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    Role Play Forum Rules

    It's been a long time, and I've been the moderator of this forum for 2 years now. You all may not know it because I'm very quiet and very unconfrontation with people whom I want to trust, respect, and look up to me. I want every single role player on this forum to fo just that. I am the mother of this forum, and it will be ran out I want it to be. But as its mother, I want help in making it a wonderful place for people to be creative, silly, or evil, whichever their prefer.

    Here are some very help suggestions that may help your RP experience. The actual base forums rules are in the middle of this post, however I strongly encourage you to read the whole post. I might help you in furture RP endevors.

    For starters, let me tell you what role play is. Role playing is the act of assuming the identity of another character, be it on you have created, or one from some story you like. There are benefits to playing a character you have created, that is there are no boundaries. There are, however, boundaries to characters whom have already been made. Should you choose to role play Squall, you must stay within the character portrayed by him in FFVIII. If you stray outside that relm, your RP thread Liable to be close, and you may be warned.

    Getting more indepth with created characters:

    When creating a character for a Story Line (This is a very important word, remember it. It is sometimes abbreviated to SL) your options are limitless, as well is the depth of your creativity. Explore it, and see if you like it, this is the best way to become a better RPer. When creating a character for someone else's Story Line, you have to create the character within THEIR set rules and such. The best way to do this is to have a one on one conversation with the creator of the SL and put forth your ideas to them. You can also get THE MOST satisfation out of your RP this way.

    What is NOT accpetable in an original RP SL is someone doing what we call GOD MODDING. This is basically being indestructable, doing whatever it is you wish with the Role Play. While you may use your character to guide the SL in different directions, you may NOT become an all powerful being and use the RP to make you feel better about yourself. Should anyone in my forum hijack someone else's SL in this matter, you'll be warned and thusly BANNED from the RP forum. I will not tolerate someone ruining someone else's Role Play. This is the one thing which I WILL NOT show any leniency with what-so-ever.

    Now we come to getting your RP started:

    If your RP is going to be open to all members of the forum, the first thing you SHOULD do is make a thread about it in the Role-Play OOC sub-forum. In this thread you will need to, as detailed as possibly, lay out the logistics of your SL, then invite other members to post information and such about their characters. If you are someone joining someone else's SL, when posting information about your character, try to make it as detailed as possible, listing as much as you can about your character. This way, the creator of the SL can judge whether or not aspects of your character are appropriate for their RP. I encourage all members to use the RP OOC forum to debate and discuss their RPs in LENGTH AND DETAIL before posting the actual Role Play thread. This will not only ensure good quality and moral of your RP, it will also help you get to know the people whom you will be RPing with, which is always helpful.

    If your RP is going to be Invite only, then make sure you state so in the title of both your OOC thread and actual RP thread.

    Use the Role-Play OOC forum! It is your BEST FRIEND! Though it is not official yet, I may REQUIRE all RPs to have a thread in the OOC forum. This is not official. We'll see how RPing starts to go.

    This leads us to!~
    Starting up your RP:
    Before you start your RP in the main forum, keep in mind all the basic rules of this forum. They are as listed:


    - No signatures. Refer to this thread if you have questions.
    - Do not spam the threads with anything not relevent to the RP in question. Random trolls and other such are not allowed.
    - God-Modding/Hijacking threads. This is NOT ALLOWED OR TOLERATED WHAT-SO-EVER. Should ANY of this occur, you will be banned from posting in this forum. God-Modding includes playing a virtual God in the RP, controling someone else's character without permission, and [hijacking] postng a RP thread you were not a part of in the OOC thread.
    - Stay in Character. All OOC posts should remain in the OOC forum. with any OOC posts. Aspects of the post may be OOC, but not the entire post. If you need to tell your fellow RPers something, GO BACK TO YOUR THREAD IN THE RP-OOC FORUM. Any purely OOC post I come across will be deleted and you will be warned.
    - No Harassing of other members. Should you not agree with what they're RPing about, keep your mouth shut and move on, or at least take it to PMs. This forum is for RP alone, nothing more.
    - Different RP styles. If you're planning to make a role-play that is not that of the usuals we see around here, please inform me of your plans. And to have it be acceptable, please make it a role-play serious enough to warrent quality posts. Remember, in role-playing, quality is also very important. Please keep in mind. However, New RP styles are VERY welcome! Please, tap into your creative side!
    - Do not double post. Should you have something you want to add to a recent post, please simply edit that post instead of posting again. This is a site wide rule, and this forum is no exception.
    - No Solo RPing. Save that for your own site, or you journal, or something. This is a community forum, we play with other kids.
    - No bumping old RP threads with useless posts. Should your RP start to die and you don't want it to, contact members of it and discuss it with them. OR, post in your OOC topic and talk about ways to keep it going.
    - Be sure to have fun! SHould an RP you created or are participating in looses it's fun, then stop posting in it! Let it die and move on. That, or inform me or OceanEyes and we will close it ^_^
    - No use of asterisks to denote character actions. If you want to say your character did something, write it out. RPs are not shorthand.

    That sums up the basic rules of the forum, be sure to follow them or else your RP is liable to be shut down.

    Once your RP is start...
    Monitor is constantly! Make sure you know what's going on. This way, you can catch trolls or other bugs that may infest it. Should something start festering in your RP, nip it in the bud by either telling the creator of the RP or informing a Mod (Me or Ocean Eyes). This way, you can let your RP live out how you had intended with out interuptions!

    Dead RP...
    If your RP dies, then let it. It's happened to me many times. This doesn't mean quit RPing. Sometimes the most wonderful stories die, but if you have fun RPing, please keep doing so or else this forum will die too! =D

    That about sums up this post! If you have any questions or comments, please post them here and we'll discuss them all togethers; mods and members alike.

    Last edited by Yuna; 08-05-2005 at 12:33 PM.


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