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Thread: The forgotten city of Machina

  1. #1

    The forgotten city of Machina

    OOC : Here's a site for translating Al Bhed ~ (Just incase you lazy or just don't know Al bhed yet. >.> And sorry if its not good. *Sad face.* D: I normaly suck at starting the RP...)

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Her bright green eyes sparkled as she stared at the sword on the brown table. Her swirling pupils were mesmerized by the double-edged blades, shimmering in the desert sun as it curved back to a sharp point. Near the hilt, a dragon-scale effect. In the middle, between the two edges, it was decorated in a red colored, stain-less steel. The hilt it’s self, was covered in a white colored cloth. “E fyhd ed…” She said underneath her breath. She brought her hand up to her neck, grabbing on to the end of her black bandana. Her fingerless black gloves only went half way up her fingers, still showing how long and slender they were. Her nails, cut down to the skin from excessive biting. The gloves also had a silver plate over her knuckles, perfect for punching with.

    Looking up from the sword, her reddish brown hair falling back into place, she turned to the merchant. “Rin, ruf silr vun drec cfunt?”

    Rin, as this merchant was called, has medium long blond hair, a yellow jacket that stops right before his waist. The collar on it is white, as were the stripes on the end of his sleeves. His pants were blue, black, gray, and just a touch of red. Very poofy as well, before the bottom being stuffed into his brown boots. ‘What an outfit this guy has…’ she thought to herself as Rin examined the weapon in question.

    “Famm Akahana, ed’c ybbnuqesydamo 1325 gil.”

    “Fryd!? Dryd silr?” Akahana exclaimed in a displeased voice. “Lyh’d oui keja sa y tecluihd?”

    “Oui ghuf E lyh’d tu dryd.”

    Akahana’s head hung down for a moment, so she could fix her face. Make her lip pouty, widen her eyes like a sad dog that wants a treat. She brought her head back up, looking at Rin. “Bnaddo bmayca fedr cikyn uh dub?” she brought her hands up in a prayer type position to complete the illusion. ‘I can’t believe I’m reduced to this.’ Akahana thought with an inward cry.

    Rin pat the top of her head. “Oayr... Hu. Ymm bnuvedc ku du dra napiemtehk uv Home. Cu drana yna hu tecluihdc ymmufat.”

    Akahana’s face went back to normal, a slight hint of anger in her eyes. “E tet ymm dryd vun hudrehk.” She reached into her pocket, puling out some gil. There was only about 276 with her. ‘I don’t get paid for another two days. And even with that, it still won't be enough.’ She put the small amount of gil back into her pocket then turned to leave “Caa oyr Rin. E's kuhhy ku mad uvv cusa cdays.”

    “Akahana, tuh'd vunkad, Cid bid ib y bucd uh dra pimmadeh puynt. Oui cruimt ku lralg ed uid cuuh.”

    She waved in acknowledgment. “E'mm lralg ed uid mydan.”

    Walking right past the bulletin board, she over heard kids her age talking about a post. “Draen napiemtehk Zanarkand?” a long blonde hair boy said.

    “Oayr, ed'c yfacusa. Drao haat jumihdaac du ramb napiemt ed.” The girl standing next to him replied.

    ‘Why rebuild something when It’s just gonna fall back into a pit of despair…’ her thoughts were interrupted when she bumped into something.

    Akahana fell down, landing on her butt. “Uf, dryd rindc... Cunno ypuid dryd…” She looked up, noticing who it was.

  2. #2
    Yay!! The forgotten city of Machina FF_FrEaK's Avatar
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    It was none other than Seymour Guado himself except he had a new look. He wore a black and blue robe with cross symbols.He also wore an earring on his left ear and a wristband full of different bottles of colorful fluids. His blue hair spiked up and the scars on his face gave him a menacing look.

    Akahana's eyes widened at the sight of Seymour, "Fryd dra?! E druikrd oui fana..."

    "Dead?", finished Seymour for her, "I think not." Seymour walked in circles around Akahana, who was not turning her back on him.Seymour gave a little chuckle, "An Al Bhed right?" "Tell me, how is your pitiful race of Al Bhed doing?"

    Akahana stood up quickly, "Dryd tuach'd luhlanh oui!!" Akahana vaguely remebered the day that Seymour and his Guado troops attacked Home, forcing the Al Bhed to destroy it. "Oui'na dra naycuh fa Al Bhed ryt du veht y haf Rusa, oun'na dra naycuh cu syho uv ic ryja teat!! Akahana clenched her fists tightly.

