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Thread: Summoner's Pilgrimage

  1. #91
    Evan didn't notice Sabina walk out from the chamber of Fayth as he was deep in thought. As she spoke though Evan couldn't help but hear the weakness in her voice. His face gave way to a slight smile as he realized his charade was slowly being picked apart.

    "Well Lady Summoner, I didn't think that it was quite fair that you might've come away from the chamber without any sort of congratulations. To be completely honest with you I've only come to try to dissuade you young summoners from their Pilgrimages. I know full well the life you are walking, and yet you walk the same path those before you have walked. For what?! A few years of 'peace'. Is your life really only worth a few years?

    I walked in right through the front door, I told the old geezer that I was your guardian. Which reminds me your guardian said he would be back before you came out, he went to stop the other two that were in here.

    Listen Lady Summoner, the way I see it is that you either give up your pilgrimage now and we part ways, or I will follow you along your journey doing what I can to help you reason out your actions."

    The thing is though, I'll use force if it comes down to it...You are my way outta here, if the Crusaders show up. Whether you realize it or not.

    "So what will it be Lady Summoner?"

    Evan raised an eyebrow to the summoner before him. He didn't know her very well, so he wasn't exactly sure how she would take such a blunt statement.

  2. #92
    The few seconds it took for Yu to process the offer felt like years to Sano, as he hoped dearly that the older man would agree. It felt too delicate a relationship for Sano to make such a huge mistake in following his summoner’s orders already. He was intent on detaining the other group, but didn’t have any other plans of action.

    "Are you sure we wouldn't be intruding? Were quite the wild bunch. I'm famished already, I could use a bite to eat."

    The summoner’s words sent a rush a relief though the guardian, ad his grin deepened into a genuine smile.

    “Of course you wouldn’t be intruding,” he nearly shouted with excitement. Before he could say anything else, a light tap on his shoulder brought his attention to the small boy that didn’t seem to fit into the scene.

    "Sir are we going to stay with them tonight or for a few days? If we will only stay one night, Can I get some directions to your home? I do need some new clothes and i should be able to afford it with this small amount of money."

    Sano raised his eyebrows at this question. He didn’t think either group of summoners would be staying in Kilika much longer after Sabina received Ifrit, since it seemed best to take things as quickly as possible. His usual personality came into play at the young boy’s question, and his duty slipped his mind.

    “Well, if you want to stay in Kilika longer, it would be better to stay at my place than the inn,” he stated matter-of-factly. “It’ll be a little less comfortable, but it’s free. My home is the last hut at the edge of the docks and beach. It’ll be obvious once-”

    The cheerful explanation was cut off by the other guardian, who had begun to look less than comfortable the moment Sano showed up.

    "Hey, you know, I really don't think that's necessary. We really need to get going. You can get what you need on the way."

    “What’s her problem?” the boy thought crossly as he tried to keep her words from deterring him.

    “Aw, what’s the rush? It’s not like another boat to anywhere will be here ‘til tomorrow,” Sano said amiably, taking note of the sun’s afternoon position in the sky. Most boats and ships were scheduled to arrive on the docks at or before noon, unless something important came up, so he wasn’t actually lying. “Besides,” he added while patting the younger boy’s shoulder, “I could help you with your shopping. I know some of those vendors, and I might be able to get you some deals.”

    ((OOC: Sorry, but I think I’ll have to go and get Sabina later, unless you’ve something else planned. I’ll just finish this thing with Yu, Hana, and Raven first.))

  3. #93
    Twilight's Enigma Summoner's Pilgrimage Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    Sevan stops in front of the group at the entrance, seeing that they haven’t taken awareness of his approach. He didn’t want to intrude on whatever conversation they’re having but patience didn’t suit him either, for he was a stoic person himself. “Are any of you Summoners, ones who is said to bring the Calm to the land?” Sevan called out, looking at each individual in the group, guessing who’s a Summoner or not. At that moment, Sevan blanked out into reminisce.

    There was a tall, silhouette figure standing at the horizon. Sevan, who was younger, stood distant to the figure. “Sevan, our parting must come, you must walk forward with your own legs on your own. Keep moving to the future and cling to the present as the past withers away.” The figure called out then starts walking away from Sevan.

    (OOC: Sorry for the short post)

  4. #94
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    “Of course you wouldn’t be intruding,” Sano shouted. Yu thought he was a little over excited.

