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Thread: Reminisce

  1. #1
    Twilight's Enigma Reminisce Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark


    Silver peers at his cards for a moment then looks over at a man to his left. Geki, a man who is in his early thirties, who had red, short-cropped hair and green eyes, and the 3rd member of the crew Silver was in, the Composers. The Composers was a bard/mercenary crew that handled music performance for entertainment and does mercenary jobs to fund themselves. Geki in the crew was responsible for the flute, as Silver was for the lute. Silver took his gaze off of Geki and looks ahead of him, another man. Nevar, who is in his early twenties, had spiky white hair and blue eyes, and the 2nd member of the crew, as he was responsible for the organ. Silver finally turns his eyes to a girl on his right. Cynthia, a year older than Silver who has long black hair, brown eyes, which her right eye is covered with an eye patch, and is the 4th member of the crew, as she was responsible for the violin. Silver closed his eyes and takes a deep breath. Geki, Nevar, and Cynthia looked at him with confusion. Silver grins as he lays down the cards and spreads them out. “Royal Flush!” Silver called out. The others frowned to their loses and lays their cards. Silver laughed joyfully as he takes the gil from the pot in the middle of the table.

    “Hey Silver, can you purposefully loose just for once?” Said Nevar in disgust, annoyed by Silver’s consecutive wins. Silver rubs the back of his head.

    “I can’t help it, maybe it’s just natural.“ Silver was about to stuff his leather bag with the gil when cards slipped from his robe sleeves. Silver yelped in surprise as Geki, Nevar, and Cynthia glances over, then to Silver. Silver slowly got up and waves his hands in front of him furiously as he backs his way to the doorway.

    “W-Wait, I can explain!” Silver said out loud. Geki, Nevar, and Cynthia advance to Silver, cracking their knuckles. When Silver cleared the doorway, he immediately ran off. Mark, the captain of the airship the crew owns, the Emphyrial, is at the wheel, piloting it through the Mist to Alexandria. The door opens and Silver entered, panting as he quickly closes the door. Mark looks over at Silver.

    “Got into trouble again, Silver?” Mark called out, turning back in front to face out of the window. Silver leans on the door, laughing in between pants and rubbing the back of his head.

    “Y-Yea, I guess.” Silver said as he stumbles to stand up straight and walks next to Mark, looking out of the window. They were about to clear through the Mist, to see the castle of Alexandria close, reflecting the sunlight of the majestic crystal that stood in the middle of the castle. Silver stared out in space, in a trance of thought. He turns around and heads to the door, to only be stopped by Mark.

    “Thinking about her again? Watch how naďve you are, as her status is far away from yours; don’t expect that you’ll be able to get her like that.” Mark called out as Silver opens the door and walks out to the deck of the airship. When Silver reached the deck of the airship, he walks to the railings and looks down as the airship flies above the city.

  2. #2
    Registered User Reminisce HUNK's Avatar
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    Dragen stood atop the moutains surounding the great city Alexandria. Dragen was simply amazed at what he saw, dozens of Airships and land travelers moving in and out of the city. Dragen had been traveling all over this contenint and had so far seen no city any larger than Alexandria,(He had also not yet traveled to Linblum...sorry for spelling) he was simply amazed.

    Dragen soon snaped back to reality as a apparently rabid dog jumped at him. Dragen dogged out of the way and recognized the monster as a Fang. "Ha I can take you out in one shot."
    The monster leaped at Dragen but he jumped high into the sky, above the clouds. Dragen looked again at the city of Alexandria."Wow, perhaps I should take a visit to that amazing city...."
    Dragen came back down from the sky and pounced on the Fang, crushing it with the combined power of gravity and Dragen's own wieght. I will head now to Alexandria, then I shall continue my training eleswhere, Dragen stated to himself.

    Dragen started to walke twords the city which was already in his sight. He would arive soon.

  3. #3
    James stood silently in the garden, watching the birds fly across the pond. Master...He thought. Sliding a headband down onto his head, he glanced around him. James wasn't wearing the armor his Master had given him; James was wearing a simple White Knight's Robe, and was wearing simple shoes made from leather. His sword was attached to his belt, and his shield was attached to his belt as well.