    Seymour chuckled yet again, "Come now, there is no need for a helpless sacrifice." Seymour looked directly into Akahana's bright green eyes which were now filled with hatred. " I was merely doing Spira a favor by ridding it of the Al Bhed and their pitiful machina." " However, I have not returned to Spira to destroy the Al Bhed, no, I am here to fulfill a purpose that which the great Yu Yevon has bestowed upon me."

    "Fryd binbuca fuimt y funs mega oui canja?" Akahana asked, without taking her eyes off the now smiling Seymour.

    "Why spoil the fun of guessing," began Seymour, "when you can find out for yourself!!" Seymour had made a blue wyrmkiller appear in his right hand and lunged at Akahana.

    Akahana prepared herself for the attack, but before she could move a muscle Seymour had disappeared. She remained where she was confused and worried for the country of Spira. " What can this purpose possibly be?" Akahana asked herself. Rin and some of the kids dashed towards Akahana.

    "Fyc dryd Seymour Guado," one of the kids asked with a worried look on his face.

    "Oac ed fyc," Akahana answered. "E vayn dryd fa yna hu muhkan cyva."

    She looked up at the beautiful sunset and wondered what had caused Seymour to just disappear. She knew that she had to find Seymour. All she needed now was a party to help her track him down and finish him off once and for all.
    Last edited by FF_FrEaK; 10-07-2007 at 06:34 PM.

  3. #3
    HRH Albha The forgotten city of Machina Aerif's Avatar
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    "That'll be 1200 gil, please."

    "For a photograph of Lady Yuna? What a con!"

    It was market day in Luca, hundreds of traders and buyers had flocked to an area just outside of the stadium. It was to be an event-packed day, with the market closing at noon and a blitzball game between the Aurochs and the Goers beginning just 10 minutes later, all the worthy stall-holders had been invited. And with the expensive 'bargains' a rather 'unworthy' crowd had been brought in. The pickpockets and thieves.

    Hydemy was part of this crowd, though she really disliked the position she was in, she felt forced into doing which she so very much hated. As the stall owner was distracted she swiftly extended her fingers to grab the rather over-priced photograph, taking also an expensive looking photo frame.

    She worked fast, using the marker-pen that she had just recently pickpocketed to scrawl what looked like the signature of High Summoner Yuna. With the 'signed' photograph inside the 'expensive' frame Hydemy caught the attention of the man whom the stall-owner had tried to sell the plain photograph.

    "4000 Gil" She stated, holding out the framed photo.

    The buyer looked impressed, and took the photograph without hesitation, paying the hefty sum of a picture that was worth practically nothing, "Thank you very much"

    The seller, on the other hand looked irratated and suspicious. Though thankfully he didn't seem to recognise his own wares.


    Hydemy felt her heart skip a beat, a gaurd must have seen her illeagal 'transaction' and decided to arrest her for her illeagal activities, she could see him running towards her now.


    She turned and ran, parting the crowds and trying to avoid unwanted attention, there where two gaurds in pursuit of her and weilding batons. It all seemed a little over the top for a petty con.


    She made her way out of the market place and climbed the steps outside of the stadium, the entrance was relatively empty as all the spectators had already took their seats.


    The gaurds, had called for backup, there where now gaurds chasing her from all points of the compass. As she arrived at the top of the steps, she darted to the left and ran straight towards two female gaurds. She did not hesitate, and when they where about 5 meters away from her, she dived, withdrawing the metallic staff from her cloak and extending it. The tips of the staff connected with the ankles of the gaurds and sent them flying past Hydemy, cursing.

    She got up to her feet and continued to run, now there where only six gaurds chasing her. For some reason she didn't feel anymore safe than she did with the original eight.

    She pushed in on a fire escape and started to climb the steps, putting as much distance between her and the gaurds as possible. She eventually found herself on the third floor of the stands, which where already crowded. She ran towards the balcony and stepped up onto the rail, balancing herself perfectly upon the marble, there was a balcony below her and she was aiming to land on it to knock the gaurds off-scent. She hadn't anticipated that the gaurds would catch up so quickly, and she fell
    when she heard one shout.

