Well I think it is about time that there was some list of all the RPs that we have. So I join the ranks along with Psiko with being insane and crazy. I will try to continue to update it as frequently as possible with new RPs. So consider this a completely comprehensive list RP and OoC for your reading pleasure and interest in joining. If the summary is in accurate or you want it defined better, submit a one sentence summary to me. While I cannot read through everyone’s RP to learn what it is about, I did my best to get the basics. And then in some cases it was the extreme basics. I cannot read through everyone’s RP, if I did I would be suicidal afterwards.

It might not look like a 50k post, but there is about 30k of links in behind the scenes. But I hope you enjoy this. This goes back to the last recorded documents of the RP Forum before the deletion back around 2002/2003. All of the old member remember that well, so all of the best RPs are missing sadly. The only RPs that are missing from here are the Clan RPs, which probably are the oldest RPs we have on record. I’ll see about getting copies, since most of you are unable to access those forums.

Current RPs (Last Three Months):
Organizer - Caije
Summary - The apocalypse has been fore ordain and a group of high school students must survival long enough to try to stop the events that are to occur. OoC
By Word of Mouth (Aerif Recruitment)
Organizer - Andromeda
Summary - This is the RP recruitment for Aerif to join the TFF Royalty club. The city of Kingsglass is planning on attacking in retribution for the destroyed town of Glowglass and two must find the truth.
Children of Darkness
Organizer - Auron's Blade
Summary - A world with vampire, where there is a vampire alone seeking others of its kind. OoC
Cites of Fire
Organizer - Aria Nox
Summary - There exists three empires with the world on the verge of a massive war. OoC
The Darkest Shadows of FFVII
Organizer - Kittenz
Summary - Takes places during or after the events of the game revolving around a new threat.
Divided Connections
Organizer - Andromeda
Summray - This is a RP for the TFF Royalty club, members only. In an hyper-advanced human civilization in the future there is conflicts and distrust across the galaxy with rumors pointing to an online game as the reason for recent unrest.
Final Fantasy Kingdoms
Organizer - Vanilla Ice
Summary - Combining several Final Fantasy games and putting it together in a RP.
Final Fantasy VII-2 The Black Dragoon
Organizer - Aerif
Summary - Continues the story of Marlene from the first RP and takes place after the game. OoC
Final Fantasy VII-2 Search for the Truth - The ROCKSLIDE side
Organizer - Aerif
Summary - A side story to the Final Fantasy VII-2 RP about the ROCKSLIDE organization. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII: A New Generation (Part 2)
Organizer - Caije
Summary - Resumes the story from the first RP in the FFVIII world sometime after the game. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII-3 The War to End All Wars
Organizer - Magi of Worlds
Summary - Taking place 32 years after the events of FFVIII Esthar and Galbadia join forces to take over the world. OoC
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Two worlds combined
Organizer - Magi of Worlds
Summary - The world of FFVII and FFVIII are connected and the evil forces of both join forces for conquest. OoC
Final Fantasy Whatever 2, Conflict
Organizer - Existingdark
Summary - The continuing story from Final Fantasy Whatever, an organization is creeping into the world and they must learn the truth. OoC
Guyver: Amaranthine Cronos
Organizer - Omnitense
Sumamry - Based off the anime Guyver, picks up after the anime with the Cronos Organization revived more mysteries still lurk in the wake of the Guyvers. OoC
Heaven's Decision
Organizer - Fehrant
Summary - Satan gives out powers to the remain human race after a select few are taken to Heaven. OoC
Hell on Earth
Organizer - Aria Nox
Summary - The earth has been taken over by demons and creatures of the underworld, a band of freedom fighters are now all that can prevent them. OoC
The Land of Shadows
Organizer - Steve Boy
Summary - Half of the population has died in a plague and are now rising again, the survivors must learn the truth behind this mystery. OoC
Legends of Lao
Organizer - Rai Blackthorne
Summary - Artifacts kept for ages become the center of conflict. OoC
Legends of the Sword
Organizer - Jecht
Summary - The kingdom Luca becomes the battlefield for two warring empires. OoC
Peace before War
Organizer - Caije
Summary - A group of adventures set out on a journey and what they find is not what they were expecting. OoC
The RP cliche
Organizer - Fehrant
Summary - The kingdom that kept order in the lands has been taken over and now chaos reigns, an organization is now working to take back that peace. OoC
Seekers of Illumination: The Sagas
Organizer - T.G. Oskar
Summary - The is a RP for the Seekers of Illumination club, members only. An untainted land appears and becomes the center of a struggle control by a number of forces all with their purpose and intent. OoC
Tales of Lucia
Organizer - Jecht
Summary - The Kingdom of Lucia faces dangers from invading forces and must find allies if the Kingdom is to survive. OoC
Through The Thick Fog
Organizer - Caije
Summary - A kingdom becomes beset by monsters and ill fortunes. OoC
The Underground Strikes Back
Organizer - Zell_Dincht0808
Summary - A battle was waged a century before against the underground and now they have returned to finish what began and only the four elemental kingdom can prevent it. OoC
War for Dyrasea
Organizer - Larick
Summary - An army led by a demon has come to destroy the Kingdom of Dyrasea OoC
The Winds Lover
Organizer - Lady Rika
Summary - A plague is spreading through the lands killing all alike without mercy. OoC
Z-Day Zombies
Organizer - Peacemaka
Summary - It is about zombies.

