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Thread: Soldner

  1. #1


    "Hm... Another submission already?" Gol stated, kicking his feet up onto his desk. For Clan Head, he was quite unlike any other. Barely in his twenties, youthful, and naturally given off the aura of gentle determination, he took the letter from his second, Karin. She was the exact opposite of him; cold, quiet, and strict. Glancing quickly through it, he merely nodded. "So, a simple protection? Hm.." He pulled a notebook out from his desk, and leant back in his chair, leaning up against the wall behind him.

    Flipping through it, he told her, "Post this mission up as a Class 4, nothing major. Allow some of the rookies to participate, they need the experience. More of the mission itself than possible combat contact."

    "Yes, Gol." She nodded, then lit a cigarette. Drawing in a puff, she asked, "Should we assign a more experienced Member to assist the mission?"

    "Sure, why not. Send Faron, he hasn't had the chance to get out in ages."

    "I will do."


    "You little ingrate! Get your ass back here!" A rough, loud voice called out, and a large man chased a younger man out into the street. The younger man was laughing, spinning around and messing with merchandise. "If I get my hands on you---"

    "Try it, Fatso!" Ruin called out. Running into the streets, he began to weave in and out of the large group of people, laughing the whole time. Looking behind him, he noticed that the fat man, along with a couple of lackies, was chasing him. Laughing, he stuck his tongue out at them, and turned into an alley.

    Running, he could hear the man yelling about being cornered. Grinning, he thought to himself, "Ha! Wait 'til he sees this!" Holding his hand out, he focused onto his palm, and brought a thick amount of energy into his hand.

    Centering it, he brought it past his head, and pushed forward, launching the energy outward. The blast slammed into the wooden fence in front of him, burning a large circular hole into it. Laughing, he lowered his head, and slammed right through the fence.

    Making it into the center of the city, he quickly ran down a street, and glanced up as he seen the sign of Söldner. Running a hand through his hair, he quickly bolted through the door, and slammed headlong into a large, built man. Falling down, he glanced up to look into the eyes of Faron.

    "You son of a bitch. Who the hell are you? A Rookie?" Bending down, he picked up Ruin by the shirt, and gazed into his face. "Kinda small for a Clan Warrior. Are you the Janitor?"

    The Guild was a large, round, circular room, with tables in the center. Along the westside wall, there was a bar, with drinks, food storages, and a notice board with mission information, and along the east wall, there was profile information about specific targets, wanted papers, and maps. Along the south wall, there were four doors, one leading into Gol's Chamber, one leading into the restrooms, one leading into the kitchens, and the fourth leading into the Barracks.

    "Nah, I'm Ruin. Nice to meet'cha. Faron, right?"

    Faron glared at him for a moment, then began to laugh. "Yep, Faron is the name. Come here, Rookie." He then gave Ruin a bearhug, which promply crushed him. Dropping him, Faron laughed again. "You are brave for a Rookie, and a skinny Rookie at that."

  2. #2
    Matthew stands on the balcony of his room. Over looking the street seeing railcars and people moving about busy as ever. " I wonder if they know this is all fake. The reality they see is nothing more than an illusion that governments create. To know that they have paths set before them and to go through times without knowing anything and being powerless to change anything. I pity them."

    MAtthew lights a cigarette and sits down on a chair still looking over the city. hearing the sounds of the city and listening to its self-made music. " Then there is us. Some of us watchdogs for humanity, some of us who kill to turn politics in the way other see fit, and then there is me. One who is indifferent. I know i will do what i must and what I can to the best of my ability. This is family this is home. Truly one does what one knows. All i Know ias of this place. To fight, to kill, to be salvation, and to do chores." After finishing his cigarette he stand up and throws on a shirt.

    He walks out of his room and into the hallway. As he is walking down he sees many new faces, and thinks to himself. " I guess we have alot of new rookies. I wonder what there powers are or what they are here for." He comes down the hallway to the Guild Sanctum (i.e. the circular main room). He walks over to the bar and makes himself a glass of water and walk to the bulleting board. He pulls off a sheet with some assignments on it. " I wonder how many rooks have tried to take something without knowing anything at all." He says low, but talking to himself. He sits down at a table and continues to read.

  3. #3
    Registered User Soldner HUNK's Avatar
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    Andrew cleaned his room in the guild barracks. He was a normally clenly person and was a little apprehencive to start his day, for today he would have to go down and see if he could take on a quest for the guild that had raised him all his life.
    Andrew had been through constant training and he was cirtain that today was going to be the day that he was sent on an assignment.

