now.

  12. #12
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    "Hey ya Yu, sorry for not meeting you sooner. You know how I am with long big worded conversations, I would have fallen asleep." Nova giggled, and then burst into a stead fast laugh.

    "Yeah, I figured that, so I headed home, and you weren't there, and then I ran into a curious looking guard. The curious thing was that he wasn't guarding his post, so I asked him about it, and he told me that you were at the temple."

    "Is anyone else coming with us?" Hana asked.

    "No, I am hoping that we will meet other comrades to aid us in the battle against Sin, as we progress in our pilgrimage. That being said, it cannot be too large, because I do not want too many people involved, because the fight against Sin is very perilous and I do not want to risk any unnecessary lives."

    After Yu answered Hana, there was a short silence that Yu quickly ended. "Well, we should take the S.S. Liki, it would be faster that way, to reach Kiliki."

    With that, Yu and his guardians headed for Kiliki on the S.S. Liki. Yu was excited, and at the same time worried. He could not wait to see the rest of the world, and defeat Sin, most importantly. He had never left Bevelle, except for a short trip to Besaid, a week. Either way, Yu was going on his pilgrimage, so he could defeat Sin and bring the longest Calm.

  13. #13
    Yu, Nova and Hana stood upon the dock in wait for the S.S Liki. The air was tender and upon the taste it was sweet, Nova could feel that upon this adventure he would make sure that this time he would fight Sin and make sure that it neveer came back.

    Nova lifted his head and piered into the midday Sky,upon which brought back memories of his past life, his hand gripped that of a medallion strung around his neck of a black lace. Flash back memories of his past adventure with Lord hingata flooded his head, Leavig Nova empty inside.

    "This time I will not run, I'll fight sin, even - even if i cost my life." Nova thought to himself as he gazed into the emptyness of the sea in front of him. In the far distance Nova could see the sail of the S.S. Liki fast aproching.

    Nova retained his steady stance and lowered his hand and replaced it in his pocket. The sun shone upon Nova's red jacket forcing the wight trim to shine.

    Nova faced Hana and Yu with a short grin on his face. "You, ready for this Yu?. Dont worry were get Sin"
    Last edited by Nova Mage; 04-06-2008 at 02:48 AM.

  14. #14
    *OOC: No one has to read this since it's got nothing to do with the actual RP yet. Just Sano doing his daily thing.**

    The air outside was warm and the breeze carried the fresh scent of ocean water. The fresh air helped clear Sano's unsure mind a bit. He stretched his arms towards the blue sky and sighed. "I guess I'm going to wait for that Yu to come and talk it over with my Wes a bit. He'll understand," the boy thought, looking back down at his village. He had lived in Kilika for his while life-most of it with his parents and brothers. He hadn't left ever before or gone further than the fire temple or sea.

    Sighing again, Sano removed the pole from his back and descended the stairway, heading back to the forest and towards the village. Having already fought enough monsters for the day, Sano took the regular winding path back. With nothing to distract or stop him, the boy got back to the village in the same amount of time it took to leave. Once there, he stopped by the small hut that he lived in with his brother to make something for lunch.

    The hut seemed small from the outside, but felt large enough inside. Only Sano and his elder brother of three years lived here, so it wasn't the most tidy of places. There were three rooms: The main room, Sano's room, and his brother's room. Wes' current room had once belonged to their parents and Sano's was where all the boys had slept when they were younger. Now, the small hut felt a little too large and empty, so neither brother felt the need to remove any clutter that built up.

    Half the main room was where Sano cooked and where the food was kept. Dried meat and fish and vegetables hung from the ceiling in nets and from ropes. The boy took two fish and some carrots and cabbage and fried them in a pan for lunch.

    He finished cooking and wrapped each fish and half of the vegetables in separate packs.

    "I'm betting Wes is hungry too," Sano said outloud as he picked up the packs and walked out the door for the second time that day.

    His schedule was still off for the day since there were children about the port, kicking balls and shouting all sorts of thing. Lunch time was pretty much over, and the village children were out playing again. As he passed a game, Sano was greeted joyously.

    "Sano! Come play wit' us again," shouted one of the young boys.
    "Maybe later Hiro. I'm delivering lunch. How about I meet you guys here in twenty minutes?"

    He chuckled as he walked away. Sano got along with everyone in Kilika-the kids, the adults, and even the merchants. The familiarity came from living there all his life.