The 7th Haven
Organizer – Dragoona
Summary – Based on FF universe and takes place in the bar of 7th Haven.

Academia - The Lobby
Organizer - Sneakonfoota
Summary - This is a RP staging ground for a RPB tournament.
After Guardian
Organizer – slasher
Summary – Based on FFX universe.
After the Rainfall – A Soldier Story
Organizer – HeavensCoin
Summary – Based on the FFVII game, takes place before the events of the game as a girl joins SOLDIER as a man. OoC
Organizer – Aleks
Summary – People are abandoned on an airplane with pilots and people disappearing. OoC
Organizer - Larick
Summary - A war has been continued for a 100 years the two sides amass armies large enough to bring an end to the conflict. OoC
All Things in Moderation
Organizer – OceanEyes28
Summary – This is a Soldiers of the Moderate club RP, a modern setting RP.
Allegiance to the Flesh
Organizer – The Witchfinder
Summary – An original RP setting in a modern city.s
Am Kashirr
Organizer – Rain McCloud
Summary – A threat banished to the desert years ago is revisited by a stranger that appears out of the desert.
The Angel Vampire
Organizer – Aria Nox
Summary – This is a story about a vampire.
Organizer - Caije
Summary - The apocalypse has been fore ordain and a group of high school students must survival long enough to try to stop the events that are to occur. OoC
Aria di Fortuna
Organizer – Inferno Mage
Summary – This is a TFF Royalty club Recruitment RP, an organization gathers up a small group of people putting them on an island under false pretenses. OoC
Organizer – Senna
Summary – A fantasy settings RP.

The Ballad of the Enchanted Tomato Fish
Organizer – Strong Bad
Summary – A comedic RP of a man finding the Enchanted Tomato Fish. OoC
Beyond Darkness and Light 3 – Evolutions
Organizer – Trigon
Summary – Continuing story from the previous BDAL RPs, it takes place in the future with Rydius and Misato separated trying find each other.
Blazing Saddles
Organizer – Akira
Summary – This is a Strong Bad Salvation Army club RP, it is western themed story. OoC
Brutal Clash
Organizer – Kaitou
Summary – Two countries are at war with each other, one using technology and the other magic. OoC
By Word of Mouth (Aerif Recruitment)
Organizer - Andromeda
Summary - This is the RP recruitment for Aerif to join the TFF Royalty club. The city of Kingsglass is planning on attacking in retribution for the destroyed town of Glowglass and two must find the truth.

