((Everyone who signed up gets a the letter indicated below. Introduce your character in a fashion of your choosing. Thank you!))
It was about that time again for Headmaster Squall Leonhart. He was thumbing through the files of students, making notes in red on each of the papers, and outright chucking some into the bin behind him. He was deep in thought. What made up a SeeD? All these exams and notes seemed utterly pointless when it came to judging character. No one could pull out a few notecards and study the concepts. When it came to the real battle, it didn’t matter how much someone knew. It was the guts, the daring, the determination, and the skill. Squall had a selected few of students accepted, and sealed the envelopes, enclosing a certain letter in each.
Dear SeeD Candidate,
You’ve made it to the field test. Report to the Directory tonight at 11pm.”
It was short, cold, and to the point. Very Leonhart-esque.
Squall had begun to read again, and paused on a particular file. His were eyes alight, which was an action considered to be rare for this particular man.
“Headmaster!” said Xu, and she had sucessfully broke his gaze with her piercing voice.
“Xu…” whispered Squall, etched abruptly out of deep thought, but never taking his eyes off of the paper.
“It’s about the mission. The SeeD field exam. We’re planning an infiltration of Esthar-”
“So I have heard, as much,” he interrupted coldly. “I know of your mission. You intend to use those candidates as bait, and have the real SeeD squads try and defeat her when her guards are after the testing squads…”
“Is it not brilliant enough?” she said, eyes beaming.
“Your plan requires many more layers than that to fool Ri-” he stopped himself. “The Sorceress. She is not to be underestimated.” Squall sighed. “Your plan has many holes, Xu. What would you do if any innocents were involved? There is no way that they can defeat the Sorceress while protecting a population of a billion. There is not enough manpower. Think outside of the box. You are a strategist, Xu. How do you get 1 billion people to flee a city?”
Xu pondered this thought for a bit, but to no avail… “I suppose you could start a rumor of a mass disease or something,” she said tentatively.
“Or rather, have a specific squad PRETEND to have a disease…” said Squall, unchanged. “People are very easy to manipulate. Show them symptoms. Show them fear. They will flee!”
“But they’ll…. THAT’S UNFAIR! DISHONEST!” Xu slammed her fist hard onto to Squall’s desk, appalled.
“If everything was fair, Xu, Rinoa would not be my wife. This faction in Esthar would not exist. They wouldn’t have manipulated innocent lives into this game. Laguna Loire would not be held hostage. People play dirty. It’s the name of the game. Esthar’s government is the epitomy of hell. We will be but a small flame compared to that ravaging fire…” he finished, and he continued to stare passionately into the same file.
“It only takes a small flame to ignite a city,” said Xu and she turned on her heel.
“They make fire extinguishers for a reason, you know,” said another man who entered and took off his cowboy hat and bowed to Xu. He gave her a suggestive wink.
“I sure hope you are right, Headmaster Kinneas,” eying him skeptically. “I’ll be in my office rewriting a plan, Headmaster.”
Xu left.
“Irvine, you sent your forces ahead, right?” said Squall coldly, still transfixed on the paper.
“Of course. It’s the least I could do for Rinoa’s sake,” replied Irvine.
“I hope so. Quistis is going to take up our rear. I just hope it will be enough.”
“Don’t be so down, man! It’s plenty! Plus you got that little miss making a plan of her own.” Irvine smiled greedily, indicating the door.
“I have no plans to carry out her wishes. She is merely organizing our battalion. This isn’t only Balamb’s war. She carries far too heavy a burden for us to bear all on our own.”
“You’re the man, Squall!” said Irvine, who tipped his hat. “I make my leave. Don’t let that battalion of yours get the crap kicked out of it!”
“I trust their skills.”
“Later, man!” said Irvine, and he holstered his gun on his shoulder and departed. Squall waited for the trenchcoat to disappear. He found the perfect candidate, someone who he hadn’t seen so much progress in years.
A gunblade specialist… Leo Claven… A name that must go on this list…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
“So , SeeD attempts to interfere yet again, my love,” said a silky voice, stroking a blond man who lay across her lap.
“I pity SeeD, Sorceress Rinoa,” said the man on her lap, oddly robotic. The Sorceress adjusted her attire. “That’s right, Seifer, my love.” She continued to stroke his hair. “Look at me, SeeD,” she said, her eyes looking into Seifer’s strangely red ones. “You are foolish. Blind. Confused. You have no idea of the danger that threatens you. I know your weaknesses, your strengths. Your dire vulnerabilities. You are angered from when I slew Edea Kramer, the only parent figure you ever had. I wear her attire. It is much better looking on me, I think… Isn’t it, my love?”
“Yes, it is,” drawled Seifer, blank.
“Angelo!” she yelled to a monstrous, three-headed dog. “Be the first to send them into hell!”
The dog leapt into the sky and disappeared.
“Where was I? Oh, the beloved Lion’s anger, his pride. Attack on the outside. Attack the friends, seduce his heart into anger, as I have done to his…”
Selphie Tilmitt and Zell Dincht appeared, holding hands. They walked as one, attired in the same fashion of clothing as Rinoa.
“Yes, My Lady Rinoa,” they said in unison, in the same tone Seifer did.
“Let oneself make oneself a fool. That will be your ultimate end, Squall Leonhart. You will do anything for power. You blindly trust others. At this time, is it wise? There will be a betrayal among your rank. Who will it be? Irvine, that lech! Or perhaps it may be Quistis. She was always jealous of us. Or is it someone else? It’s time to feed into an ideal you once held so close…
“Trust no one. Act alone, be alone. Feel pain to yourself. Go mad, go insane, give me back that heart I once craved!”
The Sorceress laughed malevolently, echoing into the night.