    "Sir are we going to stay with them tonight or for a few days? If we will only stay one night, Can I get some directions to your home? I do need some new clothes and i should be able to afford it with this small amount of money."
    Seraph asked.

    Before Yu could answer, Sano said, “Well, if you want to stay in Kilika longer, it would be better to stay at my place than the inn,” Then Hana interrupted Sano, "Hey, you know, I really don't think that's necessary. We really need to get going. You can get what you need on the way."

    Hana was obviously annoyed by everyone and their questions and Yu didn't blame her, he was exhausted.

    “Aw, what’s the rush? It’s not like another boat to anywhere will be here ‘til tomorrow,” Sano said. “Besides, I could help you with your shopping. I know some of those vendors, and I might be able to get you some deals.” Sano continued, patting Raven on the back.

    "That sounds like a good idea." Yu said to Sano. "We will wait on you to get Sabina, and then we will all go shopping and head back to your house." Yu said.

    Just then a man called out, “Are any of you Summoners, ones who is said to bring the Calm to the land?”

    Who was this man? Is he someone intending to become a guardian? "Hello, my name is Yu Hisigawa, Summoner of Bevelle, what might I do for you sir?

  5. #95
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    Sabina gave a weak smile, Evan was certainly persistent, but everything he had said had been said before by people who influenced her much more than a tall heretic. Of course the fact that he was carrying the machina made her doubt his power of judgment; after all he was willing to breach the teachings of Yevon. So whatever he did say about Yevon, including the pilgrimages, Sabina thought, should be taken with a pinch of salt.

    “I’m not going to give up my pilgrimage just because you think I should.” She said simply.

    “I don’t really have a choice when it comes down to you following me. However, what I can say is that we will be stopping in Bevelle, meaning that if you bother me too much I can easily get an order of restraint against you. Or I could have the Maesters brand you as an infidel. Whatever’s easier.”

    She gave a curt smile.

    “There is something I don’t understand though. Why are you so against me participating in a pilgrimage? You’ve never met me before in your life and the only way you would even know about the pilgrimages is through word-of-mouth or by visiting a Temple by yourself, and these things aren’t normally discussed. So what made you turn away?”

    I didn't really want to post until Bleachie, but nevermind

  6. #96
    Besides,” he added while patting the younger boy’s shoulder, “I could help you with your shopping. I know some of those vendors, and I might be able to get you some deals.”

    " Well That sounds good to me." He says looking up to the guardian. While doing so he also is thinking to himself. HE never expected to actually cared about. Even though he had joined a summoner he figured he would be the little kid just travelling in the back and talk little by little here and there, but these people actually seem to care. Truly he has seen a different side of what human nature has past presented itself as. To think of someone who is helping another summoner to help him was just unfathomable. the humans he was always around were greedy, and would treat a race even a race to save mankind on aas a way to promote themselves, and wouldn't help anyone from the other side even if they were fighting for the same cause.

    ( OOC getting kicked out of the library sorry its short)

  7. #97
    "Lady Summoner, it would probably be best if we held off this discussion for another time. You look like you could use some rest, and I don't usually tell people why I do what I do. I'm pretty sure your done here. Why don't we head outta here? If anything we'll meet your guardian on the way out."

    Evan made his way towards the doors and opened one of them.

    "I suppose I should let you go first shouldn't I?"

  8. #98
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    She had to restrain herself from protesting about going ahead of Evan into the Cloister of Trials, even though he had the courtesy to wait for her to exit the Chamber of Fayth, she was still not entirely sure that she trusted him. In his effort to cancel her pilgrimage he could simply shoot her with that accursed machina that she had saw him with earlier, he could have easily overpowered her without it even if she wasn’t in a weakened state.

    Evan was holding one of the doors open for her, so as an act of protest she chose to open the other door and walk through the one that she had opened. He wasn’t going to change her mind through the power of courtesy!

    “I find it very chivalrous that you let me go first into a potentially dangerous Cloister of Trials with flames leaping up wherever I look, after stating that I need a rest.”

    The puzzles of the Cloister had reset however there was a small glyph at the back of the Chamber of the Fayth that would make it possible to exit the Temple. She excused herself Evan, and entered the Chamber of the Fayth once again.

    “I expected you would return Lady Summoner.”