Check Please
Organizer – Shkono-Jin
Summary – A modern setting RP.
Children of Darkness
Organizer - Auron's Blade
Summary - A world with vampire, where there is a vampire alone seeking others of its kind. OoC
Chronicles of Time: Memories of the Past
Organizer – Merlin
Summary – A fantasy setting RP.
Cites of Fire
Organizer - Aria Nox
Summary - There exists three empires with the world on the verge of a massive war. OoC
Code Lost
Organizer – Leon Kennedy
Summary – Based off of the Resident Evil games, the story takes place some time after the events of the first few games.
Constant Vigilance
Organizer - Magi of Worlds
Summary - The Germens won World War II thanks to creating special beings with powers Aryans and it is now 2000 with the rebels trying to strike back. OoC
The Crimson Tear
Organizer – Psiko
Summary – A fantasy setting RP. OoC
Organizer - Tara, the Black
Summary - An experiment story made to be as open as possible for multiple purposes. OoC
Crystal Oasis
Organizer – Ace Striker
Summary – A futuristic setting on the seas. OoC

The Darkest Shadows of FFVII
Organizer - Kittenz
Summary - Takes places during or after the events of the game revolving around a new threat.
The Darkness Spreads
Organizer – Aria Nox
Summary – It is a world where vampires and lycans exist fighting each other.
Dawn of Revenge
Organizer – Sevion
Summary – An empire ruthlessly controls the world and a small group of rebels want revenge for the acts committed. OoC
A Dazed Mind
Organizer - Samanosuke akec
Summary - In the future machines have made humans live longer than their normal lifespan and there is one man who exists in both states.
Dead or Alive 3.5
Organizer – Aerif
Summary – Based off of the DOA games it takes place in between the third and fourth game using the fighters in an original story about an assassin trying to kill the fighters. OoC
Organizer – Atma-Noah
Summary – A fantasy RP following an man exiled for killing a murderer. OoC
Demons Eclipse
Organizer – Turkeygobble
Summary – A fantasy RP with demons.
Desert Eagle
Organizer – Caije
Summary – A group of rebels do what they can to cause chaos and destruction. OoC
Devil May Cry: Demon Killers
Organizer – Zell
Summary – Based on the Devil May Cry games, takes place after the second game with the characters joining a group called the Demon Killers hunting down Sparda. OoC
Devils Palace
Organizer – Demongo
Summary – A medieval setting RP.
Dive into Heart
Organizer - Jecht
Summary - This is a RP based off of the Kingdom Hearts worlds after the events of the two games with a new organization filling the void left by Organization XIII. OoC
Divided Connections
Organizer - Andromeda
Summary - This is a RP for the TFF Royalty club, members only. In an hyper-advanced human civilization in the future there is conflicts and distrust across the galaxy with rumors pointing to an online game as the reason for recent unrest.
Dream Existence
Organizer – Rain McCloud
Summary – A sci-fi setting RP.
Domelov Street
Organizer – Andromeda
Summary – Set in Tokyo where the occult is running rampant.
Dragonball Z
Organizer – Zell
Summary – Based off of the anime Dragonball Z using the characters in an original story.

Earthbound 2
Organizer – 2nd Power
Summary – Based on the Earthbound game, this takes place years after the events. OoC
Eyes of Oppression
Organizer – Lethal Seraphim
Summary – Based off of the FFVII world, but taking an alternate timeline explores the world with original characters and story. OoC