    Luckily, she managed to grab the rail of the balcony below and proceeded into what looked like a storage room. The balcony was obviously just cosmetic. There was a door to the side and a ladder leading up, the gaurds where banging on the door and trying to break it down, so the only way out was via the ladder. Making a bold attempt at parcours, she tried to jump onto the ladder by running at it, but her hands missed the rungs and she just fell back onto her bottom. She tried to mount the ladder again, and this time did so due to holding on with her hands. She climbed up for a bit and the gaurds managed to break in, so she ascended faster and managed to reach the top.

    It was dark, but she had good eyes and managed to see a hole where she could hide. She extended the staff and dropped down the hole, suspending herself.

    Looking down, she discovered a blitzball match in full speed taking place below her...
    Last edited by Aerif; 10-08-2007 at 08:04 AM. Reason: Spelling Mistakes >.>

  4. #4
    The hooded figure walked slowly through the crowd of people as they pressed forward, trying to make it to their seat before the game started. It was a sunny day in the beautiful port city of Luca and thousands of people had come out to see the Luca Goers play the Besaid Aurochs. It was the perfect environment for a man that was trying to stay invisible. If it was done correctly, then one could disappear even in broad daylight.

    This was the goal of the hooded man. He stayed within the crowd, letting it move him to his destination. The horns blew, signifying the beginning of the match and the crowd surged forward, trying desperately to reach the fourth level and their seats. The man stayed inside still, waiting for the right moment, knowing that his patience would pay off.

    And it did.

    As the crowd continued forward, pushing itself past the entrance to the third level, the man stopped for just a second. He turned his head slightly towards the third level balcony, seeing the man that sat there surrounded by armed guards. Two more men stood post outside the archway leading to the third level balcony. The hooded man turned his head back and let himself be pushed forward once more.

    "Do you know that man?" The hooded figure turned to his left and looked at the man that had spoken to him. He was a short man, balding, with just a hint of curiosity.

    "Why yes, yes I do. He owes me something." The short man's eyes widened. The hooded man just continued on.

    "Wait, hey!" The short man caught up to the hooded figure. "That man is bloody rich! How does he owe something to a man such as yourself?"

    "You speak as if I am a poor man. Why is that?" The hooded man continued with the crowd, not even bothering to look at the short man.

    "Well, look at you. You're watching one of the most exciting matches of the year from the fourth level. If you were rich then you'd be watching it downstairs with Mr. Moneybags himself!" The short man chuckled at his own joke as the hooded one stared forward, his face masked in darkness.

    "I'll be meeting Mr. Moneybags, as you call him, in a few moments. You see, my friend, in my profession you like meet people on your own terms. Otherwise, it gets sloppy." The crowd had reached the fourth level. The hooded figure looked to the short man and then past the man's shoulder. The short, bald one saw his face for just a moment. Then the bald man turned to see where the hooded one had been looking, before quickly turning back around.

    "Wha- What? Where did he go?" The short bald man spoke aloud to the spot where the man in the white hood had been seconds before. The spot now stood vacant.

    The hooded man watched in slight amusement from a far as the short man spun in circles looking for him.

    "The people of this world get more and more bothersome everyday." He mumbled before turning around and getting back to work.

    He pushed his way through the crowd and slowly made his way to the balcony of the fourth level. He paused again for just a second, looking out into the huge sphere, watching the players fight for the Blitzball. It really was an art form, he thought. But now was not the time for sight seeing. He had a job to do.

    And the biggest part of that job was one level under him, sitting surrounded by armed guards.

    "Cake." The hooded assassin said aloud. "I've done harder blindfolded."

    This was of course a lie, as this job would take quite a bit of skill and luck to be properly executed. But this was no time for thinking, it was time for acting.

    The hooded man jumped unto the railing the he had be leaning on and climbed over it. He placed his feet on the edge of the small ledge that hung over the balcony below. Then it was the moment of truth, as the hooded one let go of the railing just as he let his feet slip off the ledge. He began to fall, his white clothing fluttering around him. Though in reality it took only seconds for the assassin to become even with the level below, to him everything happened in slow motion. He reached quickly for a small throwing knife sheathed on his collarbone. He continued to fall as the sitting man looked up, seeing a figure in a white hood falling mere feet from him. The assassin watched the man's eyes as they grew wide, the fear in them apparent. The hooded one continued falling, his feet passing by the railing, then the ledge. And just when it seemed as if the assassin would just fall past, he acted. In one motion he pulled the knife from its sheath and sent it hurtling toward the mark.