    The fayth of the fire Aeon was standing there waiting for her, he was an attractive man, or he would have been if he was still living, dressed in armour she had only seen in pictures. Crusader armour.

    “You shouldn’t dismiss the views of others so quickly,” the fayth stated, “have you considered for a moment that perhaps Evan’s opinion is correct?”

    Sabina was surprised to hear this.

    “Isn’t that a little hypocritical coming from you?” She asked, “Didn’t you die for your cause?”

    “When I died, it was not to defeat Sin once, but to defeat Sin hundreds of times. It is rare that a Summoner makes it to Zanarkand without first visiting Killika Temple.

    Although the seven temples of Spira; Besaid, Killika, Djose, Macalania, Bevelle and Remiem are there to be visited by Summoners, you should realise that not all Summoners visit all of Spira’s Temples, there are of course the temples in the Aurum Archipelago and in other locations. Summoners just make use of the Temples to prepare them for Zanarkand.”

    Sabina was a little surprised to hear about a Temple being placed in Remiem, it was a name she had only heard in history books. There was virtually no evidence that the city still stood today.

    “So you restarted the Cloister of Trials so that I would come in here just to tell me to consider Evan’s opinion?” She asked the Fayth.

    “I just wanted you to consider that perhaps another Summoner will be responsible for bringing the next Calm.”

    Instead of replying, Sabina crossed the room and touched the glyph. Instantly, the Fayth disappeared and the flames in the Cloister of Trial died down once again. Allowing Evan and Sabina to finally exit the temple.

    Sabina spotted Sano immediately, he was standing with Yu and Hana and there was at least one other person with them whom she did not recognise. ‘At least he managed to delay Yu and Hana…’

    Temple Explaination:
    In reality, come FFX there are 9 Temples in Spira, however if this is before the time of Lord Braska, Baaj Temple would not host Anima since she would not have become Fayth and the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth would not yet exist.
    Last edited by Aerif; 04-08-2009 at 12:23 PM.

  9. #99
    " Well That sounds good to me,” the boy answered.

    Yu felt the same and said they’d come home with him. The agreement brought another grin to Sano’s lips as he happily rustled the boy’s somewhat dirty, black hair. At that moment, an impressively tall and intimidating man stepped up to the group and asked a question that made Sano tense.

    “Are any of you Summoners, ones who is said to bring the Calm to the land?”

    The Summoner seemed puzzled by the question and replied, "Hello, my name is Yu Hisigawa, Summoner of Bevelle, what might I do for you sir?”

    While the stranger’s eyes had set to a steady stare and he seemed to Sano to be deep in thought about how to respond to the Summoner he was seeking. During the awkward silence, Sano’s thoughts wandered to his own female responsibility and wondered how she was faring in the trials. The way back to Sabina also came to mind as he wondered whether the cloister of trials had finally reset itself or not.

    The silence left by the stranger had yet to be broken, so the light footsteps coming from the temple were easily heard. Sano turned around to see his Summoner looking weary and slightly bothered. The sight of Evan close behind explained her less than happy expression after receiving an Aeon, but didn’t keep a proud smile from Sano’s face.

    “You look good,” he commented, noting Sabina looked a lot more able than Yu did after coming out of the Chamber of Fayth. The boy nodded his head toward the rest of the group, to show he had succeeded in following his orders, and raised an eyebrow. While Yu was still waiting for an answer from the newcomer, Sano separated himself from them to talk to his Summoner and the vagrant.

    “We’re going supply hunting around town, then all go back to my place for the night. I think we could even leave together at this rate,” he said, trying his best to ignore Evan. “Hope you’re up for it.”

  10. #100
    As Evan and the Lady Summoner made their way towards the large group outside the temple Evan paused mid stride. He tapped his head with an index finger and walked towards where he left his machina. Pulling it out of the small cleft in the wall he attached it once again to his side. Feeling complete once again he ran up to the group to catch the tail end of Sano's words to Sabina.

    "Oh, I'm sure she's quite up for it. After all she's on her way to bringing the Calm."

    Evan's tone was a mix of sarcasm and worry. Quickly noticing that the other two could tell he smiled and patted Sano on the back.