The Final Fantasy Big Brother
Organizer – Aerif
Summary – Based off of the Big Brother TV show, this is uses Final Fantasy characters stuck together in a house. OoC
Final Fantasy: The Blood War
Organizer – Ulteka Mako
Summary – Based off of FFVII and the sequel RP to Final Fantasy: Recall of Death, the son of Nazos is trying to revive his father. OoC
Final Fantasy: Fusion
Organizer – Lestat
Summary – Based on the FFVII following sometime during the events of the game.
Final Fantasy High School
Organizer – Annikai
Summary – Based on the FF universe, puts the FF characters as the teachers at a high school.
Final Fantasy High School
Organizer – Mog123
Summary – This RP combines FFVIII-FFX into one and puts the characters into a high school setting. OoC
Final Fantasy High School
Organizer – Red XIV
Summary – This is a RP that was revived putting the FF characters in as the teachers at a High School with original characters in their classes. OoC
Final Fantasy: In Search of the Magi
Organizer – Caije
Summary – The Magi were ancient people with magic that were destroyed and now a millennia later their mysteries will be revealed. OoC
Final Fantasy Kingdoms
Organizer - Vanilla Ice
Summary - Combining several Final Fantasy games and putting it together in a RP.
Final Fantasy: Lost Souls
Organizer – Ludicium
Summary – Based off of the FFVII games, all of the heroes of the game are in the afterlife and the underworld is plotting against them. OoC
Final Fantasy Legends
Organizer – Ace Strike
Summary – Based on the FF universe contains original story and characters. OoC
Final Fantasy: Metal Phoenix
Organizer – Ace Striker
Summary – It is 2259 and a deadly threats the world with the remaining people being contained. OoC
Final Fantasy: Recall of Death
Organizer – Ulteka Mako
Summary – The worlds of FFVII and FFVIII are combined and 50 years after the events of FFVII there is a new company filling the void of Shin-ra, but helping the planet instead. OoC
Final Fantasy: A Reunion of Ages
Organizer – Cetra Aeris
Summary – This RP combines FFVII through FFX-2 connecting it to one world Shikomi and the characters of the games must learn to work together. OoC
Final Fantasy VI: After Judgment
Organizer – Tisko
Summary – Based off of FFVI, the story picks up after the events of the game. OoC
Final Fantasy VII-2 The Black Dragoon
Organizer - Aerif
Summary - Continues the story of Marlene from the first RP and takes place after the game. OoC
Final Fantasy VII-2 Search for the Truth - The ROCKSLIDE side
Organizer - Aerif
Summary - A side story to the Final Fantasy VII-2 RP about the ROCKSLIDE organization. OoC
Final Fantasy VII: The Guilded Soul
Organizer – Fire exit man
Summary – Based on FFVII, takes place after the events of the game when SOLDIER finds a gold material that kills the user. OoC
Final Fantasy VII: Reborn
Organizer – Cloud Lionheart
Summary – Based on FFVII taking place after the events of the game.
Final Fantasy VII: Reborn
Organizer – Saint35
Summary – Based on the FFVII game.
Final Fantasy VII: The Return of Soldier
Organizer – Renta
Summary – Based on FFVII, takes place after the events of Advent Children and revolving around new research on material and the Jenova project. OoC
Final Fantasy VII: The Sephiroth Story
Organizer – Ulteka Mako
Summary – Based off of FFVII, it takes place during the time that Sephiroth first becomes a SOLDIER. OoC
Final Fantasy VII: Soldier Stories
Organizer – Snowman Rob
Summary – Based off of FFVII, follows the story of the members of SOLDIER before the events of the game. OoC
A Final Fantasy VII Tale About Something That Happened Before Cloud
Organizer – Aleks
Summary – Based on FFVII taking place before the events of the game.
Final Fantasy VII: The War on Wutai
Organizer – Aerif
Summary – Based off of FFVII taking place before the events of the game when Shin-ra and Wutai are at war. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII: Heroes in the Shadows
Organizer – Joe
Summary – Based off of the FFVIII story, the story picks up sometime during or after the events of FFVIII exploring new characters.
Final Fantasy VIII: The New Age
Organizer – Cetra Aeris
Summary – Based on FFVIII, takes place after the events of the game following the characters in an original story.
Final Fantasy VIII: A New Generation (Part 2)
Organizer - Caije
Summary - Resumes the story from the first RP in the FFVIII world sometime after the game. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII: The Revenge of Galbadia
Organizer – Magi of Worlds
Summary – Based off of FFVIII, the story picks up years later with most of the characters dead at the hands of a new Galbadia looking to conquer the world. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII: Revival
Organizer - Soyokaze
Summary - This RP is based off the FFVIII world taking place after the events of the game with original characters and story.
Final Fantasy VIII: The Second Sorceress War
Organizer – Red XIV
Summary – Based on FFVIII, takes place after the events of the game with Sorceress Rinoa losing control of her power. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII: The Seeds Awakening
Organizer - Joe
Summary - Taking place a year after the events of FFVIII, an investigation of the defeated Galbadia Garden leads to surprising discoveries. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII: The Third Sorceress War
Organizer – Red XIV
Summary – Based off of FFVIII, this is a sequel RP to The Second Sorceress Wars taking place 33 years after the events of the game investigating the Magi group. OoC
Final Fantasy VIII-3 The War to End All Wars
Organizer - Magi of Worlds
Summary - Taking place 32 years after the events of FFVIII Esthar and Galbadia join forces to take over the world. OoC
Final Fantasy IX: The Crimson Skies
Organizer – Inferno Mage
Summary – Based off of FFIX, it takes place 2 years after the events of the game where a strange force is unleashed on the planet driving people crazy. OoC
Final Fantasy X: Another Story
Organizer – Tidus77
Summary – Based on FFX sometime after the events of the game.
Final Fantasy X: The Dark Aeon
Organizer – Red XIV
Summary – Based off of FFX, taking place after the events of FFX where the Aeons have returned reeking havoc across Spira. OoC
Final Fantasy: Return of SIN
Organizer – Magi of Worlds
Summary – Based on FFX, five years after the events of FFX Sin returns and begins killing everyone again. OoC
Final Fantasy X / SIN
Organizer – Dark One
Summary – Based off of the FFX game, follows the story of original characters and story fighting Sin.
Final Fantasy X-3
Organizer – Aera
Summary – Based off of FFX and FFX-2 it combines the two and introduces new elements to the story. OoC
Final Fantasy X-3: Their Story
Organizer – Cetra Aeris
Summary – Based on the FFX and FFX-2 and takes place immediately after the events of FFX-2. OoC
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Two worlds combined
Organizer - Magi of Worlds
Summary - The world of FFVII and FFVIII are connected and the evil forces of both join forces for conquest. [/url=http://thefinalfantasy.net/forums/showthread.php?t=53318]OoC[/url]
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: The Judge Wars
Organizer – Rosc
Summary – Based off of FFTA, with the disappearance of the queen the Judges have declared Martial Law. OoC
Final Fantasy Whatever
Organizer - Existingdark
Summary - A RP in the style of Final Fantasy. OoC
Final Fantasy Whatever 2, Conflict
Organizer - Existingdark
Summary - The continuing story from Final Fantasy Whatever, an organization is creeping into the world and they must learn the truth. OoC
Fire Starters
Organizer – Blackrose
Summary – A fantasy based RP.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Revenge and Sacrifice
Organizer – Magi of Worlds
Summary – Based off of the anime Fullmetal Alchemist, goes off on an alternate timeline after the forming of the philosopher stone, taking place 3 years after those events with them on the run. OoC