    Wes was at sitting at the pier as usual, waiting for his kid brother to bring him lunch again.

    "Yo, Wes! I brought your food you bum," the younger boy spoke from a few steps away. The elder brother stood and turned to face Sano and said, "You're late."
    At this, Sano visibly twitched. "YOU didn't wake me up you freak!"
    "Yeah, sorry about that," he apologized." I was late too, and I didn't have the time."
    "Whatever," Sano pouted. "You're still mean. But I've got something to talk to you about..."

  15. #15
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    Milliton was a small port town on the east of Rose Island that was regularly used as a meeting spot between guardians and summoners. Though, Sabina wasn’t too sure if she wanted a guardian who could nag her to do things she didn’t want to do, for now she was rather pleased to be alone.

    “I’d like to book passage for one please, to Kilika Island.”

    “Kilika? What’re you looking to go over there for?”

    The port’s administration department was a clean building to say the least, there was an air of sterile-ness and perfection however most of the people that were queuing up to book a place on a boat weren’t quite as clean as the building. And what strange people! There were men that looked like men but weren’t, because of their distinct lion-ish appearance and the horn’s sticking out of their head. There were people dressed in bright coloured clothes, wearing sunglasses and goggles who spoke in hushed tones. Some of them were carrying staffs and others were carrying swords, though they all seemed to be on pilgrimage.

    “Excuse me… Miss?” The voice seemed unfamiliar to her, though she had just been talking to the man a couple of seconds ago.

    “Oh, sorry, what were you saying?”

    “What is the purpose of your voyage?”

    “I-I’m on my pilgrimage” she stuttered, the man was making her nervous.

    “Hm… You going without your guardians?” he asked, in a rather matter-of-fact manner.

    “Are you implying that I’m unable to find guardians?” she snapped at him.

    “No, of course not. Gee, are you sure Kilika ain’t too hot for you, miss ice queen?”

    “Oh just give me the damn tickets…”

    After the unpleasantries of the ticket-salesman and the earlier discovery that the Southern Temple was submerged under-water, Sabina wasn’t in the best mood upon the S.S. Pride, the boat sailing towards Kilika. Though that didn’t stop her from adding little details to the plan she had made.

    The plan had been formulated as she trekked from the Southern Temple all the way back to Milliton, she knew that the Aeon held within the Southern Temple would have to be powerful thanks to it’s dormancy and lack of work, the only implication was getting to it. However, Sabina was no ignoramus, she knew that Blitzball player’s were efficient at holding their breath, so all she really had to do was find a Blitzball player to be her guardian and lull him into a false sense of security and trust, then she would use his abilities to get inside the Southern Temple and take the Aeon that she so rightfully deserved. And everybody knew that the Kilika Beasts had the hottest Blitzball players around, and hopefully the dumbest to coincide with her plans.
    When she arrived on Kilika it was already the afternoon, a little bit after lunchtime, something that she only noticed due to the lack of food that she had endured on the journey on the S.S. Pride. However, as sorry as she felt for herself, there was no one near to be sympathetic, so she quickly changed her mindset onto the appropriate task at hand.

    There was a group kicking around a ball nearby, but on closer inspection they all seemed too young to actually be of any use to her. She wasn’t certain if they were playing Blitzball or not, after all, she wasn’t exactly well-informed when it came to the in-depth parts of sports, such as what the players actually do, but she had to admit that they looked like they had skill in what they were doing.

    She sat down near the group, but not too close for fear of getting hit by the ball, and watched and waited. Her theory was that if they were skilled with a ball, then surely they must somehow be related to a good-looking, well-skilled Blitzball player, who just might happen too come and walk his little brother home. Of course, the only flaw in the plan is that she eventually got bored watching the ball go back and forth between the children and she felt her eyes wander, scouting for the very thing she need most.

    Sitting at the end of a pier, were two boys, one was shorter than the other and they both looked capable of the criteria she had laid out. They looked similar from the distance she was at, perhaps they were brothers? Whatever they were she knew that if she kept staring at the two of them whilst looking as attractive as she possibly could (which came naturally, of course) then she would catch their attention, no matter how thick or dimwitted they may turn out to be.

  16. #16
    "Sure bro. What is it?"