    "I've got all I need. But I need to ask you something Sano. How often do Crusaders pass through? I think that it is best to get this out in the open now. Since I've been ok'd to tag along and all. You see, I'm not on the best of terms with the Crusaders and all. Carrying around a peice of machina, and not following the teachings of Yevon. So if they see me things might get a little heated. Just thought I should give ya a heads up! Lead the way."

    He waved for Sano to begin but the paused and brought the two close to him and whispered.

    "I'm pretty sure it is uncommon for two summoners to join up like this, are you two planning something?"

  11. #101
    The Mad God Summoner's Pilgrimage Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    He stood next to two civillians... they would be of little help against this large fiend. "Wh-what is it?!", the young man asked. Tenkei's only response was to draw his blade and move into a fighting stance. "Mister! You aren't really going to try and fight it alone! You won't stand a chance!", said the other, observing him. "We need to go to the temple and see if we can get a summoner to help drive it back with an Aeon!", said the first. Tenkei sighed. "If you want a summoner, go get a summoner. I'll wait right here.", he said calmly. Though these two wouldn't know this, he was a seasoned guardian himself, a fiend this size was no longer intimidating to him. Both young men ran towards Killika temple as fast as their legs would carry them.

    The temple doors swung open. "Help! A fiend in Kilika forest! On the Temple Road! It's huge!", said the first, trying to catch his breath. "W-We left an old guy there, he was gonna try and fight it himself! He'll get himself killed!", said the other. A priest looked at both of them. "A fiend? On the temple road?", he asked, looking around to see if anyone inside would react.

  12. #102
    HRH Albha Summoner's Pilgrimage Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    “Somebody might have been planning something. But somebody isn’t a plural,” hissed Sabina.

    She had been silently fuming since the moment Sano had told her what everyone was planning to do, but Evan’s words had pushed her that bit further.

    “Sano, can I speak with you in private, for a moment?” She questioned, a little too loudly, well, it was not really a question so much as a command.
    She turned briskly, and upon hearing not one, but two sets of footsteps, spoke in a voice full of aggression.

    “Anybody who is following me whose name is not Sano Matsu-whatever, turn around and go back to your little group-discussion-thingie!”

    When they reached the door to the temple, Sabina turned around and grabbed Sano by the arm, dragging him into the main hall of the temple. When she had said that she wanted Sano to delay Hana and Yu, she hadn’t meant for him to invite the two to stay! Whether or not there was an inn or a hotel or some sort of guest-house on Killika was of no concern to Sabina, for all she cared the two could sleep on the beach, or better yet, in the water!

    “How are we supposed to get ahead if we’re to sleep in the same building as them!” She started, taking no notice of the fact that Sano probably had a good reason for what he had did, “Y’know, I’m getting pretty sick of this flaming temple,” had she been in a better mood, she would’ve probably giggled like a child when referring to Killika temple as ‘flaming’.

    She almost raised her voice for her most hysterical statement yet:

    “The only solution that I currently can see being a proper solution for this predicament that we are currently facing is that we stab them to death whilst they are sleeping!”

    Luckily at this point, the temple’s priests couldn’t ignore her outcries for any longer. One of them, an elderly man, came stumbling over in an attempt to get rid of, what he could only describe as ‘a warring couple’.

    “Please madam, you’re making a scene!” he said, in a nervous sounding voice.

    “I’m a Summoner! I can do what I like, and shout at my guardian where I like!” she replied, still in a rather unflattering mood.

    “A Summoner and her guardian, you say? Then perhaps you could give some assistance to the gentleman over there?”

  13. #103
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    The tall man that called out to Yu and the rest introduced himself as Sevan, and he offered his services as a Guardian to any summoners among them. Yu thought that he looked pretty strong, but he seemed to be more the lone wolf, so he just told him, "We have enough guardians as it is sir, thank you for your kindness though." The man bid them farewell, and left. About that time, Yu heard Sabina's voice, "Sano, can I speak with you in private, for a moment?" She was back from the Cloister of Trials, and did not seem to be to happy, but then again, Yu might have been wrong, because he had never seen her happy before. Sabina and Sano entered the temple, so Yu walked over to Hana and Raven, and said,"Wow, Ifrit the Fiery Fayth of Kiliki..., this is a wonderful day, I'd love to test it out." a second wind had come over Yu, and he wanted to go somewhere to test his very first aeon, Ifrit. "I think I am going to pray to the fayth for a bit, I want to go down to Kiliki forest or something." he said, and entered the temple.