    The assassin just barely saw the knife as it plunged into the man's heart. Then he was gone, dropping out of view of 'Mr. Moneybags' guards and falling onto the railing of the second level's balcony. The assassin landed hard, balancing for a split second on the railing before throwing himself forward and rolling. He jumped to his feet and pushed his way through the crowd of astonished people that stared as he flew past them.

    He stopped for a moment in the main stairwell, looking up towards the third floor. Just as he looked, the two men guarding the door from earlier ran out into the stairwell and spotted the hooded man.

    “STOP THAT MAN!!! HE’S THE FALCON!!!” One of the guards screamed. The assassin known as the Falcon spun quickly and vaulted down the stairs, taking them four at a time. He reached the bottom and quickly disappeared into the throng of people.

    The guards reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around quickly, trying to spot the hooded assassin. But he was nowhere to be seen.

    He had disappeared in broad daylight.

  5. #5
    The forgotten city of Machina cetra_aeris's Avatar
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    Akina sat in the sand, taking a wrench to a machina that had been malfunctioning. The little bugger was supposed to have been working hours ago, but something had coused him to short circut and in a way she could only recall thunder spells doing. She didn't see how that was possible unless the machina happened to run into a large fiend, but she had made sure it stayed around the main camp so that if it did bresk she could fix it.

    "Tyssed, yht E fyc ypuid du ku uh pnayg duu..." She said quietly to herself as she wiped sweat off her forehead, only smearing grease and grime from her hands onto her face. She had wanted to get off early so she coud try and catch the Blitzball game in Luca, but that early leave was long gone now.

    She let out a large sigh and tightned a few more things inside the machina. Then, after carful inspection, she straightned a few wires and closed the Machina's panel. She stood then and stretched before turning it back on to see what her hard work had given her.

    The little blue machina stood and began pacing in a two foot radius. Satsified, Skina bent over as it came by and stopped it to give it the new guarding coordinates. When she finished she let her green eyes follow her little masterpiece as it walked away to it's new station. With a smile she turned around and fixed her shorts, her brown hair flowing in its loose ponytail behind her.

    As she was heading towards the bulliten board, that was when she heard it. She wasn't sure exactly what, but she heard a name she knew she would never forget, Seymour Guado. The name alone sent a shiver of disgust along her spine. She hesitated for a moment before going aound the corner of the small building to see another Al Bhed girl talking to a small child.

    "Hello. Rammu, yna oui bmyhhehk du ku du Zanarkand?" She aske, deciding to ignore the hated name of the one who had caused the new rebuilding of Home. She took her hand and wiped it on a small rag that was in her pocket. After worads she held out her hand.

    "I'm Akina. E's Akina, fryd'c ouin hysa?" she asked smiling. She had been planning on going out in the desert to train, perhaps ain a little extra gil, and she didn't want to go alone. Perhaps this girl would be willing to go...

  6. #6
    OOC: Sorrites. I couldn't think well. D: I have those days.

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Akahana looked at the young woman. She was surprised that she didn't ask her about the Seymour Guado incident. Looking back to the child, the patted him on the head, telling him to go on and meet up with his friends down the stairs on her left.

    She smiled gently at this Akina. "Famm, rammu Akina, so hysa'c Akahana." She started to look up and down Akina's figure, noticing the dirt and grime stains on her clothes. "Oui veq dra Machina ynuiht rana?"

  7. #7
    Feared Dodged the Tackle by the Aurochs Defence and now all that was left was the Goalie. It was one on one, with 2 minitues remianing he threw the ball in the air and kicked...hard. The ball sailed towards the top corner, the fat goalie had no chance, the game was finished. As usual he thought to himself, they had wiped the floor with the Aurochs and next was the Semi Finals.
    Feared headed towards the changing rooms had a shower and got changed. As he headed towards the players exit he heared two Guards hurridly whispering about a murder they mentiond the name 'Money Bags'. It can't be Feared gasped. Money Bags was a major share holder and funder of the Luca Goers BlitzBall team. Most people didn't know his name and just called him Mr.Moneybags. The guards stopped when they finally saw him and for a few seconds didn't say anything then they both congratualted him on his pefromance. Feared to wound up in his thoughts walked past them and exited the building...

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