The Game
Organizer – Red XIV
Summary – In 2021 the earth is in ruins from World War III and now a lethal game is played for entertainment on TV using criminals. OoC
Glazing Dream
Organizer – RockStarShuichi
Summary – Based off of the anime Gravitation, it takes the characters and builds a new story.
God’s Sanctuary
Organizer – Kaitou
Summary – This is a TFF Light Side club RP, in a fantasy it revolves around warriors of God. OoC
The Great War of Gaia
Organizer – Akira
Summary – Based on the FFVII game, takes place many years after the events of the game at the start of a world war. OoC
Gundam SEED Universistos
Organizer - Jecht
Summary - Taking place after the wars in the anime Gundam SEED, a new conflict is developing. OoC
Guyver: Amaranthine Cronos
Organizer - Omnitense
Sumamry - Based off the anime Guyver, picks up after the anime with the Cronos Organization revived more mysteries still lurk in the wake of the Guyvers. OoC

Organizer – 2nd Power
Summary – Based on the .hack series, takes place in the original world Fragment before The World was created. OoC
Organizer – 2nd Power
Summary – Based on the .hack series, a sequel to another RP .hack//Fragment after the events of defeating a powerful monster dragged in by Fragmnet. OoC
Heaven's Decision
Organizer - Fehrant
Summary - Satan gives out powers to the remain human race after a select few are taken to Heaven. OoC
Hell on Earth
Organizer - Aria Nox
Summary - The earth has been taken over by demons and creatures of the underworld, a band of freedom fighters are now all that can prevent them. OoC
Hinansho: Portal Gates Open
Organizer - cetra_aeris
Summary - This RP is based off the Kingdom Hearts worlds set into the future after the adventures of Sora with a new threat from the Heartless. OoC
Hubris Bound
Organizer – Atma-Noah
Summary – In a fantasy world a evil rises and all of the conflicting kingdoms need to put aside their problems to fight it. OoC
The Hunt is on
Organizer - Tare, the Black
Summary - A dragon summoner begins a war that through the three kingdoms into chaos. OoC