    As Yu entered the temple, he could already here Sabina's now annoying voice. “I’m a Summoner! I can do what I like, and shout at my guardian where I like!” Poor Sano, he is always getting yelled at by Sabina, Yu couldn't help but to feel bad for him. The man then replied to her snappy reply, it seemed serious to Yu, so he decided to see what was going on.

    "Something wrong Sabina, Sano?" Yu asked, hoping that Sabina wouldn't be to irritated with him interrupting their conversation, yu thought anything could set her fuse off.

    ooc: I just kind of sent sevan off, i don't think we will hear from him anymore, I also came in to the convo 'bout the fiends, hope no one minds, Yu's ready to kick some butt, and we need to get the ball rolling.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 04-01-2010 at 09:30 PM.

  14. #104
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Summoner's Pilgrimage FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    Guadolasam was such a nice place to Nozami Sakuko, the Guado did not all like the tourists around, but they treated summoners and guardians well enough. Washi and Keitaro were both with her, so she wasn't really worried anyway. Washi was so strong, there isn't a fiend alive that can stand up to him, and well Keitaro had grown into a nice Black mage, so her pilgrimage was going smoothly, she already had Valefor, Ifrit, and Ixion, she soon would have Shiva, the Macalania temple's fayth. Her pilgrimage was nearing the end. She was at the Farplane, talking to her mother and father, they looked so beautiful, and happy. She promised them that she would defeat Sin, to bring the next Calm, and hopefully the longest one. A world with no Sin was her ultimate goal, and she wouldn't stop until either Sin or her were gone. She looked around and saw Keitaro was chatting away with his parents as well.

    "you should have seen the other fiend i killed the other day, it had to be around 10 feet tall, with the worst fangs I ever seen, but i got a new thunder spell that'll knocked 'em dead, oh and Nozomi is doing pretty good now too, don't worry I'm keeping an I on her." Keitaro said, he was happy to be able to see them again, even if they were just memories being visually projected to him.

    Washi was sitting outside the Farplane, meditating, he did not wish to enter the Farplane, it was just an illusion to ease the mind, once Nozomi had her fill of it, they could move on. He was ready to end this pilgrimage. He didn't want to put these two lives in danger anymore than necessary, at least until Nozomi reached her goal.

    Nozomi and Keitaro walked out of the Farplane after sometime, and greeted Washi. "Let's go, time's short til nightfall." Washi said and started walking towards Macalania. "Alright Keitaro, let's move it, just two more temples to go." Nozomi said following Washi, Keitaro followed behind, he wondered if there were any chocobos around here, it was a long way to the Macalania temple, and he didn't like the cold.

    OOC: finally got the first of the npc post up. I just put the summoner and her two guardians together to make this easier. I'll have the next set of npc's out soon.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 04-01-2010 at 10:12 PM.

  15. #105
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    Blake sat alone at the Kilika inn, he was waiting for someone. He was sat at his seat for at least an hour, just waiting, until, three peculiar looking men wandered into the inn. The one in the middle, who looked as if the other two were his bodygaurds, wore a very smart long black robe. His hair was long and brown. He wore a hood to protect his identity, and looked like a very shady person in general. The other two men, his bodygaurds, were both wearing black too. One was a tall well built man, who was bald and wore a black tank top with matching trousers. The other was a small scrawny man, who was wearing a black shirt and also had matching trousers. They were both looking around the area to make sure nobody wanted to do anything stupid. All three of these men appeared as if they were hiding weapons of some kind.

    The man looked at Blake, and nodded. Blake replied with a nod back. The large bodyguard then gave Blake a gesture with his hand. The three men walked outside with Blake not far behind them. The group then stopped at the back of the building. It was a dark, putrid smelling place. Not the most ideal place for a meeting.

    "Wolf?" the man asked. "That's me. But can we get on with this? This place is sickening." Blake replied. The man giggled, then proceeded to explain "Okay. There's a man who owes way too much to me. His name is Kano Hasumi. He lives with his mother, three brothers, and sister on Besaid Island. I want you to teach him and his family never to mess with me. I don't care how you do it, just get rid of him."
    "What about the pay?" Blake questioned. "I'm offering 50,000 Gil, garunteed once the job is done. What do ya say?". The man grinned with excitement. "Hmm... That's a pretty good offer Sir. You have a deal"
    Excellent! The man said whilst laughing. Blake then shook the man's hand to lock the deal.