    Turning, James quietly entered the building, the last place his master called home. Looking around, he noticed the many Medals, Photos and Statues of famous Knights, but none of his master. His master prefered storing his own accomplishments in the closet. Sighing, he went to a suit of armor by the door, and examined it.

    The suit was even in height with him, special armor made for him by his master. His Moogle body wasn't naturally developed for war, so his master developed this armor to be lightweight, durable. The metal was slightly compensatable, too, to help prevent injuries. The suit wore a chest plate, greaves, and a pair of boots. James couldn't wear helmets, because of his bon-bon, so he wore headbands instead.

    Slowly pulling the armor into place, James took one final glance back at the building. This was his last moment in here, and he wished to leave in honor. Kneeling down, he rested his hand against the floor, and muttered "For your wishes...". Standing, he turned and exited.

    Looking around, he slowly drew into the crowd that was wondering around. He couldn't help but smile as several people would pet his bon-bon. Being a moogle does have its advantages...He thought. Just to please the crowd, he called out "Kupo!" At random moments, more of habit than anything else. As he neared the center of Alexandria, he noticed that a small fleet of Airships was entering the region. Looks like this year of entertainers. Wonder if they'll play my favorite play? He thought.

  4. #4
    Twilight's Enigma Reminisce Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark
    The airship, The Emphyrial, hovered over the city as Mark pilots it carefully through the traffic of other airships. Silver looks around with a smile on his face as he sat on the railings, holding tight so he wouldn’t fall. The market was busy as usual as it was filled with a variety of people. They looked up at the airship to see Silver hanging at the railings and waved at him. Silver waves back, many people liked his performance when they started their play. The airship turned suddenly when it got close to the docks. Silver fell off of the railings and into the streets.

    The Emphyrial slowly lands at the dock and the engines slowly whined to a halt. Mark gave a sigh of relief as he turns around to walk to the door. As he walks out, Geki, Nevar, and Cynthia rushed to Mark panting. “What’s the matter?” Mark asked, looked surprise by their panting.

    “Its Silver…” Geki said as he panted. He was kneeling down as he flexes his legs after running around so much.

    “He’s not on this ship…” Cynthia added in. She leaned on the wall, gazing up at the ceiling.

    “What?! We must find him!” Mark yelped as he rushes on his way to the exit, motioning them to come with him. They frowned as the got up and follows Mark.

    Silver continued to fall down closer to the street as he saw someone in armor walking down the street. He was on an intersection course with the person. “Watch out!” Silver yelled. The person stopped and looks up to see Silver. At a single moment, Silver crashed on the person.

    “Ow… Somehow I miraculously survive after a 50 feet fall…Eh?” Silver looks down underneath him as he rubs the back of his head and immediately jumps off.

    “I’m sorry! You see I…Huh?” Silver stopped as he observed the person he landed on. He was a Moogle, but not the usual he has seen.

  5. #5
    James shook his head, still slightly numb from being slammed into the ground. "Kupo... a flying human. I'd never thought you guys were crazy enough to try that. Leave that to Moogles and Chocobos, ok?" James laughed lightly, and stood up, shaking his armor, ensuring that it was still intact.

    James then noticed the odd way that the human was holding himself, and suddenly felt odd compared to him. Looking up, he tried to clear up the confusion.

    "I am sorry for being a hard landing pad." James grinned slightly, and knocked against his armor to show what he meant. "Mog Armor. Probably a bad thing to fall from that height on." James laughed, and held out his hand to the mysterious man. "James at your service, Kupo. Mog Knight, trained by Master Kidan.

    James laughed again, and looked up at the shocked man's face. "I know I look odd, but I was trained by a Holy Knight. I trained in this fashion to Protect others. May I ask your name, and your master?"

  6. #6
    Twilight's Enigma Reminisce Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark
    Silver called down a bit when the Moogle introduced himself to Silver. Silver kneeled down and held out his hand to shake with James’s hand that he offered. “A Mog Knight huh…The name’s Silver, I’m part of the bard group, The Composers.” Silver suddenly realized something jumps on his feet panicking.

    “Gah! That’s right…I got to head back to my crew, but I don’t know where the docks are!” Silver yelped out loud as he looks around. This is one of the things Silver was good at, getting lost.