    As he walked around his currently spotless room he decided procrastinating was not going to help and finally headed out the door. "I wonder what jobs I will have to accomplish..." Andrew walked into the main guild hall and saw a person sitting down looking at a quest sheet. Andrew approched him and asked, "So what job are you looking at?"

  4. #4
    Ruin stood back onto his feet, and stretched. Looking around, he noticed a bunch of new recruits, such as himself, scattered around. There was two in particular, near a table, reading a new mission sheet. Ruin looked back toward's Faron, and asked, "So, I thought you was on probation."

    Faron began to laugh, and smacked Ruin in the shoulder. "Ya. It was due to the drinkin'. Mistakinly, I took the factory I was supposed to protect as a Rogue building, and torn it down. Luckily, Gol only gave me probation. Today, he sent a messenger to me. Gol has a new mission, and he is requesting my help, since I got of probation yesterday."

    Ruin laughed out. "A mission? What kind?"

    "A simple escourt mission. We have to escourt a caravan across the desert to a smaller, southern town. Gol wants me to take a couple recruits for me. Interested?"

    "Heck yeah!" Ruin pumped a fist, then grinned. "Can't wait. When do we start?"

    "When we are a party of four or more..." Faron grumbled. "I can't believe I'm stuck with Rookies..."

  5. #5
    Registered User Soldner HUNK's Avatar
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    Andrew saw as Ruin waltzed into the door of the guild and struted about in a way that Andrew would normally not like.(as previously mentioned he respects law and ORDER) Apparently this boy was named Faron and the person he was talking to was named Faron. There was talk of starting a mission and Andrew had been waiting for the oppretunity.

    "So can I accpompany you on this escort mission? Im pretty good with making weapons, should ours break and Im really good with earth...I think I could be pretty usefull, so what do you think?"

    "By the way, the names Andrew J. Bealor. Im just a rookie but im ready to do my part for the guild and try to help my commerads!"

  6. #6
    Faron quietly observed the man, and laughed out. "Another rookie! Grand!" He roared. Thrusting his hand out, he yelled out "Faron Gran, Lieutenant to Gol."

    Ruin, meanwhile, was signing the application paper on the notice board that Faron, Ruin and now Andrew was participating in the mission. Looking around, Ruin gave a thumbs up to Faron, who recieved the look and smiled.

    Now, all we need is one more... Ruin thought. Leaning against the door, Ruin gave a thin smile, and crossed his arms.

  7. #7
    Twilight's Enigma Soldner Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    Kivorav entered the circular room of the guild and everyone fell silent to his entrance. They were looking at his left arm more than the rest of his body and started to whisper to each other. Kivorav looks around disgusted beofre heading the center. The crowd parted ways from Kivorav as he sheathed an unusual weapon on his back. The weapon was like a long brick of obsidian, with no cutting edge. Kivorav makes his way to the stairs and heads for the dormitories.

  8. #8
    Faron looked around, and seen that the numbers would be limited. "Alright..." Faron mutters. "We can just start, and if anyone else joins up, they can rendezvous with us on the way. They can be the backup, if we need it." With that, Faron stepped out into the streets, Ruin following him.

    Greeting a dark, tanned man, who was heavily dressed in furs, Faron turned to the rookies. "This is Ah. He is a trader that works with the caravan. I guess you could call him the leader or something." Faron looked to Ah, then turned back. "This is a simple escourt mission. We have to travel with this caravan to a southern village, Traben, and walk them into the gates. The caravan is carrying expensive furs and quilts, and fears that desert bandits will attack.

    "Unfortunately, there is no available room on the caravan for us, so we'll have to trek it by foot. It is only a few hours from here by foot, so it won't last long. The walk back will be faster, since we don't need to worry about assault. Meet me at the south gate in an hour, and we'll go."

  9. #9
    Registered User Soldner HUNK's Avatar
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    "Meet me at the south gate in an hour, and we'll go."

    "Yes ser, Mr. Faron!"

    Andrew ran upstairs to his room and grabed his backpack. "Finally a chance to show the guild what im made of!" Andrew had never been so excited in his life. He grabed his things and preceded to go down stairs. He had seen Ruin standing in main hall.

    "Hey there, so you are going to be with me on this mission right? If you ever need anything be sure to call me! Im going twords south gate so see ya!"

    With that Andrew walked out the door, to embrace his new journey.


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