    Blake then proceeded with plans and methods of the hit already on his mind and started to walk away. Just as he was about to turn the corner of the building, he hears one of the bodyguards shout "Oi! Wolf! You mess this up, there will be harsh consequences!". Without any reply, Blake walks off in search of his target, Kano Hasumi.
    Last edited by SynysterDemon; 04-02-2010 at 11:57 AM.

  16. #106
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    "Wow, Ifrit the Fiery Fayth of Kiliki..., this is a wonderful day, I'd love to test it out." Yu said.
    Finally, maybe things were starting to move forward. Although, it seemed a little odd to Hana that Yu would choose a small, young, feeble boy to be his guardian, and then turn down a man who appeared old enough, and very strong. However, Yu was a level headed man, though she didn't always agree with his judgements.

    "I think I am going to pray to the fayth for a bit, I want to go down to Kiliki forest or something." he said, and entered the temple.

    Hana stood awkwardly, twiddling her thumbs as she watched him wander off to the temple. It was obvious she didn't trust Raven, let alone want to be left with him. She directed her eyes towards him, his clothes were so tatty. But he didn't appear uncomfortable in any way, unlike herself, but there was a silence between them.

    “Um... we could go and get some new clothes for you like you said earlier, if you want? It'll pass the time whilst Yu's gone. And we might as well get to know each other if we're both going to be guarding him, right?” She asked politely.

    “Sure, sounds great!” Raven replied, almost too cheerfully. He skipped along the docks toward a series of huts which appeared to look like a small marketplace.

    “Guess we're going that way.” Hana whispered to herself before following behind him.

    They leisurely browsed the clothes stall. There wasn't much of a choice there, but regardless, Raven was taking his sweet time. Maybe he was excited about having new things.

    “All of these are too expensive for me... I only have 8 Gil.” He said shyly, his head hung low as if he was ashamed to say it.

    “Um... that's okay. I think I have a bit. I'll get you something, but we must hurry up. We don't have all day, okay?” Hana said, although she wasn't trusting, she did have a hyper need of pleasing others sometimes.

    It took Raven nothing short of a second to choose his new outfit after Hana proposed her generous offer. Hana paid the vendor and lead Raven back onto the docks.

    “So, how do you feel about being a guardian now?” She asked.

    “To tell the truth... I don't really want to be a guardian. I just want the company.”

    “What do you mean?” Hana was surprised, though a tinge of relief tweaked inside of her.

    “I never see anyone. I don't have any friends... or any family. I guess I thought sticking around with you two would be enough company. And if having that company means I need to give my life protecting a summoner, then so be it.” He said with a crooked smile.

    “But, Raven. ..You shouldn't be a guardian if you don't want to. All you need to do is talk to people. Come on, I'll help you.” Hana said, she grabbed his arm and lead him to the Kilika Inn.
    “First, you need to change and clean yourself up, and we'll get you a job.” Hana suggested. Raven seemed nervous at the idea. She approached the landlord with her hand firmly on Raven's shoulder.

    “Excuse me, kind sir. Do you have any jobs available for my friend here? He's only young, but he's very hard-working. He'd be a great addition to this place.” She asked, and noticed the smile that quickly spread across Raven's face when he heard her call him a friend.

    “He doesn't look like much. But we could use a good cleaner around here.” the landlord replied.

    “See. That wasn't hard, now was it? Now, promise me you'll try and talk to people? They won't bite, you know.”

    “I promise! Thank you so much, Hana! I can't believe how easy that was! But... I do feel bad. I already agreed to guard Yu.” Raven said, his excitement didn't last.

    “It's okay, I'll talk to him. I'll come and visit you when the pilgrimage is over, okay? Good luck, Raven.”

    “Thank you so much, Hana. Good luck on the pilgrimage!”

    Hana gestured a wave and left the Inn. She brushed off her dress with her hands and smoothed down her hair, then turned in the direction of the forest. To her right, behind the Inn, she could see four suspicious looking men all dressed in black. One of them looked very separate from the rest, he was very tall and had white hair like the snow of Mt. Gagazet and sported a black exoskeleton suit. Another man wore a black robe and looked humbled, his face was shadowed by his hood. The other two stood close behind him, and looked rather silly and dirty in Hana's opinion. One of the silly men, a short, stumpy one spotted her nosing in and alerted the others. A foursome of evil, squinted eyes then feasted upon her. Obviously she wasn't welcome, so she decided to ignore it instead of involving herself in any trouble and pressed onwards to the temple beyond the forest, where hopefully Yu had finally finished praying.