    Sano sat for a moment, unsure of what he could explain the situation to his brother. They both knew that Sano would leave the island to join a pilgrimage somehow someday, but Wes was still a protective older brother. He wouldn't want his immature little brother going anywhere at his age.

    Finally, he spoke. "Wes, I'm leaving the island when the next summoner comes."

    "Yeah. Sure," the man replied jokingly. "When will that be? In a year?"

    "A few days," Sano answered quietly. "I'm going no matter what, so please just let me go, Wes. You know I have to."

    Sano stared down at the water lapping up against the dark wood of the pier, afraid to see what his brother's reaction was. If he had looked up, he would see his older brother, taller and older than he, near tears. Sano knew he wouldn't back down on this, but he still cared for his brother.

    Trying to reassure him, Sano added, "I'm old enough now to take care of myself, so you don't have ta worry." His arm was over Wes' shoulder now. "I'll come back after I defeat Sin! Come on, don't cry, you wuss."

    "Fine," the other man sighed sadly. "But if you don't come back safe, I ain't praying for you. Now go play with that 'team' of yours. I'm sure you need to tell them too."

    Elated by his brother's words, Sano jumped up and cried, "You're the best brother ever," as he hugged him. He then ran back down the pier in his bare feet, intending to go straight to the beach. Instead, he spotted a pale, fair haired girl at the end of pier and stopped (damn teenagers' short attention span!). She was wearing clothes suitable for warm weather, but her fair skin labeled her as a non-islander in Sano's eyes. He also didn't recognize the girl's face, which was odd, seeing as he knew every inhabitant of the town.

    He went over with friendly smile to welcome the unfamiliar face. "Hey, you new around here?" He stuck a hand out and said, "I'm Sano. Welcome to Kilika's port."

    **OOC: That was ugly...*
    Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 04-09-2008 at 02:03 PM.

  17. #17
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    They had finally arrived at Kiliki. It wasn't really a long time, it was probably Yu being impatient, and wishing that he could hurry up and arrive.

    "I want to check this place out, I've never been to Kiliki." With that, Yu was off, wandering the town.

    This place was minuscule compared to Bevelle! It was nice though, not having all those crowds of people around. Yu hoped that his guardians weren't mad he decided go off on his own.

    Yu went to the temple, just to get a good look at it, he didn't wish to go in yet, he wanted his guardians to be with him. It kind of seemed scary, Yu had never entered the Chamber of the Fayths. No one had told him what was inside, so Yu was very curious.

    So, after Yu looked around the temple, he headed back to the shipping docks to tell his guardians about the place. He wanted to rest and enter the temple the next morning. Yu didn't see Nova, or Hana, so he walked down to the pier, where there was some boys playing blitzball. There was also a young lady and another guy talking to each other. Even though Yu was new to Kiliki, he could tell that he could fit better in than this pale woman. The boy looked like he was from Kiliki though. He decided to go and talk to the both of them, maybe they had seen his guardians.

    "Good afternoon, my name is Yu Hisigawa, Summoner from Bevelle. If I may ask of you, have either of you two seen two odd looking fellows, man and woman, wandering about?"

    OOC: They meet at last.

  18. #18
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    She managed to grab the attention of one of the boys in much less time than she had expected it would take, which, she told herself, was all down to her flirtatious figure and natural good looks. However despite her utmost confidence in herself and her people skills she felt a little nervous as the boy approached her, she hadn’t really thought about what she was going to say if she did manage to gain their attention, after all, she hadn’t expected her feminine talents to be so successful.

    When he finally reached her, after what seemed like a century due to her nerves, he extended a hand and greeted her in a friendly manner. At first, she felt as though there was no need to hold back, just a need to get onto the matter at hand, to convince the boy too come back to Rose Island and help her gain access to the Southern Temple, however there was an inexplicable intelligence in his eyes, almost as though he seemed of more worth than most sport-fanatics she had met. Assuming he even was a fanatic, maybe he was just built well from another activity. Suddenly she wasn’t quite so sure in her plan.

    Regardless, she refused to allow the mere matter of unfamiliarity get to her. She would act dominantly, the way she usually would when dealing with someone new, for most people it was the only way she could make sure they paid more attention to what she was saying, rather than paying attention to what puberty caused some boys to take into higher consideration.

    “Charmed, I’m sure.” She said, ignoring the hand and choosing to run her hand through her hair instead, playing hard to get was bound to get the effect she wanted.