    What am I going to do, what am I going to do…Mark’s going to kill me!” Silver muttered to himself. Silver then turns to James with a worried grin on his face.

    “Hey um, do you mind if you can help me find where the docks are?” Silver said while laughing in embarrassment. Things were not going so well for him.

    “Out of the way! Make through!” Mark’s voice rang out in the dock that was un-expectantly got crowded by their arrival at the docks. Mark tries to push his way through the crowd as Geki, Nevar, and Cynthia followed behind, blending in with the crowd.

    “Jeez, you going crazy just because that bozo fell out of the airship? I’ll definitely be surprised if he even lived after that fall.” Cynthia yelled out as it barely audible from the crowd noises.

  7. #7
    Registered User Reminisce HUNK's Avatar
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    Dragen walked through the main city gates and was simply amazed at the shear size of the city.

    The moment he had entered the city it seemed hundereds of people came from out of nowhere. Dragen then looked up to see large airships coming in from the skies and landing nearby. "This city is absolutly massive..." Dragen was awstruck and was looking up at all the airships floating above the clouds. "I wonder why humans need these big ships to fly around the sky, I am up there all the time and I've never been on an airship." While looking up and walking forward, Dragen lost his way and crashed into a city local.
    "Hey watch where you're going fool." Man, city people are not as friendly as I thought they would be.

    “Out of the way! Make through!” Dragen watched as a rather large man was trying and pretty much failing to make his way through the crowd of people coming out of the airship docks.
    “Jeez, you going crazy just because that bozo fell out of the airship? I’ll definitely be surprised if he even lived after that fall.” A small group of people were apparently looking for someone. Dragen, being the person that he was decided to help.

    Dragen approched the man who appeared to be leading the group.
    "Um excuse me, is someone lost? Do you need my help to find them?"

  8. #8
    "Here, Silver!" James laughed again, suprised at the look on his face. "Just let me show you, kupo! I know this place better than everyone else!" Grabbing ahold of the man's belt, James began to lead him through the massive crowd, still allowing people to pat his bon-bon. Looking up, he commented "Humans enjoy petting my bon-bon for some odd reason. Isn't it the same as petting another human's hair?"

    James led the way through the massive kingdom, pointing out random buildings as they passed. "This building was the home to a synthesist. He's gone now, but his son still owns a weapon's shop." He pointed at another building, "This is the famous Rose's bar. I can't remember who runs it now, kupo." He continued in this fashion, pointing out random buildings, chatting away.

    "Here is where my friend's stay at." James said, pointing at a tall, columned building that stood alone. "It's a good place to hang out if your a Moogle. Boo, Bah, Bee, Yoshi, Yona, Honey, Rain, Duck and Goose hang out there. They're the local Moogles around here, besides me."

    Continuing his way, he yattled on to Silver, disregarding the amount of information he was purging onto the human. James, when content, could rattle on for hours. As they walked through the kingdom, James suddenly stopped. "See in the distance, the ship with the large red flags? That is where the docks are. Want me to follow you the rest of the way, to make sure you find who you are looking for?"

  9. #9
    Twilight's Enigma Reminisce Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark
    Silver gave a weary smile as he watches people’s reaction to see him walking down the streets; He was quite popular in the group. He looks side to side as James led him through the streets, showing him all of the building along the way. When they saw the docks, he turns to James. “I can find my way now, if you want though, you can come with me.” Silver said with a grin on his face. He also gave a thumb up and walks down the streets, whether or not James followed.

    Mark stopped to see who called him out as the other behind him stopped, relieved that they stopped as they were on their knees, trying to rest. Mark saw that the person who called him was a rat person. “A Brumecian huh…Rare these days to see one in the city. Say, may I ask of your name?” Mark asked, nodding in acknowledgment that the person was present.

  10. #10
    Registered User Reminisce HUNK's Avatar
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    "Yes, I am Sir. Dragen of the Brumician Royal family, I am traveling the world to gain the expleriance and knowledge of my elders."

    Marks crew had finally caught up with him and were panting and sweating. Dragen looked over to them with a confused stare.

    "They dont do much walking in the city do they? As a matter of fact im new to this city to. Its amazing really, Alexandria has such history and its one of the biggest city's in Gaia, isn't it?"