    The forest wasn't very large, but she needed to power through it if she wanted to avoid fiends. Afterall, she was only a white mage, and not very strong. Luckily enough, she made it through with only a couple of encounters but successfully fleed them. She approached the temple, but Yu wasn't in site.

    "Hmm... must still be inside then." She though to herself, and entered the temple.

    OOC: I know it's a rather long post, but I thought I'd let Raven go in style.

  17. #107
    The Mad God Summoner's Pilgrimage Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    The Ochu swung it's claws around fiercly, while Tenkei simply knocked them away with his weapon. He was waiting for an opening to strike when he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder... he'd missed a claw. "Agh! Damn... I must be gettin too old for this crap... I shoulda been able to stop that... I better make this quick, used my last antidote on that kid back near the forest entrance...", he said, his breathing had become rapid, as did his heartrate. The poison was already penetrating his body. He charged directly at the beast, it no longer mattered if he took a hit, or inhaled its breathem, he'd already been poisoned... he just needed to end this quickly now. He ended it with one rapid spinning draw slash. He nearly cut the poor creature in half, though his weapon wasn't quite long enough for that. Not long after, he collapsed. The creature had managed to claw his leg while he attacked... like this, he wouldn't be able to walk fast enough to reach the temple before the poison claimed him... his only hope now was the two young men who'd gone to get help.

  18. #108
    Registered User Summoner's Pilgrimage
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    As Blake turned to leave, he spotted a girl spying in on the deal. He saw two incredible neon green eyes look straight at him.

    ”Oh Crap!” He whispered under his breath. He began to worry, had the girl heard them? But at the same time, he was still amazed with the girl's amazing eyes. Never have he seen such vivid shades of green on a human. She hurried off before he could catch her, so he decided to follow her and watch where she was going – Just to make sure.

    Blake kept his distance behind the small child. Her brunette hair was at her shoulders,
    bouncing in sync with her every step. She wore a pink knee length dress and walked in brilliant white slip ons.

    She didn't look suspicious, or in much of a hurry for that matter. Though he could be misjudging her as he could only see the back of her head, so he thought it was best to keep an eye on her.
    He kept himself secret whilst the small girl made her way towards an upcoming wood.

    He traced the girl through the woods, keeping himself unaware to any fiends around. The girl didn't prove to be much of a fighter, he watched her get encountered by fiends and
    flee at every opportunity. He was confident he would've vanished the fiends without breaking a sweat. Keeping himself hidden from the girl reminded him of his past with the Crusaders...

    He was 15 when he joined. He managed to get in by the skin of his teeth, by lying about his youth.
    The Crusaders made a drastic change to his life. After a tough upbringing with his family being brutally killed by Sin, and then suffering an abusive childhood with his foster parents, the Crusaders seemed like an escape. Blake made it very far in the Crusaders by being an excellent marksman with a crossbow, leading him to become a scout in an elite squad. The only thing that bothered him about the Crusaders was that because he was in such a high class team, the pressure was extraordinary, and he hated the authority above him. The only solution in Blake's eyes was to leave, but he couldn't just pack up his stuff and go, so he secretly escaped one night, and has been in hiding ever since.

    He needed a way to make a living, and why put all his training and talent to waste? So he used it to his advantage. With his stolen, shiny, black crossbow, titled by Blake himself as 'Destiny', he pursued a career in killing; a Hitman. Working alone, with no authority above him, and no rules.

    As Blake followed the girl out of the woods, he noticed she was going towards a temple.
    She looked puzzled, and began looking about her surroundings. Perhaps she was searching for someone? She directed her attention towards Blake, causing him to panic. He pivoted behind a pillar at the gape of the temple's garden in hopes of disguising himself, and fortunately it appeared to have worked. She stopped searching and proceeded into the temple.

    "Eh, she looks naive. She probably wouldn't know a deal between a hitman if it came up and hit her between the eyes." He chuckled to himself.