    “Now that you mention it, I just arrived on the island. My name is Sabina De Rose, and I came here looking for a… guardian.” Emphasis was put on the last word.

    “I don’t suppose you know any… Blitzball players who would be interested in accompanying me in… a journey to defeat Sin, a chance to prove himself in the world and avenge the deaths of all the lives Sin has taken.” She paused, making sure to look innocently at him, “Do you happen to know anyone who fills that description?”

    He was silent for a moment, she wasn’t quite sure how long, but before had the chance to answer another person seemingly joined the conversation, he didn’t seem to be being purposefully rude, but Sabina felt an instant pang of dislike for him. Still, she had to be polite if she wanted to impress Sano.

    “You’re a Summoner? How very interesting for you” She spoke almost in a tone that one would usually reserve for communication with an infant, “I haven’t seen any odd people here, as that would be completely disrespectful to the people I’m near just now and calling people nasty names only provokes nastiness.” She simpered, catching Sano’s eye, but he looked back blankly.

    “I hope that you don’t intend of stopping at the temple tomorrow, because the priest’s praise will be for me for the next few weeks as I obtain Ifrit. Of course, you’re welcome to attend the congratulations ceremony the hold for me. Just don’t try any funny business…”

  19. #19
    “Charmed, I’m sure,” said the stranger. She hadn't taken Sano's outstretched hand like most, but instead ran her hand through her light hair. The boy was a bit surprised by the newcomer's disinterest and couldn't say anything. He only withdrew his and and placed it in his pants pocket.

    The girl continued. "Now that you mention it, I just arrived on the island. My name is Sabina De Rose, and I came here looking for a... guardian." She put a strange emphasis on the last word which Sano took immediate notice of. Not wanting to be rude, he stood casually, letting Sabina finish. “I don’t suppose you know any… Blitzball players who would be interested in accompanying me in… a journey to defeat Sin, a chance to prove himself in the world and avenge the deaths of all the lives Sin has taken.” He only blinked at the odd look the girl gave him and tilted his head. “Do you happen to know anyone who fills that description?”

    Sano opened his mouth to answer, but was stopped by another voice from behind him.

    "Good afternoon, my name is Yu Hisigawa, Summoner from Bevelle. If I may ask of you, have either of you two seen two odd looking fellows, man and woman, wandering about?"

    'It's Yu! Oh Yevon, two summoners in one day?' the boy thought excitedly to himself. After years, no on had come to the island other than trade merchants and travelers. Now, to meet two summoners at once was nearly more that Sano could take. The appearance of another summoner did surprise the boy a bit.

    The boy once again tried to answer and introduce himself, but was cut off by Sabina. His mouth was still hanging open, the words a the tip of his tongue as the girl spoke.

    She asked in a rather condescending tone, “You’re a Summoner? How very interesting for you.I haven’t seen any odd people here, as that would be completely disrespectful to the people I’m near just now and calling people nasty names only provokes nastiness.

    While Sabina was talking, he aimed half his attention towards Yu Hisagawa. He looked at the man slightly taller than he was. He wore a robe and held a staff like a summoner would, but his bright red headband caughed Sano's attention first. It seemed misplaced on the fair haired man. Yu had light hair like Sabina, whose spikes looked nearly white to the boy as it reflected the bright sun.

    "I hope that you don’t intend of stopping at the temple tomorrow, because the priest’s praise will be for me for the next few weeks as I obtain Ifrit. Of course, you’re welcome to attend the congratulations ceremony the hold for me. Just don’t try any funny business…” Sabina finished.

    Sano finally had to speak up. He was nearly dumbfounded by Sabina's bold speech. Both Yu and Sabina were summoners, which made both skilled and talented people. The fact that Sabina would have the audacity to be so disrespectful to anyone that would be brave enough to oppose Sin as she did was mind boggling!

    "Whoa now," he said, holding both hands up as if to stop the verbal assault. He then directed his attention first to Yu and said, "I haven't seen anyone else around here today other than you and Sabina here." He indicated towards the girl, not looking her in the eye for fear she might be angry at his interruption. Then, looking at her face, he added ,"And Miss, I'd be glad to show you to the temple, if you'll permit me."

    'Please let this end. Please let this end.'
    Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 04-09-2008 at 03:39 PM.

