The night was perfect in the centre of the wood. A dull full moon hung overhead yet it illuminated the entire area of which Kiyoshi was situated in. Lying on his back, as if resting or possibly sleeping in the middle of his mission, he gazed up at the midnight sky with such awe and wonder that it made his existence feel so small, so unimportant that he asked himself why was he here? Such a question he could not answer yet it pondered in his mind for a few moments. The starry night was such a rare sight to him. The clouds of Kumo were so dense in the mountains that this picture of beauty could not be seen. How it stirred his soul. Yet the peace was not long lived as he had planned. Kiyoshi’s attention now returned to those around him. Those foolish ninja’s that had tried to stop his mission and now awaited there deaths.
Coming back onto his feet, he looked at those three people now at his mercy. Their lives soon to be ended at his whim. But before he granted them their slow, torturous deaths he took time to inspect them; to know more of his immobilised enemies. Firstly, he checked their forehead protectors. All of which showed the sign of Otoga. But now knowing them as sound ninjas, he wondered once more why would the sound come after me? Yet again, he could not find the answer. Now checking the states of them all from their ever so brief battle a few moments again, he wanted to know how badly they were hurt. The first one now lying before him had had his legs broke. The immense pain had probably stopped this one from moving. Such pity he felt for the man but that would not spare him from his horrible fate. Extending the end bone in his right index finger, a huge spike protruded out with a sharp tip. Lunging forward with it, he impaled the man, through the heart, to the tree. The bone detached from Kiyoshi as first blood now flowed freely onto the undergrowth of the wood. A sadistic smile now crossed his face and a seemingly psychotic laughter followed. The other two ninja’s could not believe what had just befallen their comrade.
Kiyoshi revelled in the gore, which was unlike his normal self. But he didn’t stop there. Now he turned to the second one. She bore fair brown hair and had beautiful looks. So young. Yet there was no such thing as dying too young now was there. She was already impaled to another tree through her arms and legs. Her screaming had stopped some time ago which he would make her cry more. She would beg for her life as he strolled over to her. Now extending all five end pieces of bone on his right hand, he plunged them into her chest. However, it wasn’t through her heart. This time he punctured five areas in her lungs. Two on the right, two of the left and one carefully placed in the wind pipe. She gasped for breath as Kiyoshi looked on with an impassive expression on his face. He enjoyed her death less as it seemed to be quite boring. So, with a taste for more blood, he slit her throat to end it once and for all. As the crimson gore splattered Kiyoshi for that small moment, he felt so alive. Almost as if killing was a purpose in his life. But with the woman’s death, there was only one left. The last one of the three remaining.
He stared at the man with empty eyes, not showing any emotion within them. No mercy. No remorse. Not a care in the world. Using the same five spikes as before, he began to torture the man slowly. Little did he care of what he looked, his soul cried out for more blood of which he would satisfy it. With the tip of each one, he started to cut the main arteries and veins on the ninja. An artist at work painting his gory picture. The scarlet liquid that stained the grass and bushes was such a wondrous sight like the stars themselves. Kiyoshi was enjoying himself to an endless extent. Such was what his mind called out for. More blood. More death. Genocide of all who stood in his path.
His eyes snapped open. He awoke in his bed. Such a dream that haunted Kiyoshi. That night were the blood shed ended. The night were that imbalanced seemed to leave him. Shaking his head trying to rid the thoughts and sleep from his body and mind, he sat up in his bed and looked out his window. The sun was making its slow ascent into the mountain sky and a huge shadow of the rocks hung over the village. A typical morning to behold. Getting out of bed, he proceeded to get dressed into his uniform. The Black pants, green jounin jacket and all his equipment pouches. He pulled down his face mask to itch his face when a knock came at the door. So early? Kiyoshi thought to himself as he walked over to see who his uninvited guest was.