If you aren't remember, then you never existed
Organizer - ACloudintheSky
Summary - Based off the anime of Naruto with original story and characters. OoC
Into the Dark Woods
Organizer – Zanitsu1
Summary – A fantasy RP.
Invasion of Britain
Organizer – Lolosky
Summary – This is a TFF Dark Side club RP revolving around the invasion of Britain during World War II. OoC
The Islands of Myth
Organizer – Red XIV
Summary – A freighter crashes on an island with mythology creatures. OoC

The Jenova Files
Organizer – Aerif
Summary – Based off of FFVII game focusing on the events around the discovery of Jenova. OoC

Kenshin: After the Anime
Organizer – Zell
Summary – Based on the anime Rurouni Kenshin, takes place after the events of the anime. OoC
Kill or Be Killed
Organizer – Quistis
Summary – A fantasy setting RP.
Kingdom Fantasy High School
Organizer – Jecht
Summary – A story combining Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy together into a high school setting. OoC
Kingdom Hearts 2
Organizer – Chase
Summary – This RP replays the events of the Kingdom Hearts 2 game.
Kingdom Hearts: City of Lost Memories
Organizer - Kittenz
Summary - Based off of Kingdom Hearts taking place sometime after the events of the game.
Kingdom Hearts: Dawn of Tomorrow
Organizer – Jecht
Summary – Set after the events of the Kingdom Hearts games, Sora and company must face a new enemy, Keyblade Masters. OoC
Kingdom Hearts: Linking Memories
Organizer - Bluechain33
Summary - The worlds of Kingdom Hearts have been connect and new people awaken as the Keyblade Wielder. OoC
Kingdom Hearts: Keyblade Chronicles
Organizer – Hexin
Summary – Based off of the Kingdom Hearts worlds a century after the events of the game new Keyblade wielders have been chosen. OoC
Kingdom Hearts: Kings of Twilight
Organizer – Jecht
Summary – After the events of Kingdom Hearts, Organization XIII has been replaced by a group called Kings of Twilight and now control the heartless and nobodies. OoC
Kingdom Hearts III
Organizer – Darkness
Summary – Set after the events of the Kingdom Hearts games, a new boy is chosen. OoC

Land of Darkness
Organizer – Magi of Worlds
Summary – Set on earth where there is a virtual reality game that a group of students play until they are trapped in the world by an evil emperor. OoC
The Land of Shadows
Organizer - Steve Boy
Summary - Half of the population has died in a plague and are now rising again, the survivors must learn the truth behind this mystery. OoC
The Last Stand of the Keybladers
Organizer - Caije
Summary - This RP is based off of the Kingdom Hearts worlds with original characters and story. OoC
Legend of Crystals
Organizer – Caije
Summary – There were six crystals that were once whole and now divided among the kingdoms their power will either bring peace or destruction to the land. OoC
Legend of the Five Rings
Organizer - Lord Storm Bryce
Summary - Based off the book of Legend of the Five Rings. OoC
Legends of Lao
Organizer - Rai Blackthorne
Summary - Artifacts kept for ages become the center of conflict. OoC
Legends of the Sword
Organizer - Jecht
Summary - The kingdom Luca becomes the battlefield for two warring empires. OoC
The Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords
Organizer - Dark One
Summary - This RP is based off of the Zelda world with an original story and characters.
The Links of Magic
Organizer – anubis505
Summary – A few adventures stand against the Outlaws that are waging war against the kingdom. OoC
Lost in Dimension’s
Organizer – Aleks
Summary – A modern setting RP.
The Lost Temple
Organizer – Quitis
Summary – A company called Avalon has discovered an ancient temple and hired the best to investigate it’s secrets. OoC

The Massacre of Little Rock
Organizer – Rain Lil
Summary – A modern setting RP.
Memoirs of the Past
Organizer – KjataDragon
Summary – A modern setting RP.
Organizer – Rain Lil
Summary – A fantasy setting RP.
Mixed Worlds
Organizer – Magi of Worlds
Summary – This is the second attempt of Mix Worlds mixing any sort of fictional characters and worlds already created. OoC
Mobile Suit Gundam Prophecy
Organizer – Andromeda
Summary – Based off the Gundam anime, this RP is an original story set on an earth after a nuclear holocaust made the surface inhabitable and the colonies are seeking vengeance. OoC