  20. #20
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    “You’re a Summoner? How very interesting for you” the woman said. Yu thought that she was very cold from the way she talked.“I haven’t seen any odd people here, as that would be completely disrespectful to the people I’m near just now and calling people nasty names only provokes nastiness.” she continued. Very cold indeed, Yu thought. "Well, these two are my guardians, and to my embarrassment, I seem to have lost them, walking around town." Yu said. He wished he never had said that either, because this woman was not nice at all.

    “I hope that you don’t intend of stopping at the temple tomorrow, because the priest’s praise will be for me for the next few weeks as I obtain Ifrit. Of course, you’re welcome to attend the congratulations ceremony the hold for me. Just don’t try any funny business…” said the woman. Well, at least she didn't make any remarks about Yu's guardians, probably because she was trying to be polite to this other guy.

    "As a matter of fact, I have already made arrangements to go into the temple tomorrow morning. So, if you would like to go in after me, feel free, but you will have to wait in line." Yu stated, as bold as he ever had said anything before. Yu felt like he was going to get his head chopped off by this other summoner, she was terrifying him. Yu had to say something to get off of her bad side.

    "Well, I am terribly sorry for the way I interrupted you, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Yu Hisigawa, summoner from Bevelle, son of Sir Gauta, the guardian of the last high summoner. I am but a peaceful summoner, who wishes to free all of Spira from Sin. Who might you be Lady Summoner, and you sir?" Hopefully this might do.

    OOC: Sorry, just thought that a proper into to all of our characters was neccesary.

  21. #21
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    Who would’ve guessed that everyone within from Spira’s Mainland would be such pushovers? Not to mention the citizens of Kilika, her plan had been so effective that it scared her and apparently judging by the way Sano and Yu had reacted, it had seriously scared them too. Which wasn’t good by any stretch of the imagination for the progress of her plan, if Sano thought that she was a psychopath then he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with her, and since Kilika was such a close-knit community, it would probably mean she’d have to travel to Besaid to find what she was looking for. Not good.

    Perhaps a little smidgen of politeness would help her regain the footing she had lost. After all, Yu had talked about having guardians, so perhaps she could get to them.

    “Well congratulations! You just passed my little test!” She spoke in an overly-perky voice that would probably scare the crap out of her if she had encountered any other person out of it. It was just too perky…

    To add to the perkiness, she gave Yu a friendly punch on the arm as she spoke, though it was just a little bit more powerful than an average friendly punch.

    “My name is Sa… Lady Sabina, and as you’ve already gathered I’m a Summoner. And this is Sano, he’s my… guardian!”

    Sano looked surprised at her remark but didn’t show any obvious signs.

    “Anyway, I do wish you the very best of luck in finding your guardians. We’d be more than willing to help you of course, but Sano just promised to show me too Temple, today.”

    Sano nodded, but didn’t say anything.

    “Well lead the way Sano!” She said, peaking at a high level of perkiness.

    “And I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you Yu.” The same sugar-coated voice inside her spoke, but then she got nearer and spoke so only Yu could hear, “Though I’m still going to out-perform you.”

    She smiled, almost too sweetly, especially after the way the conversation had started, and walked off the pier onto the main land without waiting for Sano to immediately follow her, though she did stop once she reached the children kicking the ball. She had a feeling that walking ahead and waiting for Sano in the distance would help her cause, though deep down she was really just anxious to get away from the conversation.

  22. #22
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Well, this was different, now this Sabina was peppy, was this a misunderstanding? Yu decided not to further the investigation on the cause. He was grateful she had stopped intimidating him, and this kid was suppose to be a guardian. He didn't seem to know anything about that, oh well. Better to leave her alone.

    "Well, I shall continue the search, for my guardians. Nice meeting you both, farewell."

    With that, Yu left, going back into the town, eager to meet his guardians. He continued the search. Where were they, Yu thought, because they were no where to be seen.

    OOC: Sorry it's so short, I felt it needs some more conversation before I continue my path.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 04-12-2008 at 10:44 PM.

  23. #23
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage Halie's Avatar
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    Hana had been waiting in the local Kilika pub for several minutes. Yu had wondered off to explore the town, so her and Nova had to wait. Not many people were in the pub, and those who were there each had a slight look of gloom and misery on their faces.