    He began his journey towards Kilika Docks to catch his boat to Besaid, where he would meet his target. But inside, he was wishing to see those mysterious yet graceful green eyes again, soon.

  19. #109
    The Mad God Summoner's Pilgrimage Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    He was laying face down near the stone steps... it seemed as though the two that had run to the temple had failed to bring assistance... though he hated to admit defeat, it seemed as though he'd soon be making his journey to the Farplane. The only thing he had left to do, was to get on to his back. According to the old customs of Genji, before Yevon; a worthy warrior falling in battle would be able to see the Warrior Goddess in the sky during his last moments. He forced himself onto his side with what little strength he had remaining, and let gravity do the rest. He lay staring into the sky, awaiting his last breath beneath the Killika sun.

  20. #110

    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    Strangely enough Evan found himself once again alone. All those he had been with moments before now dispersed into different directions some heading back to town, while others back into the temple. Evan sighed, there was no way he was going back in there and he figured it would be easier to just wait for Sano and Sabina to come back out after their discussion.

    Then something peculiar happened, two youths ran past him quite quickly totally ignoring him into the temple. They seemed very panicked as they rushed up the stone steps and into the temple. Not long after Evan hear snaps and cracks as something approached through the forest. He readied his machina as the sounds came closer.

    A man staggered from the treeline and walked only a few feet away from Evan then fell to the ground starring at the sky above. He seemed wounded and possibly poisoned. Evan made his way towards the man and sat beside him.

    "Couldn't handle the dangers in the wood? How much longer do you think you have? Are you just giving up? I mean you are only feet away from the temple, they'll treat you right I'm sure."

    Evan looked down the barrel of the machina in his hand waiting for the man's response.

  21. #111
    The Mad God Summoner's Pilgrimage Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    He looked up at the man sitting next to him. "Well... you sure ain't no Warrior Goddess. And if I ain't considered a worthy warrior, I don't know what is. Guess I ain't dead yet after all.", he said. He struggled to sit up, but couldn't move much. "I'd be headin to the temple now if that damn ochu didn't get my leg. The poison makes it hard enough to stand up. Mind givin' me a hand? Or an antidote?", he asked. With the appearance of the young man, his hope to continue living was restored, and after a few second, he found the strength to sit up. "If I were five years younger that thing wouldn't have been able to touch me, let alone leave in this mess.", he grumbled, trying, but still failing to stand. Ochu poison was stronger than most forest creature's, it left victims very weak, and easy to finish off. Even a seasoned warrior like Tenkei couldn't do anything about being poisoned on his own... he was helpless, something he hated more than anything else. "I wouldn't ask if I wasn't absolutely nescessary y'know. I hate relying on others.", he said.

  22. #112

    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    Evan stood up and put out a hand for the older man as he spoke to him. Evan had nothing on his person in terms of potions or antidotes but he could help him up to the temple doors.

    "Sorry pops, I don't have anything to help you out. I can give you a hand up the stairs to the temple doors though but I can't go any further than that. In fact once you are in there if you see a lady summoner possibly arguing or being overly argumentative. Would you let her know that her guardian is waiting for her out here still."

    He clipped his artillery to his waist and helped the man up. It only took a few minutes from there to reach the temple doors. Evan pushed them open slightly as the man propped himself against the temple walls.

    "Well head on in pops, I'm sure Yevon's followers will be more than happy to fix you up. Next time though try not to relive your glory days in these woods. It's a dangerous place."

  23. #113
    The Mad God Summoner's Pilgrimage Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Summoner's Pilgrimage

    He laughed as he leaned on the door. "Well, I ain't on the best of terms with Yevon either. And I ain't THAT old. I still took that thing down in one shot, just got hit a couple times myself in the process. When I get this poison outta my system, I'll show ya what an old-timer like me can do some time. If you're a guardian, you may be seein more of me anyway. I'm in the market for a new summoner to guard. And thanks for the extra leg, I needed it.", he said as he forced the doors open. He took a few steps, and saw the young men who had run off to send help. One ran up to him to find out what had happened. "You're injured! You're lucky to have escaped!", he said. Tenkei's laughed weakly. "Escape? I cut the damn thing in half... no would ya mind gettin me a healer? It's poison ain't gonna wait too much longer, and I gave ya my last antidote when that wasp got past me.", he said. The young man nodded and ran to find someone who could heal Tenkei.

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