  11. #11
    Hanzo stands on the walls of the Alexandrian Castle in the middle of the city. He is keeping a watchful eye over the city he is sworn to protect. While standing he reaches into his pocket to pull out an pan-flute. as he watches the town and its normal hustle and bustle he plays a soothing melody a lullaby rahter. While playing he thinks to himself. He drifts off into his body of thoughts as he plays. Many things are on his mind. What his next mission would be or if he will stay at this city he loves for much longer. If this time of piece is merely a mirage for what can happen. History tends to repeat himself and as long as there is "Human" life,there will be wars and there will be bloodshed. History tend to run in cycles. He wonders if the cycle will end of peace in his lifetime.

    ( Just an intro post sorry it took me so long to get it up)

  12. #12
    James, before he could respond to Silver's invitation, was tackled behind. "Kupo!" He heard being shouted into his ear, and soon realized that a pink bon-bon obstructed most of his vision. As he tried to balance himself, a smaller, Cute Mog girl came peeking around from behind, giggling like mad.

    "Gotcha, James! Wotcher!" She giggled again, and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "Where have you been, silly?" She stepped back, allowing James to balance himself. She was wearing a short pink skirt, with a matching blouse that accented her fur and bon-bon accordingly. She had a light colored fur, large green eyes, and was wearing a pink ribbon in her hair.

    "Hey, Honey. I'm sorry I wasn't around. I was giving tours to a new human friend of mine." He waved a hand towards the departing Silver. "I also had to tend to my Master's Final Wishes..." James grew sad at that, and his bon-bon literally fell a bit in his sadness.

    "OH! Your silly Mog Knight stuff! Hehe!" She giggled again, and grabbed his hand. "Don't be sad! You have me to play with!" She then proceeded to yank him by the hand, to follow Silver. "Introduce me to your friend!"

    "Woah, wait! He's meeting up with some friends, shouldn't we leave him to Reminisce with them alone?"

    "What's the fun in that? Humans are too funny to leave alone!"

  13. #13
    Hanzo Looking over the town playing his flute. Sees chitter-chatter amongst the vast amount of people. From his height he can see most of the town. A small shiny object ctaches his. Hanzo jumps from his perch from rooftop to rooftop and finally arrives by the shining object. He jumps down the the town floor by what appears to be two little mogs. " James!" He says very loudly trying to startle him." How have you been. I almost didnt recognize u with that tin can on."

  14. #14
    Twilight's Enigma Reminisce Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    In the middle of light and dark
    (Sorry it's been awhile, it got busy in real life)

    Silver stops and turns around to see someone on James, a girl Mog. Silver held his hands to his hips and leans over. “Well, you got yourself a girl eh?” Silver called out. Letting both of them talk, Silver looks up, thinking about the princess. It was later interrupted when someone came from the sky and lands next to James and the girl, startling Silver. “Eh? More company? You sure have a lot don’t you, James?” Silver added in.

    “One of the Royal Family, definitely a rare moment to grasp. Yes, Alexandria is one of the biggest and most historical places there is on Gaia.” Mark said to Dragen, looking around. Cynthia got to her feet and taps on Mark.

    “I hate to spoil your little lectures but we got a bozo to find.” Cynthia said with a frown. Geki and Nevar got to their feet and nodded, agreeing with Cynthia.

  15. #15
    Registered User Reminisce HUNK's Avatar
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    "Pardon me milady but there is a person traveling with you named bozo?"

    Cynthia gave Dragen a puzzeled look. "No...thats not his name."
    Dragen bowed low and said, "My appologies, I have not introduced myself, my name is Dragen and it is a pleasure to meet you."

    "So you are looking for someone,yes? I will gladly help you find whom you are searching for. Brumicians can jump high and I can find him anywhere in the city."
    (Sorry for the short post, not really sure what else to add)

  16. #16
    James laughed. "Hey Hanzo! i forgotten you were that tall!" Looking up, he looked from Hanzo to Silver.

    "Silver, this is Hanzo, an old friend. Hanzo, Silver. Honey, this is Hanzo, Hanzo, Honey. Silver, this is Honey. Honey, this is Silver."

    After doing the crazy interruptions, James shook his head in laughter. "What a Mog must do...So, anyways Silver, what were you doing here in Alexandria? Are you doing a performance?"

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