    Hana sat opposite Nova at a small wooden table. The barmaid stood behind an oak wood counter whilst wiping the inner side of a glass, her eye moving from the glass to Hana every few seconds, before returning it to the glass again. She looked at her as though she was suspicious of something. Hana was young, only fifteen, and looked it as well. Surely she woudn't be allowed to stay and drink in a pub without being under adult supervision. The maid begun to make Hana feel uncomfortable, so she stood up with her eyes firmly on the maid.

    "Er...Nova, I'm gonna go find Yu, okay? I'll call you if I find him." she said, as she scuttled outside.

    She stood up straight and gazed around her. In the distance, she could see two young people, a boy and a girl. The girl didn't look as though she was from Kilika, as her skin was quite pale. Hana could see that Yu wasn't with them, so she ignored them and continued to run her eyes over the landscape.

    A little further from the two people, she could see Yu. He looked as though he was searching for someone too, so she ran towards him.

    "Hey, Yu! I've been looking for you!" she yelled as she approached him.

    ((Ooc: Sorry, I haven't posted in ages. I was waiting for it to progess a little first.))

  24. #24
    Sano just stood there in half a daze, wondering what had happened in the past minute. Sabina had suddenly declared him her gaurdian and went off towards the forest after announcing her prior words as a test. Then, Yu hastily left the pier as well to look for his missing guardians. Both had gone back into the town in different directions, leaving Sano to decide what he would do next.

    "What in the name of..." he started, staring in the direction Sabina had taken. She had claimed him her own guardian, so it seemed that he should follow her. His only hesitant thought was the fact that this wasn't as he had planned. 'I should be going after Yu,' he thought.

    "Oh what the heck. A summoner is a summoner!" He slapped his cheeks and went racing after the girl, hoping she hadn't gone too far.

    The girl was definitely in a hurry to leave the scene, since it had taken a few minutes for Sano to catch up to her. He caught sight of her fair hair and shouted, "Sabina! You needed me to guide you, right?!?!"

    That should catch her attention. The boy did have some strong lungs after all.

    ((Short, but I didn't feel like doing a re-cap like I usually do. I just needed to post))

  25. #25
    Au revoir. Summoner's Pilgrimage Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    "Only five more minutes" said Kino Nakima to no one in particular. "Huh? What was that?" asked Val. "Only five more minutes to go." "Oh, yeah. This day has gone on forever." Kino grunted in agreement. Conversations with Val usually resulted in her talking about his upcoming Guardianship, something he wasn't particularly keen on talking about. "So when does your Summoner arrive?" she asked. "Soon." "Do you know their name?" "Yes." "What is it?" "Class dismissed!" shouted the teacher. Kino quickly packed his things, and left the Luca Academy of Magic. "I thought I'd never escape" he thought to himself. "Hey, Kino!" shouted a boy. "What is it now, Ujay?" groaned Kino. "I just got word, your Summoner has just arrived in Killika, so any day know!" "Great. Can't wait." Ujay stared at Kino, as if he were an exhibit at a museum. "Kino, if you're so against this thing, why'd you agree to it?" asked Ujay. "I have my reasons" Kino responded cryptically. "I just hope Sabina or whatever her name is doesn't get in the way."

    ((OOC: Well, that's my first part. Hope it's okay! I hope Sabina doesn't mind me being a Guardian.))
    Last edited by Doc Rocco; 04-21-2008 at 06:38 PM.

  26. #26
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    The more she looked around at the citizens of Kilika, the more it became apparent that she stood out like a sore thumb. There were a couple of fair-skinned people around the town; however there were no people with skin as light as hers. And it seemed like a lot of the people had no concept as to what an albino really was, instead probably mistaking her for a member of the living dead.

    Was that why people were staring with her? Or was it because she had seemingly shown a bi-polar personality? There was a feeling inside her that people had taken both reasons as an excuse to stare unsubtly at her.

    As she got further and further away from Sano and Yu she began to regret more openly the way she had been towards them, perhaps over-confidence is a bad thing after all! Though when the ear-piercing shout from Sano was called out, she was too happy to complain about the volume of his callings. Though, that tolerance lasted only for a few seconds.

    “Dear Yevon, Sano! You’re not in the stands of a Blitzball game!” Her tone began rather harshly, but for some reason that was unknown to her, it trailed into an amused tone. Almost as if she was being light-hearted.

    “Thank you for the offer Sano, I’d like to get an impression of the temple before I… Er… We, enter the Cloister of Trials.”

    After she had left the Northern Temple on Rose Island she had boasted how she had completed the ceremony alone. So now, it felt incredibly strange to describe a journey to the temple, as it was no longer a one person journey. It gave her butterflies in her stomach just to think of the effort of the ordeal being lessened by having a guardian around.

    “There is a bit of a predicament though, you see, I’m not exactly what you would call ‘rich’ and I don’t have a place to stay tonight. I suppose it might be possible to stay at the Temple but… Well, the idea of sleeping in such a public place sort of unnerves me to say the least…”

  27. #27
    Sabina really had heard Sano's shout, for she turned and reprimanded him for it. At least, it seemed so, but the way she ended her last sentence didn't sound all that annoyed. He could hear her well enough from his distance, but still closed the few meter's space between them in little trot. He felt the blatant stares of some of his fellow villagers as he went to the pale little girl. She was quite light-skinned, but Sano didn't think it was too strange since she wasn't from the tropical island.

    "Well, I guess we're heading to the temple?" he asked in a merry tone as he reached Sabina.

    “Thank you for the offer Sano, I’d like to get an impression of the temple before I… Er… We, enter the Cloister of Trials.” When she said that, a strange look passed over the girl's face. It was almost too subtle for the boy to notice, but he decided not to question her.

    "There is a bit of a predicament though, you see, I’m not exactly what you would call ‘rich’ and I don’t have a place to stay tonight. I suppose it might be possible to stay at the Temple but… Well, the idea of sleeping in such a public place sort of unnerves me to say the least…”

    Sano didn't know if Sabina was asking him for an invitation to stay at his home or not, but he took it that way.

    "You can always stay with me and my brother," he offered. "I guess it's kind of small, but if you'd rather stay at our place instead of the temple, you're welcome to. Wes wouldn't mind a bit." He made a crooked grin and jabbed his thumb into his chest as he said this, acting casual. Sano had always had friends come over to stay the night as a child, but never anyone with more class than his own. He was nervous about Sabina judging him by his humble home, but no way would he show it.

  28. #28
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Yu stared at Sabina, who was off in rather a hurry. He was about to ask Sano a few questions, when he ran towards Sabina shouting, "Sabina! You needed me to guide you, right?!?!" Maybe he wasn't her guardian, but he would be now. Too bad, Yu would have loved to have another guardian with him.

    Yu decided to continue his search for his own guardians, so he turned around, and saw Hana, off in the distance, and he made his way towards her.

    "Hey, Hana! Where's Nova? I need to talk to both of you!" Yu hastily said. What an interesting day this had been.

    OOC: Sorry for the shortness

  29. #29
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage Halie's Avatar
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    "Hey, Hana! Where's Nova? I need to talk to both you!" he cried as he ran towards her.

    Hana stopped in front of him and tried to catch her breath. Though sporting a slim build, she wasn't trained in fitness, which was quite clear to see as she and Yu ran towards each other. Once she had stopped puffing air, she replied to him.

    "He's at the tavern waiting for us. What do you need to talk to us about?"

    Nova would hopefully still be in the pub, and not wandering off somewhere else around the town.

    ((Ooc: Sorry, it's also pretty short, but there's not much else I could say. I think we'll need Nova to post soon, lol))

  30. #30
    Kimika gazed out into the beautiful ocean as the sun lit up her silky platinum hair. With her father's sword in her left hand, she held it up to the sun to study the blade. She read the letters engraved on the blade Kimika Natsuki

    She closed her eyes to think of the day her father had given her the sword and of the dreadful day her father died because of Sin. " One day I will have a summoner to guard....just like you did father," she murmured. She placed the sword in its sheath, and gave one furtive look at the sea before leaving the beach.

    Kimika walked through the town of Kilika in search of someone that needed her services as a guardian. She walked endlessly, but had no success. None od the people around the town looked like a summoner, they were all just tourists or townfolk.

    As she was ready to give up her search she noticed two oddly dressed people. One had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. The other one had light brown hair, and Kimika was mezmerized by her neon green eyes. Kimika was suddenly overjoyed, and dashed toward them quickly. She knelt down on one knee and bowed her head low so that her platinum hair slid down her shoulders. " Pardon me, " she said loudly, " but are you in need of any guardians in your pilgrimage?"

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